105 resultados para HBV DNA quantification


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We have evaluated T-DNA mediated plant promoter tagging, with a left-border-linked promoterless firefly luciferase (luc) construct, as a strategy for the isolation of novel plant promoters. In a population of approximately 300 transformed tobacco plants, IO lines showed LUC activity, including novel tissue-specific and developmental patterns of expression. One line, showing LUC activity only in the shoot and root apical meristems, was further characterised. Inverse PCR was used to amplify a 1.5 kb fragment of plant DNA flanking the single-copy T-DNA insertion in this line. With the exception of a 249 bp highly repetitive element, this sequence is present as a single copy in the tobacco genome, and is not homologous to any previously characterised DNA sequences. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of several motifs that may be involved in transcriptional regulation. Transgenic tobacco plants transformed with a transcriptional fusion of this putative promoter sequence to the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) reporter gene, showed GUS activity confined to the shoot tip and mature pollen. This promoter may be useful to direct the expression of genes controlling the transition to flowering, or genes to reduce losses due to pests and stresses damaging plant apical meristems.


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Immature bivesiculid trematodes collected from the intestine of Thalassoma lunare (Labridae) are shown to be morphologically consistent with adults of Bivesicula claviformis from Epinephelus fasciatus (Serranidae). In addition, the immature bivesiculids have the same sequence for the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA. Comparison with three other species of Bivesiculidae showed differences of between 23% and 30%. These results show that bivesiculids may have three-host life-cycles in addition to the two-host life-cycles that have been demonstrated previously. The three-host life-cycle enables bivesiculids to infect large carnivorous fishes. (C) 1998 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DNA sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 11 species from four genera of Didymozoinae (Indodidymozoon, Helicodidymozoon, Rhopalotrema and Neometadidymozoon) and a species of the Lecithasteridae, Lecithaster stellatus. Sequences were used to test the validity of species recognised on morphological criteria and to infer phylogenetic relationships. Sequences of the 11 didymozoids differed by 0.5% to 19%. Our phylogenetic analyses: (i) indicate that species in the genera Helicodidymozoon and Rhopalotrema are a monophyletic group; (ii) support separation of the genus Helicodidymozoon from the genera Indodidymozoon and Neometadidymozoon; and (iii) support recognition of Rhopalotrema as a genus distinct from Neometadidymozoon. We found the gonochoristic species, I. pearsoni and I. suttiei, to be genetically similar to the hermaphroditic species in the genus Indodidymozoon and found no evidence to indicate that they belong in a separate genus.


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Monocrotaline is a pyrrolizidine alkaloid known to cause toxicity in humans and animals. Its mechanism of biological action is still unclear although DNA crosslinking has been suggested to a play a role in its activity. In this study we found that an active metabolite of monocrotaline, dehydromonocrotaline (DHM), alkylates guanines at the N7 position of DNA with a preference for 5'-GG and 5'-GA sequences; In addition, it generates piperidine- and heat-resistant multiple DNA crosslinks, as confirmed by electrophoresis and electron microscopy. On the basis of these findings, we propose that DHM undergoes rapid polymerization to a structure which is able to crosslink several fragments of DNA.


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Plants require roots to supply water, nutrients and oxygen for growth. The spatial distribution of roots in relation to the macropore structure of the soil in which they are growing influences how effective they are at accessing these resources. A method for quantifying root-macropore associations from horizontal soil sections is illustrated using two black vertisols from the Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia. Two-dimensional digital images were obtained of the macropore structure and root distribution for an area 55 x 55 mm at a resolution of 64 mu m. The spatial distribution of roots was quantified over a range of distances using the K-function. In all specimens, roots were shown to be clustered at short distances (1-10 mm) becoming more random at longer distances. Root location in relation to macropores was estimated using the function describing the distance of each root to the nearest macropore. From this function, a summary variable, termed the macropore sheath, was defined. The macropore sheath is the distance from macropores within which 80% of roots are located. Measured root locations were compared to random simulations of root distribution to establish if there was a preferential association between roots and macropores. More roots were found in and around macropores than expected at random.


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Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from South Africa and Australia were compared to assess genetic differentiation between the two populations. These two populations were analysed for levels of phenotypic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and gene and genotypic diversity using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Sixteen RAPD markers from four decanucleotide Operon primers and 34 RFLP alleles from 15 putative loci were used. A few isolates from Papua New Guinea known to posses alleles different from Australian isolates were also included for comparative purposes. South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations were almost identical with an extremely low level of genetic distance between them (D-m = 0.003). Common features for the two populations include shared alleles, low levels of phenotypic/genotypic diversity, high clonality, and low observed and expected levels of heterozygosity. Furthermore, relatively high levels of genetic differentiation between mating type populations (D-m South Africa = 0.020 and D-m Australia = 0.025 respectively), negative fixation indices, and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, all provided evidence for the lack of frequent sexual reproduction in both populations. The data strongly suggest that both the South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations are introduced.


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Hedamycin, a member of the pluramycin class of antitumour antibiotics, consists of a planar anthrapyrantrione chromophore to which is attached two aminosugar rings at one end and a bisepoxide-containing sidechain at the other end, Binding to double-stranded DNA is known to involve both reversible and non-reversible modes of interaction. As a part of studies directed towards elucidating the structural basis for the observed 5'-pyGT-3' sequence selectivity of hedamycin, we conducted one-dimensional NMR titration experiments at low temperature using the hexadeoxyribonucleotide duplexes d(CACGTG)(2) and d(CGTACG)(2). Spectral changes which occurred during these titrations are consistent with hedamycin initially forming a reversible complex in slow exchange on the NMR timescale and binding through intercalation of the chromophore. Monitoring of this reversible complex over a period of hours revealed a second type of spectral change which corresponds with formation of a non-reversible complex. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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It has been proposed that common aphidicolin-inducible fragile sites, in general, predispose to specific chromosomal breakage associated with deletion, amplification, and/or translocation in certain forms of cancer. Although this appears to be the case for the fragile site FRA3B and may be the case for FRA7G, it is not Set clear whether this association is a general property of this class of fragile site. The major aim of the present study was to determine whether the FRA16D chromosomal fragile site locus has a role to play in predisposing DNA sequences within and adjacent to the fragile site to DNA instability (such as deletion or translocation), which could lead to or be associated with neoplasia. We report the localization of FRA16D within a contig of cloned DNA and demonstrate that this fragile site coincides with a region of homozygous deletion in a gastric adenocarcinoma cell line and is bracketed by translocation breakpoints in multiple myeloma, as reported previously (Chesi, M., et al., Blood, 91: 4457-4463, 1998), Therefore, given similar findings at the FRA3B and FRA7G fragile sites, it is likely that common aphidicolin-inducible fragile sites exhibit the general property of localized DNA instability in cancer cells.


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The Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from Aequorea victor-in has begun to be used as a reporter protein in plants. It is particularly useful as GFP fluorescence can be detected in a non-destructive manner, whereas detection of enzyme-based reporters often requires destruction of the plant tissue. The use of GFP as a reporter enables transgenic plant tissues to be screened in vivo at any growth stage. Quantification of GFP in transgenic plant extracts will increase the utility of GFP as a reporter protein. We report herein the quantification of a mGFP5-ER Variant in tobacco leaf extracts by UV excitation and a sGFP(S65T) variant in sugarcane leaf and callus extracts by blue light excitation using the BioRad VersaFluor(TM) Fluorometer System or the Labsystems Fluoroskan Ascent FL equipped with a narrow band emission filter (510 +/- 5 nm). The GFP concentration in transgenic plant extracts was determined from a GFP-standard series prepared in untransformed plant extract with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 4 mu g/ml of purified rGFP. Levels of sgfp(S65T) expression, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, in sugarcane calli and leaves ranged up to 0.525 mu g and 2.11 mu g sGFP(S65T) per mg of extractable protein respectively. In tobacco leaves the expression of mgfPS-ER, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, ranged up to 7.05 mu g mGFP5-ER per mg extractable protein.


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Establishment of long-term potentiation (LTP) at perforant path synapses is highly correlated with increased expression of Egr and AP-1 transcription factors in rat dentate gyrus granule cells. We have investigated whether increased transcription factor levels are reflected in increased transcription factor activity by assessing Egr and AP-I DNA binding activity using gel shift assays. LTP produced an increase in binding to the Egr element, which was NMDA receptor-dependent and correlated closely with our previously reported increase in Egr-1 (zif/268) protein levels. Supershift analysis confirmed involvement of Egr-1, but not Egr-2 in the DNA binding activity. AP-1 DNA binding was also rapidly elevated in parallel with protein levels, however, the peak increase in activity was delayed until 4 h, a time point when we have previously shown that only jun-D protein was elevated. These data indicate that binding of Egr-1 and AP-1 to their response elements is increased in two phases. This may result in activation of distinct banks of target genes which contribute to the establishment of persistent LTP. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study focused on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of the transcription factors Egr-1 and Egr-3 in the rat brain cortex and hippocampus after chronic or acute ethanol exposure. DNA-binding activity was reduced in both regions after chronic ethanol exposure and was restored to the level of the pair-fed group at 16 h of withdrawal. Cortical Egr-1 protein levels were not altered by chronic ethanol exposure but increased 16 h after withdrawal, thus mirroring DNA-binding activity. In contrast, Egr-3 protein levels did not undergo any change. There was no change in the level of either protein in the hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry revealed a region-selective change in immunopositive cells in the cortex and hippocampus. Finally, an acute bolus dose of ethanol did not affect Egr DNA-binding activity and ethanol treatment did not alter the DNA-binding activity or protein levels of the transcription factor Spl. These observations suggest that chronic exposure to ethanol has region-selective effects on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of Egr-1 and Egr-3 transcription factors in the rat brain. These changes occur after prolonged ethanol exposure and may thus reflect neuroadaptive changes associated with physical dependency and withdrawal. These effects are also transcription factor-selective. Clearly, protein expression is not the sole mediator of the changes in DNA-binding activity and chronic ethanol exposure must have effects on modulatory agents of Egr DNA-binding activity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.


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Genetic variation among Australian isolates of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), which causes Fusarium wilt in banana, was examined using DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Ninety-four isolates which represented Races 1, 2, 3, and 4, and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) 0120, 0124, 0125, 0128, 0129, 01211, 01213/16, and 01220 were analysed. The genetic relatedness among isolates within each VCG, and between the 8 different VCGs of Foc present in Australia was determined. The DNA fingerprint patterns were VCG-specific, with each VCG representing a unique genotype. The genetic similarity among isolates within each VCG ranged from 97% to 100%. Among the different VCGs of Foc, 3 major clusters were distinguished which corresponded with race. All Race 1 and 2 isolates (VCGs 0124, 0125, 0128, and 01220) were closely related and clustered together, the Race 3 isolates from Heliconia clustered separately, and all Race 4 isolates (VCGs 0120, 0129, 01211, and 01213/16) clustered together. Fifteen isolates from Alstonville, NSW, were characterised because although they were classified as Race 2 based on their recovery from cooking banana cultivars, they belonged in VCG 0124, which had previously contained only Race 1 isolates. The occurrence of more than one race within a VCG means that vegetative compatibility grouping cannot be used to assign pathotype to pathogenic race as previously thought. It was possible to distinguish the Race 1 and Race 2 isolates within VCG 0124 using DNA fingerprinting, as each race produced a unique DNA fingerprint pattern. Among the Australian isolates, DNA fingerprinting analysis identified 9 different VCGs and genotypes of Foc.


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To facilitate the investigation of free mycophenolic acid concentrations we developed a high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method using indomethacin as an internal standard. Free drug was isolated from plasma samples (500 mul) using ultrafiltration, The analytes were extracted from the ultrafiltrate (200 mul) using C-18 solid-phase extraction. Detection was by selected reactant monitoring of mycophenolic acid (m/z 318.9-->190.9) and the internal standard (m/z 356.0-->297.1) with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation interface. The total chromatographic analysis time was 12 min. The method was found to be linear over the range investigated, 2.5-200 mug/l (r>0.990, n=6). The relative recovery of the method for the control samples studied (7.5, 40.0 and 150 mug/l) ranged from 95 to 104%. The imprecision of the method, expressed in terms of intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation, was


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DNA that enters the circulation is rapidly cleared both by tissue uptake and by DNase-mediated degradation. In this study, we have examined the uptake of linear plasmid DNA in an isolated perfused liver model and following intra-arterial administration to rats. We found that the DNA was rapidly taken up by the isolated perfused liver without degradation. The single-pass extraction ratio was 0.76 +/- 0.05, the mean transit time was 15.3 +/- 3.6 s, and the volume of distribution was 0.29 +/- 0.07 ml/g. Hepatic uptake was saturable and was inhibited by polyinosinic acid or polycationic liposomes but not by condensation of the DNA with polylysine. When the linear plasmid DNA was administered in vivo, plasma half-life was 3.1 +/- 0.2 min, volume of distribution was 670 +/- 85 ml/kg, and clearance was 32 +/- 4 min. Coadministration of cationic liposomes decreased the volume of distribution to 180 +/- 28 ml/kg as well as the half-life (2.6 +/- 0.2 min). By contrast, polyinosinic acid significantly increased the circulating half-life (7.7 +/- 0.5 min), decreased the volume of distribution (95 +/- 17 ml/kg), and partially inhibited DNA degradation. When administered along with the liposomes and the polyinosinic acid, the distribution of plasmid-derived radioactivity decreased in the liver and increased in most other peripheral tissues. This study shows that pharmacological manipulation of the uptake and degradation of DNA can alter its distribution and clearance in vivo. These results may be useful in optimizing gene delivery procedures for in vivo gene therapy.