26 resultados para Crystalline Inorganic Solids
Titania sol-pillared clay (TiO2 PILC) and silica-titania sol-pillared clay (SiO2-TiO2 PILC) were synthesized by the sol-gel method. Supercritical drying (SCD) and treatment with quaternary ammonium surfactants were used to tailor the pore structure of the resulting clay. It was found that SCD approach increased the external surface area of the PILCs dramatically and that treatment with surfactants could be used to tailor pore size because the mesopore formation in the galleries between the clay layers follows the templating mechanism as observed in the synthesis of MCM-41 materials. Highly mesoporous solids were thus obtained. In calcined TiO2 PILC, ultrafine crystallites in anatase phase, which are active for photocatalytic oxidation of organics, were observed. In SiO2-TiO2 PILCs and their derivatives, titanium was highly dispersed in the matrix of silica and no crystal phase was observed. The highly dispersed titanium sites are good catalytic centers for selective oxidation of organic compounds. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Motion of chains of poly(ethylene oxide) within the interlayer spacing of 2:1 phyllosilicate/montmorillonite was studied with H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Measurements of the H-1 NMR line widths and relaxation times across a large temperature range were used to determine the effect of bulk thermal transitions on polymer chain motion within the nanocomposites. The results were consistent with previous reports of low apparent activation energies of motion. Details of the frequency and geometry of motion were obtained from a comparison of the C-13 cross-polarity/magic-angle spinning spectra and relaxation times of the nanocomposite with those of the pure polymer. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The role of nitrate, ammonium, and culture medium pH on shoot organogenesis in Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs was examined. The nitrogen composition of a basal liquid shoot induction medium (SIM) containing 39.4 mM NO3- and 20.6 mM NH4+ was altered whilst maintaining the overall ionic balance with Na+ and Cl- ions. Omission of total nitrogen and nitrate, but not ammonium, from SIM prevented the initiation and formation of shoots. When nitrate was used as the sole source of nitrogen, a high frequency of explants initiated and produced leafy shoots. However, the numbers of shoots produced were significantly fewer than the control SIM. Buffering nitrate-only media with the organic acid 2[N-morpholinol]thanesulphonic acid (MES) could not compensate for the omission of ammonium. Ammonium used as the sole source of nitrogen appeared to have a negative effect on explant growth and morphogenesis, with a significant lowering of media pH. Buffering ammonium-only media with MES stabilized pH and allowed a low frequency of explants to initiate shoot meristems. However, no further differentiation into leafy shoots was observed. The amount of available nitrogen appears to be less important than the ratio between nitrate and ammonium. Shoot formation was achieved with a wide range of ratios, but media containing 40 mM nitrate and 20 mM ammonium (70:30) produced the greatest number of shoots per explant. Results from this study indicate a synergistic effect between ammonium and nitrate on shoot organogenesis independent of culture medium pH.
Co-crystallization of sucrose from a highly concentrated sucrose syrup (less than or equal to 7% moisture, w/w) at 131 degreesC with 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% of fructose, glucose, or a mixture of fructose and glucose was investigated. The crystallization of sucrose was delayed in presence of these lower molecular weight sugars. The DSC melting endotherm of cocrystallized samples exhibited a decrease in crystalline sucrose in the sample as a function of increased level of glucose and fructose. The mechanical strength of co-crystallized granules was found to be related to the moisture content and the amount of glucose or fructose content in the sample. The samples containing 10, 15, and 20% glucose in co-crystallized product demonstrated crystallization of glucose in its monohydrate form during 1 mo of storage.
Dinoflagellates exist in symbiosis with a number of marine invertebrates including giant clams, which are the largest of these symbiotic organisms. The dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) live intercellularly within tubules in the mantle of the host clam. The transport of inorganic carbon (Ci) from seawater to Symbiodinium (=zooxanthellae) is an essential function of hosts that derive the majority of their respiratory energy from the photosynthate exported by the zooxanthellae. Immunolocalisation studies show that the host has adapted its physiology to acquire, rather than remove CO2, from the haemolymph and clam tissues. Two carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoforms (32 and 70 kDa) play an essential part in this process. These have been localised to the mantle and gill tissues where they catalyse the interconversion of HCO3- to CO2, which then diffuses into the host tissues. The zooxanthellae exhibit a number of strategies to maximise Ci acquisition and utilisation. This is necessary as they express a form II Rubisco that has poor discrimination between CO2 and O-2. Evidence is presented for a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome. this disadvantage. The CCM incorporates the presence of a light-activated CA activity, a capacity to take up both HCO3- and CO2, an ability to accumulate an elevated concentration of Ci within the algal cell, and localisation of Rubisco to the pyrenoid. These algae also express both external and intracellular CAs, with the intracellular isoforms being localised to the thylakoid lumen and pyrenoid. These results have been incorporated into a model that explains the transport of Ci from seawater through the clam to the zooxanthellae.
The pore structure formation in bentonite, pillared with a mixed sol of silicon and titanium hydroxides and treated subsequently with quaternary ammonium surfactants, is investigated. The surfactant micelles act as a template, similar to their role in MCM41 synthesis. Because both the surfactant micelles and the sol particles are positively charged, it is greatly favorable for them to form meso-phase assembles in the galleries between the clay layers that bear negative charges. Besides, the sol particles do not bond the clay layers strongly as other kinds of pillar precursors do, so that the treatment with surfactants can result in radical structure changes in sol-pillared clays. This allows us to tailor the pore structure of these porous clays by choice of surfactant. The surfactant treatment also results in profound increases in porosity and improvement in thermal stability. Therefore, the product porous clays have great potential to be Used to deal with large molecules or at high operating temperatures. We also found that titanium in these samples is highly dispersed in the silica matrix rather than existing in the form of small particles of pure titania. Such highly dispersed Ti active centers may offer excellent activities for catalytic oxidation reactions such as alkanes into alcohols and ketones.
Low concentrate density from wet drum magnetic separators in dense medium circuits can cause operating difficulties due to inability to obtain the required circulating medium density and, indirectly, high medium solids losses. The literature is almost silent on the processes controlling concentrate density. However, the common name for the region through which concentrate is discharged-the squeeze pan gap-implies that some extrusion process is thought to be at work. There is no model of magnetics recovery in a wet drum magnetic separator, which includes as inputs all significant machine and operating variables. A series of trials, in both factorial experiments and in single variable experiments, was done using a purpose built rig which featured a small industrial scale (700 mm lip length, 900 turn diameter) wet drum magnetic separator. A substantial data set of 191 trials was generated in this work. The results of the factorial experiments were used to identify the variables having a significant effect on magnetics recovery. It is proposed, based both on the experimental observations of the present work and on observations reported in the literature, that the process controlling magnetic separator concentrate density is one of drainage. Such a process should be able to be defined by an initial moisture, a drainage rate and a drainage time, the latter being defined by the volumetric flowrate and the volume within the drainage zone. The magnetics can be characterised by an experimentally derived ultimate drainage moisture. A model based on these concepts and containing adjustable parameters was developed. This model was then fitted to a randomly chosen 80% of the data, and validated by application to the remaining 20%. The model is shown to be a good fit to data over concentrate solids content values from 40% solids to 80% solids and for both magnetite and ferrosilicon feeds. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The concept of crystallographic index termed the effective index is suggested and applied to the design of ceria (CeO2)-based electrolytes to maximize oxide ionic conductivity. The suggested index considers the fluorite structure, and combines the expected oxygen vacancy level with the ionic radius mismatch between host and dopant cations. Using this approach, oxide ionic conductivity of Sm- or La-doped CeO2-based system has been optimized and tested under operating conditions of a solid oxide fuel cell. In the observation of microstructure in atomic scale, both Sm-doped CeO2 and La-doped CeO2 electrolytes had large micro-domains over 10 nm in the lattice. On the other hand, Sm or La and alkaline earth co-doped CeO2-based electrolytes with high effective index had small micro-domains around 1-3 nm in the microstructure. The large micro-domain would prevent oxide ion from passing through the lattice. Therefore, it is concluded that the improvement of ionic conductivity is reflected in changes of microstructure in atomic scale. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The variation of the crystallite structure of several coal chars during gasification in air and carbon dioxide was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The XRD analysis of the partially gasified coal chars, based on two approaches, Scherrer's equation and Alexander and Sommer's method, shows a contradictory trend of the variation of the crystallite height with carbon conversion, despite giving a similar trend for the crystallite width change. The HRTEM fringe images of the partially gasified coal chars indicate that large and highly ordered crystallites exist at conversion levels as high as 86%. It is also demonstrated that the crystalline structure of chars can be very different although their pore structures are similar, suggesting a combination of crystalline structure analysis with pore structure analysis in studies of carbon gasification.