106 resultados para Chemical Vapor-deposition


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The synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of some new dimeric allylpalladium (II) complexes bridged by pyrazolate ligands are reported. The complexes [Pd(mu-3, 5-R'(2)pz)(eta(3)-CH2C(R)CH2)](2) [R = H; R'= CH(CH3)(2) (1a); R = H, R' = C(CH3)(3) (1b), R = H; R' = CF3 (1c); R = CH3, R' = CH(CH3)(2) (2a); R = CH3, R' = C(CH3)(3) (2b); and R = CH3, R' = CF3 (2c)] have been prepared by the room temperature reaction of [Pd(eta(3)-CH2C(R)CH2)(acac)](acac = acetylacetonate) with 3,5-disubstituted pyrazoles in acetonitrile solution. The complexes have been characterized by NMR (H-1, C-13{H-1}), FT-IR, and elemental analyses. The structure of a representative complex, viz. 2c, has been established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The dinuclear molecule features two formally square planar palladium centres which are bridged by two pyrazole ligands and the coordination of each metal centre is completed by allyl substituents. The molecule has non-crystallographic mirror symmetry. Thermogravimetric studies have been carried out to evaluate the thermal stability of these complexes. Most of the complexes thermally decompose in argon atmosphere to give nanocrystals of palladium, which have been characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM. However, complex 2c can be sublimed in vacuo at 2 mbar without decomposition. The equilibrium vapour pressure of 2c has been measured by the Knudsen effusion technique. The vapour pressure of the complex 2c could be expressed by the relation: In (p/Pa)(+/- 0.06) = -18047.3/T + 46.85. The enthalpy and entropy of vapourization are found to be 150.0 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) and 389.5 +/- 8 J K-1 mol(-1), respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have synthesized ternary InGaAs nanowires on (111)B GaAs surfaces by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Au colloidal nanoparticles were employed to catalyze nanowire growth. We observed the strong influence of nanowire density on nanowire height, tapering, and base shape specific to the nanowires with high In composition. This dependency was attributed to the large difference of diffusion length on (111)B surfaces between In and Ga reaction species, with In being the more mobile species. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis together with high-resolution electron microscopy study of individual InGaAs nanowires shows large In/Ga compositional variation along the nanowire supporting the present diffusion model. Photoluminescence spectra exhibit a red shift with decreasing nanowire density due to the higher degree of In incorporation in more sparsely distributed InGaAs nanowires.


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During the growth of GaAs nanowires on the {111}B GaAs substrate, truncated triangular GaAs nanowires were commonly observed in the bottom region of nanowires. Through detailed structural analysis by electron microscopy, we have determined the growth mechanism of truncated triangular GaAs nanowires.


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The Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory (ACIRL) furnace is scaled to simulate slagging and fouling in operating boilers. This requires that the gas and target temperatures, the heat flux, and the flow pattern be the same as those in real boilers. The gas and target temperatures are maintained by insulating the wall and cooling the target respectively. The flow pattern of a small burner cannot be the same as a large furnace. However, this flow pattern is partially compensated for by placing the slagging panels in three vertical locations. The paper develops the models of radiant heat transfer from the flame to the deposits both in pilot-scale and full-scale furnaces. They are used to compare the effective radiant heat transfer of the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The experimental data both from the pilot- and full-scale furnaces are used to verify the incident heat flux and temperature profiles in the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The results showed that the thermal condition in the pilot-scale furnace meets the requirements for studying the slagging regarding the gas temperature and the incident heat flux, particularly for the panel #1. The gas temperature in the convective section also meets the requirement for studying the fouling.


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Tungsten oxide microtubules, arrayed in a radial flower-like structure, were synthesized by simply using W powders reacting with Ni(NO3)(2) center dot 6H(2)O at a elevated temperature. The formed microtubules, with lengths more than 100 pin and outer diameters of 1-5 mu m, have irregular open ends, showing clear grooves along the growth direction on the tubule surface. A novel aggregation mechanism based on chemical-vapor-deposit process was proposed to describe the growth process of the synthesized tubules, and the possible mechanism for the arrangement of the radial flower-like morphology was discussed.


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Carbon formation on Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts and its kinetics during methane reforming with carbon dioxide was studied in the temperature range of 500-700 degrees C using a thermogravimetric analysis technique. The activation energies of methane cracking, carbon gasification in CO2, as well as carbon deposition in CO2-CH4 reforming were obtained. The results show that the activation energy for carbon gasification is larger than that of carbon formation in methane cracking and that the activation energy of coking in CO2-CH4 reforming is also larger than that of methane decomposition to carbon. The dependencies of coking rate on partial pressures of CH4 and CO2 indicate that methane decomposition is the main route for carbon deposition. A mechanism and kinetic model for carbon deposition is proposed.


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Catalytic reforming of methane with carbon dioxide was studied in a fixed-bed reactor using unpromoted and promoted Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts. The effects of promoters, such as alkali metal oxide (Na2O), alkaline-earth metal oxides (MgO, CaO) and rare-earth metal oxides (La2O3, CeO2), on the catalytic activity and stability in terms of coking resistance and coke reactivity were systematically examined. CaO-, La2O3- and CeO2-promoted Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts exhibited higher stability whereas MgO- and Na2O-promoted catalysts demonstrated lower activity and significant deactivation. Metal-oxide promoters (Na2O, MgO, La2O3, and CeO2) suppressed the carbon deposition, primarily due to the enhanced basicities of the supports and highly reactive carbon species formed during the reaction. In contrast, CaO increased the carbon deposition; however, it promoted the carbon reactivity. (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The total deposition of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), diesel and petrol smoke in the respiratory tract of 14 non-smokers between the ages of 20 and 30 was determined experimentally. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) measuring a size range of 0.016-0.626 mu m was used to characterise the inhaled and exhaled aerosol during relaxed nasal breathing over a period of 10 min. The ETS, diesel, and petrol particles had average count median diameter (and geometric standard deviation) of 0.183 mu m (1.7), 0.125 mu m (1.7), and 0.069 mu m (1.7), respectively. The average total number deposition of ETS was 36% (standard deviation 10%), of diesel smoke 30% (standard deviation 9%), and of petrol smoke 41% (standard deviation 8%). The analysis of the deposition patterns as a function of particle size for the three aerosols in each individual showed that there is a significant difference between each aerosol for a majority of individuals (12 out of 14). This is an important result as it indicates that differences persist regardless of inter-subject variability. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently there has been experimental and theoretical interest in cross-dispersion effects in rubidium vapor, which allows one beam of light to be guided by another. We present theoretical results which account for the complications created by the D line hyperfine structure of rubidium as well as the presence of the two major isotopes of rubidium. This allows the complex frequency dependence of the effects observed in our experiments to be understood and lays the foundation for future studies of nonlinear propagation.


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Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyI vinyl ether), PFA, was grafted with styrene from the vapor phase using a simultaneous radiation grafting method. The graft yields were measured as a function of the dose and dose rate and were found to be initially linearly dependent on the dose and independent of the dose rate up to dose rates of similar to3 kGy/h. However, at a dose rate of 6.2 kGy/h, the slope of the yield-grafting time plot decreased. Raman depth profiles of the grafts showed that the polystyrene concentrations were greatest near the surface of the grafted samples and decreased with depth. The maximum penetration depth of the graft depended on the radiation dose for a fixed dose rate. Fmoc-Rink loading tests showed that the grafts displayed superior loading compared to grafts prepared from bulk styrene or from styrene solutions other than methanol.


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In this paper, we investigate the effects of various potential models in the description of vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) and adsorption of simple gases on highly graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that some potential models proposed in the literature are not suitable for the description of VLE (saturated gas and liquid densities and the vapor pressure with temperature). Simple gases, such as neon, argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, and methane are studied in this paper. To describe the isotherms on graphitized thermal carbon black correctly, the surface mediation damping factor introduced in our recent publication should be used to calculate correctly the fluid–fluid interaction energy between particles close to the surface. It is found that the damping constant for the noble gases family is linearly dependent on the polarizability, suggesting that the electric field of the graphite surface has a direct induction effect on the induced dipole of these molecules. As a result of this polarization by the graphite surface, the fluid–fluid interaction energy is reduced whenever two particles are near the surface. In the case of methane, we found that the damping constant is less than that of a noble gas having the similar polarizability, while in the case of nitrogen the damping factor is much greater and this could most likely be due to the quadrupolar nature of nitrogen.


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New and published major and trace element abundances of elastic metasediments (mainly garnet-biotite-plagioclase schists) from the similar to 3.8 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB), southern West Greenland, are used in an attempt to identify the compositional characteristics of the protoliths of these sediments. Compositionally, the metasediments are heterogeneous with enrichment of LREE (La/Sm-chord = 1.1-3.9) and variable enrichment and depletion of HREE (Gd/Yb-chord = 0.8-4.3). Chondrite-normalized Eu is also variable, spanning a range from relative Eu depletion to enrichment (Eu/Eu* = 0.6-1.3). A series of geochemical and geological criteria provides conclusive evidence for a sedimentary origin, in disagreement with some previous studies that questioned the presence of genuine elastic metasediments. In particular, trace element systematics of IGB metasediments show strong resemblance to other well-documented Archaean clastic sediments, and are consistent with a provenance consisting of ultramafic, malic and felsic igneous rocks. Two schists, identified as metasomatized mafic igneous rocks from petrographic and field evidence, show distinct compositional differences to the metasediments. Major element systematics document incipient-to-moderate source weathering in the majority of metasediments, while signs of secondary K-addition are rare. Detailed inspection of Eu/Eu*, Fe2O3 and CIW (chemical index of weathering) relationships reveals that elevated iron contents (when compared to averages for continental crust) and strong relative enrichment in Eu may be due to precipitation of marine Fe-oxyhydroxides during deposition or diagenesis on the seafloor. Some of the IGB metasediments have yielded anomalous Nd-142 and W-182 isotopic compositions that were respectively interpreted in terms of early mantle differentiation processes and the presence of a meteorite component. Alternatively, W and possibly Nd isotopes could have been affected by thermal neutron capture on the Hadean surface. The latter process was tested in this study by analysis of Sm isotope compositions, which serve as an effective monitor for neutron capture effects. As no anomalous variation from terrestrial values was detected, we infer that isotope systematics (including W-182 and Nd-142) of IGB metasediments were not affected by neutron capture, but reflect decay of radioactive parent isotopes. Copyright (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.


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The turbostratic mesoporous carbon blacks were prepared by catalytic chemical vapour decomposition (CCVD) of acetylene using Ni/MgO catalysts prepared by co-precipitation. The relationship between deposition conditions and the nanostructures of resultant carbon black materials was investigated. It was found that the turbostratic and textural structures of carbon blacks are dependent on the deposition temperature and nickel catalyst loading. Higher deposition temperature increases the carbon crystallite unit volume V-nano and reduces the surface area of carbon samples. Moreover, a smaller V-nano is produced by a higher Ni loading at the same deposition temperature. In addition of the pore structure and the active metal surface area of the catalyst, the graphitic degree or electronic conductivity of the carbon support is also a key issue to the activity of the supported catalyst. V-nano is a very useful parameter to describe the effect of the crystalline structure of carbon blacks on the reactivity of carbon blacks in oxygen-carbon reaction and the catalytic activity of carbon-supported catalyst in ammonia decomposition semi-quantitatively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A modified UNIQUAC model has been extended to describe and predict the equilibrium relative humidity and moisture content for wood. The method is validated over a range of moisture content from oven-dried state to fiber saturation point, and over a temperature range of 20-70 degrees C. Adjustable parameters and binary interaction parameters of the UNIQUAC model were estimated from experimental data for Caribbean pine and Hoop pine as well as data available in the literature. The two group-interaction parameters for the wood-moisture system were consistent with using function group contributions for H2O, -OH and -CHO. The result reconfirms that the main contributors to water adsorption in cell walls are the hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrates in cellulose and hemicelluloses. This provides some physical insight into the intermolecular force and energy between bound water and the wood material. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.