464 resultados para Chemical engineering.
The focus of this paper is on the effect of gravity stretching on disturbed capillary jet instability. Break-up and droplet formation under low flows are simulated using finite difference solution of a one-dimensional approximation of disturbed capillary jet instability chosen from the work by Eggers and Dupont (J. Fluid Mech. 155 (1994) 289). Experiments were conducted using water and aqueous glycerol solutions to compare with simulations. We use a gravity parameter, G, which quantifies gravity stretching by relating flow velocity, orifice size and acceleration and is the reciprocal of the Fronde number. The optimum disturbance frequency Omega(opt) was found to be inversely proportional to G. However, this relationship appears to be complex for the range of G's investigated. At low G, the relationship between Omega(opt) and G appears to be linear but takes on a weakly decaying like trend as G increases. As flows are lowered, the satellite-free regime decreases, although experimental observation found that merging of main and satellite drops sometimes offset this effect to result in monodispersed droplet trains post break-up. Viscosity did not significantly affect the relationship between the disturbance frequency and G, although satellite drops could be seen more clearly close to the upper limit for instability at high G's. It is possible to define regimes of satellite formation under low flows by considering local wavenumbers at the point of instability. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The efficiency of physical separation of inclusion bodies from cell debris is related to cell debris size and inclusion body release and both factors should be taken into account when designing a process. In this work, cell disruption by enzymatic treatment with lysozyme and cellulase, by homogenization, and by homogenization with ammonia pretreatment is discussed. These disruption methods are compared on the basis of inclusion body release, operating costs, and cell debris particle size. The latter was measured with cumulative sedimentation analysis in combination with membrane-associated protein quantification by SDS-PAGE and a spectrophotometric pepticloglycan quantification method. Comparison of the results obtained with these two cell debris quantification methods shows that enzymatic treatment yields cell debris particles with varying chemical composition, while this is not the case with the other disruption methods that were investigated. Furthermore, the experiments show that ammonia pretreatment with homogenization increases inclusion body release compared to homogenization without pretreatment and that this pretreatment may be used to control the cell debris size to some extent. The enzymatic disruption process gives a higher product release than homogenization with or without ammonia pretreatment at lower operating costs, but it also yields a much smaller cell debris size than the other disruption process. This is unfavorable for centrifugal inclusion body purification in this case, where cell debris is the component going to the sediment and the inclusion body is the floating component. Nevertheless, calculations show that centrifugal separation of inclusion bodies from the enzymatically treated cells gives a high inclusion body yield and purity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chemical engineers are turning to multiscale modelling to extend traditional modelling approaches into new application areas and to achieve higher levels of detail and accuracy. There is, however, little advice available on the best strategy to use in constructing a multiscale model. This paper presents a starting point for the systematic analysis of multiscale models by defining several integrating frameworks for linking models at different scales. It briefly explores how the nature of the information flow between the models at the different scales is influenced by the choice of framework, and presents some restrictions on model-framework compatibility. The concepts are illustrated with reference to the modelling of a catalytic packed bed reactor. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents results on the preparation of microcapsules containing liquid organosilica, and their co-deposition with copper in an acidic copper electrolyte onto a carbon steel cathode to form a copper/microcapsule composite coating. Microscopic analyses of the surface and the cross-section of the coating confirm the incorporation of the liquid-containing microcapsules in the coating layer. The influence of microcapsules in the electrolyte on the cathode polarization, as well as that of process conditions on the microcapsule inclusion, is also discussed. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Global concerns over the effects of current carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have lead to extensive research on the use of hydrogen as a potential energy carrier for a lower emissions society. Hydrogen can be produced from both fossil and renewable energy sources. The hydrogen economy, in which hydrogen will be a carrier of energy from renewable sources, is a long-term development and any increasing demand for hydrogen will probably be covered initially from fossil sources. Technologies for hydrogen generation from renewable energies are being explored, whereas technologies for hydrogen production from fossil fuels have to a certain extent reached maturity. This paper addresses the major hydrogen generation processes and utilisation technology (fuel cells) currently available for the move from a fossil fuelsbased economy to a hydrogen economy. In particular, it illustrates the applicability of different hydrogen sources using Australia as an example.
Computer-aided tomography has been used for many years to provide significant information about the internal properties of an object, particularly in the medical fraternity. By reconstructing one-dimensional (ID) X-ray images, 2D cross-sections and 3D renders can provide a wealth of information about an object's internal structure. An extension of the methodology is reported here to enable the characterization of a model agglomerate structure. It is demonstrated that methods based on X-ray microtomography offer considerable potential in the validation and utilization of distinct element method simulations also examined.
We present here a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, which is applicable over a wide range of densities and pore sizes. In the Henry law low-density region the theory considers the trajectories of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall collisions, while at higher densities beyond this region the contribution from viscous flow becomes significant and is included through our recent approach utilizing a local average density model. The model is validated by means of equilibrium as well nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport in cylindrical silica pores over a wide range of temperature, density, and pore size. The model for the Henry law region is exact and found to yield an excellent match with simulations at all conditions, including the single-file region of very small pore size where it is shown to provide the density-independent collective transport coefficient. It is also shown that in the absence of dispersive interactions the model reduces to the classical Knudsen result, but in the presence of such interactions the latter model drastically overpredicts the transport coefficient. For larger micropores beyond the single-file region the transport coefficient is reduced at high density because of intermolecular interactions and hindrance to particle crossings leading to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. However, for mesopores the transport coefficient increases monotonically with density, over the range studied, and is very well predicted by the theory, though at very high density the contribution from surface slip is slightly overpredicted. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores, and the apparent activation energy is not simply related to the minimum pore potential or the adsorption energy as generally assumed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
We examine the transport of methane in microporous carbon by performing equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations over a range of pore sizes, densities, and temperatures. We interpret these simulation results using two models of the transport process. At low densities, we consider a molecular flow model, in which intermolecular interactions are neglected, and find excellent agreement between transport diffusion coefficients determined from simulation, and those predicted by the model. Simulation results indicate that the model can be applied up to fluid densities of the order to 0.1-1 nm(-3). Above these densities, we consider a slip flow model, combining hydrodynamic theory with a slip condition at the solid-fluid interface. As the diffusion coefficient at low densities can be accurately determined by the molecular flow model, we also consider a model where the slip condition is supplied by the molecular flow model. We find that both density-dependent models provide a useful means of estimating the transport coefficient that compares well with simulation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
The influence of three dimensional effects on isochromatic birefringence is evaluated for planar flows by means of numerical simulation. Two fluid models are investigated in channel and abrupt contraction geometries. In practice, the flows are confined by viewing windows, which alter the stresses along the optical path. The observed optical properties differ therefore from their counterpart in an ideal two-dimensional flow. To investigate the influence of these effects, the stress optical rule and the differential propagation Mueller matrix are used. The material parameters are selected so that a retardation of multiple orders is achieved, as is typical for highly birefringent melts. Errors due to three dimensional effects are mainly found on the symmetry plane, and increase significantly with the flow rate. Increasing the geometric aspect ratio improve the accuracy provided that the error on the retardation is less than one order. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.