161 resultados para three-tier architecture


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Objective: To evaluate the pilot phase of a tobacco brief intervention program in three Indigenous health care settings in rural and remote north Queensland. Methods: A combination of in-depth interviews with health staff and managers and focus groups with health staff and consumers. Results: The tobacco brief intervention initiative resulted in changes in clinical practice among health care workers in all three sites. Although health workers had reported routinely raising the issue of smoking in a variety of settings prior to the intervention, the training provided them with an additional opportunity to become more aware of new approaches to smoking cessation. Indigenous health workers in particular reported that their own attempts to give up smoking following the training had given them confidence and empathy in offering smoking cessation advice. However, the study found no evidence that anybody had actually given up smoking at six months following the intervention. Integration of brief intervention into routine clinical practice was constrained by organisational, interpersonal and other factors in the broader socio-environmental context. Conclusions/implications: While modest health gains may be possible through brief intervention, the potential effectiveness in Indigenous settings will be limited in the absence of broader strategies aimed at tackling community-identified health priorities such as alcohol misuse, violence, employment and education. Tobacco and other forms of lifestyle brief. intervention need to be part of multi-level health strategies. Training in tobacco brief intervention should address both the Indigenous context and the needs of Indigenous health care workers.


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Introduction Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a useful field measure to estimate total body water (TBW). No prediction formulae have been developed or validated against a reference method in patients with pancreatic cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the agreement between three prediction equations for the estimation of TBW in cachectic patients with pancreatic cancer. Methods Resistance was measured at frequencies of 50 and 200 kHz in 18 outpatients (10 males and eight females, age 70.2 +/- 11.8 years) with pancreatic cancer from two tertiary Australian hospitals. Three published prediction formulae were used to calculate TBW - TBWs developed in surgical patients, TBWca-uw and TBWca-nw developed in underweight and normal weight patients with end-stage cancer. Results There was no significant difference in the TBW estimated by the three prediction equations - TBWs 32.9 +/- 8.3 L, TBWca-nw 36.3 +/- 7.4 L, TBWca-uw 34.6 +/- 7.6 L. At a population level, there is agreement between prediction of TBW in patients with pancreatic cancer estimated from the three equations. The best combination of low bias and narrow limits of agreement was observed when TBW was estimated from the equation developed in the underweight cancer patients relative to the normal weight cancer patients. When no established BIA prediction equation exists, practitioners should utilize an equation developed in a population with similar critical characteristics such as diagnosis, weight loss, body mass index and/or age. Conclusions Further research is required to determine the accuracy of the BIA prediction technique against a reference method in patients with pancreatic cancer.


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Background-In vivo methods to evaluate the size and composition of atherosclerotic lesions in animal models of atherosclerosis would assist in the testing of antiatherosclerotic drugs. We have developed an MRI method of detecting atherosclerotic plaque in the major vessels at the base of the heart in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-knockout (LDLR-/-) mice on a high-fat diet. Methods and Results-Three-dimensional fast spin-echo magnetic resonance images were acquired at 7 T by use of cardiac and respiratory triggering, with approximate to140-mum isotropic resolution, over 30 minutes. Comparison of normal and fat-suppressed images from female LDLR-/- mice I week before and 8 and 12 weeks after the transfer to a high-fat diet allowed visualization and quantification of plaque development in the innominate artery in vivo. Plaque mean cross-sectional area was significantly greater at week 12 in the LDLR-/- mice (0.14+/-0.086 mm(2) [mean+/-SD]) than in wild-type control mice on a normal diet (0.017+/-0.031 mm(2), p


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The role of PACs (primary adsorption centers) in the mesopore (i.e., transport) region of activated carbons during adsorption of polar species, such as water, is unclear. A classical model of three-dimensional adsorption on finite PACs is presented. The model is a preliminary, theoretical investigation into adsorption on mesopore PACs and is intended to give some insight into the energetic and physical processes at work. Work processes are developed to obtain isotherms and three-dimensional sorbate growth on PACs of varying size and energetic characteristics. The work processes allow two forms of adsorbed phase growth: densification at constant boundary and boundary growth at constant density. Relatively strong sorbate-sorbent interactions and strong surface tension favor adsorbed phase densification over boundary growth. Conversely, relatively weak sorbate-sorbent interactions and weak surface tension favor boundary growth over densification. If sorbate-sorbate interactions are strong compared to sorbate-sorbent interactions, condensation with hysteresis occurs. This can also give rise to delayed boundary growth, where all initial adsorption occurs in the monolayer only. The results indicate that adsorbed phase growth on PACs may be quite complex.


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A grey snapper (Lutjanus griseus), a grouper (Serranidae) and a blackjack (Caranx lugubris) were implicated in three different ciguatera poisonings in Guadeloupe, French West Indies. A mouse bioassay indicated toxicity for each specimens: 0.5-1, greater than or equal to 1 and > 1 M Ug g(-1), respectively. After purification by gel filtration chromatography, the samples were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The toxin profiles differ from one fish to another. C-CTX-1 was detected at 0.24, 0.90 and 13.8 ng g(-1) flesh in the snapper, grouper and jack, respectively. It contributed only to part of the whole toxicity determined by the mouse bioassay. Other toxins identified were C-CTX-2 (a C-CTX-1 epimer), three additional isomers of C-CTX-1 or -2, and five ciguatoxin congeners (C-CTX-1127, C-CTX-1143 and its isomer C-CTX-1143a, and C-CTX-1157 and its isomer C-CTX-1157b). Putative hydroxy-polyether-like compounds were also detected in the flesh of the grouper with [M+ + H](+) ions at m/z 851.51, 857.50, 875.51, 875.49 and 895.54 Da. Some of these compounds have the same mass range as some known dinoflagellate toxins. In conclusion, this study confirms the usefulness of LC-MS analysis to determine the ciguatoxins levels and the toxin profile in fish flesh hazardous to humans.


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NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of NaD1, a novel antifungal and insecticidal protein isolated from the flowers of Nicotiana alata. NaD1 is a basic, cysteine-rich protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a plant defensin from flowers to be characterized structurally. Its three-dimensional structure consists of an a-helix and a triple-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet that are stabilized by four intramolecular disulfide bonds. NaD1 features all the characteristics of the cysteine-stabilized up motif that has been described for a variety of proteins of differing functions ranging from antibacterial insect defensins and ion channel-perturbing scorpion toxins to an elicitor of the sweet taste response. The protein is biologically active against insect pests, which makes it a potential candidate for use in crop protection. NaD1 shares 31% sequence identity with alfAFP, an antifungal protein from alfalfa that confers resistance to a fungal pathogen in transgenic potatoes. The structure of NaD1 was used to obtain a homology model of alfAFP, since NaD1 has the highest level of sequence identity with alfAFP of any structurally characterized antifungal defensin. The structures of NaD1 and alfAFP were used in conjunction with structure - activity data for the radish defensin Rs-AFP2 to provide an insight into structure-function relationships. In particular, a putative effector site was identified in the structure of NaD1 and in the corresponding homology model of alfAFP. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe remarkable success in controlling dengue vectors, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in 6 communes with 11,675 households and 49,647 people in the northern provinces of Haiphong, Hung Yen, and Nam Dinh in Vietnam. The communes were selected for high-frequency use of large outdoor concrete tanks and wells. These were found to be the source of 49.6-98.4% of Ae. aegypti larvae, which were amenable to treatment with local Mesocyclops, mainly M. woutersi Van der Velde, M. aspericornis (Daday) and M. thermocyclopoides Harada. Knowledge, attitude, and practice surveys were performed to determine whether the communities viewed dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever as a serious health threat; to determine their knowledge of the etiology, attitudes, and practices regarding control methods including Mesocyclops; and to determine their receptivity to various information methods. On the basis of the knowledge, attitude, and practice data, the community-based dengue control program comprised a system of local leaders, health volunteer teachers, and schoolchildren, supported by health professionals. Recycling of discards for economic gain was enhanced, where appropriate, and this, plus 37 clean-up campaigns, removed small containers unsuitable for Mesocyclops treatment. A previously successful eradication at Phan Boi village (Hung Yen province) was extended to 7 other villages forming Di Su commune (1,750 households) in the current study. Complete control was also achieved in Nghia Hiep (Hung Yen province) and in Xuan Phong (Nam Dinh province); control efficacy was greater than or equal to 99.7% in the other 3 communes (Lac Vien in Haiphong, Nghia Dong, and Xuan Kien in Nam Dinh). Although tanks and wells were the key container types of Ae. aegypti productivity, discarded materials were the source of 51% of the standing crop of Ae. albopictus. Aedes albopictus larvae were eliminated from the 3 Nam Dinh communes, and 86-98% control was achieved in the other 3 communes. Variable dengue attack rates made the clinical and serological comparison of control and untreated communes problematic, but these data indicate that clinical surveillance by itself is inadequate to monitor dengue transmission.


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The synaptic conductance of the On-Off direction-selective ganglion cells was measured during visual stimulation to determine whether the direction selectivity is a property of the circuitry presynaptic to the ganglion cells or is generated by postsynaptic interaction of excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Three synaptic asymmetries were identified that contribute to the generation of direction-selective responses: (1) a presynaptic mechanism producing stronger excitation in the preferred direction, (2) a presynaptic mechanism producing stronger inhibition in the opposite direction, and (3) postsynaptic interaction of excitation with spatially offset inhibition. Although the on- and off-responses showed the same directional tuning, the off-response was generated by all three mechanisms, whereas the on- response was generated primarily by the two presynaptic mechanisms. The results indicate that, within a single neuron, different strategies are used within distinct dendritic arbors to accomplish the same neural computation.


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This paper is a discourse on ideological communication on poverty in Latin America from three different perspectives: the Catholic priest, the Shining Path guerrilla and the development economist. The paper concludes with a discussion of these three perspectives from the perspective of the theory of communicative action espoused by Jurgen Habermas.


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In mammals, prolonged immobilization of the limbs can result in a loss of capillary tortuosity, resulting in skeletal muscle haemorrhaging if rapid remobilization is permitted. In this study, we examined the effect of 4 months' immobilization on semimembranosus capillary structure in the Green-striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata. C alboguttata routinely aestivates as part of a physiological strategy to avoid desiccation in semi-arid environments and, in this capacity, the hindlimbs of C alboguttata are immobilized in a cocoon for months at a time. We found that 4 months' aestivation had no effect on three-dimensional capillary structure in the semimembranosus muscle and that capillary tortuosity is preserved in immobilized C. alboguttata. The preservation of capillary structure in the hindlimb muscles of C alboguttata in part accounts for their remarkable ability to emerge with a fully competent locomotor system after prolonged immobilization.


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Objective: To compare head relocation accuracy in traumatic ( whiplash), insidious onset neck pain patients and asymptomatic subjects when targeting a natural head posture (NHP) and complex predetermined positions. Design: A case-control study. Setting: University-based musculoskeletal research clinic. Participants: Sixty-three volunteers divided into three groups of similar gender and age: Group 1 (n=21) an asymptomatic group; group 2 (n=20) insidious onset neck pain; group 3 (n=22) a history of whiplash injury. Intervention: Five randomly ordered tests designed to detect relocation accuracy of the head. Outcome measures: A 3-Space Fastrak system measured the mean absolute relocation error of three trials of each relocation test. Results: A significant difference was found between groups in one of the tests targeting the NHP (p=0.001). Post-hoc pairwise comparisons revealed a significant difference (pless than or equal to0.05) between the asymptomatic group and each symptomatic group. The difference between the symptomatic groups just failed to reach significance (p=0.07). None of the other four tests revealed significant differences. Conclusion: The test of targeting the NHP indicates that relocation inaccuracy exists in patients with neck pain with a trend to suggest that the deficit may be greater in whiplash patients. Tests employing unfamiliar postures or more complex movement were not successful in differentiating subject groups.


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Increasingly, electropalatography (EPG) is being used in speech pathology research to identify and describe speech disorders of neurological origin. However, limited data currently exists that describes normal articulatory segment timing and the degree of variability exhibited by normal speakers when assessed with EPG. Therefore, the purpose of the current investigation was to use the Reading EPG3 system to quantify segmental timing values and examine articulatory timing variability for three English consonants. Ten normal subjects repeated ten repetitions of CV words containing the target consonants /t/, /l/, and /s/ while wearing an artificial palate. The target consonants were followed by the /i/ vowel and were contained in the carrier phrase 'I saw a __'. Mean duration of the approach, closure/constriction, and release phases of consonant articulation were calculated. In addition, inter-subject articulatory timing variability was investigated using descriptive graphs and intra-subject articulatory timing variability was investigated using a coefficient of variation. Results revealed the existence of intersubject variability for mean segment timing values. This could be attributed to individual differences in the suprasegmental features of speech and individual differences in oral cavity size and structure. No significant differences were reported for degree of intra-subject variability between the three sounds for these same phases of articulation. However, when this data set was collapsed, results revealed that the closure/constriction phase of consonant articulation exhibited significantly less intra-subject variability than both the approach and release phases. The stabilization of the tongue against the fixed structure of the hard palate during the closure phase of articulation may have reduced the levels of intra-subject variability.


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In spite of their wide application in comminution circuits, hydrocyclones have at least one significant disadvantage in that their operation inherently tends to return the fine denser liberated minerals to the grinding mill. This results in unnecessary overgrinding which adds to the milling cost and can adversely affect the efficiency of downstream processes. In an attempt to solve this problem, a three-product cyclone has been developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) to generate a second overflow in which the fine dense liberated minerals can be selectively concentrated for further treatment. In this paper, the design and operation of the three-product cyclone are described. The influence of the length of the second vortex finder on the performance of a 150-mm unit treating a mixture of magnetite and silica is investigated. Conventional cyclone tests were also conducted under similar conditions. Using the operational performance data of the three-product and conventional cyclones, it is shown that by optimising the length of the second vortex finder, the amount of fine dense mineral particles that reports to the three-product cyclone underflow can be reduced. In addition, the three-product cyclone can be used to generate middlings stream that may be more suitable for flash flotation than the conventional cyclone underflow, or alternatively, could be classified with a microscreen to separate the valuables from the gangue. At the same time, a fines stream having similar properties to those of the conventional overflow can be obtained. Hence, if the middlings stream was used as feed for flash flotation or microscreening, the fines stream could be used in lieu of the conventional overflow without compromising the feed requirements for the conventional flotation circuit. Some of the other potential applications of the new cyclone are described. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pycnadenoides pagrosomi Yamaguti, 1938 and P. reversati n. sp. from Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and P. invenustus n. sp. from Nemadactylus valenciennesi (Cheilodactylidae) are described from the temperate marine waters off south-west Western Australia and south-east Queensland. The difference in the anterior extent of the vitelline follicles observed in P. reversati n. sp. recovered from off south-east Queensland waters and the material from off Western Australia is discussed. P. reversati n. sp. is distinguished from P. pagrosomi mainly in the position of the genital pore and in the arrangement of the testes, and from P. invenustus n. sp. in the posterior extent of the cirrus-sac. P. reversati belongs to the group of species with a short cirrus-sac and P. invenustus to the group with the cirrus-sac reaching into the anterior hindbody.