89 resultados para neurochemistry
We have previously shown that exposing rats to a relatively high dose of ethanol during early postnatal life can result in an alteration in spatial learning ability. The hippocampal formation is known to be involved in the control of this ability. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether exposure of rats to ethanol during early postnatal life had either immediate or delayed effects on the numbers of pyramidal cells in the CA1-CA3 subregion of the hippocampus. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol at postnatal day 10-15 by placing them for 3 h/day in a chamber containing ethanol vapor. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET), separation control (SC), and mother-reared control (MRC) rats were anesthetized and killed at 16 and 30 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The Cavalieri principle was used to determine the volumes of the CA1 and CA2+CA3 regions. The physical disector method was used to estimate the numerical density of neurons in each of the subdivisions. The total number of pyramidal cells was calculated by multiplying the appropriate estimates of the numerical density by the volume. There were significant age-related reductions in the total numbers of pyramidal cells at 16-30 days of age irrespective of the groups examined. Ethanol treated rats were found to have slightly but significantly fewer pyramidal cell neurons than either the MRC or SC groups. These observations indicate that pyramidal cells in the hippocampus may be vulnerable to a relatively high dose of ethanol exposure during this short period of early postnatal life. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The cystine-glutamate antiporter is a transport system that facilitates the uptake of cystine, concomitant with the release of glutamate. The cystine accumulated by this transporter is generally considered for use in the formation of the cysteine-containing antioxidant glutathione, which is abundant in many glial cells. This study used the simple strategy of generating an antibody to aminoadipic acid, a selective substrate for the cystine-glutamate antiporter. Stereospecific accumulation of aminoadipic acid into specific cell types in rat brain slice preparations was detected immunocytochemically. Strong accumulation was detected in astroglial cells in all brain regions studied including those in white matter tracts. Strong accumulation into radial glial cells, including the retinal Muller cells and the Bergmann glial cells was also observed. Glial accumulation was observed not only in cells within the blood brain barrier, but also outside such; anterior pituitary folliculostellate cell and intermediate lobe pituitary glial cells exhibited strong accumulation of aminoadipic acid. Interestingly, some glial cells such as the posterior pituitary glial cells (pituicytes) exhibited very little if any accumulation of aminoadipic acid. Within the brain labelling was not uniform. Particularly strong labelling was noted in some regions, such as the glial cells surrounding the CA1 pyramidal cells. By contrast, neurons never exhibited uptake of aminoadipic acid. Because cystine uptake is associated with glutamate release, it is suggested that this antiporter might contribute to release of glutamate from glial cells under some pathophysiological conditions. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This review provides an overview of the distributions, properties and roles of amino acid transport systems in normal and pathological retinal tissues and discusses the roles of specific identified transporters in the mammalian retina. The retina is used in this context as a vehicle for describing neuronal and glial properties. which are in semi, but not all cases comparable to those found elsewhere an the brain. Where significant departures are noted, these are discussed in the context of functional specialisations of the retina and its relationship to adjacent supporting tissues such as the retinal pigment epithelium. Specific examples are given where immunocytochemical labelling for amino acid transporters may yield inaccurate results, possibly because of activity-dependent conformation changes of epitopes in these proteins which render the epitopes more or less accessible to antibodies. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although earlier studies on thiamine deficiency have reported increases in extracellular glutamate concentration in the thalamus, a vulnerable region of the brain in this disorder, the mechanism by which this occurs has remained unresolved. Treatment with pyrithiamine, a central thiamine antagonist, resulted in a 71 and 55% decrease in protein levels of the astrocyte glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST, respectively, by immunoblotting in the medial thalamus of day 14 symptomatic rats at loss of righting reflexes. These changes occurred prior to the onset of convulsions and pannecrosis. Loss of both GLT-1 and GLAST transporter sites was also confirmed in this region of the thalamus at the symptomatic stage using immunohistochemical methods. In contrast, no change in either transporter protein was detected in the non-vulnerable frontal parietal cortex. These effects are selective; protein levels of the astrocyte GABA transporter GAT-3 were unaffected in the medial thalamus. In addition, astrocyte-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) content was unchanged in this brain region, suggesting that astrocytes are spared in this disorder. Loss of GLT-1 or GLAST protein was not observed on day 12 of treatment, indicating that down-regulation of these transporters occurs within 48 h prior to loss of righting reflexes. Finally, GLT-1 content was positively correlated with levels of the neurofilament protein alpha -internexin, suggesting that early neuronal drop-out may contribute to the down-regulation of this glutamate transporter and subsequent pannecrosis. A selective, focal loss of GLT-1 and GLAST transporter proteins provides a rational explanation for the increase in interstitial glutamate levels, and may play a major role in the selective vulnerability of thalamic structures to thiamine deficiency-induced cell death.
In this study, we demonstrate that Muller cells cultured from human retinas are capable of strongly expressing the glycine transporter Glyt-1 as assessed by immunocytochemistry. By contrast, intact normal and pathological human retinas exhibit Glyt-1 immunoreactivity only in neurons. These data suggest that Glyt-1 expression in cultured Muller cells is an epiphenomenon associated with culturing in vitro, rather than a normal physiological or even pathophysiological phenomenon in vivo. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This is a study in the rat of the distribution of specific neurotransmitters in neurones projecting from the substantia nigra reticulata (SNR) to the ventrolateral (VL) and ventromedial (VM) thalamic nuclei. Individual axons projecting from the SNR to these thalamic nuclei have also been reconstructed following small injection of the anterograde tracer dextran biotin into the the SNR. Analysis of reconstructions revealed two populations of SNR neurones projecting onto the VL and VM thalamic nuclei. One group projects directly onto the VM and VL, and the other projects to the VM/VL and to the parafascicular nucleus. In another set of experiments Fluoro-Gold was injected into the VL/VM to label SNR projection neurones retrogradely, and immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the distribution of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), gamma -aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate in Fluoro-Gold-labelled SNR projection neurones. Most SNR-VL/VM thalamic projection neurones were immunoreactive to acetylcholine or glutamate, whereas only 25% of the projection neurones were found to be immunoreactive to GABA. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We wished to identify the different types of retinal neurons on the basis of their content of neuroactive substances in both larval tiger salamander and mudpuppy retinas, favored species for electrophysiological investigation. Sections and wholemounts of retinas were labeled by immunocytochemical methods to demonstrate three calcium binding protein species and the common neurotransmitters, glycine, GABA and acetylcholine. Double immunostained sections and single labeled wholemount retinas were examined by confocal microscopy. Immunostaining patterns appeared to be the same in salamander and mudpuppy. Double and single cones, horizontal cells, some amacrine cells and ganglion cells were strongly calbindin-immunoreactive (IR). Calbindin-IR horizontal cells colocalized GABA. Many bipolar cells, horizontal cells, some amacrine cells and ganglion cells were strongly calretinin-IR. One type of horizontal cell and an infrequently occurring amacrine cell were parvalbumin-IR. Acetylcholine as visualized by ChAT-immunoreactivity was seen in a mirror-symmetric pair of amacrine cells that colocalized GABA and glycine. Glycine and GABA colocalized with calretinin, calbindin and occasionally with parvalbumin in amacrine cells. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Glucose loading of rats made thiamin deficient by dietary deprivation of thiamin and the administration of pyrithiamin (40 mug/100 g, i.p.) precipitates an acute neuropathy, a model of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man (Zimitat and Nixon, Metab. Brain Dis. 1999;14:1-20). Immunohistochemical detection of Fos proteins was used as a marker to identify neuronal populations in the thiamin-deficient rat brain affected by glucose loading. As thiamin deficiency progressed, the extent and intensity of Fos-Like immunoreactivity (FLI) in brain structures typically affected by thiamin deficiency (the thalamus, mammillary bodies, inferior colliculus, vestibular nucleus and inferior olives) were markedly increased when compared to thiamin-replete controls. Glucose loading for 1-3 days further increased the intensity of FLI in these same regions, consistent with a dependence of Fos expression on carbohydrate metabolism as well as on thiamin deficiency. The timed acute changes that follow a bolus glucose load administered to thiamin-deficient animals may provide a sequential account of events in the pathogenesis of brain damage in this model of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2000 ISBRA Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. The chairs were Izuru Matusmoto and Peter A. Wilce. The presentations were (1) GABA receptor subunit expression in the human alcoholic brain, by Tracey Buckley and Peter Dodd; (2) NMDAR gene expression during ethanol addiction, by Jorg Puzke, Rainer Spanagel, Walther Zieglgansberger, and Gerald Wolf; (3) Differentially expressed gene in the nucleus accumbens from ethanol-administered rat, by Shuangying Leng; (4) Expression of a novel gene in the alcoholic brain, by Peter A. Wilce; and (5) Investigations of haplotypes of the dopamine Da-receptor gene in alcoholics, by Hans Rommelspacher, Ulrich Finckh, and Lutz G. Schmidt.
An emerging idea is that long-term alcohol abuse results in changes in gene expression in the brain and that these changes are responsible at least partly for alcohol tolerance, dependence and neurotoxicity, The overall goal of our research is to identify genes which are differentia[ly expressed in the brains of well-characterized human alcoholics as compared with non-alcoholics. This should identify as-yet-unknown alcohol-responsive genes, and may well confirm changes in the expression of genes which have been delineated in animal models of alcohol abuse. Cases were carefully selected and samples pooled on the basis of relevant criteria; differential expression was monitored by microarray hybridization. The inherent diversity of human alcoholics can be exploited to identify genes associated with specific pathological processes, as well as to assess the effects of concomitant disease, severity of brain damage, drinking behavior, and factors such as gender and smoking history. initial results show selective changes in gene expression in alcoholics; of particular importance is a coordinated reduction in genes coding for myelin components, Copyright (C) 2001 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel.
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and is removed from the extracellular space by an energy-dependent process involving neuronal and glial cell transporters. The radial glial Muller cells express the glutamate transporter, GLAST, and preferentially accumulate glutamate. However, during an ischaemic episode, extracellular glutamate concentrations may rise to excitotoxic levels. Is this catastrophic rise in extracellular glutamate due to a failure of GLAST? Using immunocytochemistry, we monitored the transport of the glutamate transporter substrate, D-aspartate, in the retina under normal and ischaemic conditions. Two models of compromised retinal perfusion were compared: (1) Anaesthetised rats had their carotid arteries occluded for 7 days to produce a chronic reduction in retinal blood flow. Retinal function was assessed by electroretinography. D-aspartate was injected into the eye for 45 min, Following euthanasia, the retina was processed for D-aspartate. GLAST and glutamate immunocytochemistry. Although reduced retinal perfusion suppresses the electroretinogram b-wave, neither retinal histology, GLAST expression, nor the ability of Muller cells to uptake D-aspartate is affected. As this insult does not appear to cause excitotoxic neuronal damage, these data suggest that GLAST function and glutamate clearance are maintained during periods of reduced retinal perfusion. (2) Occlusion of the central retinal artery for 60 min abolishes retinal perfusion, inducing histological damage and electroretinogram suppression. Although GLAST expression appears to be normal. its ability to transport D-aspartate into Muller cells is greatly reduced. Interestingly, D-aspartate is transported into neuronal cells, i.e. photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells. This suggests that while GLAST is vitally important for the clearance of excess extracellular glutamate, its capability to sustain inward transport is particularly susceptible to an acute ischaemic attack. Manipulation of GLAST function could alleviate the degeneration and blindness that result from ischaemic retinal disease. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
An improved differential display technique was used to search for changes in gene expression in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, A cDNA fragment was retrieved and cloned. Further sequence of the cDNA was determined from 5' RACE and screening of a human brain cDNA library. The gene was named hNP22 (human neuronal protein 22). The deduced protein sequence of hNP22 has an estimated molecular mass of 22.4 kDa with a putative calcium-binding site, and phosphorylation sites for casein kinase II and protein kinase C. The deduced amino acid sequence of hNP22 shares homology (from 67% to 42%) with four other proteins, SM22 alpha, calponin, myophilin and mp20. Sequence homology suggests a potential interaction of hNP22 with cytoskeletal elements. hNP22 mRNA was expressed in various brain regions but in alcoholics, greater mRNA expression occurred in the superior frontal cortex, but not in the primary motor cortex or cerebellum. The results suggest that hNP22 may have a role in alcohol-related adaptations and may mediate regulatory signal transduction pathways in neurones.
Antibodies were raised against specific peptides from N-terminal regions of the alpha (1) and alpha (3) isoforms of the GABA(A) receptor, and used to assess the relative expression of these proteins in the superior frontal and primary motor cortices of 10 control, nine uncomplicated alcoholic and six cirrhotic alcoholic cases were matched for age and post-mortem delay. The regression of expression on post-mortem delay was not statistically significant for either isoform in either region. In both cortical areas, the regression of a, expression on age differed significantly between alcoholic cases, which showed a decrease, and normal controls, which did not. Age had no effect on alpha (3) expression. The alpha (1) and alpha (3) isoforms were found to be expressed differentially across cortical regions and showed a tendency to be expressed differentially across case groups. In cirrhotic alcoholics, alpha (1) expression was greater in superior frontal than in motor cortex, whereas this regional difference was not significant in controls or uncomplicated alcoholics. In uncomplicated alcoholics, alpha (3) expression was significantly lower in superior frontal than in motor cortex. Expression of alpha (1) was significantly different from that Of alpha (3) in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, but not in controls. In motor cortex, there were no significant differences in expression between the isoforms in any case group.
We analyzed the expression profile of two NMDAR1 mRNA isoform subsets. NR1(0xx) and NR1(1xx), in discrete regions of human cerebral cortex. The subsets are characterized by the absence or presence of a 21-amino acid N-terminal cassette. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for NR1 isoforms was performed on total RNA preparations from spared and susceptible regions from 10 pathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases and 10 matched controls. Primers spanning the splice insert yielded two bands, 342 bp (NR1(0xx)) and 405 bp (NR1(1xx)), on agarose gel electrophoresis. The bands were visualized with ethidium and quantified by densitometry. NR1(1xx) transcript expression was calculated as a proportion of the NR1(1xx) + NR1(0xx) total. Values were significantly lower in AD cases than in controls in mid-cingulate cortex, p < 0.01, superior temporal cortex, p < 0.01 and hippocampus, p similar to 0.05. Cortical proportionate NR1(1xx) transcript expression was invariant over the range of ages acid areas of controls tested, at similar to 50%. This was also true for AD motor and occipital cortex. Proportionate NR1(1xx) expression in AD cingulate and temporal cortex was lower at younger ages and increased with age: this regression was significantly different from that in the homotropic areas of controls. Variations in NR1 N-terminal cassette expression may underlie the local vulnerability to excitotoxic damage of some areas in the AD brain. Alternatively, changes in NR1 mRNA expression may arise as a consequence of the AD disease process.