20 resultados para glass plate
Abnormalities in the growth plate may lead to short stature and skeletal deformity including Leri Weil syndrome, which has been shown to result from deletions or mutations in the SHOX gene, a homeobox gene located at the pseudoautosomal region of the X and Y chromosome. We studied the expression of SHOX protein, by immunohistochemistry, in human fetal and childhood growth plates and mRNA by in situ hybridization in childhood normal and Leri Weil growth plate. SHOX protein was found in reserve, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones of fetal growth plate from 12 wk to term and childhood control and Leri Weil growth plates. The pattern of immunostaining in the proliferative zone of childhood growth plate was patchy, with more intense uniform immunostaining in the hypertrophic zone. In situ hybridization studies of childhood growth plate demonstrated SHOX mRNA expression throughout the growth plate. No difference in the pattern of SHOX protein or mRNA expression was seen between the control and Leri Weil growth plate. These findings suggest that SHOX plays a role in chondrocyte function in the growth plate.
As seen from interior.
The study of the mechanisms of mechanical alloying requires knowledge of the impact characteristics between the ball and vial in the presence of milling powders. In this paper, foe falling experiments have br cn used to investigate the characteristics of impact events involved in mechanical milling. The effects of milling conditions, including impact velocity, ball size and powder thickness. on the coefficient of restitution and impact force are studied. It is found that the powder has a significant influence on the impact process due to its porous structure. This effect can be demonstrated using a modified Kelvin model. This study also confirms that the impact force is a relevant parameter for characterising the impact event due to its sensitivity to the milling conditions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
Spin glasses are magnetic systems with conflicting and random interactions between the individual spins. The dynamics of spin glasses, as of structural glasses, reflect their complexity. Both in experimental and numerical work the relaxation below the freezing temperature depends strongly on the annealing conditions (aging) and, above the freezing point, relaxation in equilibrium is slow and non-exponential, In this Forum, observed characteristics of the dynamics were summarized and the physical models proposed to explain them were outlined. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We derive analytical solutions for the three-dimensional time-dependent buckling of a non-Newtonian viscous plate in a less viscous medium. For the plate we assume a power-law rheology. The principal, axes of the stretching D-ij in the homogeneously deformed ground state are parallel and orthogonal to the bounding surfaces of the plate in the flat state. In the model formulation the action of the less viscous medium is replaced by equivalent reaction forces. The reaction forces are assumed to be parallel to the normal vector of the deformed plate surfaces. As a consequence, the buckling process is driven by the differences between the in-plane stresses and out of plane stress, and not by the in-plane stresses alone as assumed in previous models. The governing differential equation is essentially an orthotropic plate equation for rate dependent material, under biaxial pre-stress, supported by a viscous medium. The differential problem is solved by means of Fourier transformation and largest growth coefficients and corresponding wavenumbers are evaluated. We discuss in detail fold evolutions for isotropic in-plane stretching (D-11 = D-22), uniaxial plane straining (D-22 = 0) and in-plane flattening (D-11 = -2D(22)). Three-dimensional plots illustrate the stages of fold evolution for random initial perturbations or initial embryonic folds with axes non-parallel to the maximum compression axis. For all situations, one dominant set of folds develops normal to D-11, although the dominant wavelength differs from the Biot dominant wavelength except when the plate has a purely Newtonian viscosity. However, in the direction parallel to D-22, there exist infinitely many modes in the vicinity of the dominant wavelength which grow only marginally slower than the one corresponding to the dominant wavelength. This means that, except for very special initial conditions, the appearance of a three-dimensional fold will always be governed by at least two wavelengths. The wavelength in the direction parallel to D-11 is the dominant wavelength, and the wavelength(s) in the direction parallel to D-22 is determined essentially by the statistics of the initial state. A comparable sensitivity to the initial geometry does not exist in the classic two-dimensional folding models. In conformity with tradition we have applied Kirchhoff's hypothesis to constrain the cross-sectional rotations of the plate. We investigate the validity of this hypothesis within the framework of Reissner's plate theory. We also include a discussion of the effects of adding elasticity into the constitutive relations and show that there exist critical ratios of the relaxation times of the plate and the embedding medium for which two dominant wavelengths develop, one at ca. 2.5 of the classical Biot dominant wavelength and the other at ca. 0.45 of this wavelength. We propose that herein lies the origin of parasitic folds well known in natural examples.
The general-care glass ceiling hypothesis states that not only is it more difficult for women than for men to be promoted up levels of authority hierarchies within workplaces but also that the obstacles women face relative to men become greater as they move rtp the hierarchy. Gender-based discrimination in promotions is not simply present across levels of hierarchy but is more intense at higher levels. Empirically, this implies that the relative rates of women being promoted to higher levels compared to men should decline with the level of the hierarchy. This article explores this hypothesis with data from three countries: the United States, Australia, and Sweden. The basic conclusion is that while there is strong evidence for a general gender gap in authority-the odds of women having authority are less than those of men-there is no evidence for systematic glass ceiling effects in the United States and only weak evidence for such effects in the other two countries.
Field-swept pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a ZBLAN fluoride glass doped with a low concentration of Cr3+ are obtained using echo-detected EPR and hole-burning free induction decay detection. We review the utility of the pulsed EPR technique in generating field-swept EPR spectra, as well as some of the distorting effects that are peculiar to the pulsed detection method. The application of this technique to Cr3+-doped ZBLAN reveals that much of the broad resonance extending from g(eff) = 5.1 to g(eff) = 1.97, characteristic of X-band continuous wave EPR of Cr3+ in glasses, is absent. We attribute this largely to the variation in nutation frequencies across the spectrum that result from sites possessing large fine structure interactions. The description of the spin dynamics of such sites is complicated and we discuss some possible approaches to the simulation of the pulsed EPR spectra.
This study quantified the release of monomers from polymerized specimens of four commercially available resin composites and one glass ionomer cement immersed in water:ethanol solutions. Individual standard curves were prepared from five monomers: (1) triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), (2) 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), (3) urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), (4) bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BISGMA), and (5) bisphenol A. The concentration of the monomers was determined at Days 1, 7, 30, and 90 with the use of electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry. Data were expressed in mean mumol per mm(2) surface area of specimen and analyzed with Scheffe's test (P < 0.05). The following monomers were found in water: monomers (1) and (2) from Delton sealant, monomer (5) from ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive and Delton sealant, monomer (3) from Definite and monomer (4) from Fuji II LC, ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive, Synergy and Definite. All these monomers increased in concentration over time, with the exception of monomer (1) from Delton sealant. Monomers (3) and (5) were found in extracts of materials despite their absence from the manufacturer's published composition. All monomers were released in significantly higher concentrations in water:ethanol solutions than in water. The greatest release of monomers occurred in the first day. The effect of the measured concentrations of monomers (1-5) on human genes, cells, or tissues needs to be considered with the use of a biological model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The earth's tectonic plates are strong, viscoelastic shells which make up the outermost part of a thermally convecting, predominantly viscous layer. Brittle failure of the lithosphere occurs when stresses are high. In order to build a realistic simulation of the planet's evolution, the complete viscoelastic/brittle convection system needs to be considered. A particle-in-cell finite element method is demonstrated which can simulate very large deformation viscoelasticity with a strain-dependent yield stress. This is applied to a plate-deformation problem. Numerical accuracy is demonstrated relative to analytic benchmarks, and the characteristics of the method are discussed.
The combined approach of the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic theories for description of the motion of three-phase gas-liquid-solid contact lines has been examined using the Wilhelmy plate method. The whole dynamic meniscus has been divided into molecular, hydrodynamic, and static-like regions. The Young-Laplace equation and the molecular-kinetic and hydrodynamic dewetting theories have been applied to describe the meniscus profiles and contact angle. The dissipative forces accompanying the dynamic dewetting have also been investigated. The experiments with a Wilhelmy plate made from an acrylic polymer sheet were carried out using a computerized apparatus for contact angle analysis (OCA 20, DataPhysics, Germany). The extrapolated dynamic contact angle versus velocity of the three-phase contact line for Milli-Q water and 5 x 10(-4) M SDBS solution was experimentally obtained and compared with the combined MHD models with low and moderate Reynolds numbers. The models predict similar results for the extrapolated contact angle. SDBS decreases the equilibrium contact angle and increases the molecular jumping length but does not affect the molecular frequency significantly. The hydrodynamic deformation of the meniscus, viscous dissipation, and friction were also influenced by the SDBS surfactant. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.