203 resultados para Symmetric crypto systems


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We outline a scheme to accomplish measurements of a solid state double well system (DWS) with both one and two electrons in nonlocalized bases. We show that, for a single particle, measuring the local charge distribution at the midpoint of a DWS using a SET as a sensitive electrometer amounts to performing a projective measurement in the parity (symmetric/antisymmetric) eigenbasis. For two-electrons in a DWS, a similar configuration of SET results in close-to-projective measurement in the singlet/triplet basis. We analyze the sensitivity of the scheme to asymmetry in the SET position for some experimentally relevant parameter, and show that it is experimentally realizable.


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We compare the performance of two different low-storage filter diagonalisation (LSFD) strategies in the calculation of complex resonance energies of the HO2, radical. The first is carried out within a complex-symmetric Lanczos subspace representation [H. Zhang, S.C. Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 2281]. The second involves harmonic inversion of a real autocorrelation function obtained via a damped Chebychev recursion [V.A. Mandelshtam, H.S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 6756]. We find that while the Chebychev approach has the advantage of utilizing real algebra in the time-consuming process of generating the vector recursion, the Lanczos, method (using complex vectors) requires fewer iterations, especially for low-energy part of the spectrum. The overall efficiency in calculating resonances for these two methods is comparable for this challenging system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a method for determining the elements of the pressure tensor at a radius r in a cylindrically symmetric system, analogous to the so-called method of planes used in planar systems [B. D. Todd, Denis J. Evans, and Peter J. Daivis, Phys. Rev. E 52, 1627 (1995)]. We demonstrate its application in determining the radial shear stress dependence during molecular dynamics simulations of the forced flow of methane in cylindrical silica mesopores. Such expressions are useful for the examination of constitutive relations in the context of transport in confined systems.


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The role of the collective antisymmetric state in entanglement creation by spontaneous emission in a system of two non-overlapping two-level atoms has been investigated. Populations of the collective atomic states and the Wootters entanglement measure (concurrence) for two sets of initial atomic conditions are calculated and illustrated graphically. Calculations include the dipole-dipole interaction and a spatial separation between the atoms that the antisymmetric state of the system is included throughout even for small interatomic separations. It is shown that spontaneous emission can lead to a transient entanglement between the atoms even if the atoms were prepared initially in an unentangled state. It is found that the ability of spontaneous emission to create transient entanglement relies on the absence of population in the collective symmetric state of the system. For the initial state of only one atom excited, entanglement builds up rapidly in time and reaches a maximum for parameter values corresponding roughly to zero population in the symmetric state. On the other hand, for the initial condition of both atoms excited, the atoms remain unentangled until the symmetric state is depopulated. A simple physical interpretation of these results is given in terms of the diagonal states of the density matrix of the system. We also study entanglement creation in a system of two non-identical atoms of different transition frequencies. It is found that the entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced compared to that for identical atoms, and can decay with two different time scales resulting from the coherent transfer of the population from the symmetric to the antisymmetric state. In addition, it was found that a decaying initial entanglement between the atoms can display a revival behaviour.


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We have recently introduced the concept of whole-body asymmetric MRI systems [1]. In this theoretical study, we investigate the PNS characteristics of whole-body asymmetric gradient systems as compared to conventional symmetric systems. Recent experimental evidence [2] supports the hypothesis of transverse gradients being the largest contributor of PNS due to induced electric currents. Asymmetric head gradient coils have demonstrated benefits in the past [3]. The numerical results are based on an anatomically-accurate 2mm-human voxel-phantom NORMAN [4]. The results of this study can facilitate the optimization of whole-body asymmetric gradients in terms of patient comfort/safety (less PNS), while prospering the use of asymmetric MRI systems for in-vivo medical interventions.


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MSS membranes are a good candidate for CO cleanup in fuel cell fuel processing systems due to their ability to selectively permeate H2 over CO via molecular sieving. Successfully scaled up tubular membranes were stable under dry conditions to 400°C with H2 permeance as high as 2 x 10-6 mol.m-2.s^-1.Pa^-1 at 200 degrees C and H2/CO selectivity up to 6.4, indicating molecular sieving was the dominant mechanism. A novel carbonised template molecular sieve silica (CTMSS) technology gave the scaled up membranes resilience in hydrothermal conditions up to 400 degrees C in 34% steam and synthetic reformate, which is required for use in fuel cell CO cleanup systems.


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While some recent frameworks on cognitive agents addressed the combination of mental attitudes with deontic concepts, they commonly ignore the representation of time. An exception is [1]that manages also some temporal aspects both with respect to cognition and normative provisions. We propose in this paper an extension of the logic presented in [1]with temporal intervals.


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We propose a review of recent developments on entanglement and nonclassical effects in collective two-atom systems and present a uniform physical picture of the many predicted phenomena. The collective effects have brought into sharp focus some of the most basic features of quantum theory, such as nonclassical states of light and entangled states of multiatom systems. The entangled states are linear superpositions of the internal states of the system which cannot be separated into product states of the individual atoms. This property is recognized as entirely quantum-mechanical effect and have played a crucial role in many discussions of the nature of quantum measurements and, in particular, in the developments of quantum communications. Much of the fundamental interest in entangled states is connected with its practical application ranging from quantum computation, information processing, cryptography, and interferometry to atomic spectroscopy.


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A minimal defining set of a Steiner triple system on a points (STS(v)) is a partial Steiner triple system contained in only this STS(v), and such that any of its proper subsets is contained in at least two distinct STS(v)s. We consider the standard doubling and tripling constructions for STS(2v + 1) and STS(3v) from STS(v) and show how minimal defining sets of an STS(v) gives rise to minimal defining sets in the larger systems. We use this to construct some new families of defining sets. For example, for Steiner triple systems on, 3" points; we construct minimal defining sets of volumes varying by as much as 7(n-/-).


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Using light and electron microscopic histological and immunocytochemical techniques, we investigated the effects of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone on T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Lewis rats with acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin basic protein (MBP). A single subcutaneous injection of dexamethasone markedly augmented T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the CNS and PNS and microglial apoptosis in the CNS within 6 hours (h). Pre-embedding immunolabeling revealed that dexamethasone increased the number of apoptotic CD5+ cells (T cells or activated B cells), αβ T cells, and CD11b+ cells (macrophages/microglia) in the meninges, perivascular spaces, and CNS parenchyma. The induction of increased apoptosis was dose-dependent. Daily dexamethasone treatment suppressed the neurological signs of EAE. However, the daily injection of a dose of dexamethasone (0.25 mg/kg). which, after a single dose, did not induce increased apoptosis in the CNS or PNS, was as effective in inhibiting the neurological signs of EAE as the high dose (4 mg/kg), which induced a marked increase in apoptosis. This indicates that the beneficial clinical effect of glucocorticoid therapy in EAE does not depend on the induction of increased apoptosis. The daily administration of dexamethasone for 5 days induced a relapse that commenced 5 days after cessation of treatment, with the severity of the relapse tending to increase with dexamethasone dosage.


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In this paper we extend the guiding function approach to show that there are periodic or bounded solutions for first order systems of ordinary differential equations of the form x1 =f(t,x), a.e. epsilon[a,b], where f satisfies the Caratheodory conditions. Our results generalize recent ones of Mawhin and Ward.


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The validity of the concept of equivalent sphere introduced by Aris in 1957 to multicomponent reacting systems is investigated in this paper. A network of C6 hydrocarbon reforming reaction and a fixed bed reactor are taken as the model reaction network and the reactor configuration, respectively.


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