16 resultados para N-heterocyclic carbenes


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Cyclic peptides containing oxazole and thiazole heterocycles have been examined for their capacity to be used as scaffolds in larger, more complex, protein-like structures. Both the macrocyclic scaffolds and the supramolecular structures derived therefrom have been visualised by molecular modelling techniques. These molecules are too symmetrical to examine structurally by NMR spectroscopy. The cyclic hexapeptide ([Aaa-Thz](3), [Aaa-Oxz](3)) and cyclic octapeptide ([Aaa-Thz](4), [Aaa-Oxz](4)) analogues are composed of dipeptide surrogates (Aaa: amino acid, Thz: thiazole, Oxz: oxazole) derived from intramolecular condensation of cysteine or serine/threonine side chains in dipeptides like Aaa-Cys, Aaa-Ser and Aaa-Thr. The five-membered heterocyclic rings, like thiazole, oxazole and reduced analogues like thiazoline, thiazolidine and oxazoline have profound influences on the structures and bioactivities of cyclic peptides derived therefrom. This work suggests that such constrained cyclic peptides can be used as scaffolds to create a range of novel protein-like supramolecular structures (e.g. cylinders, troughs, cones, multi-loop structures, helix bundles) that are comparable in size, shape and composition to bioactive surfaces of proteins. They may therefore represent interesting starting points for the design of novel artificial proteins and artificial enzymes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) of 9-azidophenanthrene 8, 6-(5-tetrazolyl)phenanthridine 18, and [1,2,3]triazolo[1,5-f]phenanthridine 19 yields 9-cyanofluorene 12 as the principal product and 4-cyanofluorene as a minor product. In all cases, when the product is condensed at or below 77 K, the seven-membered ring ketenimine 24 is detectable by IR spectroscopy (1932 cm(-1)) up to 200 K. Photolysis of Ar matrix isolated 8 at lambda = 308 or 313 nm generates at first the azirine 26, rapidly followed by the ylidic cumulene 27. The latter reverts to azirine 26 at lambda > 405 nm, and the azirine reverts to the ylidic cumulene at 313 nm. Nitrene 9 is observed by ESR spectroscopy following FVT of either azide 8, tetrazole 18, or triazole 19 with Ar matrix isolation of the products. Nitrene 9 and carbene 21 are observed by ESR spectroscopy in the Ar matrix photolyses of azide 8 and triazole 19, respectively.


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Biological and chemical pro ling of an Australian strain of the fungus Aspergillus unilateralis (MST-F8675), isolated from a soil sample collected near Mount Isa, Queensland, revealed a complex array of metabolites displaying broad chemotherapeutic properties. Noteworthy among these metabolites were a unique series of highly modified dipeptides aspergillazines A-E, incorporating a selection of unprecedented and yet biosynthetically related heterocyclic systems. Co-occurring with the aspergillazines was the recently described marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide A (cf. penicillazine), whereas re-fermentation of A. unilateralis in NaCl (1%) enriched media resulted in co-production of the only other known example of this structure class, the marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide B. Further investigation of A. unilateralis returned the known terrestrial fungal metabolite viridicatumtoxin as the cytotoxic and antibacterial principle, together with E-2-decenedioic acid, ferulic acid, (7E,7'E)-5,5'-diferulic acid and (7E,7'E)-8,5'-diferulic acid. The aromatic diacids have previously been reported from the chemical and enzymatic (esterase) treatment of plant cell wall material, with their isolation from A. unilateralis being their first apparent reported occurrence as natural products. Structures for all metabolites were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and, where appropriate, comparison to literature data and/or authentic samples.


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The isokibdelones are an unprecedented family of polyketides produced by an Australian isolate of a rare actinomycete, Kibdelosporangium sp. The structures of the isokibdelones were assigned by spectroscopic analysis and chemical interconversion. A proposed biosynthesis requires a novel molecular twist that generates an unprecedented heterocyclic system and differentiates the isokibdelones from their kibdelone co-metabolites. SAR analysis on the isokibdelones further defines the anticancer pharmacophore of these novel polyketides.


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Magnetic resonance imaging has been used to monitor the diffusion of water at 310 K into a series of semi-IPNs of poly(ethyl methacrylate), PEM, and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA. The diffusion was found to be well described by a Fickian kinetic model in the early stages of the water sorption process, and the diffusion coefficients were found to be slightly smaller than those for the copolymers of HEMA and THFMA, P(HEMA-co-THFMA), containing the same mole fraction of HEMA in the matrix. A second stage sorption process was identified in the later stage of water sorption by the PEM/PTHFMA semi-IPN and for the systems containing a P(HEMA-co-THFMA) component with a mole fraction HEMA of 0.6 or less. This was characterized by the presence of Water near the surface of the cylinders with a longer NMR T-2 relaxation time, which would be characteristic of mobile water, such as water present in large pores or surface fissures. The presence of the drug chlorhexidine in the polymer matrixes at a concentration of 5.625 wt % was found not to modify the properties significantly, but the diffusion coefficients for the water sorption were systematically smaller when the drug was present.


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2-Quinolylcarbene 23 and 1-isoquinolylcarbene 33 are generated by flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) of the corresponding triazolo[1,5-a]quinoline and triazolo[5,1-a]isoquinoline 19 and 29, as well as 2-(5-tetrazolyl)quinoline and 1-(5-tetrazolyl)isoquinoline 20 and 30, respectively. These carbenes rearrange to 1- and 2-naphthylnitrene 21 and 31, respectively, and the nitrenes are also generated by FVT of 1- and 2-naphthyl azides 18 and 28. The products of FVT of both the nitrene and carbene precursors are the 2- and 3-cyanoindenes 26 and 27 together with the nitrene dimers, viz. azonaphthalenes 25 and 35, and the H-abstraction products, aminonaphthalenes 24 and 34. All the azide, triazole, and tetrazole precursors yield 3-cyanoindene 26 as the principal ring contraction product under conditions of low FVT temperature (340-400 degreesC) and high pressure (1 Torr N-2 as carrier gas for the purpose of collisional deactivation). This ring contraction reaction is strongly subject to chemical activation, which caused extensive isomerization of 3-cyanoindene to 2-cyanoindene under conditions of low pressure (10(-3) Torr). 2-Cyanoindene is calculated to be ca. 1.7 kcal/mol below 3-cyanoindene in energy; accordingly, high-temperature FVT of these cyanoindenes always gives mixtures of the two compounds with the 2-cyano isomer dominating. Photolysis of trizolo[1,5-a]quinoline 19 and triazolo[5,1-a]isoquinoline 29 in Ar matrixes causes partial ring opening to the corresponding 2-diazomethylquinoline 19' and 1-diazomethylisoquinoline 29'. The photolysis of the former gives rise to a small amount of the cyclic ketenimine 22, the intermediate connecting 2-quinolylcarbene and 1-naphthylnitrene.


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A Pd(II)-mediated hydroxycyclisation-carbonylation-lactonisation sequence has operated efficiently with racemic enediol (8) to furnish (four) separable diastereomers of the bicyclic lactone system assigned to the sponge-derived, bioactive plakortone E. All four are cis ring-fused, and one is identical, on the basis of H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic comparisons, with plakortone E, thus confirming its constitution and relative stereochemistry about the bicyclic lactone core. This synthetic approach, when applied to stereoisomer (13), will establish the absolute stereochemistry of plakortone E, likely to be that shown for (14).


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Human SULT1A1 is primarily responsible for sulfonation of xenobiotics, including the activation of promutagens, and it has been implicated in several forms of cancer. Human SULT1A3 has been shown to be the major sulfotransferase that sulfonates dopamine. These two enzymes shares 93% amino acid sequence identity and have distinct but overlapping substrate preferences. The resolution of the crystal structures of these two enzymes has enabled us to elucidate the mechanisms controlling their substrate preferences and inhibition. The presence of two p-nitrophenol (pNP) molecules in the crystal structure of SULT1A1 was postulated to explain cooperativity at low and inhibition at high substrate concentrations, respectively. In SULT1A1, substrate inhibition occurs with pNP as the substrate but not with dopamine. For SULT1A3, substrate inhibition is found for dopamine but not with pNP. We investigated how substrate inhibition occurs in these two enzymes using molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and kinetic analysis. The results show that residue Phe-247 of SULT1A1, which interacts with both p-nitrophenol molecules in the active site, is important for substrate inhibition. Mutation of phenylalanine to leucine at this position in SULT1A1 results in substrate inhibition by dopamine. We also propose, based on modeling and kinetic studies, that substrate inhibition by dopamine in SULT1A3 is caused by binding of two dopamine molecules in the active site. © 2004 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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The ingress of water and Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) into poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), and its co-polymers with tetrahydrofurduryl methacrylate (THFMA), loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin 1312 or aspirin, was studied by mass uptake over the temperature range 298-318 K. The polymers were studied as cylinders and were loaded with either 5 wt% or 10 wt% of the drugs. From DSC studies it was observed that vitamin B-12 behaved as a physical cross-linker restricting chain segmental mobility, and so had a small anti-plasticisation effect on PHEMA and the co-polymers rich in HEMA, but almost no effect on the T-g of co-polymers rich in THFMA. On the other hand, aspirin exhibited a plasticising effect on PHEMA and the copolymers. All of the polymers were found to absorb water and SBF according to a Fickian diffusion mechanism. The polymers were all found to swell to a greater extent in SBF than in water, which was attributed to the presence of Tris buffer in the SBF. The sorptions of the two penetrants were found to follow Fickian kinetics in all cases and the diffusion coefficients at 310 K for SBF were found to be smaller than those for water, except for the polymers containing aspirin where the diffusion coefficients were higher than for the other systems. For example, for sorption into PHEMA the diffusion coefficient for water was 1.41 X 10(-11) m(2)/s and for SBF was 0.79 x 10-11 m(2)/s, but in the presence of 5 wt% aspirin the corresponding values were 1.27 x 10(-1)1 m(2)/s and 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively. The corresponding values for PHEMA loaded with 5 wt% B-12 were 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s and 0.74 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively.


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New organometallic tin(IV) complexes of the empirical formula Sn(NNS)Ph2Cl (NNS = anionic forms of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff bases of S-methyl- and S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by IR, electronic, I H NMR and ES mass spectroscopic techniques. The molecular structures of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate (Hqaldsme) and its diphenyltin(IV) complex, Sn(qaldsme)Ph2Cl, have been determined by X-ray diffraction. In the solid state, the ligand remains as the thione tautomer in which the dithiocarbazate chain adopts an E,E configuration and is almost coplanar with the quinoline ring. The Sn(qaldsme)Ph2Cl complex crystallizes in two distinctly different conformationally isomeric forms, each having the same space group but different lattice parameters. X-ray analysis shows that in each polymorph, the tin atom adopts a distorted octahedral geometry with the Schiff base coordinated to it as a uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agent via the quinoline nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. The two phenyl groups occupy axial positions and the chloride ligand occupies the sixth coordination position of the tin atom. The deprotonated ligand adopts an E,E,Z configuration in the complex. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Drugs to treat inflammation are discussed under the following headings: (1) random discoveries covering copper, salicylates, heterocyclic diones, ACTH, adrenal steroids and disease-modifying agents (DMARDs); these include Au(I)-thiolates, chloroquine, and hydroxychloroquine, minocycline, cyclosporin, salazopyrine, D-penicillamine and methotrexate; (2) programmed NSAID developments covering salicylates and fenamates, arylalkanoates, diones, non-acidic NSAIDs, clozic, lobenzarit and coxibs; (3) synthetic glucocorticosteroids; and (4) 'Biologicals' for neutralising pro-inflammatory cytokines. Clinical problems are highlighted, particularly unacceptable side-effects affecting the GI tract, skin, liver, etc. that caused many drugs to be withdrawn. Drug combinations may overcome some of these problems. The bibliography has selected reviews and monographs covering 50 years of publications.


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New copper(II) complexes of general empirical formula, Cu(mpsme)X center dot xCH(3)COCH(3) (mpsme = anionic form of the 6-methyl-2-formylpyridine Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate; X = Cl, N-3, NCS, NO3; x = 0, 0.5) have been synthesized and characterized by IR, electronic, EPR and susceptibility measurements. Room temperature mu(eff) values for the complexes are in the range 1.75-2.1 mu(beta) typical of uncoupled or weakly coupled Cu(II) centres. The EPR spectra of the [Cu(mpsme)X] (X = Cl, N-3, NO3, NCS) complexes reveal a tetragonally distorted coordination sphere around the mononuclear Cu(II) centre. We have exploited second derivative EPR spectra in conjunction with Fourier filtering (sine bell and Hamming functions) to extract all of the nitrogen hyperfine coupling matrices. While the X-ray crystallography of [Cu(mpsme)NCS] reveals a linear polymer in which the thiocyanate anion bridges the two copper(II) ions, the EPR spectra in solution are typical of a magnetically isolated monomeric Cu(II) centres indicating dissociation of the polymeric chain in solution. The structures of the free ligand, Hmpsme and the {[Cu(mpsme)NO3] center dot 0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) and [Cu(mpsme)NCS](n) complexes have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The {[Cu(mpsme)NO3]0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) complex is a centrosymmetric dimer in which each copper atom adopts a five-coordinate distorted square-pyramidal geometry with an N2OS2 coordination environment, the Schiff base coordinating as a uninegatively charged tridentate ligand chelating through the pyridine and azomethine nitrogen atoms and the thiolate, an oxygen atom of a unidentate nitrato ligand and a bridging sulfur atom from the second ligand completing the coordination sphere. The [Cu(mpsme)(NCS)](n) complex has a novel staircase-like one dimensional polymeric structure in which the NCS- ligands bridge two adjacent copper(II) ions asymmetrically in an end-to-end fashion providing its nitrogen atom to one copper and the sulfur atom to the other. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tetrazolo[1,5-a] quinazoline (9) is converted to 2-azidoquinazoline (10) on sublimation at 200 degrees C and above, and the azide-tetrazole equilibrium is governed by entropy. 2-Quinazolylnitrenes 11 and 27 and/ or their ring expansion products 14 and 29 can undergo type I (ylidic) and type II (diradicaloid) ring opening. Argon matrix photolysis of 9/10 affords 2-quinazolylnitrene (11), which has been characterized by ESR, UV, and IR spectroscopy. A minor amount of a second nitrene, formed by rearrangement or ring opening, is also observed. A diradical (19) is formed rapidly by type II ring opening and characterized by ESR spectroscopy; it decays thermally at 15 K with a half-life of ca. 47 min, in agreement with its calculated facile intersystem crossing (19T -> 19OSS) followed by facile cyclization/rearrangement to 1-cyanoindazole (21) (calculated activation barrier 1- 2 kcal/mol) and N-cyanoanthranilonitrile (22). 21 and 22 are the isolated end products of photolysis. 21 is also the end product of flash vacuum thermolysis. An excellent linear correlation between the zero-field splitting parameter D (cm(-1)) and the spin density F on the nitrene N calculated at the B3LYP/EPRIII level is reported (R-2 = 0.993 for over 100 nitrenes). Matrix photolysis of 3-phenyltetrazolo[1,5-a] quinazoline (25) affords the benzotriazacycloheptatetraene 29, which can be photochemically interconverted with the type I ring opening product 2-isocyano-alpha-diazo-alpha- phenyltoluene (33) as determined by IR and UV spectroscopy. The corresponding carbene 37, obtained by photolysis of 33, was detected by matrix ESR spectroscopy.