26 resultados para Apple fruit-borer
The potential for the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene, to delay ripening of 'Hass' avocado, 'African Pride' custard apple, 'Kensington Pride' mango and 'Solo' papaya was examined. Fruit were gassed with 25 muL/L 1-methylcyclopropene for 14 h at 20 degreesC, followed by treatment with 100 muL/L ethylene for 24 h, and then ripened at 20 degreesC. Ethylene treatment alone generally halved the number of days for fruit to reach the ripe stage, compared with untreated fruit. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment alone increased the number of days to ripening by 4.4 days (40% increase), 3.4 days (58%), 5.1 days (37%) and 15.6 days (325%) for avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya, respectively, compared with untreated fruit. Applying 1-methylcyclopropene to the fruit before ethylene prevented the accelerated ripening normally associated with ethylene treatment, so that the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene plus ethylene was similar to the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene alone. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment was associated with slightly higher severity of external blemishes in papaya and custard apple, slightly higher rots severity in avocado, custard apple and papaya, and at least double the severity of stem rots in mango, relative to fruit not treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. Thus, 1-methylcyclopropene treatment has the potential to reduce the risk of premature ripening of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit due to accidental exposure to ethylene. However, additional precautions may be necessary to reduce disease severity associated with 1-methylcyclopropene treatment.
To determine the potential for rootstocks to improve avocado quality, 'Hass' fruit from trees on seedling 'Velvick' (SV), clonal 'Velvick' (CV) or clonal 'Duke 7' (CD) rootstocks were harvested in 1999 and 2000, ripened at 20 C immediately after harvest (non-stored) or stored at 5 C for four weeks (stored), and then fruit quality and mineral concentrations determined. In 2000, non-stored CV fruit had lower severity of body rots (5% of flesh volume affected, caused mainly by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) than CD fruit (20%), while body rots severity in stored CV fruit was 20% compared with 38% in stored CD fruit. Stored CV fruit had less severe diffuse discoloration (3% and 9% in 1999 and 2000, respectively) than CD fruit (7% and 20%, respectively). Stored CV fruit also had less severe vascular browning (19%) than CD fruit (33%) in 2000. In both seasons, CV fruit had 15-19% higher flesh calcium concentrations, 17-22% higher flesh boron concentrations, and 14-15% lower flesh nitrogen concentrations than CD fruit. In 2000, CV fruit also had 27% more skin calcium and 14% less skin nitrogen than CD fruit. There were no effects of rootstock on yield, canopy volume, measured length of non-suberized roots, average fruit weight, fruit length: width ratio, skin thickness, dry matter, proportion of the fruit skin purple-black when ripe, or seed mass: fruit weight ratio. These results suggest that there is potential to improve 'Hass' avocado quality through rootstock selection, and that tree and fruit mineral concentrations have a role in this relationship.
Previous investigations with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruit have focussed mainly on improving storage life by reducing the severity of disorders causing discolouration of the flesh. Development of 1-MCP and ethylene treatments, which also help control the time to reach the eating ripe stage, may confer additional practical benefits. In this context, the current study investigated the potential of 1-MCP to accurately manipulate ripening of non-stored 'Hass' avocado fruit by treatment before or after ethylene and at different times during ripening. To investigate this, 500 nL L-1 1-MCP was applied within 1 day after harvest, followed by ethylene 0-14 days after 1-MCP. In addition, fruit were treated with ethylene, then 1-MCP 0-8 days after ethylene. Treatment of fruit with 500 nL L-1 1-MCP for 18 h at 20 degreesC provided the maximum effect by increasing the days from harvest to ripe (DTR) from 8 (with no 1-MCP) to 20. Fruit treated with 500 nL L-1 1-MCP for 18 h at 20 degreesC remained insensitive to 100 muL L-1 ethylene applied between 0 and 14 days after 1-MCP for 24 h at 20 degreesC. Ripening of fruit exposed to 100 muL L-1 ethylene for 24 h at 20 degreesC could be delayed by up to 3.3 days by applying 500 nL L-1 1-MCP for 18 h at 20 degreesC up to 2 days after ethylene treatment. However, once the fruit started to soften (sprung) there was little effect of 1-MCP on DTR, compared with no 1-MCP. 1-MCP treatment was associated with increased severity of body rots (caused mainly by Colletotrichum spp.) and stem-end rots (caused mainly by Dothiorella spp.), which was likely due to the increased DTR in these treatments. Significant differences in disease severity were found between orchards (replications), with replicates with low disease severity being less affected by 1-MCP treatment. These results indicate that 1-MCP can delay ripening, but careful sourcing of fruit is required to reduce the risk of diseases in ripe fruit. There is some capacity to delay ripening using 1-MCP after ethylene. There is little potential to control ripening using ethylene after treatment with 500 nL L-1 1-1-MCP, but lower concentrations may be more effective. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among arthropods and can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male-killing or feminization in their hosts. Here, we report phylogenetic relationships of Wolbachia in tephritid fruit flies based on wsp gene sequences. We also report, for the first time, five distinct strains of Wolbachia in Bactrocera ascita sp. B. Four of the five Wolbachia strains found in this species were in the same groups as those found in other tephritid fruit flies, suggesting possible horizontal transmission of Wolbachia from other fruit flies into B. ascita sp. B. The unreliability of wsp-specific group primers demonstrated in this study suggests that these primers might be useful only for preliminary identification of Wolbachia. Final determination of group affiliation needs to be verified with wsp sequence data.
A nested polymerase chain reaction protocol yielded positive detection of the maternally inherited cytoplasmic proteobacterium Wolbachia in total genomic DNA from coffee berry borers collected in Benin, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uganda. Wolbachia was not detected in specimens from Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Peru. Amplified bands from India and Brazil were cloned and sequenced. The 438-bp sequence clearly conformed to Wolbachia group B and was nearly identical to that of Ephestia kuehniella. The possible implications of Wolbachia infection in the coffee berry borer are discussed.
A likely pathway to the sex pheromones of Bactrocera oleae (olive fruit-fly) is presented, based mainly on feeding experiments with deuterium labelled precursors.
The amount of injury to rice caused by white stem borer Sciryophaga innotata depends on cultivar, and stage of plant and insect development, as well as insect abundance. Of the cultivars tested, IR64, IR42, Cisadane and Ketan. IR64 were the most susceptible and Ketan the least susceptible to feeding damage. Third and fourth instars consumed more stem dry matter than other stages, although yield reduction depended on the number of tillers injured. On the wider stemmed Ketan, fewer tillers were injured than the narrower IR64. Larvae are more likely to move among tillers in the third instar stage, which tends to coincide with maximum tillering and may result in more tillers injured and in yield reduction. Later instar larvae burrow downwards to the internode where they pupate. Larvae appear to move less among tillers in 'resistant' cultivars. Management strategies should target this pest at third instar and when its abundance in the field warrants control. Fewer than 10% of the neonates establish successfully on stems, and this mortality needs to be taken into account when deciding on control, as does the ability of rice plants to compensate for injury. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The demonstration that both oxygen atoms of 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5] undecane (1), the sex-pheromone of the female olive fly, originate from dioxygen, strongly implicates monooxygenase mediated processes in assembly of (1), and reveals unexpected complexity in the formation of its nine-carbon precursor.
Factors influencing the relationship between whiteheads caused by the white stem borer Scirpophaga innotata (Walker) and grain yield were investigated. We determined the effect of different numbers of whiteheads on grain yield using different cultivars, nitrogen application, and at different field locations in Cilamaya, West Java. At the same number of panicles and whiteheads per plant, yield reduction is greater in cisadane than in IR64. With increasing nitrogen application, the range in panicle height increased. Except for Ketan, more whiteheads were recorded in shorter panicles. Two locations planted to the same cultivar showed different relationships between whiteheads and grain yield. The relationship between whiteheads and grain yield depends on the distribution of whiteheads in the field. Unless these factors have been taken into consideration, it may be difficult to make a damage prediction of white stem borer in the field. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
The relative oviposition rate of the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) was investigated across three frugivorous tephritid species, Bactrocera tryoni Froggart, Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera cucumis French. Choice and no-choice tests were both used. The suitability of these three species for sustaining larval development and survival to the adult stage was also assessed. Fopius arisanus parasitized all three tephritid species. regardless of the method of exposure, but showed stronger preference for B. tryoni and B. jarvisi over B. cucumis. Superparasitism was extremely rare. Successful development of F. arisanus varied across host species. Bactrocera tryoni yielded significantly more parasitoids than B. jarvisi, but no wasps emerged from B. cucumis puparia. Tests were set up in replicated trials. but results were not homogeneous across trials. We discuss the host relationships of F. arisanus with reference to this variation and in relation to host suitability for larval development.
The electroantennogram method was used to investigate the number of distinct olfactory receptor neuron types responding to a range of behaviorally active volatile chemicals in gravid Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. Three receptor neuron types were identified. One type responds to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide; a second to ethanol; and a third to n-butyric acid and ammonia. The receptor neuron type responding to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide consists of three subtypes. The presence of a limited number of receptor neuron types responding to a diverse set of chemicals and the reception of carbon dioxide by a receptor neuron type that responds to other odorants are novel aspects of the peripheral olfactory discrimination process.
Single-unit electrophysiology was used to record the nerve impulses from the carbon dioxide receptors of female Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. The receptors responded to stimulation in a phasic-tonic manner and also had a period of inhibition of the nerve impulses after the end of stimulation, at high stimulus intensities. The cell responding to carbon dioxide was presented with a range of environmental odorants and found to respond to methyl butyrate and 2-butanone. The coding characteristics of the carbon dioxide cell and the ability to detect other odorants are discussed, with particular reference to the known behavior of the fly.
This study investigated treatment of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with 2 host defence-promoting compounds for suppression of anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Cultivar 'Kensington Pride' fruit were treated at concentrations of up to 1000 mg/L with either potassium phosphonate or salicylic acid. Applications were by various combinations of pre- and postharvest dips and vacuum infiltration. Postharvest treatments at up to 2000 mg/L salicylic acid were evaluated in a second fruiting season. Fruit were either uninoculated or inoculated with the fungal pathogen. Colour, firmness and disease-severity were assessed during shelf life at 23 degreesC. There were no significant (P>0.05) effects of potassium phosphonate or salicylic acid on anthracnose disease severity in the first season. Moreover, phosphonate or salicylic acid treatment did not significantly affect fruit colour or firmness changes. There were significant (P