3 resultados para L2
Literary texts offer rich opportunities for language learning. However, can second language (L2) learners fully understand L2 literary texts? According to Bernhardt (2001):"the act of reading in a second language is extremely tricky -- is even trickier with literary texts that are inherently ambiguous, full of metaphor and intertextual relations to texts to which the readers have no access" (p.198). In other words, L2 readers are often poorly equipped grammatically, linguistically and culturally to cope with literary texts in which it might be difficult to recognize figurative language, to comprehend metaphors, to identify underlying cultural assumptions and above all to think critically while navigating those complexities. Therefore, during the reading process, L2 readers encounter gaps in the text which necessarily compel them to use whatever background knowledge they possess in order to create meaning. The purpose of this research is to see exactly how post-secondary L2 readers use their existing background knowledge to understand literary texts and what they do when confronted with text passages for which they lack such knowledge.
Abstract : CEGEPs are now reaping the ‘first fruits’ of the last Educational Reform in Quebec and as a result, ‘English as Second Language’ (ESL) teachers are noticing an improvement in fluency and a seemingly lower level of inhibition when it comes to production skills. However, this output is accompanied by a noticeable lack of accuracy. Keeping in mind that the purpose of language is communication, we need to find a way to reduce the number of basic common errors made by CEGEP ESL students, while maintaining a natural and motivating learning environment. Thanks to recent advances in computer-mediated communication (CMC), we now have the necessary tools to access peer native speakers throughout the world. Although this technology can be used for other language courses, this study explored the potential value of collaboration with native English speakers through the use of synchronous screen-sharing technology, in order to improve CEGEP ESL students’ accuracy in writing. The instrumentation used consisted of a questionnaire, tests, plus documents of collaborative tasks, using the ‘Google for Education’ screen-sharing tool. Fourteen Intermediate/Advanced ESL CEGEP students participated in this study. Despite the positive tendencies revealed, only a prolonged use of the innovative method yielded a significant positive impact. Moreover, a mixed linear regression for the group with more L1 intervention revealed a significant correlation between the number of errors in the task documents and the number of tasks accomplished. Thus, it could be inferred that ESL accuracy improves in proportion to the number of synchronous text-based screen-sharing tasks done with L1 collaboration.
Ce mémoire fait état de la mise en place d'un dispositif d'apprentissage du vocabulaire en contexte, soutenu par les TIC au service du développement de la communication orale en langue seconde (L2) auprès d'élèves et d'enseignants haïtiens. Réalisé dans le cadre de nos études de maîtrise en Sciences de l'éducation à l'Université de Sherbrooke, ce mémoire a permis de répondre à une question souvent traitée sommairement, en ce qui concerne la situation linguistique haïtienne : la communication orale en français, langue seconde. L'animation pédagogique, inspirée de l'approche communicative et de l'approche par compétence, s'est réalisée sous forme de situations d'apprentissage et de micro activités de pratique de l'oral en six étapes. Les données, collectées auprès des participants au moyen d'entrevues semi-dirigées et de présentations orales, permettent d'avancer que le dispositif, tel qu'élaboré, est favorable au développement de la communication orale en français langue seconde des élèves haïtiens.