4 resultados para multidimensional inequality indices
em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal
This work aimed to assess how potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) fertilisation may affect the use of precipitation in terms of vegetative and flowering response of 15-year-old carob trees during a 3-year experiment. A field trial was conducted in 1997, 1998 and 1999 in Algarve (Southern Portugal) in a calcareous soil. Four fertilisation treatments were tested: no fertiliser (control); 0.8 kg N/tree (N treatment); 1 kg K 2 O/tree (K treatment) and 0.8 kg N/tree plus 1 kg K 2 O/tree (NK treatment). No irrigation was applied during the experimental period. Branch length increments were measured every month throughout the growing season and inflorescence number was registered once per year. There was a strong seasonal effect on vegetative growth, since low levels of precipitation (115 mm) during October 1998–March 1999 suppressed the increment in branch length. N supplied to the trees (N and NK treatments) tended to increase water use indices in terms of vegetative growth. No response to K alone was observed in trees fertilised only with K. The number of inflorescences increased throughout the experimental period, particularly for N and NK treatments, and a reduction of the precipitation amount during April, May and June, may also enhance flowering. This knowledge could be important when making decisions concerning fertilisation under dry conditions. The results reported here indicate that tree growth (expressed as the branch growth) and flower production under dry-farming conditions, may be achieved by applying 0.8 kg of N (as ammonium nitrate) per tree during the growing season. However, N uptake and use depends on soil water availability.
O Grupo de Ajuda a Toxicodependentes (GATO) é uma instituição, sem fins lucrativos e de utilidade pública, que atua ao nível da prevenção, tratamento e (re)inserção de pessoas com problemas de consumo de drogas ilícitas, crianças e jovens em risco, população desfavorecida e inserida na medida de Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI). No desenvolvimento da atividade do GATO são executadas campanhas de marketing de cariz social que, através da informação veiculada e meios utilizados, procuram sensibilizar a sua população-alvo, captar clientes, promover a sua aproximação à instituição e a apropriação de comportamentos preventivos, bem como difusão da imagem da instituição junto da restante comunidade. Neste pressuposto, o presente estudo permitirá, não só através de um inquérito por questionário aplicado à população-alvo constituída pelos clientes da Instituição GATO, como também de informação recolhida junto dos técnicos responsáveis, recolher dados que serão analisados mediante um esquema metodológico composto por duas etapas. Numa primeira fase aplicar-se-á uma Análise Não Linear de Correlações Canónicas (OVERALS) com o objetivo de detetar padrões entre os vários conjuntos de variáveis. Numa segunda etapa, com os resultados obtidos e com o recurso a uma Análise Não Hierárquica de Cluster, designadamente o procedimento Two-Step Clustering, será possível constituir grupos de indivíduos, os quais serão posteriormente validados mediante o Teste de Bonferroni de forma a constituírem-se Topologias e Tipologias de clientes que possibilitem orientações para o desenvolvimento de campanhas de marketing, consentâneas com o objeto social da organização.
The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is an endangered marine reptile for whom assessing population health requires knowledge of demographic parameters such as individual growth rate. In Cape Verde, as within several populations, adult female loggerhead sea turtles show a size-related behavioral and trophic dichotomy. While smaller females are associated with oceanic habitats, larger females tend to feed in neritic habitats, which is reflected in their physiological condition and in their offspring. The ratio of RNA/DNA provides a measure of cellular protein synthesis capacity, which varies depending on changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and food availability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined use of morphometric data and biochemical indices as predictors of the physiological condition of the females of distinct sizes and hatchlings during their nesting season and how temperature may influence the physiological condition on the offspring. Here we employed biochemical indices based on nucleic acid derived indices (standardized RNA/DNA ratio-sRD, RNA concentration and DNA concentration) in skin tissue as a potential predictor of recent growth rate in nesting females and hatchling loggerhead turtles. Our major findings were that the physiological condition of all nesting females (sRD) decreased during the nesting season, but that females associated with neritic habitats had a higher physiological condition than females associated with oceanic habitats. In addition, the amount of time required for a hatchling to right itself was negatively correlated with its physiological condition (sRD) and shaded nests produced hatchlings with lower sRD. Overall, our results showed that nucleic acid concentrations and ratios of RNA to DNA are an important tool as potential biomarkers of recent growth in marine turtles. Hence, as biochemical indices of instantaneous growth are likely temperature-, size- and age-dependent, the utility and validation of these indices on marine turtles stocks deserves further study.
Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015