18 resultados para Atlantic Coast

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Marine protection has been emphasized through global and European conventions which highlighted the need for the establishment of special areas of conservation. Classification and habitat mapping have been developed to enhance the assessment of marine environment and improve spatial and strategic planning of human activities and to help on the implementation of ecosystem based management. European Nature information System (EUNIS) is a comprehensive habitat classification system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of habitat and biotopes that has been developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with experts from institutions throughout Europe.


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The wedge shell, Donax trunculus, inhabits high energy environment of exposed sandy beaches from the Atlantic coast of France to Senegal. Like all Donacidae, it is relative small, flat-shaped with elongated solid shells. It is a highly demanded and valuable species mainly in Algarve, with the dredge fleet increasing the pressure on species stocks. In 1986 the Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA) initiated a bivalve survey program to evaluate the stock status of species with economical valuable but always on the adult population. Since then, several managing measures were implemented to guarantee bivalves’ sustainable exploitation. Despite the available information on the abundance and distribution of the wedge shell along the Algarve coast, no information on the larval planktonic phase is available. To fill in this gap, the present study aimed at obtaining, for the first time information on the broodstock condition and on the pelagic phase of the wedge shell in the Algarve coast.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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The weight-length relationships (WLR) were estimated for five fish species of Ria Formosa, a coastal lagoon in southern Portugal. WLRs for Gobius couchi, Pomatoschistus microps and Parablennius pilicornis were determined for the first time ever and for Gobius cruentatus for the first time for the southern European Atlantic coast.


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The ecological role of gorgonians for marine rocky bottoms is worldwide recognized, but the information on the distribution patterns of NE Atlantic temperate species is insufficient, considering current global, regional and local threats. To overcome the lack of information on the spatial distribution patterns of gorgonians in south Portugal, in 2009/2010, the occurrence and abundance of gorgonian species in rocky bottoms were quantified over more than 25 km of coast (37.1N/8.6W) down to 30 m depth. Eunicella labiata, Eunicella gazella, Eunicella verrucosa and Leptogorgia sarmentosa were abundant and frequent in the studied area, while Leptogorgia lusitanica was less abundant. All species evidenced a similar depth pattern, that is abundance significantly increased with depth below 15 m. At shallower waters (up to 15 m), the distribution of gorgonians may be constrained by abiotic factors and competition with algae. Indeed, the abundance of gorgonians was negatively correlated with the percentage cover of algae along the depth gradient, but gorgonians and sponges coexist. Competition among gorgonian species also seems to be low in this area because of the similarity in the abundance pattern observed for the most abundant species and also their high association. In NE Atlantic shallow temperate rocky bottoms, the distribution of gorgonians seems to be influenced by environmental factors and biological interactions, namely competition (algae) and coexistence (sponges and other gorgonians).


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This work summarises the Intercalibration Exercise (IE) required for the Common Implementation Strategy of the Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) that was carried out in Portugal, and applied to a coastal region. The WFD aims to achieve good ec ological status for all waters in the European Community by 2015. The Ecological Status of a water body is determined us ing a range of Hydromorphological and Physico-Chemical Quality Elements as well Biological Quality Elements (BQE ). In coastal waters, the Biological Elements include Phytoplankton, Other Aquatic Flora and Benthic Inverteb rate Fauna. Good cooperation with the other Member States allowed the IE to proceed without a complete da ta set, and Portugal was ab le to intercalibrate and harmonise methods within the North Ea st Atlantic Geographica l Intercalibration Group for most of the BQE. The appropriate metrics and corre sponding methods were agreed under the framework of the RECITAL (Reference Conditions and Intercalibra tion) project, funded by the Port uguese Water Institu te, INAG. Some preliminary sampling was undertaken, but not su fficient to establish the Reference Conditions. The study area was a coastal lagoon in the southern part of Portugal. The focus was on the Phytoplankton Quality Element, but other BQE were also taken into account. Two sampli ng stations in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon were considered in this exercise: Ramalhete a nd Ponte. The metrics adopted by the Intercalibration Exercise groups were applied enabli ng the classification for the two sta tions of Good/High Status for the majority of the BQE parameters.


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Dissertação de mest., Aquacultura e Pescas (Pescas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univerdade do Algarve, 2015


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Etmopterus spinax is a small-sized deep-water lantern shark that occurs in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Differences in depth distribution, densities, size at maturity and fecundity were compared between a population that has suffered high levels of fishing mortality during the last decades (Southern Portugal in the northeast Atlantic) and a population where low fishing pressure below 500 m occurs at present or has occurred in the last decades (Northern Alboran Sea in the western Mediterranean). The density of this species, as derived by experimental bottom trawl survey, off the coast of Southern Portugal, is substantially lower than in the Northern Alboran Sea throughout the entire depth range. The Atlantic population is maturing at smaller sizes than the Mediterranean population and has a lower mean fecundity. Specifically, sizes at maturity for Southern Portugal and the Northern Alboran Sea were, respectively, 25.39 and 28.31 cm TL for males and 30.86 and 34.18 cm TL for females, while mean fecundities for Southern Portugal and the Northern Alboran Sea were, respectively, 9.94 and 11.06 oocytes per mature female. This work demonstrated the possible presence of density-dependent mechanisms in the Southern Portuguese population of E. spinax that has lowered the size at maturity as a possible result of excessive fishing mortality. However, given that this is an aplacentary viviparous shark, where fecundity is dependent on female size, this compensatory mechanism seems to have a limited efficiency.


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The blue marlin, Makaira nigricans (Istiophoridae), is a large, top predator with a worldwide distribution whose feeding ecology is still unknown in the northeast Atlantic. The stomach contents of 24 Atlantic blue marlin, caught by the Big Game fishing fleet (between 2007 and 2010) off the south coast of Portugal, were studied. All marlin fed exclusively on pelagic fish, with a total of 180 prey items recorded, belonging to 6 identified species. The most important family in the blue marlin diet was Scombridae, representing 70% of the total prey items. Among the Scombridae, the chub mackerel, Scomber colias, was the most important prey species (47.9% by weight, 51.1% by number, 58.3% by frequency of occurrence). The length of prey found in the stomachs ranged from 136 to 727 mm in length, and a significant positive correlation was found between prey and blue marlin size. Our results suggest that in this geographical area (NE Atlantic) marlin feed on a small spectrum of species, with a preference for foraging on seamounts.


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Two experimental fishing trials were carried out off the coast of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 1999 and 2001, using a small artisanal longliner. In experiment 1, six-hook baskets with three chemical light-sticks on alternating hooks had significantly higher catch rates than those with zero or with a light-stick on every hook, with most swordfish accounted for by hooks with light-sticks. Analysis of the data from experiment 2 showed no significant difference between electralume attractors, consisting of AA lithium batteries protected by a solid cover and light-sticks that produce a fluorescent light when two chemical products are mixed. Significant differences were detected in mean CPUE by size class, with most swordfish belonging to class 'b' (125-170 cm lower jaw to fork length (LJFL)). No differences, however, were found for swordfish catches in classes 'a' (< 125 cm LJFL) and V, and no evidence was found of interaction between the two factors (attractor and size class). Although there was no significant difference between the total length-frequency distributions of swordfish caught with light-sticks and electralume attractors, signibcant differences were found for fish smaller than 125 cm LJFL, with electralume catches consisting of smaller swordfish than those of gear using light-sticks. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The common two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris) is an important fish in the marine ecosystems of the NW Atlantic and Mediterranean. In southern Portugal it is a major fishery resource being targeted mainly by the artisanal fleets. Although there is some knowledge of the age, growth and reproductive biology of the species, information about its population structure is scarce and somewhat limited to the Mediterranean Sea. In this study the otolith elemental signatures of 90 specimens of D. vulgaris of the same age group (2+ years) and cohort collected from the important fishery regions of SW Portugal (Sesimbra, Sagres and Faro) have been analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two different methodologies have been applied: solution based analysis of the whole otoliths; representative of the entire life-history prior to capture, and laser ablation analysis of otolith cores; representative of the larval and early post-settlement phase. Whole otolith comparisons utilised Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, Mn/Ca, Li/Ca and Ni/Ca to demonstrate regional population structure. Classification accuracy rates from linear discriminant function analyses (LDFA) of whole otolith chemistry data were high for each region; Faro - 93%, Sagres - 90% and Sesimbra - 80%. Comparison of the otolith core chemistry utilised Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, Mn/Ca and Mg/Ca and Zn/Ca. LDFA for the otolith core chemistry also achieved accurate classification for samples from Sesimbra (73%), but there was high overlap of otolith chemistry between samples from Faro and Sagres (47 and 43% classification accuracy respectively). The whole otolith results suggest that D. vulgaris are resident in the regional fishing areas during the juvenile phase. Both the core and whole otolith chemistry data supported separation of the Sesimbra fishery region from the more southern and closely associated Faro and Sagres regions for management purposes. However, while the whole otolith data indicated that the populations at Faro and Sagres likely remained separated in the juvenile stage, the otolith core chemistry data was inconclusive as to whether recruitment to these two areas was derived, or not, from different spawning areas.


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In this study, the length-weight (LWR) parameters were estimated for six syngnathid species, including 2 seahorses and 4 pipefishes, from Ria Formosa, a temperate lagoon from the south coast of Portugal. A total of 5070 fishes were used to determine the LWR. The estimated b value ranged from 2.95 (Nerophis ophidion) to 3.36 (Syngnathus abaster). To the authors' best knowledge, LWR parameters were estimated for the first time for Nerophis ophidion and Syngnathus typhle for the Atlantic waters. Data here present are essential for management and conservation of these flagship species.


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Recreational shore fishing along 250 km of the south and south-west coast of Portugal was studied based on roving creel and aerial surveys. Surveys were conducted between August 2006 and July 2007, following a stratified random-sampling design and provided information on catch and effort, harvest and discards, angler demographics and fishing habits. Overall, 192 roving creel surveys, 24 aerial surveys and 1321 interviews were conducted. Based on the aerial surveys, a mean +/- s.e. total fishing effort of 705 236 +/- 32 765 angler h year(-1) was estimated, corresponding to 166 430 +/- 9792 fishing trips year(-1). Average time spent per fishing trip was 4.7 h. A total of 48 species, belonging to 22 families, were recorded in roving creel surveys. The most important species was Diplodus sargus, accounting for 44% of the total catches by number and 48% by mass. Estimated mean +/- s.e. total annual recreational shore fishing catch was 160.2 +/- 12.6 t year(-1) (788 049 +/- 54 079 fishes year(-1)), of which 147.4 +/- 11.9 t year(-1) (589 132 +/- 42 360 fishes year(-1)) was retained. Although overall shore-based recreational catches only corresponded to 0.8% of the commercial landings (only common species considered), D. sargus catches by recreational shore anglers were considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings. The implications of these results for integrated fisheries management and conservation are discussed, and future research proposed.


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Underwater censuses by divers were used to study the fish assemblages from two unexplored Atlantic seamounts in the Cape Verde archipelago. Fifty three species of 27 families were recorded: 27 in Northwest Bank and 46 in João Valente Bank. Northwest Bank had dense schools, while João Valente Bank had higher species richness and smaller schools. Both seamounts were dominated mainly by coastal species directly depending on seabed habitat (Demersal or benthopelagic). Of the 53 fish species recorded, 22.6% were of continental African origin, while 9.4% and 5.7% were endemic of the Cape Verde Islands and of the Macaronesia province, respectively. Most species (64.2%) had a very wide biogeographic distribution: cosmopolitan (22.6%), amphi-Atlantic (28.3%) and Atlantic-Mediterranean (13.2%). Northwest Bank and João Valente Bank may have a permanent fish community supported by various oceanographic-topographic interactions. João Valente Bank seems more diverse, which is probably associated with algae cover and with a larger area providing additional suitable and more varied habitats. The geographic proximity to the coast and the presence of oceanic and/or oceanodromous species suggests that the upper part of these seamounts may act both as attraction points and as “stepping-stones” for the dispersal of coastal species.