23 resultados para Índia.

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Dissertação de mest. em Literatura, Especialização em Literatura Comparada, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Univ. do Algarve, 2005


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Tese dout., História da Arte Modera, Universidade do Algarve, 2006


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Dissertação de mest., Literatura, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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Dissertação de Mestrado, História da Arte Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanans e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Nascido em 1860, em Vila Nova de Portimão, Manuel Teixeira Gomes foi Presidente da República Portuguesa e autor de uma vasta obra literária. A relevância política e cultural desta personalidade algarvia justifica, a nosso ver, a elaboração do roteiro turístico com base na sua vida e obra que aqui apresentamos e que constitui um complemento à oferta turística da região.


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As preocupações médicas com o equilíbrio alimentar remontam à Antiguidade, mas apenas a partir do século XVII o assunto começou a ser questionado de modo mais científico e preciso. Dois médicos holandeses de renome, Luís Nunes (1553-1645) e Willem Piso (1611-1678), estudaram esta questão e legaram-nos tratados de inquestionável relevância historiográfica. Destacamos, em particular, Ichtyophagia sive de piscium esu commentarius (“Ictiofagia ou comentário sobre uma alimentação piscívora”, Antuérpia, 1616) e De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica. Libri quatuordecim (“Sobre a Índia e sua história natural e médica”, Amesterdão, 1658). A defesa de uma dieta que inclua o consumo de peixe é transversal aos dois textos, pois ambos fundam um discurso inaugural em defesa de hábitos alimentares equilibrados numa época de profundas mudanças históricas e culturais impostas pelo contacto com as realidades do exótico Novo Mundo. Esta influência é sobretudo evidente na obra de Piso, especialmente nas suas descrições de espécies de peixes endémicas do Brasil.


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The ageing of population challenges communities to adapt and evolve to accommodate the needs of people that live longer (mostly out of work, either healthy, fragile or with chronic disease). Population ageing in the Algarve is higher than in overall Portugal. Studies on health conditions, frailty risk factors and elderly specific needs are undeveloped in Portugal and unknown in the Algarve. Objective To prepare a tool for Global Geriatric Evaluation, to be used in the “Survey of Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve - SHARA”, a commitment to “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”. Methods A preliminary version of the screening tool, which includes well-known instruments to measure health condition (EASY-care), risk of fall (Tinetty), physical activity (Baecke’s modified questionnaire), nutritional condition (MNA), cognitive and depressive status (MMSE, Yesavage geriatric depression scale), together with socio-demographic characteristics, was applied to an independent sample of subjects from an elderly community centre - ARPI (“Associação de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos do Concelho de Faro”), with ages between 55 and 89. Results ARPI is mostly frequented by women, who either have risk of malnutrition or malnutrition incidence, a relevant risk of fall or are physically active. Those who live alone, show a higher risk of fall. Conclusions ARPI members are active, but with risk of malnutrition and fall, suggesting the relevance and importance of future interventions in these areas. The proposed screening tool showed to be adequate for the SHARA study, suitable to provide wider information on frailty.


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Diapositivos de apoio às aulas teóricas de Tecnologia Alimentar - ESSUAlg: Dietética e Nutrição


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Nestas aulas recuperam-se conhecimentos básicos de fiosiologia e anatomia para se enquadrarem os efeitos biológicos do contacto com substâncias tóxicas.


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Caracterização dos acidentes de intoxicação alimentar provocados por constituintes naturais dos alimentos e por ingestão de alimentos contaminados: - Toxinas de origem natural: produzidas por vegetais; produzidas por cogumelos; micotoxinas; substâncias tóxicas produzidas por animais; ficotoxinas; aminas biogénicas; toxinas de origem bacteriana;bactérias, vírus e parasitas patogénicos veiculados por alimentos. - Metais pesados. - Fitofármacos e medicamentos de uso veterinário; - Substâncias que resultam de processos de fabrico, conservação ou preparação dos alimentos.


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Em Portugal, as tradições culinárias e gastronómicas são muito diversificadas. No Algarve, os ingredientes da culinária são muito variados, incluem os produtos da horta, do quintal, da agricultura industrial, da capoeira, da pecuária, da mariscagem e da pesca. Estes produtos variados são consumidos em natureza, cozinhados em fresco ou processados por métodos de conservação, que tanto podem ser a aplicação atual de práticas milenares, como acontece no fumeiro tradicional como constituir verdadeiras inovações da tecnologia alimentar.


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The Mediterranean Diet concept was formulated during the sixties, in association with the food consumption pattern of Mediterranean areas that produced olive oil and shared common health styles. These areas, besides their own cultural and religious differences, share common food habits, such as: - The use of olive oil (supplier of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants); - The abundant use of cereals, mainly under the form of excellent quality bread, flour and pasta (providing fibre and energy); - Large and variegate consumption of fruit (fresh and dried), nuts and vegetables (colourful, rich in fibre, antioxidants and other protective materials); - Abundant use of herbs and spices (rich in antioxidants and other protective materials); - Simple culinary methods, using short cooking times and low temperatures (which enhance the preservation of food nutritional and sensorial characteristics). The Mediterranean Diet reflects a set of characteristics that make it internationally recognized as a health promoter eating pattern, where the relation between monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids is highly advantageous for the former, fibre, vitamins and natural antioxidants intake is high, together with a low consumption of animal protein and salt. The obtained results show contents in protein, lipid and carbohydrates very adequate to the “DRI”; The relation between mono and saturated fatty acids (40:9) should be emphasised, together with the high fibre content. Protective nutrients show remarkable results, with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, in particular Vitamin A, complex B vitamins, biotin, vit. E, folic acid, iron, manganese and selenium, that are widely recognised as important antioxidants and responsible for the good function of the immune system. In conclusion, tomato soup, consumed traditionally as a poor meal, shows to be a health promoter nutritionally complete recipe.


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Aggregation and fibrillation of proteins have a great importance in medicine and industry. Misfolding and aggregation are the basis of many neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer and Parkinson. Osmolytes are molecules that can accumulate within cells and act as protective agents and they can inclusively act as protein stabilizers when cells are exposed to stress conditions. Osmolytes can also act as protein stabilizers in vitro. In this work, two different proteins were studied, the ribosomal protein from Thermus thermophilus and the mouse prion protein. The existence of an unstructured N-terminal on the prion protein does not affect its stability. The effect of the osmolyte sucrose on the fibrillation and stabilization of these two proteins was studied through kinectic and equilibrium measurements. It was shown that sucrose is able to compact the native structure of S6 protein in fibrillization conditions. Sucrose affects also folding and unfolding kinetic of S6 protein, delaying unfolding and increasing folding rate constants. The mechanism of stabilization by sucrose is non-specific because it is distributed for all protein structure, as it was demonstrated by a protein engineering approach. Sucrose delays the process of formation and elongation of S6 and prion protein from mouse. This delay is the result of the compaction of the native structure refered above. However, cellular toxicity studies have shown that fibrils formed in the presence of sucrose are more toxic to neuronal cells.