3 resultados para self-regulated learning

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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O contexto educacional exige renovação de paradigmas. Impõem-se profundas alterações ao nível do papel e da função do professor e dos alunos, devendo-se privilegiar metodologias de aprendizagem ativas, cooperativas e participativas, rompendo-se com o ensino magistral e a mera transmissão de ‘conhecimentos’. As ferramentas informáticas poderão constituir-se uma mais-valia no contexto educativo, promovendo uma aprendizagem significativa e autorregulada pelo aluno, sempre sob a adequada orientação do professor. Neste contexto, foi criado, na Universidade de Aveiro, o Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE), com o principal objetivo de combater, de uma forma inovadora, as causas do insucesso escolar a matemática. No entanto, tal plataforma ainda não foi alvo de uma avaliação sistemática, nomeadamente ao nível do ensino superior, que nos permita concluir da consecução dos seus propósitos. Assim, a questão de investigação subjacente ao estudo em curso é - Qual o impacte da utilização diferenciada, como complemento à abordagem didáctica, da plataforma de ensino assistido (PEA) desenvolvida pelo PmatE na aprendizagem de temas matemáticos ao nível do Ensino Superior, principalmente ao nível da autonomia, da construção e aplicação de conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de apetências pela Matemática. Para se tentar dar resposta à mesma, implementou-se um estudo misto, quantitativo e qualitativo, com alunos da unidade curricular Análise Matemática I do Curso Engenharia Alimentar de um Instituto Politécnico português, a quem se propôs uma exploração prévia da plataforma extra-aula para que, nesse espaço, se pudesse conceptualizar os conceitos envolvidos e realizar tarefas variadas quanto à sua natureza. Usaram-se como principais técnicas de recolha de dados a análise documental, a inquirição e a observação direta, suportadas pelos diversos instrumentos: Questionário Inicial e Final; testes de avaliação, nas versões pré-teste, pós-teste1 e pós-teste2; produções de uma bateria de tarefas de natureza diversificada; registo computorizado do percurso dos alunos relativamente ao trabalho por eles desenvolvido na plataforma do PmatE; notas de campo; dossier dos alunos e entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos, a partir de uma análise estatística dos dados quantitativos e de conteúdo dos dados qualitativos, indicam, por um lado, que os alunos mais autónomos, mais persistentes e que obtêm os melhores resultados são os alunos que usaram a plataforma com frequência e, por outro, que a utilização da plataforma contribuiu para aumentar o gosto pela Matemática. Este estudo permitiu, também, obter informação importante sobre aspetos que poderão melhorar a plataforma, em particular, relativos à natureza das tarefas e à resolução dos exercícios propostos.


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Flow experience, a holistic sensation of total involvement in an activity, seems to have positive influences on musical performance activities. Although its main requirements (balance between challenges and skills, clear goals and unequivocal feedback) are inherent elements of musical practice, there is a lack of research about flow occurrences in the context of musical practice and on how specific practice behaviours affect the experience of flow and its particular dimensions. The aims of this thesis were to investigate advanced performersʼ dispositions to flow in musical practice, and to investigate whether the frequency of these experiences of holistic engagement with practice are associated with self-regulatory practice behaviours. 168 advanced classicallytrained performers (male = 50.0%; female = 50.0%), ranging in age from 18 to 74 years (m = 34.41, SD = 12.39), answered a survey that included two measures: the Dispositional Short Flow Scale, assessing performersʼ flow dispositions, and the Self-Regulated Practice Behaviours Questionnaire, developed specifically for the present research. The overall results of the survey suggested that advanced musicians have high dispositions to flow in musical practice, but not associated with the participantsʼ demographic characteristics. Three of the individual flow indicators were less experienced, suggesting that the most intense flow experiences are rare in musical practice. However, the results point to the existence of another relevant experience, named optimal practice experience. Practice engagement levels were positively associated with knowledge of oneʼs own personal resources and a capacity for practice organization, but not with inclusion/use of external resources. A capacity for setting optimal practice goals was related to self-regulation and to immersion aspects of flow. Current findings offer new clues about the assessment of flow dispositions in performers, helping to clarify how daily practice can heighten positive affective responses in musicians who are vulnerable to the requirements and difficulties of deliberate practice, as well as to other negative practice outcomes. The current research questions issues pertaining to the optimization and sustaining of flow in daily practice, suggesting future directions in the study of the affective subjective functioning of engagement with deliberate practice.


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The main goal of this study was to analyse the development of a pedagogy for autonomy tuned to the current situation in which Higher Education finds itself, namely of implementation of the Bologna Process in Europe, and in particular at the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic School at Coimbra. For this purpose new course units were created, new descriptors written, new materials developed and new methodologies tried. A case study was undertaken to observe and analyse the changes the institution was undergoing and to assess the impact of the new methodologies, particularly regarding the development of student autonomy. The target population for this study were the first year students on the Biotechnology degree in the year 2007/2008, to whom a battery of tests were applied, namely proficiency tests, belief tests, metacognitive tests, as well as methods of ethnographic research. The study relied on the European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio to establish recognised levels and competences, and employed the portfolio as its main tool for measuring student autonomy. This portfolio was simultaneously biographical and descriptive and was organised by the students in their own time. Great incentive was given to this independent work. The ethnographic component of the study was of significant importance being given to students learning histories and to the collection of students’ reflections. This component aimed in particular to allow students the opportunity to express their thoughts on the experience they underwent during 20 weeks. From the analysis of the data, a significant improvement in self-confidence and motivation for lifelong learning is observable in the development of multiple tasks. Regarding the students’ progression towards proficiency, this improvement is less clear, but the final results of educational success were generally of great relevance.