3 resultados para circles

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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O século I, que desabrochou numa Idade de Ouro, não findaria sob o signo da boa Fortuna inaugurada pelo primeiro Princeps. O século de Augusto conheceria o seu fim! A Literatura não pôde furtar-se ao fatum de todo um Império e, depois de 69, juntamente com a Magna Vrbs, aguardava um tempo que fosse, finalmente, capaz de uma renovação. Para os anos oitenta do século I, prometiam os Flavianos e as suas consecuções uma nova Aurea Aetas… Porém, revelou-se impossível recuperar o passado: então, como nunca antes, os abastados demandavam a púrpura e a populaça clamava por panem et circenses. E a mudança definitiva dos tempos tinha na produção artística das suas maiores provas — a clientela condenara os autores ao abandono! Longe os círculos de Mecenas, apoiando Horácios e Virgílios que podiam abraçar em exclusivo a sua arte… Marcus Valerius Martialis foi não apenas um autor cuja existência se ressentiria dos constrangimentos que esta época reservou aos poetas, como o que faria da sua obra o mais fiel espelho do seu tempo. Aliás, não fora a sua obra e não se compreenderia cabalmente como foi possível a um escritor sobreviver a esses tempos e trazer à luz o seu trabalho — a uma luz muito especial, na verdade: Hic est quem legis ille, quem requiris, / toto notus in orbe Martialis (1.1.1-2)! Para cantar o novo Império e o seu quotidiano, onde conviviam, a um tempo, a grandeza e a torpeza, nada melhor que uma rude auena, jocosa e mordaz... O epigrama, não a epopeia, era a nova voz de Roma! E Marcial, elevando a sua auena, aplicou toda a sua mestria na celebração da sua Roma e dos Romanos seus concidadãos — hominem pagina nostra sapit (10.4.10). Teremos nós perdido um épico talentoso que se devotou e à sua arte a um género menor ou teremos ganho um cantor ímpar que viveu em perfeita harmonia com o seu tempo? Alcançando a imortalidade, reservada, antes, para os épicos, Marcial alcançou o seu objetivo: si […] / [...] fas est cineri me superesse meo (7.44.7- 8). E, no entanto, o feito singular de Marcial foi dar cumprimento às suas palavras — angusta cantare licet uidearis auena, / dum tua multorum uincat auena tubas. (8.3.21-22) —, escrevendo, sob a forma de epigramas, a primeira e, talvez, a única epopeia do quotidiano!


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Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) – the Californian model – and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers’ perceptions of their students. We compared teachers’ and students’ perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process – Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show – and triangulated that information with the students’ personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers’ perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; student’s own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.


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The stereographic projection is a bijective smooth map which allows us to think the sphere as the extended complex plane. Among its properties it should be emphasized the remarkable property of being angle conformal that is, it is an angle measure preserving map. Unfortunately, this projection map does not preserve areas. Besides being conformal it has also the property of projecting spherical circles in either circles or straight lines in the plane This type of projection maps seems to have been known since ancient times by Hipparchus (150 BC), being Ptolemy (AD 140) who, in his work entitled "The Planisphaerium", provided a detailed description of such a map. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to mention that the property of the invariance of angle measure has only been established much later, in the seventeenth century, by Thomas Harriot. In fact, it was exactly in that century that the Jesuit François d’Aguilon introduced the terminology "stereographic projection" for this type of maps, which remained up to our days. Here, we shall show how we create in GeoGebra, the PRiemannz tool and its potential concerning the visualization and analysis of the properties of the stereographic projection, in addition to the viewing of the amazing relations between Möbius Transformations and stereographic projections.