4 resultados para The Strain

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Nas últimas décadas verificou-se um aumento da contaminação dos solos com metais pesados resultante de processos antropogénicos. As descargas de efluentes industriais, a actividade mineira e a aplicação de lamas residuais e de fertilizantes são as principais fontes de metais pesados. Em certas regiões, a acumulação destes elementos nos solos tem atingido níveis preocupantes para o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas. Vários estudos têm demonstrado que os metais influenciam os microrganismos afectando adversamente o seu crescimento, morfologia e actividades bioquímicas resultando num decréscimo da biomassa e diversidade. Entre os microrganismos do solo, as bactérias pertencentes ao género Rhizobium têm um elevado interesse científico, económico e ecológico devido à sua capacidade para fixar azoto. Deste modo, o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo desta tese incidiu sobre o efeito da toxicidade imposta pelos metais nas bactérias fixadoras de azoto, em particular em Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii e teve como principais objectivos: determinar o efeito dos metais pesados na sobrevivência e na capacidade de fixar azoto dos isolados de rizóbio; avaliar a influência dos metais na diversidade das populações de rizóbio isoladas de solos contaminados; determinar os níveis de tolerância do rizóbio a diferentes metais e analisar a resposta ao stresse oxidativo imposto pelo cádmio. A Mina do Braçal foi o local de estudo escolhido uma vez que os seus solos estão muito contaminados com metais em resultado da extracção de minério durante mais de 100 anos. Foram escolhidos 3 solos com diferentes graus de contaminação, o solo BC com concentrações reduzidas de metais, escolhido por estar numa zona já fora da mina e designado por solo controlo e os solos BD e BA considerados medianamente e muito contaminados, respectivamente. O Pb e o Cd foram os metais predominantes nestes solos, assim como o metalóide As, cujas concentrações ultrapassaram largamente os limites previstos na lei. Sendo as enzimas do solo boas indicadoras da qualidade do mesmo, foi determinada a actividade de algumas como a desidrogenase (DHA) e a catalase (CAT). Ambas as enzimas correlacionaramse negativamente com as concentrações de metais nos solos. A dimensão das populações indígenas de rizóbio nos solos contaminados (BD e BA) foi bastante baixa, 9,1 bactérias g-1 de solo e 7,3 bactérias g-1 de solo, respectivamente, quando em comparação com a população do solo BC (4,24x104 bactérias g-1 de solo). Estes resultados parecem estar relacionados com o elevado conteúdo em metais e com o pH ácido dos solos. A capacidade simbiótica também foi afectada pela presença de metais, uma vez que os isolados originários do solo BD mostraram menor capacidade em fixar azoto do que os isolados do solo controlo. A diversidade das populações de rizóbio foi determinada com recurso à análise dos perfis de plasmídeos, perfis de REP e ERIC-PCR de DNA genómico e perfis de proteínas e lipopolissacarídeos. No conjunto dos 35 isolados analisados foram identificados 11 plasmídeos com pesos moleculares entre 669 kb e 56 kb. Embora a incidência de plasmídeos tenha sido superior nos isolados do solo BC verificou-se maior diversidade plasmídica na população isolada do solo BD. Resultados similares foram obtidos com os perfis de REP e ERIC-PCR e perfis de proteínas, que indicaram maior diversidade nas populações dos solos contaminados (BD e BA), contrariamente ao verificado por outros autores. O grau de tolerância aos metais pesados e ao arsénio dos vários isolados testados dependeu do metal e do local de origem. No geral, os isolados do solo BD mostraram maior tolerância aos metais do que os isolados do solo controlo, o que está de acordo com o esperado uma vez que geralmente as populações dos locais contaminados são mais tolerantes. Contudo, os isolados do local mais contaminado (BA) foram muito tolerantes apenas ao chumbo mostrando-se sensíveis aos restantes metais. A inoculação dos solos BC, BD e BA após irradiação com estirpes seleccionadas de rizóbio permitiu avaliar a sua sobrevivência ao longo de 12 meses em condições mais realistas. Verificou-se que após um decréscimo inicial, os isolados inoculados no solo BC conseguiram recuperar a dimensão das suas populações para números similares aos inicialmente introduzidos, contrariamente ao verificado no solo BD onde o número de rizóbios decresceu ao longo dos 12 meses. As condições adversas do solo BA apenas permitiram a sobrevivência de 4 isolados até aos 3 meses e apenas dois deles conseguiram sobreviver após 12 meses, designadamente C 3-1 e A 17-3. Estes isolados possuem um plasmídeo de 669 kb que poderá estar na base da sobrevivência destas estirpes. Por outro lado, o último isolado é originário do solo contaminado e por isso estará também mais adaptado a sobreviver às elevadas concentrações de Pb existentes no solo BA. Por fim, constatou-se que o cádmio, um dos metais presente em concentrações mais elevadas nos solos em estudo, é um indutor de stresse oxidativo nos isolados de rizóbio menos tolerantes o que foi confirmado pelo aumento de ROS e danos celulares ao nível dos lípidos.


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Viscoelastic treatments are one of the most efficient treatments, as far as passive damping is concerned, particularly in the case of thin and light structures. In this type of treatment, part of the strain energy generated in the viscoelastic material is dissipated to the surroundings, in the form of heat. A layer of viscoelastic material is applied to a structure in an unconstrained or constrained configuration, the latter proving to be the most efficient arrangement. This is due to the fact that the relative movement of both the host and constraining layers cause the viscoelastic material to be subjected to a relatively high strain energy. There are studies, however, that claim that the partial application of the viscoelastic material is just as efficient, in terms of economic costs or any other form of treatment application costs. The application of patches of material in specific and selected areas of the structure, thus minimising the extension of damping material, results in an equally efficient treatment. Since the damping mechanism of a viscoelastic material is based on the dissipation of part of the strain energy, the efficiency of the partial treatment can be correlated to the modal strain energy of the structure. Even though the results obtained with this approach in various studies are considered very satisfactory, an optimisation procedure is deemed necessary. In order to obtain optimum solutions, however, time consuming numerical simulations are required. The optimisation process to use the minimum amount of viscoelastic material is based on an evolutionary geometry re-design and calculation of the modal damping, making this procedure computationally costly. To avert this disadvantage, this study uses adaptive layerwise finite elements and applies Genetic Algorithms in the optimisation process.


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Salt marshes are highly productive intertidal habitats that serve as nursery grounds for many commercially and economically important species. Because of their location and physical and biological characteristics, salt marshes are considered to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic inputs of oil hydrocarbons. Sediment contamination with oil is especially dangerous for salt marsh vegetation, since low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons can affect plants at all stages of development. However, the use of vegetation for bioremediation (phytoremediation), by removal or sequestration of contaminants, has been intensively studied. Phytoremediation is an efficient, inexpensive and environmental friendly approach for the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, through direct incorporation by the plant and by the intervention of degrading microbial populations in the rhizosphere (microbe-assisted phytoremediation). Rhizosphere microbial communities are enriched in important catabolic genotypes for degradation of oil hydrocarbons (OH) which may have a potential for detoxification of the sediment surrounding the roots. In addition, since rhizosphere bacterial populations may also internalize into plant tissues (endophytes), rhizocompetent AH degrading populations may be important for in planta AH degradation and detoxification. The present study involved field work and microcosms experiments aiming the characterization of relevant plant-microbe interactions in oilimpacted salt marshes and the understanding of the effect of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in the role of salt marsh plants as potential phytoremediation agents. In the field approach, molecular tools were used to assess how plant species- and OH pollution affect sediment bacterial composition [bulk sediment and sediment surrounding the roots (rhizosphere) of Halimione portulacoides and Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis] in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) chronically exposed to OH pollution. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in this study were used to generate in silico metagenomes and to evaluate the distribution of potential bacterial traits in different microhabitats. Moreover, a combination of culture-dependent and -independent approaches was used to investigate the effect of oil hydrocarbons contamination on the structure and function of endophytic bacterial communities of salt marsh plants.Root systems of H. portulacoides and S. perennis subsp. perennis appear to be able to exert a strong influence on bacterial composition and in silico metagenome analysis showed enrichment of genes involved in the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation in the rhizosphere of halophyte plants. The culturable fraction of endophytic degraders was essentially closely related to known OH-degrading Pseudomonas species and endophytic communities revealed sitespecific effects related to the level of OH contamination in the sediment. In order to determine the effects of oil contamination on plant condition and on the responses in terms of structure and function of the bacterial community associated with plant roots (rhizosphere, endosphere), a microcosms approach was set up. The salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides was inoculated with a previous isolated Pseudomonas sp. endophytic degrader and the 2-methylnaphthalene was used as model PAH contaminant. The results showed that H. portulacoides health and growth were not affected by the contamination with the tested concentration. Moreover, the decrease of 2-methylnaphthalene at the end of experiment, can suggest that H. portulacoides can be considered as a potential plant for future uses in phytoremedition approaches of contaminated salt marsh. The acceleration of hydrocarbon degradation by inoculation of the plants with the hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp. could not, however, be demonstrated, although the effects of inoculation on the structure of the endophytic community observed at the end of the experiment indicate that the strain may be an efficient colonizer of H. portulacoides roots. The results obtained in this work suggest that H. portulacoides tolerates moderate concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene and can be regarded as a promising agent for phytoremedition approaches in salt marshes contaminated with oil hydrocarbons. Plant/microbe interactions may have an important role in the degradation process, as plants support a diverse endophytic bacterial community, enriched in genetic factors (genes and plasmids) for hydrocarbon degradation.


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Helicobacter pylori is a bacterial pathogen that affects more than half of the world’s population with gastro-intestinal diseases and is associated with gastric cancer. The cell surface of H. pylori is decorated with lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) composed of three distinct regions: a variable polysaccharide moiety (O-chain), a structurally conserved core oligosaccharide, and a lipid A region that anchors the LPS to the cell membrane. The O-chain of H. pylori LPS, exhibits unique oligosaccharide structures, such as Lewis (Le) antigens, similar to those present in the gastric mucosa and are involved in interactions with the host. Glucan, heptoglycan, and riban domains are present in the outer core region of some H. pylori LPSs. Amylose-like glycans and mannans are also constituents of some H. pylori strains, possibly co-expressed with LPSs. The complexity of H. pylori LPSs has hampered the establishment of accurate structure-function relationships in interactions with the host, and the design of carbohydrate-based therapeutics, such as vaccines. Carbohydrate microarrays are recent powerful and sensitive tools for studying carbohydrate antigens and, since their emergence, are providing insights into the function of carbohydrates and their involvement in pathogen-host interactions. The major goals of this thesis were the structural analysis of LPSs from H. pylori strains isolated from gastric biopsies of symptomatic Portuguese patients and the construction of a novel pathogen carbohydrate microarray of these LPSs (H. pylori LPS microarray) for interaction studies with proteins. LPSs were extracted from the cell surface of five H. pylori clinical isolates and one NCTC strain (26695) by phenol/water method, fractionated by size exclusion chromatography and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The oligosaccharides released after mild acid treatment of the LPS were analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition to the conserved core oligosaccharide moieties, structural analyses revealed the presence of type-2 Lex and Ley antigens and N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) sequences, typically found in H. pylori strains. Also, the presence of O-6 linked glucose residues, particularly in LPSs from strains 2191 and NCTC 26695, pointed out to the expression of a 6-glucan. Other structural domains, namely ribans, composed of O-2 linked ribofuranose residues were observed in the LPS of most of H. pylori clinical isolates. For the LPS from strain 14382, large amounts of O-3 linked galactose units, pointing to the occurrence of a galactan, a domain recently identified in the LPS of another H. pylori strain. A particular feature to the LPSs from strains 2191 and CI-117 was the detection of large amounts of O-4 linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues, suggesting the presence of chitin-like glycans, which to our knowledge have not been described for H. pylori strains. For the construction of the H. pylori LPS microarray, the structurally analysed LPSs, as well as LPS-derived oligosaccharide fractions, prepared as neoglycolipid (NGL) probes were noncovalently immobilized onto nitrocellulosecoated glass slides. These were printed together with NGLs of selected sequence defined oligosaccharides, bacterial LPSs and polysaccharides. The H. pylori LPS microarray was probed for recognition with carbohydratebinding proteins (CBPs) of known specificity. These included Le and blood group-related monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), plant lectins, a carbohydratebinding module (CBM) and the mammalian immune receptors DC-SIGN and Dectin-1. The analysis of these CBPs provided new information that complemented the structural analyses and was valuable in the quality control of the constructed microarray. Microarray analysis revealed the occurrence of type-2 Lex and Ley, but not type-1 Lea or Leb antigens, supporting the results obtained in the structural analysis. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPSs were recognised by DC-SIGN, a mammalian lectin known to interact with this bacterium through fucosylated Le epitopes expressed in its LPSs. The -fucose-specific lectin UEA-I, showed restricted binding to probes containing type-2 blood group H sequence and to the LPSs from strains CI-117 and 14382. The presence of H-type-2, as well Htype- 1 in the LPSs from these strains, was confirmed using specific mAbs. Although H-type-1 determinant has been reported for H. pylori LPSs, this is the first report of the presence of H-type-2 determinant. Microarray analysis also revealed that plant lectins known to bind 4-linked GlcNAc chitin oligosaccharide sequences bound H. pylori LPSs. STL, which exhibited restricted and strong binding to 4GlcNAc tri- and pentasaccharides, differentially recognised the LPS from the strain CI-117. The chitin sequences recognised in the LPS could be internal, as no binding was detected to this LPS with WGA, known to be specific for nonreducing terminal of 4GlcNAc sequence. Analyses of the H. pylori LPSs by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with STL provided further evidence for the presence of these novel domains in the O-chain region of this LPS. H. pylori LPS microarray was also applied to analysis of two human sera. The first was from a case infected with H. pylori (H. pylori+ CI-5) and the second was from a non-infected control.The analysis revealed a higher IgG-reactivity towards H. pylori LPSs in the H. pylori+ serum, than the control serum. A specific IgG response was observed to the LPS isolated from the CI-5 strain, which caused the infection. The present thesis has contributed to extension of current knowledge on chemical structures of LPS from H. pylori clinical isolates. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPS microarray constructed enabled the study of interactions with host proteins and showed promise as a tool in serological studies of H. pyloriinfected individuals. Thus, it is anticipated that the use of these complementary approaches may contribute to a better understanding of the molecular complexity of the LPSs and their role in pathogenesis.