em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Este trabalho tem como objectivo a medição da solubilidade de gases em líquidos a altas pressões. Para a realização experimental foi usada uma célula de altas pressões de volume variável e um método de observação directa para a detecção das transições de fase. As condições usadas neste trabalho experimental foram temperaturas entre 276.00 e 373.15 K e pressões ate 100 MPa. Numa primeira fase foram efectuadas medições de solubilidade de metano em anilina pura e para uma solução aquosa de composição mássica igual a 5% em anilina. A anilina é fundamentalmente usada em processos como a produção de borracha, de poliuretanos, pigmentos e tintas, fármacos, herbicidas e fungicidas. É usualmente produzida através de processos de redução do nitrobenzeno por reacção com o HCl. De facto, esta síntese é um processo químico complexo onde um grande número de processos compete entre si. Alterações nas condições do processo com a possível formação de produtos intermediários podem afectar a eficiência do processo. Para a sua melhoria foi sugerido que o hidrogénio usado fosse simultaneamente produzido e gasto no reactor principal. Neste caso e para a produção do mesmo, era necessário adicionar metano e água ao reactor. Tendo por base a ideia de que as reacções onde o hidrogénio é reagente e produto ocorrem em simultâneo, torna-se clara a importância do estudo da solubilidade do metano em anilina pura e em soluções aquosas desta. Numa segunda fase foi estudada a solubilidade do dióxido de carbono em soluções aquosas de tri-iso-butil(metil)fosfónio tosilato, com composições molares são de 4, 8 e 12% em líquido iónico. Este pertencente à família dos fosfónios. Possui uma viscosidade e densidade elevadas, é térmica e quimicamente estável e ainda possui uma elevada polaridade. Apresenta uma miscibilidade completa em água e nos solventes mais usuais, como o diclorometano e tolueno, não sendo no entanto míscivel em hexano. O tri-isobutil( metil)fosfónium tosilato é usado como solvente nos processos de hidroformilação de olefinas e ainda em processos de captura e conversão de dióxido de carbono. Neste trabalho experimental, a temperatura e a pressão foram inicialmente aumentadas até o sistema atingir o equilíbrio. A pressão é diminuída lentamente até se verificar o aparecimento/desaparecimento da última bolha de gás. A pressão à qual a última bolha de gás desaparece representa a pressão de equilíbrio para aquela temperatura. Este procedimento foi efectuado para vários sistemas e várias temperaturas.


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Ionic liquids are a class of solvents that, due to their unique properties, have been proposed in the past few years as alternatives to some hazardous volatile organic compounds. They are already used by industry, where it was possible to improve different processes by the incorporation of this kind of non-volatile and often liquid solvents. However, even if ionic liquids cannot contribute to air pollution, due to their negligible vapour pressures, they can be dispersed thorough aquatic streams thus contaminating the environment. Therefore, the main goals of this work are to study the mutual solubilities between water and different ionic liquids in order to infer on their environmental impact, and to propose effective methods to remove and, whenever possible, recover ionic liquids from aqueous media. The liquid-liquid phase behaviour of different ionic liquids and water was evaluated in the temperature range between (288.15 and 318.15) K. For higher melting temperature ionic liquids a narrower temperature range was studied. The gathered data allowed a deep understanding on the structural effects of the ionic liquid, namely the cation core, isomerism, symmetry, cation alkyl chain length and the anion nature through their mutual solubilities (saturation values) with water. The experimental data were also supported by the COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS), and for some more specific systems, molecular dynamics simulations were also employed for a better comprehension of these systems at a molecular level. On the other hand, in order to remove and recover ionic liquids from aqueous solutions, two different methods were studied: one based on aqueous biphasic systems, that allowed an almost complete recovery of hydrophilic ionic liquids (those completely miscible with water at temperatures close to room temperature) by the addition of strong salting-out agents (Al2(SO4)3 or AlK(SO4)2); and the other based on the adsorption of several ionic liquids onto commercial activated carbon. The first approach, in addition to allowing the removal of ionic liquids from aqueous solutions, also makes possible to recover the ionic liquid and to recycle the remaining solution. In the adsorption process, only the removal of the ionic liquid from aqueous solutions was attempted. Nevertheless, a broad understanding of the structural effects of the ionic liquid on the adsorption process was attained, and a final improvement on the adsorption of hydrophilic ionic liquids by the addition of an inorganic salt (Na2SO4) was also achieved. Yet, the development of a recovery process that allows the reuse of the ionic liquid is still required for the development of sustainable processes.


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Being of high relevance for many technological applications, the solubility of sour gases in solvents of low volatility is still poorly described and understood. Aiming at purifying natural gas streams, the present work contributes for a more detailed knowledge and better understanding of the solubility of sour gases in these fluids, in particularly on ionic liquids. A new apparatus, developed and validated specially for phase equilibria studies of this type of systems, allowed the study of the solvent basicity, molecular weight and polarity influence on the absorption of carbon dioxide and methane. The non ideality of carbon dioxide solutions in ionic liquids and other low volatile solvents, with which carbon dioxide is known to form electron donor-acceptor complexes, is discussed, allowing the development of a correlation able to describe the carbon dioxide solubility in low volatile solvents. Furthermore, the non ideality of solutions of light compounds, such as SO2, NH3 and H2S, in ionic liquids is also investigated and shown to present negative deviations to the ideality in the liquid phase, that can be predicted by the Flory-Huggins model. For last, the effect of the ionic liquid polarity, described through the Kamlet-Taft parameters, on the CO2/CH4 and H2S/CH4 selectivities is also evaluated and shown to stand as a viable tool for the selection of ionic liquids with enhanced selectivities.


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Desulfurization is one of the most important processes in the refining industry. Due to a growing concern about the risks to human health and environment, associated with the emissions of sulfur compounds, legislation has become more stringent, requiring a drastic reduction in the sulfur content of fuel to levels close to zero (< 10 ppm S). However, conventional desulfurization processes are inefficient and have high operating costs. This scenario stimulates the improvement of existing processes and the development of new and more efficient technologies. Aiming at overcoming these shortcomings, this work investigates an alternative desulfurization process using ionic liquids for the removal of mercaptans from "jet fuel" streams. The screening and selection of the most suitable ionic liquid were performed based on experimental and COSMO-RS predicted liquid-liquid equilibrium data. A model feed of 1-hexanethiol and n-dodecane was selected to represent a jet-fuel stream. High selectivities were determined, as a result of the low mutual solubility between the ionic liquid and the hydrocarbon matrix, proving the potential use of the ionic liquid, which prevents the loss of fuel for the solvent. The distribution ratios of mercaptans towards the ionic liquids were not as favorable, making the traditional liquid-liquid extraction processes not suitable for the removal of aliphatic S-compounds due to the high volume of extractant required. This work explores alternative methods and proposes the use of ionic liquids in a separation process assisted by membranes. In the process proposed the ionic liquid is used as extracting solvent of the sulfur species, in a hollow fiber membrane contactor, without co-extracting the other jet-fuel compound. In a second contactor, the ionic liquid is regenerated applying a sweep gas stripping, which allows for its reuse in a closed loop between the two membrane contactors. This integrated extraction/regeneration process of desulfurization produced a jet-fuel model with sulfur content lower than 2 ppm of S, as envisaged by legislation for the use of ultra-low sulfur jet-fuel. This result confirms the high potential for development of ultra-deep desulfurization application.


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Atendendo à produção de epóxidos em larga escala e à sua importância como intermediários versáteis, muita atenção tem sido dada à epoxidação de olefinas. Destaca-se a implementação do processo industrial de epoxidação de propileno em fase líquida com tBHP, usando complexos de molibdénio como catalisadores homogéneos (Halcon-ARCO). Neste trabalho foram investigados novos complexos à base de molibdénio como catalisadores (ou precursores) para epoxidação de olefinas em fase líquida. Foi objecto de estudo a identificação das espécies activas e a estabilidade dos catalisadores através da sua separação no final das reacções catalíticas, caracterização e reutilização. Escolheu-se como reacção modelo a epoxidação do ciscicloocteno com tBHP (em decano, tBHPdec), a 55 ºC. Estendeu-se o estudo dos desempenhos catalíticos a diferentes substratos, oxidantes, solventes e métodos de aquecimento. A maior actividade catalítica foi observada para os complexos [MoO2Cl2L2] (L=ligando dialquilamida), mais estáveis e fáceis de manusear que [MoO2Cl2] e complexos análogos com L {THF, MeCN} (Cap. 2). A partir destes complexos podem-se formar in situ espécies activas intermediárias do tipo [(MoO2ClL2)2(μ-O)]. O complexo [MoO2(Lzol)], Lzol= ligando oxazolina quiral (Cap. 3), é um catalisador estável e versátil, activo para a epoxidação de diversas olefinas (selectividades elevadas para epóxidos, mas enantioselectividades baixas), desidrogenação oxidativa de álcoois e sulfoxidação de sulfuretos. O catalisador foi também reciclado eficientemente, usando um líquido iónico (LI). O complexo iónico [MoO2Cl{HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}]BF4 (Cap.4) converteu-se nos complexos activos [{MoO2(HC(3,5-Me2pz)3)}2(μ-O)](BF4)2, [Mo2O3(O2)2(μ-O){HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}] e [MoO3{HC(3,5-Me2pz)3}]; quando dissolvido num LI, o catalisador foi reciclado com sucesso. A presença de água e o meio oxidante influenciaram a formação destas espécies. Os complexos [CpMo(CO)3Me] (Cap.5) e [CpMo(CO)2(η3- C3H5)] (Cap.6) originaram espécies activas similares (baseado nos testes catalíticos e nos espectros FT-IR ATR dos sólidos recuperados). Para [Cp'Mo(CO)2(η3-C3H5)], a influência do Cp' na actividade catalítica sugeriu a formação de espécies activas com este ligando. A partir dos complexos [Mo(CO)4L] formaram-se in situ catalisadores estáveis, que podem ser heterogéneos: para L=2-[3(5)-pirazolil]piridina formou-se [Mo4O12L4]; para L=[3- (2-piridil)-1-pirazolil]acetato de etilo formou-se [Mo8O24L4] (Cap.7). O uso de microondas (MO) como método de aquecimento em vez de um banho de óleo (BO) resultou no aumento da velocidade da reacção catalítica, devido ao aquecimento mais rápido da mistura reaccional (Caps. 5 e 7). A utilização da solução aquosa de tBHP em vez de tBHPdec era preferível, porque excluía o decano do sistema reaccional e mantinham-se elevados os rendimentos em epóxido (Caps. 2 e 6); optimizou-se o desempenho catalítico removendo a água das misturas reaccionais (Caps. 4 e 7). O melhor resultado para a epoxidação de limoneno foi observado para [CpMoCO3Me]: 88% de rendimento em epóxido (2 h, 55 ºC, método de aquecimento MO).


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The conversion of plant biomass-derived carbohydrates (preferably non-edible) into added-value products is envisaged to be at the core of the future biorefineries. Carbohydrates are the most abundant natural organic polymers on Earth. This work deals with the chemical valorisation of plant biomass, focusing on the acid-catalysed conversion of carbohydrates (mono and polysaccharides) to furanic aldehydes, namely 2-furaldehyde (Fur) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (Hmf), which are valuable platform chemicals that have the potential to replace a variety of oil derived chemicals and materials. The investigated reaction systems can be divided into two types depending on the solvent used to dissolve the carbohydrates in the reaction medium: water or ionic liquid-based systems. The reaction temperatures were greater than 150 ºC when the solvent was water, and lower than 150 º C in the cases of the ionic liquid-based catalytic systems. As alternatives to liquid acids (typically used in the industrial production of Fur), solid acid catalysts were investigated in these reaction systems. Aiming at the identification of (soluble and insoluble) reaction products, complementary characterisation techniques were used namely, FT-IR spectroscopy, liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC and GC´GC-ToFMS analyses. Complex mixtures of soluble reaction products were obtained and different types of side reactions may occur. The requirements to be put on the catalysts for these reaction systems partly depend on the type of carbohydrates to be converted and the reaction conditions used. The thermal stability is important due to the fact that formation of humins and catalyst coking phenomena are characteristically inherent to these types of reactions systems leading to the need to regenerate the catalyst which can be effectively accomplished by calcination. Special attention was given to fully inorganic nanoporous solid acids, amorphous or crystalline, and consisting of nano to micro-size particles. The investigated catalysts were silicoaluminophosphates, aluminosilicates and zirconium-tungsten mixed oxides which are versatile catalysts in that their physicochemical properties can be fine-tuned to improve the catalytic performances in the conversion of different substrates (e.g. introduction of mesoporosity and modification of the acid properties). The catalytic systems consisting of aluminosilicates as solid acids and water as solvent seem to be more effective in converting pentoses and related polysaccharides into Fur, than hexoses and related polysaccharides into Hmf. The investigated solid acids exhibited fairly good hydrothermal stabilities. On the other hand, ionic liquid-based catalytic systems can allow reaching simultaneously high Fur and Hmf yields, particularly when Hmf is obtained from D-fructose and related polysaccharides; however, catalyst deactivation occurs and the catalytic reactions take place in homogeneous phase. As pointed out in a review of the state of the art on this topic, the development of truly heterogeneous ionic liquid-based catalytic systems for producing Fur and Hmf in high yields remains a challenge.


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According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.


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According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.