em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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O objectivo principal da presente tese consiste no desenvolvimento de estimadores robustos do variograma com boas propriedades de eficiência. O variograma é um instrumento fundamental em Geoestatística, pois modela a estrutura de dependência do processo em estudo e influencia decisivamente a predição de novas observações. Os métodos tradicionais de estimação do variograma não são robustos, ou seja, são sensíveis a pequenos desvios das hipóteses do modelo. Essa questão é importante, pois as propriedades que motivam a aplicação de tais métodos, podem não ser válidas nas vizinhanças do modelo assumido. O presente trabalho começa por conter uma revisão dos principais conceitos em Geoestatística e da estimação tradicional do variograma. De seguida, resumem-se algumas noções fundamentais sobre robustez estatística. No seguimento, apresenta-se um novo método de estimação do variograma que se designou por estimador de múltiplos variogramas. O método consiste em quatro etapas, nas quais prevalecem, alternadamente, os critérios de robustez ou de eficiência. A partir da amostra inicial, são calculadas, de forma robusta, algumas estimativas pontuais do variograma; com base nessas estimativas pontuais, são estimados os parâmetros do modelo pelo método dos mínimos quadrados; as duas fases anteriores são repetidas, criando um conjunto de múltiplas estimativas da função variograma; por fim, a estimativa final do variograma é definida pela mediana das estimativas obtidas anteriormente. Assim, é possível obter um estimador que tem boas propriedades de robustez e boa eficiência em processos Gaussianos. A investigação desenvolvida revelou que, quando se usam estimativas discretas na primeira fase da estimação do variograma, existem situações onde a identificabilidade dos parâmetros não está assegurada. Para os modelos de variograma mais comuns, foi possível estabelecer condições, pouco restritivas, que garantem a unicidade de solução na estimação do variograma. A estimação do variograma supõe sempre a estacionaridade da média do processo. Como é importante que existam procedimentos objectivos para avaliar tal condição, neste trabalho sugere-se um teste para validar essa hipótese. A estatística do teste é um estimador-MM, cuja distribuição é desconhecida nas condições de dependência assumidas. Tendo em vista a sua aproximação, apresenta-se uma versão do método bootstrap adequada ao estudo de observações dependentes de processos espaciais. Finalmente, o estimador de múltiplos variogramas é avaliado em termos da sua aplicação prática. O trabalho contém um estudo de simulação que confirma as propriedades estabelecidas. Em todos os casos analisados, o estimador de múltiplos variogramas produziu melhores resultados do que as alternativas usuais, tanto para a distribuição assumida, como para distribuições contaminadas.


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One of the more promising possibilities for future “green” electrical energy generation is the protonic ceramic fuel cell (PCFC). PCFCs offer a low-pollution technology to generate electricity electrochemically with high efficiency. Reducing the operating temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) to the 500-700°C range is desirable to reduce fabrication costs and improve overall longevity. This aim can be achieved by using protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) due to their higher electrolyte conductivity at these temperatures than traditional ceramic oxide-ion conducting membranes. This thesis deals with the state of the art Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anodes for PCFCs. The study of PCFCs is in its initial stage and currently only a few methods have been developed to prepare suitable anodes via solid state mechanical mixing of the relevant oxides or by combustion routes using nitrate precursors. This thesis aims to highlight the disadvantages of these traditional methods of anode preparation and to, instead, offer a novel, efficient and low cost nitrate free combustion route to prepare Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anodes for PCFCs. A wide range of techniques mainly X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), environmental scanning electron microscopy, (ESEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed in the cermet anode study. The work also offers a fundamental examination of the effect of porosity, redox cycling behaviour, involvement of proton conducting oxide phase in PCFC cermet anodes and finally progresses to study the electrochemical performance of a state of the art anode supported PCFC. The polarisation behaviour of anodes has been assessed as a function of temperature (T), water vapour (pH2O), hydrogen partial pressures (pH2) and phase purity for electrodes of comparable microstructure. The impedance spectra generally show two arcs at high frequency R2 and low frequency R3 at 600 °C, which correspond to the electrode polarisation resistance. Work shows that the R2 and R3 terms correspond to proton transport and dissociative H2 adsorption on electrode surface, respectively. The polarization resistance of the cermet anode (Rp) was shown to be significantly affected by porosity, with the PCFC cermet anode with the lowest porosity exhibiting the lowest Rp under standard operating conditions. This result highlights that porogens are not required for peak performance in PCFC anodes, a result contrary to that of their oxide-ion conducting anode counterparts. In-situ redox cycling studies demonstrate that polarisation behaviour was drastically impaired by redox cycling. In-situ measurements using an environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) reveal that degradation proceeds due to volume expansion of the Ni-phase during the re-oxidation stage of redox cycling.The anode supported thin BCZY44 based protonic ceramic fuel cell, formed using a peak performing Ni-BaZr0.85Y0.15O3-δ cermet anode with no porogen, shows promising results in fuel cell testing conditions at intermediate temperatures with good durability and an overall performance that exceeds current literature data.


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Solid oxide fuel (SOFCs) and electrolyzer (SOECs) cells have been promoted as promising technologies for the stabilization of fuel supply and usage in future green energy systems. SOFCs are devices that produce electricity by the oxidation of hydrogen or hydrocarbon fuels with high efficiency. Conversely, SOECs can offer the reverse reaction, where synthetic fuels can be generated by the input of renewable electricity. Due to this similar but inverse nature of SOFCs and SOECs, these devices have traditionally been constructed from comparable materials. Nonetheless, several limitations have hindered the entry of SOFCs and SOECs into the marketplace. One of the most debilitating is associated with chemical interreactions between cell components that can lead to poor longevities at high working temperatures and/or depleted electrochemcial performance. Normally such interreactions are countered by the introduction of thin, purely ionic conducting, buffer layers between the electrode and electrolyte interface. The objective of this thesis is to assess if possible improvements in electrode kinetics can also be obtained by modifying the transport properties of these buffer layers by the introduction of multivalent cations. The introduction of minor electronic conductivity in the surface of the electrolyte material has previously been shown to radically enhance the electrochemically active area for oxygen exchange, reducing polarization resistance losses. Hence, the current thesis aims to extend this knowledge to tailor a bi-functional buffer layer that can prevent chemical interreaction while also enhancing electrode kinetics.The thesis selects a typical scenario of an yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte combined with a lanthanide containing oxygen electrode. Gadolinium, terbium and praseodymium doped cerium oxide materials have been investigated as potential buffer layers. The mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) properties of the doped-cerium materials have been analyzed and collated. A detailed analysis is further presented of the impact of the buffer layers on the kinetics of the oxygen electrode in SOFC and SOEC devices. Special focus is made to assess for potential links between the transport properties of the buffer layer and subsequent electrode performance. The work also evaluates the electrochemical performance of different K2NiF4 structure cathodes deposited onto a peak performing Pr doped-cerium buffer layer, the influence of buffer layer thickness and the Pr content of the ceria buffer layer. It is shown that dramatic increases in electrode performance can be obtained by the introduction of MIEC buffer layers, where the best performances are shown to be offered by buffer layers of highest ambipolar conductivity. These buffer layers are also shown to continue to offer the bifunctional role to protect from unwanted chemical interactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface.


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Nowadays, wireless communications systems demand for greater mobility and higher data rates. Moreover, the need for spectral efficiency requires the use of non-constant envelope modulation schemes. Hence, power amplifier designers have to build highly efficient, broadband and linear amplifiers. In order to fulfil these strict requirements, the practical Doherty amplifier seems to be the most promising technique. However, due to its complex operation, its nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Currently, only heuristic interpretations are being used to justify the observed phenomena. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to provide a model capable of describing the Doherty power amplifier nonlinear distortion generation mechanisms, allowing the optimization of its design according to linearity and efficiency criteria. Besides that, this approach will allow a bridge between two different worlds: power amplifier design and digital pre-distortion since the knowledge gathered from the Doherty operation will serve to select the most suitable pre-distortion models.