27 resultados para Fractional Laplacian

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Estudamos problemas do cálculo das variações e controlo óptimo no contexto das escalas temporais. Especificamente, obtemos condições necessárias de optimalidade do tipo de Euler–Lagrange tanto para lagrangianos dependendo de derivadas delta de ordem superior como para problemas isoperimétricos. Desenvolvemos também alguns métodos directos que permitem resolver determinadas classes de problemas variacionais através de desigualdades em escalas temporais. No último capítulo apresentamos operadores de diferença fraccionários e propomos um novo cálculo das variações fraccionário em tempo discreto. Obtemos as correspondentes condições necessárias de Euler– Lagrange e Legendre, ilustrando depois a teoria com alguns exemplos.


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Nesta tese são estudados espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em espaços euclidianos, numa classe de fractais designados conjuntos-h e em estruturas abstractas designadas por espaços-h. Foram obtidas caracterizações e propriedades para estes espaços de funções. Em particular, no caso de espaços de Besov em espaços euclidianos, foram obtidas caracterizações por diferenças e por decomposições em átomos não suaves, foi provada uma propriedade de homogeneidade e foram estudados multiplicadores pontuais. Para espaços de Besov em conjuntos-h foi obtida uma caracterização por decomposições em átomos não suaves e foi construído um operador extensão. Com o recurso a cartas, os resultados obtidos para estes espaços de funções em fractais foram aplicados para definir e trabalhar com espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em estruturas abstractas. Nesta tese foi também estudado o laplaciano fractal, considerado a actuar em espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em domínios que contêm um conjunto-h fractal. Foram obtidos resultados no contexto de teoria espectral para este operador e foi estudado, à custa deste operador, um problema de Dirichlet fractal no contexto de conjuntos-h.


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The energy of a graph G is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. The Laplacian (respectively, the signless Laplacian) energy of G is the sum of the absolute values of the differences between the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (respectively, signless Laplacian) matrix and the arithmetic mean of the vertex degrees of the graph. In this paper, among some results which relate these energies, we point out some bounds to them using the energy of the line graph of G. Most of these bounds are valid for both energies, Laplacian and signless Laplacian. However, we present two new upper bounds on the signless Laplacian which are not upper bounds for the Laplacian energy. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Relations between Laplacian eigenvectors and eigenvalues and the existence of almost equitable partitions (which are generalizations of equitable partitions) are presented. Furthermore, on the basis of some properties of the adjacency eigenvectors of a graph, a necessary and sufficient condition for the graph to be primitive strongly regular is introduced. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduzimos um cálculo das variações fraccional nas escalas temporais ℤ e (hℤ)!. Estabelecemos a primeira e a segunda condição necessária de optimalidade. São dados alguns exemplos numéricos que ilustram o uso quer da nova condição de Euler–Lagrange quer da nova condição do tipo de Legendre. Introduzimos também novas definições de derivada fraccional e de integral fraccional numa escala temporal com recurso à transformada inversa generalizada de Laplace.


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The fractional calculus of variations and fractional optimal control are generalizations of the corresponding classical theories, that allow problem modeling and formulations with arbitrary order derivatives and integrals. Because of the lack of analytic methods to solve such fractional problems, numerical techniques are developed. Here, we mainly investigate the approximation of fractional operators by means of series of integer-order derivatives and generalized finite differences. We give upper bounds for the error of proposed approximations and study their efficiency. Direct and indirect methods in solving fractional variational problems are studied in detail. Furthermore, optimality conditions are discussed for different types of unconstrained and constrained variational problems and for fractional optimal control problems. The introduced numerical methods are employed to solve some illustrative examples.


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Let p(G)p(G) and q(G)q(G) be the number of pendant vertices and quasi-pendant vertices of a simple undirected graph G, respectively. Let m_L±(G)(1) be the multiplicity of 1 as eigenvalue of a matrix which can be either the Laplacian or the signless Laplacian of a graph G. A result due to I. Faria states that mL±(G)(1) is bounded below by p(G)−q(G). Let r(G) be the number of internal vertices of G. If r(G)=q(G), following a unified approach we prove that mL±(G)(1)=p(G)−q(G). If r(G)>q(G) then we determine the equality mL±(G)(1)=p(G)−q(G)+mN±(1), where mN±(1) denotes the multiplicity of 1 as eigenvalue of a matrix N±. This matrix is obtained from either the Laplacian or signless Laplacian matrix of the subgraph induced by the internal vertices which are non-quasi-pendant vertices. Furthermore, conditions for 1 to be an eigenvalue of a principal submatrix are deduced and applied to some families of graphs.


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Resumo indisponível.


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In this paper we study eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions for the three parameter fractional Laplace operator $\Delta_+^{(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)}:= D_{x_0^+}^{1+\alpha} +D_{y_0^+}^{1+\beta} +D_{z_0^+}^{1+\gamma},$ where $(\alpha, \beta, \gamma) \in \,]0,1]^3$, and the fractional derivatives $D_{x_0^+}^{1+\alpha}$, $D_{y_0^+}^{1+\beta}$, $D_{z_0^+}^{1+\gamma}$ are in the Riemann-Liouville sense. Applying operational techniques via two-dimensional Laplace transform we describe a complete family of eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions of the operator $\Delta_+^{(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)}$ in classes of functions admitting a summable fractional derivative. Making use of the Mittag-Leffler function, a symbolic operational form of the solutions is presented. From the obtained family of fundamental solutions we deduce a family of fundamental solutions of the fractional Dirac operator, which factorizes the fractional Laplace operator. We apply also the method of separation of variables to obtain eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions.


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We present a new discretization for the Hadamard fractional derivative, that simplifies the computations. We then apply the method to solve a fractional differential equation and a fractional variational problem with dependence on the Hadamard fractional derivative.


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In this paper, we present a new numerical method to solve fractional differential equations. Given a fractional derivative of arbitrary real order, we present an approximation formula for the fractional operator that involves integer-order derivatives only. With this, we can rewrite FDEs in terms of a classical one and then apply any known technique. With some examples, we show the accuracy of the method.


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In this paper we generalize radial and standard Clifford-Hermite polynomials to the new framework of fractional Clifford analysis with respect to the Riemann-Liouville derivative in a symbolic way. As main consequence of this approach, one does not require an a priori integration theory. Basic properties such as orthogonality relations, differential equations, and recursion formulas, are proven.


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In this paper, by using the method of separation of variables, we obtain eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions for the three parameter fractional Laplace operator defined via fractional Caputo derivatives. The solutions are expressed using the Mittag-Leffler function and we show some graphical representations for some parameters. A family of fundamental solutions of the corresponding fractional Dirac operator is also obtained. Particular cases are considered in both cases.


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Consider two graphs G and H. Let H^k[G] be the lexicographic product of H^k and G, where H^k is the lexicographic product of the graph H by itself k times. In this paper, we determine the spectrum of H^k[G]H and H^k when G and H are regular and the Laplacian spectrum of H^k[G] and H^k for G and H arbitrary. Particular emphasis is given to the least eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix in the case of lexicographic powers of regular graphs, and to the algebraic connectivity and the largest Laplacian eigenvalues in the case of lexicographic powers of arbitrary graphs. This approach allows the determination of the spectrum (in case of regular graphs) and Laplacian spectrum (for arbitrary graphs) of huge graphs. As an example, the spectrum of the lexicographic power of the Petersen graph with the googol number (that is, 10^100 ) of vertices is determined. The paper finishes with the extension of some well known spectral and combinatorial invariant properties of graphs to its lexicographic powers.


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The aim of this paper is to exhibit a necessary and sufficient condition of optimality for functionals depending on fractional integrals and derivatives, on indefinite integrals and on presence of time delay. We exemplify with one example, where we nd analytically the minimizer.