111 resultados para Mestrado


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According to the World Health Organization, around 8.2 million people die each year with cancer. Most patients do not perform routine diagnoses and the symptoms, in most situations, occur when the patient is already at an advanced stage of the disease, consequently resulting in a high cancer mortality. Currently, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. In Portugal, this is the most diagnosed type of cancer and the third that causes more deaths. Taking into account that there is no cure for advanced stages of prostate cancer, the main strategy comprises an early diagnosis to increase the successful rate of the treatment. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an important biomarker of prostate cancer that can be detected in biological fluids, including blood, urine and semen. However, the commercial kits available are addressed for blood samples and the commonly used analytical methods for their detection and quantification requires specialized staff, specific equipment and extensive sample processing, resulting in an expensive process. Thus, the aim of this MSc thesis consisted on the development of a simple, efficient and less expensive method for the extraction and concentration of PSA from urine samples using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ionic liquids. Initially, the phase diagrams of a set of aqueous biphasic systems composed of an organic salt and ionic liquids were determined. Then, their ability to extract PSA was ascertained. The obtained results reveal that in the tested systems the prostate specific antigen is completely extracted to the ionic-liquid-rich phase in a single step. Subsequently, the applicability of the investigated ABS for the concentration of PSA was addressed, either from aqueous solutions or urine samples. The low concentration of this biomarker in urine (clinically significant below 150 ng/mL) usually hinders its detection by conventional analytical techniques. The obtained results showed that it is possible to extract and concentrate PSA, up to 250 times in a single-step, so that it can be identified and quantified using less expensive techniques.


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Although the genetic code is generally viewed as immutable, alterations to its standard form occur in the three domains of life. A remarkable alteration to the standard genetic code occurs in many fungi of the Saccharomycotina CTG clade where the Leucine CUG codon has been reassigned to Serine by a novel transfer RNA (Ser-tRNACAG). The host laboratory made a major breakthrough by reversing this atypical genetic code alteration in the human pathogen Candida albicans using a combination of tRNA engineering, gene recombination and forced evolution. These results raised the hypothesis that synthetic codon ambiguities combined with experimental evolution may release codons from their frozen state. In this thesis we tested this hypothesis using S. cerevisiae as a model system. We generated ambiguity at specific codons in a two-step approach, involving deletion of tRNA genes followed by expression of non-cognate tRNAs that are able to compensate the deleted tRNA. Driven by the notion that rare codons are more susceptible to reassignment than those that are frequently used, we used two deletion strains where there is no cognate tRNA to decode the rare CUC-Leu codon and AGG-Arg codon. We exploited the vulnerability of the latter by engineering mutant tRNAs that misincorporate Ser at these sites. These recombinant strains were evolved over time using experimental evolution. Although there was a strong negative impact on the growth rate of strains expressing mutant tRNAs at high level, such expression at low level had little effect on cell fitness. We found that not only codon ambiguity, but also destabilization of the endogenous tRNA pool has a strong negative impact in growth rate. After evolution, strains expressing the mutant tRNA at high level recovered significantly in several growth parameters, showing that these strains adapt and exhibit higher tolerance to codon ambiguity. A fluorescent reporter system allowing the monitoring of Ser misincorporation showed that serine was indeed incorporated and possibly codon reassignment was achieved. Beside the overall negative consequences of codon ambiguity, we demonstrated that codons that tolerate the loss of their cognate tRNA can also tolerate high Ser misincorporation. This raises the hypothesis that these codons can be reassigned to standard and eventually to new amino acids for the production of proteins with novel properties, contributing to the field of synthetic biology and biotechnology.


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Desde meados do século XX os avanços na indústria automóvel trazem a associação da eletrónica sendo esta cada vez mais necessária. Com este trabalho pretende-se construir um computador de bordo de um veículo elétrico dando continuação a uma dissertação anterior, que consistiu em um Controlador de Motor de carro elétrico com capacidade de travagem regenerativa. Este Computador deve ser de baixo custo e é destinado à instrumentação, apresentação de balanços energéticos e funções básicas de diagnóstico do estado do veículo. Foi igualmente um objetivo desenvolver uma Interface a partir de um LCD para este Computador de Bordo. No modelo de Controlador de Motor disponível foram aplicadas alterações e adições na instrumentação de forma a conseguir um diagnóstico do veículo mais preciso e extenso. Para o computador ter conhecimento do consumo e outros parâmetros relacionados com o motor e respetivo Controlador, foi necessário estabelecer uma comunicação entre ambas unidades. Antes de se implementar um protocolo de comunicação realizou-se uma pesquisa por protocolos usados na indústria automóvel, com o intuito de saber qual o mais apropriado para o presente trabalho. A tarefa seguinte consistiu em uma pesquisa por hardware com o qual desenvolver o Computador e sua Interface. Os balanços energéticos implicaram o desenvolvimento de métodos de cálculo, efetuados com os parâmetros transmitidos pelo Controlador de Motor. No final da dissertação demonstra-se todas as funcionalidades do Computador de Bordo desenvolvido e como este é utilizado.


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A sociedade atual requer indivíduos preparados para apresentar soluções inovadoras aos problemas encontrados nas mais variadas situações, sendo a criatividade considerada, na última década, uma competência essencial para o progresso. Neste contexto, emerge a necessidade da escola fomentar o seu desenvolvimento em qualquer área, e em particular, na Matemática. Por outro lado, não será alheio a este facto a promoção de um ensino, também ele, criativo. Tal ensino exige desde logo uma original, fluente e flexível gestão curricular envolvendo uma adequada seleção e ou (re) criação de tarefas relevantes, criteriosamente sequenciadas e autonomamente resolvidas pelos alunos, numa lógica de interdisciplinaridade e com recurso a tecnologia. No caso especifico das transformações geométricas isométricas, uma abordagem interdisciplinar reforçada com o recurso a ambientes de geometria dinâmica poderá constituir uma mais-valia nesse processo. Assim, desenvolveu-se este estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, potenciada com o GeoGebra, no desenvolvimento de competências geométricas relacionadas com as isometrias, frisos e rosáceas, e em simultâneo, no desenvolvimento da criatividade e representações da mesma, de alunos do oitavo ano de escolaridade. Para isso desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, centrado em três pares de alunos, que resolveram um conjunto de tarefas de natureza exploratória, com recurso ao GeoGebra e envolvendo a disciplina de Educação Visual. A análise dos dados recolhidos foi, essencialmente, de natureza qualitativa, tendo sido a observação, a inquirição e a análise documental,as principais técnicas de recolha de dados. A análise de conteúdo a que foram submetidos os dados, permitiu concluir que a implementação de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, centrada numa sequência de tarefas e aliada ao GeoGebra, potenciou a apropriação dos conhecimentos geométricos em causa e a sua aplicação. Contribuiu, também, para o desenvolvimento de atitudes favoráveis em relação à matemática e à geometria em particular. Por outro lado, os dados sugerem que tal abordagem permite obter indícios do desenvolvimento da criatividade nos alunos e de alterações a algumas das suas representações.


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Marine sponges harbor microbial communities of immense ecological and biotechnological importance. Recently, they have been focus of heightened attention due to the wide range of biologically active compounds with potential application, particularly, in chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. However, we still lack fundamental knowledge of their microbial ecology and biotechnological potential. The development of high-throughput sequencing technologies has given rise to a new range of tools that can help us explore the biotechnological potential of sponges with incredible detail. Metagenomics, in particular, has the power to revolutionize the production of bioactive compounds produced by unculturable microorganisms. It can offer the identification of biosynthetic genes or gene clusters that can be heterologously expressed on a cultivable and suitable host. This review focus on the exploration of the biotechnological potential of sponge-associated microorganisms, and integration of molecular approaches, whose increasing efficiency can play an essential role on achieving a sustainable source of natural products.


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Cell cycle and differentiation are two highly coordinated processes during organ development. Recent studies have demonstrated that core cell cycle regulators also play cell cycle-independent functions in post-mitotic neurons, and are essential for the maintenance of neuronal homeostasis. CDC25 phosphatases are well-established CDK activators and their activity is mainly associated to proliferating tissues. The expression and activity of mammalian CDC25s has been reported in adult brains. However, their physiological relevance and the potential substrates in a non-proliferative context have never been addressed. string (stg) encodes the Drosophila CDC25 homolog. Previous studies from our group showed that stg is expressed in photoreceptors (PRs) and in lamina neurons, which are two differentiated cell types that compose the fly visual system. The aims of this work are to uncover the function of stg and to identify its potential neuronal substrates, using the Drosophila visual system as a model. To gain insight into the function of stg in a non-dividing context we used the GAL4/UAS system to promote downregulation of stg in PR-neurons, through the use of an RNAi transgene. The defects caused by stg loss-of-function were evaluated in the developing eye imaginal disc by immunofluorescence, and during adult stages by scanning electron microscopy. This genetic approach was combined with a specific proteomic method, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), to identify the potential substrates in PR-cells. Our results showed that stg downregulation in PRs affects the well-patterned retina organization, inducing the loss of apical maintenance of PR-nuclei on the eye disc, and ommatidia disorganization. We also detected an abnormal accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins and a disruption of the axon structure. As a consequence, the projection of PR-axons into the lamina and medulla neuropils of the optic lobe was impaired. Upon stg downregulation, we also detected that PR-cells accumulate Cyclin B. Although the rough eye phenotype observed upon stg downregulation suggests neurodegeneration, we did not detect neuronal death during larval stages, suggesting that it likely occurs during pupal stages or during adulthood. By 2D-DIGE, we identified seven proteins which were differentially expressed upon stg downregulation, and are potential neuronal substrates of Stg. Altogether, our observations suggest that Stg phosphatase plays an essential role in the Drosophila visual system neurons, regulating several cell components and processes in order to ensure their homeostasis.


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Staphylococcus aureus are Gram-positive bacteria who integrate the human microbiota. Nevertheless, these bacteria can be pathogenic to the humans. Due to the increasing occurrence of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus new approaches to control this pathogen are necessary. The antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation process (PDI) is based in the combined use of a light source, an oxidizing agent like oxygen and an intermediary agent (a photosensitizer). These three components interact to form cytotoxic reactive oxygen species that irreversibly damage vital constituents of the microbial cells and ultimately lead to cell death. In fact, PDI is being shown to be a promising alternative to the antibiotic approach in the inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms. However, information on effects of photosensitization on particular virulence factors is strikingly scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of PDI on virulence factors of S. aureus. For this, as photosensitizer the 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin tetra-iodide (Tetra-Py+-Me) and six strains of S. aureus (one reference strain, one strain with 1 enterotoxin, two strains with 3 enterotoxins and two strains resistant to methicillin, MRSA – one with 5 enterotoxins and the other without enterotoxins) were used. The effect of photosensitization on catalase activity, beta hemolysis, lipases, thermonuclease, enterotoxins, coagulase production and resistance to methicillin was assessed. The results indicate that the expression of some virulence factors in the cells subjected to this therapy is affected. Additionally the susceptibility of the strains to PDI did not decrease upon successive treatments.


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Os sedimentos marinhos subsuperficiais profundos são, atualmente, um ambiente ainda pouco conhecido do ponto de vista microbiológico, nomeadamente quanto aos processos metabólicos que nele têm lugar e quanto à sua possível influência nos ciclos biogeoquímicos. O acesso a amostras colhidas em sedimentos profundos, particularmente no âmbito dos programas IODP (International Ocean Discovery Program) e ECORD (European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling) tem permitido recolher informação sobre a estrutura das comunidades de procariotas bem como sobre alguns dos fatores que regulam a sua distribuição e atividade. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição e a diversidade estrutural das comunidades de procariotas em sedimentos subsuperficiais profundos colhidos no Arco Izu-Bonin-Mariana, no mar das Filipinas, com recurso a métodos independentes de cultivo (PCR-DGGE) e à contagem de células por microscopia de epifluorescência. Os resultados apontam para a existência de comunidades de Bacteria e Archaea diversas. Os valores do índice de diversidade de Shannon-Weaver (H’) calculados com base nos perfis de DGGE (Bacteria) foram significativamente mais elevados (3,035 – 1,971) nas camadas superficiais (< 140 mafm) do que nos sedimentos (2,519 - 1,049) correspondentes a profundidades superiores entre 163 e 879 mafm. A abundância máxima (8,66 x 106 células.gps-1) foi registada à profundidade de 67 mafm e valor mínimo (2,26 x 106 células.gps-1) foi observado em amostras colhidas a 879 mafm de profundidade. Abundância e diversidade apresentaram correlação negativa com a profundidade e com o teor de sulfato. Os resultados indicam que ao longo da coluna de sedimento se estabelecem comunidades de procariotas estruturalmente diferentes e adaptadas ao ambiente geoquímico prevalecente, nomeadamente em termos dos aceitadores de eletrões disponíveis. O estudo do microbioma destas amostras representativas do ambiente sedimentar subsuperficial profundo será continuado e detalhado, com recurso a técnicas de sequenciação avançada.


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Cationic porphyrins have been widely used as photosensitizers (PSs) in the inactivation of microorganisms, both in biofilms and in planktonic forms. However, the application of curcumin, a natural PS, in the inactivation of biofilms, is poorly studied. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate and compare the efficiency of a cationic porphyrin tetra (Tetra-Py+-Me) and curcumin in the photodynamic inactivation of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp and the corresponding planktonic form; (2) to evaluate the effect of these PSs in cell adhesion and biofilm maturation. In eradication assays, biofilms of Pseudomonas spp adherent to silicone tubes were subjected to irradiation with white light (180 J cm-2) in presence of different concentrations (5 and 10 μM) of PS. In colonization experiments, solid supports were immersed in cell suspensions, PS was added and the mixture experimental setup was irradiated (864 J cm-2) during the adhesion phase. After transference solid supports to new PS-containing medium, irradiation (2592 J cm-2) was resumed during biofilm maturation. The assays of inactivation of planktonic cells were conducted in cell suspensions added of PS concentrations equivalent to those used in experiments with biofilms. The inactivation of planktonic cells and biofilms (eradication and colonization assays) was assessed by quantification of viable cells after plating in solid medium, at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. The results show that porphyrin Tetra-Py+-Me effectively inactivated planktonic cells (3.7 and 3.0 log) and biofilms of Pseudomonas spp (3.2 and 3.6 log). In colonization assays, the adhesion of cells was attenuated in 2.2 log, and during the maturation phase, a 5.2 log reduction in the concentration of viable cells was observed. Curcumin failed to cause significant inactivation in planktonic cells (0.7 and 0.9 log) and for that reason it was not tested in biofilm eradication assays. In colonization assays, curcumin did not affect the adhesion of cells to the solid support and caused a very modest reduction (1.0 log) in the concentration of viable cells during the maturation phase. The results confirm that the photodynamic inactivation is a promising strategy to control installed biofilms and in preventing colonization. Curcumin, however, does not represent an advantageous alternative to porphyrins in the case of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp.


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A importância médica do sangue associada ao risco de doenças infeciosas levou a um melhoramento das técnicas de rastreio de patogénicos no sangue doado. No entanto, devido aos períodos de "janela", durante o qual os agentes infeciosos não podem ser detetados, a desinfeção de sangue e seus derivados assume uma importância vital. Considerando que as técnicas convencionais de desinfeção (tratamento com solvente-detergente ou irradiação com UV ou radiação gama) pode ser empregue em concentrados de plasma ou de proteínas, o efeito colateral associado aos respetivos tratamentos não permite a sua utilização em frações celulares. Consequentemente, é necessário o desenvolvimento de uma nova alternativa eficaz para inativar microrganismos em sangue. Uma boa estratégia que merece ser considerada baseia-se na terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT). aPDT envolve a interação entre a luz e um fotossensibilizador (PS) na presença de oxigénio molecular. Esta interação produz espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), que causam danos oxidativos às moléculas microbianas necessárias à sobrevivência do microrganismo. Em alguns países, esta metodologia já está aprovada para descontaminação de plasma, utilizando azul de metileno ou psoraleno como PSs. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adequação de de estrutura do tipo ftalocianina (Pc) e porfirina (Por) para desinfeção fotodinâmica de hemoderivados. Plasma e sangue total foram infetados com 108 unidades formadoras de colónias (CFU) / mL de Escherichia coli e após incubação com os derivados Pc e Por em estudo, expostos respetivamente a luz vermelha ou a luz branca com uma irradiância de 150 W/m2durante 270 min. As concentrações de E. coli viáveis foram determinadas a 0, 30, 60, 90, 180 e 270 min e comparadas com as obtidas nos controlos claro (amostras irradiadas na ausência de PS) e controlos escuro (amostras incubadas com PS mas não irradiadas). O efeito do tratamento aPDT nas células do sangue (glóbulos vermelhos e brancos) também foi avaliado. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, em todos os componentes do sangue, a Por em estudo é mais eficaz na inativação de E. coli que o derivado Pc. Após o tratamento aPDT, o número de células vermelhas e brancas no sangue é semelhante aos valores observados nas amostras de controlo. A eficiente inativação de células de E. coli e a ausência de efeito sobre as células de sangue transformam os derivados porfirínicos e ftalocianinas potenciais candidatos a serem utilizados com fotossensibilizadores na desinfeção fotodinâmica de produtos derivados do sangue.


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Deep-sea resources have been increasingly exploited, and due to that, several ecosystems and species have been considerably affected. Deep-water sharks populations have been of the most disturbed by practices of unselected fisheries, bycatch and discard, mainly due to their low commercial value. Those practices make deep-water sharks very vulnerable to overfishing given their life-history traits, increasing their extinction risk. With the prohibition of the direct fishery, and implementation of quotas and TACs (Total Allowable Catches) regarding the deep-sea shark landings, the official landings have dramatically decreased after the 1990s. However, the IUU (Illegal, unreported and unregulated) catch has exponentially increased. With the analysis of catch per unit effort (CPUE), the depths, and the mean weight of the individuals over the years for each one of the nine most caught species in the Azores, we produced a descriptive analysis of the effect of fisheries in those species. The results show that some of these species have been suffering from a great fishing pressure, and their populations will be greatly affected in the near future if drastic measures are not taken when it comes to managing their long term sustainability.


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The main objective of the present work is the study of a profitable process not only in the extraction and selective separation of lycopene and β-carotene, two compounds present in tomato, but also in its potential application to food industry wastes. This is one of the industries that produce larger amounts of wastes, which are rich in high value biomolecules with great economic interest. However, the conventional methods used to extract this kind of compounds are expensive which limits their application at large scale. Lycopene and βcarotene are carotenoids with high commercial value, known for their antioxidant activity and benefits to human health. Their biggest source is tomato, one of the world’s most consumed fruits, reason for which large quantities of waste is produced. This work focuses on the study of diverse solvents with a high potential to extract carotenoids from tomato, as well as the search for more environmentally benign solvents than those currently used to extract lycopene and β-carotene from biomass. Additionally, special attention was paid to the creation of a continuous process that would allow the fractionation of the compounds for further purification. Thus, the present work started with the extraction of both carotenoids using a wide range of solvents, namely, organic solvents, conventional salts, ionic liquids, polymers and surfactants. In this stage, each solvent was evaluated in what regards their capacity of extraction as well as their penetration ability in biomass. The results collected showed that an adequate selection of the solvents may lead to the complete extraction of both carotenoids in one single step, particularly acetone and tetrahydrofuran were the most effective ones. However, the general low penetration capacity of salts, ionic liquids, polymers and surfactants makes these solvents ineffective in the solid-liquid extraction process. As the organic solvents showed the highest capacity to extract lycopene and βcarotene, in particular tetrahydrofuran and acetone, the latter solvent used in the development process of fractionation, using to this by strategic use of solvents. This step was only successfully developed through the manipulation of the solubility of each compound in ethanol and n-hexane. The results confirmed the possibility of fractionating the target compounds using the correct addition order of the solvents. Approximately, 39 % of the β-carotene was dissolved in ethanol and about 64 % of lycopene was dissolved in n-hexane, thus indicating their separation for two different solvents which shows the selective character of the developed process without any prior stage optimization. This study revealed that the use of organic solvents leads to selective extraction of lycopene and β-carotene, allowing diminishing the numerous stages involved in conventional methods. At the end, it was possible to idealize a sustainable and of high industrial relevance integrated process, nevertheless existing the need for additional optimization studies in the future.


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O estágio realizado teve como premissa principal perceber o comportamento da planta face ao seu crescimento em altura da própria planta e em número em função de diferentes épocas de sementeira, e de condições de cultivo, nomeadamente de tipos de solo. O trabalho realizado inclui todo o processo desde a apanha, preparação das sementes e dos campos, e a sementeira propriamente dita. Foi acompanhado o crescimento das plantas em 3 alturas diferentes, por contagem do número de plantas e do comprimento das plantas aéreas. Igualmente foram realizadas análises da granulometria dos solos. Determinaram-se os metais pesados nos solos e nas plantas, assim como os açúcares após a hidrólise e derivatização das amostras liofilizadas, tanto da raíz como da parte aérea. Foi possível concluir que a planta nasce com maior abundância em solos franco-siltosos do que em solos franco-arenosos, onde o seu crescimento é muito pobre ou mesmo nulo. Os valores de cádmio e chumbo encontram-se a níveis adequados para o consumo humano. Coloca-se a hipótese da existência de arabinoglucoronoxilanas como constituinte da raiz desta planta.


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Significant improvements in human health have been achieved through the increased consumption of pharmaceutical drugs. However, most of these active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are excreted by mammals (in a metabolized or unchanged form) into the environment. The presence of residual amounts of these contaminants was already confirmed in aqueous streams since treatment processes either wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) or sewage treatment plants (STPs) are not specifically designed for this type of pollutants. Although they are present in aqueous effluents, they are usually at very low concentrations, most of the times below the detection limits of analytical equipment used for their quantification, hindering their accurate monitoring. Therefore, the development of a pre-concentration technique in order to accurately quantify and monitor these components in aqueous streams is of major relevance. This work addresses the use of liquid-liquid equilibria, applying ionic liquids (ILs), for the extraction and concentration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) from aqueous effluents. Particularly, aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) composed of ILs and potassium citrate were investigated in the extraction and concentration of naproxen, diclofenac and ketoprofen from aqueous media. Both the extraction efficiency and concentration factor achievable by these systems was determined and evaluated. Within the best conditions, extraction efficiencies of 99.4% and concentration factors up to 13 times were obtained.


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Cachexia is a complex syndrome characterized by severe weight loss frequently observed in cancer patients and associated with poor prognosis. Cancer cachexia is also related to modifications in cardiac muscle structure and metabolism leading to cardiac dysfunction. In order to better understand the cardiac remodeling induced by bladder cancer and the impact of exercise training after diagnosis on its regulation, we used an animal model of bladder cancer induced by exposition to N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN) in the drinking water. Healthy animals and previously BBN exposed animals were submitted to a training program in a treadmill at a speed of 20m/min, 60 min/day, 5 days/week during 13 weeks. At the end of the protocol, animals exposed to BBN presented a significant decrease of body weight, in comparison with control groups, supporting the presence of cancer cachexia. Morphological analysis of the cardiac muscle sections revealed the presence of fibrosis and a significant decrease of cardiomyocyte’s cross-sectional area, suggesting the occurrence of cardiac dysfunction associated with bladder cancer. These modifications were accompanied by heart metabolic remodeling characterized by a decreased fatty acid oxidation given by diminished levels of ETFDH and of complex II subunit  from the respiratory chain. Exercise training promoted an increment of connexin 43, a protein involved in cardioprotection, and of c-kit, a protein present in cardiac stem cells. These results suggest an improved heart regenerative capacity induced by exercise training. In conclusion, endurance training seems an attractive non-pharmacological therapeutic option for the management of cardiac dysfunction in cancer cachexia.