92 resultados para Domínio Erepecuru-Trombetas


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Bioorganic ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics are becoming increasingly important in view of their intrinsic compatibility with biological environment and biofunctionality combined with strong piezoelectric effect and switchable polarization at room temperature. Here we study piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity in the smallest amino acid glycine, representing a broad class of non-centrosymmetric amino acids. Glycine is one of the basic and important elements in biology, as it serves as a building block for proteins. Three polymorphic forms with different physical properties are possible in glycine (α, β and γ), Of special interest for various applications are non-centrosymmetric polymorphs: β-glycine and γ-glycine. The most useful β-polymorph being ferroelectric took much less attention than the other due to its instability under ambient conditions. In this work, we could grow stable microcrystals of β-glycine by the evaporation of aqueous solution on a (111)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate as a template. The effects of the solution concentration and Pt-assisted nucleation on the crystal growth and phase evolution were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, spin-coating technique was used for the fabrication of highly aligned nano-islands of β-glycine with regular orientation of the crystallographic axes relative the underlying substrate (Pt). Further we study both as-grown and tip-induced domain structures and polarization switching in the β-glycine molecular systems by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) and compare the results with molecular modeling and computer simulations. We show that β-glycine is indeed a room-temperature ferroelectric and polarization can be switched by applying a bias to non-polar cuts via a conducting tip of atomic force microscope (AFM). Dynamics of these in-plane domains is studied as a function of applied voltage and pulse duration. The domain shape is dictated by both internal and external polarization screening mediated by defects and topographic features. Thermodynamic theory is applied to explain the domain propagation induced by the AFM tip. Our findings suggest that β-glycine is a uniaxial ferroelectric with the properties controlled by the charged domain walls which in turn can be manipulated by external bias. Besides, nonlinear optical properties of β-glycine were investigated by a second harmonic generation (SHG) method. SHG method confirmed that the 2-fold symmetry is preserved in as-grown crystals, thus reflecting the expected P21 symmetry of the β-phase. Spontaneous polarization direction is found to be parallel to the monoclinic [010] axis and directed along the crystal length. These data are confirmed by computational molecular modeling. Optical measurements revealed also relatively high values of the nonlinear optical susceptibility (50% greater than in the z-cut quartz). The potential of using stable β-glycine crystals in various applications are discussed in this work.


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Pretende-se, neste estudo, proceder a uma análise comparada dos romances Ilha Teresa (2011), de Richard Zimler, e Lullabies for Little Criminals (2006), de Heather O’Neill, situados no domínio da crossover fiction, dadas as semelhanças existentes ao nível da perspectiva narrativa, centrada no universo adolescente, e dos processos de crescimento e de construção da identidade, marcados por conflitos e problemas, propondo um universo individual e/ou social de cariz disfórico. A análise pretenderá dar conta de uma tendência da ficção não exclusiva do romance juvenil (SILVA, 2012) ou mesmo do universo crossover (BECKETT, 2009; FALCONER, 2009), mas extensível à literatura dita institucionalizada, ao mesmo tempo em que permitirá identificar estratégias narrativas específicas dessa produção. O apagamento de fronteiras entre destinatários previstos, muitas vezes de intenção autoral, cada vez mais frequente, abre consideravelmente as possibilidades de leitura dos textos, ora interpretados numa certa linha de reprodução da realidade contemporânea, buscando o reconhecimento e a identificação dos leitores jovens com os universos recriados e a linguagem, ora permitindo a interseção de uma leitura crítica, questionadora, interrogando o mundo e as experiências que ele proporciona, como a habitualmente realizada pelos adultos.