47 resultados para Matéria particulada
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar e modificar as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja de forma a otimizar e diversificar a sua aplicação industrial. Para tal, foram propostas e estudadas quatro estratégias: i) extração do isolado de proteínas de soja (IPS) a partir de diferentes matérias-primas, ii) adição de galactomananas (GM) com graus de ramificação e massas moleculares diferentes, iii) hidrólise enzimática controlada das proteínas de soja, iv) processamento por alta pressão hidrostática. O estudo e a interpretação da influência destas estratégias sobre as propriedades funcionais das proteínas de soja, nomeadamente, na capacidade gelificante e emulsionante, foram realizados recorrendo fundamentalmente a ensaios reológicos dinâmicos a baixas deformação, espectroscopia de infravermelho, electroforeses, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e ensaios de microscopia confocal de varrimento laser. O estudo da extração e caracterização dos isolados de proteínas de soja obtidos a partir de diferentes matérias-primas permitiu concluir que as caraterísticas físico-químicas dos isolados são dependentes da origem da matéria-prima de extração e da severidade dos tratamentos industriais prévios à extração do isolado. Contudo, as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis obtidos por aquecimento controlado não foram significativamente distintas embora tenha sido possível relacionar o grau de agregação com a diminuição da temperatura de gelificação e com o aumento inicial dos módulos viscoelásticos. As alterações sofridas pelos isolados de origem comercial mostraram ser irreversíveis resultando em géis menos rígidos e com maior caráter viscoso. A adição de galactomanana alterou significativamente o mecanismo de gelificação induzido termicamente das proteínas de soja, bem como as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis e a microestrutura dos géis, demonstrando-se a ocorrência de separação de fases, em virtude da incompatibilidade termodinâmica entre os biopolímeros, resultando em géis mais rígidos e no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação. A extensão destas alterações foi dependente da massa molecular, grau de ramificação e da razão IPS/GM. O efeito da hidrólise enzimática por ação da bromelina, nas propriedades gelificantes e emulsionantes das proteínas de soja, mostrou ser dependente do grau de hidrólise (GH). Valores de GH inferiores a 15 % melhoraram as propriedades gelificantes das proteínas de soja. Por outro lado, o aumento do GH teve um efeito negativo nas propriedades emulsionantes, o qual foi atenuado por adição da goma de alfarroba, com efeito positivo na gelificação das proteínas de soja. A concentração crítica limite de compatibilidade entre os hidrolisados de proteína de soja e a goma de alfarroba aumentou com o decréscimo do GH e da massa molecular do polissacacrídeo. O efeito da AP sobre as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos IPS foi influenciado pela origem do isolado e pelas condições de tratamento. O processamento até 100 MPa desencadeou um aumento da atividade emulsionante e considerável melhoria da capacidade gelificante. Contudo, valores de pressão superiores promoveram a desnaturação das proteínas constituintes dos isolados, resultando no decréscimo da temperatura de gelificação e numa re-associação das subunidades proteicas, diminuindo a elasticidade dos géis finais. Os resultados sugeriram que as alterações nas proteínas de soja promovidas durante o tratamento por AP constituem um fator limitante para o desdobramento e re-associação durante o aquecimento térmico, necessários para a formação e fortalecimento de gel formado. O processamento por AP influenciou a estrutura secundária e a microestrutura das amostras. A presença de GA teve um papel baroprotetor. Assim, com este trabalho demonstrou-se que com as estratégias seguidas para manipulação das propriedades funcionais de proteínas de soja, nomeadamente através da adição de um polissacarídeo com propriedades estruturais controladas, da adequada combinação da adição de um polissacarídeo neutro com a hidrólise controlada das proteínas ou com tratamento por alta pressão, é possível a criação de novas funcionalidades, com utilidade no desenvolvimento de novas formulações alimentares, permitindo expandir a aplicação destas proteínas vegetais.
This investigation focused on the development, test and validation of methodologies for mercury fractionation and speciation in soil and sediment. After an exhaustive review of the literature, several methods were chosen and tested in well characterised soil and sediment samples. Sequential extraction procedures that divide mercury fractions according to their mobility and potential availability in the environment were investigated. The efficiency of different solvents for fractionation of mercury was evaluated, as well as the adequacy of different analytical instruments for quantification of mercury in the extracts. Kinetic experiments to establish the equilibrium time for mercury release from soil or sediment were also performed. It was found that in the studied areas, only a very small percentage of mercury is present as mobile species and that mobility is associated to higher aluminium and manganese contents, and that high contents of organic matter and sulfur result in mercury tightly bound to the matrix. Sandy soils tend to release mercury faster that clayey soils, and therefore, texture of soil or sediment has a strong influence on the mobility of mercury. It was also understood that analytical techniques for quantification of mercury need to be further developed, with lower quantification limits, particularly for mercury quantification of less concentrated fractions: water-soluble e exchangeable. Although the results provided a better understanding of the distribution of mercury in the sample, the complexity of the procedure limits its applicability and robustness. A proficiency-testing scheme targeting total mercury determination in soil, sediment, fish and human hair was organised in order to evaluate the consistency of results obtained by different laboratories, applying their routine methods to the same test samples. Additionally, single extractions by 1 mol L-1 ammonium acetate solution, 0.1 mol L-1 HCl and 0.1 mol L-1 CaCl2, as well as extraction of the organometallic fraction were proposed for soil; the last was also suggested for sediment and fish. This study was important to update the knowledge on analytical techniques that are being used for mercury quantification, the associated problems and sources of error, and to improve and standardize mercury extraction techniques, as well as to implement effective strategies for quality control in mercury determination. A different, “non chemical-like” method for mercury species identification was developed, optimised and validated, based on the thermo-desorption of the different mercury species. Compared to conventional extraction procedures, this method has advantages: it requires little to no sample treatment; a complete identification of species present is obtained in less than two hours; mercury losses are almost neglectable; can be considered “clean”, as no residues are produced; the worldwide comparison of results obtained is easier and reliable, an important step towards the validation of the method. Therefore, the main deliverables of this PhD thesis are an improved knowledge on analytical procedures for identification and quantification of mercury species in soils and sediments, as well as a better understanding of the factors controlling the behaviour of mercury in these matrices.
Este trabalho abordou a valorização de um subproduto da indústria de lacticínios (soro de queijo) através da alteração do funcionamento de processos habitualmente utilizados no contexto do tratamento biológico. Foi avaliada a fermentação acidogénica deste subproduto para maximizar a conversão do seu elevado teor de matéria orgânica em ácidos orgânicos voláteis (AOV) que actualmente são produtos com elevada procura, nomeadamente para produção de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA). Em ensaios descontínuos e semi-contínuos foi caracterizada a produção e composição de AOV a partir de soro de queijo variando a razão food-to-microorganism (F/M) e a concentração de alcalinidade. Recorrendo à modelação dos resultados através de superfícies de resposta, demonstrou-se que condições de F/M = 4 gCQO g-1SSV combinadas com uma adição elevada de alcalinidade (8 g L-1 expresso como CaCO3) resultaram na conversão de 72% da CQO alimentada em AOV. O acetato e o butirato foram os AOV predominantes (60%), mas elevadas razões F/M combinadas com elevadas alcalinidades promoveram o alongamento da cadeia carboxílica, tendo sido produzidos AOV de maior massa molecular (iso-valerato e n-caproato). O processo de fermentação acidogénica foi posteriormente desenvolvido em modo contínuo num reactor MBBR acidogénico operado a longo prazo. Cargas orgânicas entre 30 e 50 gCQO L-1d-1 permitiram obter um grau de acidificação máximo de 68% no efluente fermentado. Foi ainda demonstrado que uma adição dinâmica de alcalinidade (0 – 4,8 g CaCO3 L-1) nestas condições estimulou a produção de AOV de cadeia ímpar (propionato e n-valerato) até 42%. O efluente acidificado no processo anaeróbio foi usado como substrato em reactores SBR operados para selecção de culturas microbianas mistas acumuladoras de PHA, nos quais foi aplicado um regime de alimentação dinâmica em condições aeróbias (“fartura-fome”). Estes sistemas operaram também a longo prazo, e demonstraram ser capazes de remover mais de 96% da CQO alimentada e simultaneamente convertê-la em PHA, até 36% do peso celular seco. A velocidade de remoção de substrato (valor máximo de 1,33 gCQO g-1SSV h-1) foi proporcional ao teor de polímero acumulado, evidenciando o estabelecimento de uma fase de “fome” prolongada que estimulou a selecção de microrganismos com elevada capacidade de acumulação de PHA. Além disso, o teor molar de hidroxivalerato (HV) no copolímero produzido [P(HB-co-HV)] foi directamente proporcional ao teor de AOV de cadeia ímpar (propionato e n-valerato) presente no soro fermentado que serviu de substrato. Uma estratégia de operação do reactor SBR com variação da carga orgânica, aliada ao regime “fartura-fome” estabelecido, permitiu ainda simular a realidade dos processos de tratamento biológico de efluentes, nos quais a composição e concentração inicial de matéria orgânica variam frequentemente. Este modo de operação do sistema estimulou notavelmente o processo de selecção de culturas acumuladoras de PHA tendo resultado num aumento da acumulação de PHA de 7% para 36%. Os resultados demonstraram com sucesso a possibilidade de valorização do soro de queijo através de eco-biotecnologia, contribuindo para uma mudança de paradigma no tratamento convencional de efluentes: ao invés de serem eliminados enquanto poluentes, os componentes orgânicos presentes neste subproduto industrial podem assim ser convertidos em materiais de valor acrescentado.
O presente trabalho versa sobre a temática da corrupção como fenómeno global e a sua influência nas mais diversos setores da atividade politica, social e económica. A sua prevenção e combate tem sido objeto das mais variadas intervenções a nível mundial, através da criação de organismos e mecanismos legais. No contexto nacional, esta problemática tem feito parte das políticas governamentais de vários governos, através da adoção dos vários mecanismos internacionais ratificados e transpostos para o ordenamento jurídico interno português, ao abrigo dos quais foram criados mecanismos de foro institucional e legislativo, como forma de tornar a sua atuação cada vez mais transparente. Entendemos realizar este estudo na perspetiva do poder local (municípios) e respetivos sítios web e tendo em conta que a informação é o pilar de uma Administração aberta e transparente aos cidadãos, quer na sua atuação, quer na sua responsabilização. Propõe-se neste estudo observar como se refletem as diversas imposições legislativas em matéria de informação (produção e publicidade) e demais mecanismos, na atuação dos municípios, sob ponto de vista da sua implementação nos sítios web. Para tal recorremos à vasta matéria legislativa existente e delineamos a nossa investigação ao abrigo da questão principal formulada, para qual propusemos algumas hipóteses de investigação, que nos propusemos aferir pela observação e análise on-line ao sítio web definido. As conclusões indicam que as questões de transparência e informação são o objetivo primordial de qualquer Administração aberta e responsável, cujo objetivo seja a prossecução do interesse público. Para além disso, constata-se que os diversos mecanismos legislativos constituem forte comprometimento na sua implementação, bem como condicionam a atuação dos decisores públicos em termos de desvios de comportamento e responsabilização.
Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) is defined as the process of cell destruction by oxidative stress resulting from the interaction between light and a photosensitizer (PS), in the presence of molecular oxygen. PDI of bacteria has been extensively studied in recent years, proving to be a promising alternative to conventional antimicrobial agents for the treatment of superficial and localized infections. Moreover, the applicability of PDI goes far beyond the clinical field, as its potential use in water disinfection, using PS immobilized on solid supports, is currently under study. The aim of the first part of this work was to study the oxidative modifications in phospholipids, nucleic acids and proteins of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus warneri, subjected to photodynamic treatment with cationic porphyrins. The aims of the second part of the work were to study the efficiency of PDI in aquaculture water and the influence of different physicalchemical parameters in this process, using the Gram-negative bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, and to evaluate the possibility of recycling cationic PS immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles. To study the oxidative changes in membrane phospholipids, a lipidomic approach has been used, combining chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry. The FOX2 assay was used to determine the concentration of lipid hydroperoxides generated after treatment. The oxidative modifications in the proteins were analyzed by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Changes in the intracellular nucleic acids were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and the concentration of doublestranded DNA was determined by fluorimetry. The oxidative changes of bacterial PDI at the molecular level were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. In laboratory tests, bacteria (108 CFU mL-1) were irradiated with white light (4.0 mW cm-2) after incubation with the PS (Tri-Py+-Me-PF or Tetra-Py+-Me) at concentrations of 0.5 and 5.0 μM for S. warneri and E. coli, respectively. Bacteria were irradiated with different light doses (up to 9.6 J cm-2 for S. warneri and up to 64.8 J cm-2 for E. coli) and the changes were evaluated throughout the irradiation time. In the study of phospholipids, only the porphyrin Tri-Py+-Me-PF and a light dose of 64.8 J cm-2 were tested. The efficiency of PDI in aquaculture has been evaluated in two different conditions: in buffer solution, varying temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen concentration, and in aquaculture water samples, to reproduce the conditions of PDI in situ. The kinetics of the process was determined in realtime during the experiments by measuring the bioluminescence of V. fischeri (107 CFU mL-1, corresponding to a level of bioluminescence of 105 relative light units). A concentration of 5.0 μM of Tri-Py+-Me-PF was used in the experiments with buffer solution, and 10 to 50 μM in the experiments with aquaculture water. Artificial white light (4.0 mW cm-2) and solar irradiation (40 mW cm-2) were used as light sources.
O tratamento físico-químico de águas residuais, de origem industrial, mais comum é o tratamento baseado na adição de coagulante e floculante a um efluente. No entanto, o tratamento eletroquímico é um tipo de tratamento que tem vindo a ser explorado e estudado com mais ênfase ao longo dos últimos anos. O tratamento eletroquímico é uma tecnologia AOP (Processos de Oxidação Avançada) e divide-se em eletrólise direta (oxidação e redução) e indireta (eletrocoagulação-flotação e eletrooxidação). A eletrocoagulação e eletrooxidação divergem apenas pelo tipo de reações que ocorrem, devido ao material que constitui os elétrodos. São processos complexos com uma multiplicidade de mecanismos que operam sinergicamente para remover poluentes da água. Tendo em conta a sua complexidade e ainda dificuldade de compreensão, existem na literatura diferentes versões acerca de quais os mecanismos chave, assim como diversas configurações geométricas de reatores e elétrodos. Atualmente, este tipo de tratamento tem vindo a evoluir, tornando-se num método economicamente viável para o tratamento de uma grande variedade de águas residuais, nomeadamente, aquelas que possuem compostos recalcitrantes na sua composição. O presente trabalho foi realizado nas instalações da VentilAQUA S.A. e, tendo em conta a sua área de especialidade, o trabalho exposto focou-se no desenvolvimento de soluções técnicas de AOP, nomeadamente na área eletroquímica (eletrocoagulação e eletrooxidação),para estudo dos parâmetros operacionais numa nova configuração geométrica para os elétrodos. Tendo por base os contributos da revisão bibliográfica, o estudo incidiu num reator tubular, com elétrodos de inox dispostos de forma concêntrica, à mesma distância entre si. Com este reator foram executados variados testes, com diferentes efluentes, que permitiram obter resultados operacionais de otimização de funcionamento, tendo em vista a remoção de poluentes. O estudo financeiro associado permitiu concluir que a eletrooxidação é significativamente mais económica que o tratamento físico-químico, nas condições operacionais e para os efluentes tratados. Relativamente ao Acompanhamento e Gestão de ETAR’s (Capítulo 4) foi possível verificar que todos os casos em estudo apresentam uma boa eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica, permitindo a descarga do seu efluente com uma carga poluente que cumpre com os requisitos legais de descarga em meio hídrico.
The conversion of plant biomass-derived carbohydrates (preferably non-edible) into added-value products is envisaged to be at the core of the future biorefineries. Carbohydrates are the most abundant natural organic polymers on Earth. This work deals with the chemical valorisation of plant biomass, focusing on the acid-catalysed conversion of carbohydrates (mono and polysaccharides) to furanic aldehydes, namely 2-furaldehyde (Fur) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (Hmf), which are valuable platform chemicals that have the potential to replace a variety of oil derived chemicals and materials. The investigated reaction systems can be divided into two types depending on the solvent used to dissolve the carbohydrates in the reaction medium: water or ionic liquid-based systems. The reaction temperatures were greater than 150 ºC when the solvent was water, and lower than 150 º C in the cases of the ionic liquid-based catalytic systems. As alternatives to liquid acids (typically used in the industrial production of Fur), solid acid catalysts were investigated in these reaction systems. Aiming at the identification of (soluble and insoluble) reaction products, complementary characterisation techniques were used namely, FT-IR spectroscopy, liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC and GC´GC-ToFMS analyses. Complex mixtures of soluble reaction products were obtained and different types of side reactions may occur. The requirements to be put on the catalysts for these reaction systems partly depend on the type of carbohydrates to be converted and the reaction conditions used. The thermal stability is important due to the fact that formation of humins and catalyst coking phenomena are characteristically inherent to these types of reactions systems leading to the need to regenerate the catalyst which can be effectively accomplished by calcination. Special attention was given to fully inorganic nanoporous solid acids, amorphous or crystalline, and consisting of nano to micro-size particles. The investigated catalysts were silicoaluminophosphates, aluminosilicates and zirconium-tungsten mixed oxides which are versatile catalysts in that their physicochemical properties can be fine-tuned to improve the catalytic performances in the conversion of different substrates (e.g. introduction of mesoporosity and modification of the acid properties). The catalytic systems consisting of aluminosilicates as solid acids and water as solvent seem to be more effective in converting pentoses and related polysaccharides into Fur, than hexoses and related polysaccharides into Hmf. The investigated solid acids exhibited fairly good hydrothermal stabilities. On the other hand, ionic liquid-based catalytic systems can allow reaching simultaneously high Fur and Hmf yields, particularly when Hmf is obtained from D-fructose and related polysaccharides; however, catalyst deactivation occurs and the catalytic reactions take place in homogeneous phase. As pointed out in a review of the state of the art on this topic, the development of truly heterogeneous ionic liquid-based catalytic systems for producing Fur and Hmf in high yields remains a challenge.
Water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) from atmospheric particles comprises a complex array of molecular structures that play an important role on the physic-chemical properties of atmospheric particles and, therefore, are linked to several global-relevant atmospheric processes which impact the climate and public health. Due to the large variety of sources and formation processes, adequate knowledge on WSOM composition and its effects on the properties of atmospheric aerosol are still limited. Therefore, this thesis aims at providing new insights on the molecular composition of WSOM from fine atmospheric aerosols typical of an urban area (Aveiro, Portugal). In a first step, adsorption phenomena of semivolatile organic compounds on quartz fibre filters employed in the collection of atmospheric aerosols were assessed. Afterwards, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected during fifteen months, on a weekly basis. A mass balance of aerosol samples was performed in order to set the relative contribution of elemental carbon, WSOM and water-insoluble organic matter to the aerosol mass collected at the urban area of Aveiro, with a special focus on the assessment of the influence of different meteorological conditions. In order to assess the chemical complexity of the WSOM from urban aerosols, their structural characteristics were studied by means of Fourier transform infrared infrared - Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and solid-state cross polarization with magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies, as well as their elemental composition. The structural characterization of aerosol WSOM samples collected in the urban area highlighted a highly complex mixture of functional groups. It was concluded that aliphatic and aromatic structures, hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups are characteristic to all samples. The semi-quantitative assessment of the CPMAS 13C NMR data showed different distributions of the various functional groups between the aerosol samples collected at different seasons. Moreover, the presence of signals typical of lignin-derived structures in both CPMAS 13C NMR and FTIR-ATR spectra of the WSOM samples from the colder seasons, highlights the major contribution of biomass burning processes in domestic fireplaces, during low temperature conditions, into the bulk chemical properties of WSOM from urban aerosols. A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC x LC) method, on-line coupled to a diode array, fluorescence, and evaporative light scattering detectors, was employed for resolving the chemical heterogeneity of the aerosol WSOM samples and, simultaneously, to map the hydrophobicity versus the molecular weight distribution of the samples. The LC x LC method employed a mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction column operating under aqueous reversed phase mode in the first dimension, and a size-exclusion column in the second dimension, which was found to be useful for separating the aerosol WSOM samples into various fractions with distinct molecular weight and hydrophobic features. The estimative of the average molecular weight (Mw) distribution of the urban aerosol WSOM samples ranged from 48 to 942 Da and from 45 to 1241 Da in terms of UV absorption and fluorescence detection, respectively. Findings suggest that smaller Mw group fractions seem to be related to a more hydrophobic nature.
Sea salt is a natural product obtained from the evaporation of seawater in saltpans due to the combined effect of wind and sunlight. Nowadays, there is a growing interest for protection and re-valorisation of saltpans intrinsically associated to the quality of sea salt that can be evaluated by its physico-chemical properties. These man-made systems can be located in different geographical areas presenting different environmental surroundings. During the crystallization process, organic compounds coming from these surroundings can be incorporated into sea salt crystals, influencing their final composition. The organic matter associated to sea salt arises from three main sources: algae, surrounding bacterial community, and anthropogenic activity. Based on the hypothesis that sea salt contains associated organic compounds that can be used as markers of the product, including saltpans surrounding environment, the aim of this PhD thesis was to identify these compounds. With this purpose, this work comprised: 1) a deep characterisation of the volatile composition of sea salt by headspace solid phase microextraction combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC–ToFMS) methodology, in search of potential sea salt volatile markers; 2) the development of a methodology to isolate the polymeric material potentially present in sea salt, in amounts that allow its characterisation in terms of polysaccharides and protein; and 3) to explore the possible presence of triacylglycerides. The high chromatographic resolution and sensitivity of GC×GC–ToFMS enabled the separation and identification of a higher number of volatile compounds from sea salt, about three folds, compared to unidimentional chromatography (GC–qMS). The chromatographic contour plots obtained revealed the complexity of marine salt volatile composition and confirmed the relevance of GC×GC–ToFMS for this type of analysis. The structured bidimentional chromatographic profile arising from 1D volatility and 2D polarity was demonstrated, allowing more reliable identifications. Results obtained for analysis of salt from two locations in Aveiro and harvested over three years suggest the loss of volatile compounds along the time of storage of the salt. From Atlantic Ocean salts of seven different geographical origins, all produced in 2007, it was possible to identify a sub-set of ten compounds present in all salts, namely 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, isophorone, ketoisophorone, β-ionone-5,6-epoxide, dihydroactinidiolide, 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone, 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl 2-methylpropanoate, 2,4,4-trimethylpentane-1,3-diyl bis(2-methylpropanoate), and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. These ten compounds were considered potential volatile markers of sea salt. Seven of these compounds are carotenoid-derived compounds, and the other three may result from the integration of compounds from anthropogenic activity as metabolites of marine organisms. The present PhD work also allowed the isolation and characterisation, for the first time, of polymeric material from sea salt, using 16 Atlantic Ocean salts. A dialysis-based methodology was developed to isolate the polymeric material from sea salt in amounts that allowed its characterisation. The median content of polymeric material isolated from the 16 salts was 144 mg per kg of salt, e.g. 0.014% (w/w). Mid-infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry revealed the main occurrence of sulfated polysaccharides, as well as the presence of protein in the polymeric material from sea salt. Sea salt polysaccharides were found to be rich in uronic acid residues (21 mol%), glucose (18), galactose (16), and fucose (13). Sulfate content represented a median of 45 mol%, being the median content of sulfated polysaccharides 461 mg/g of polymeric material, which accounted for 66 mg/kg of dry salt. Glycosidic linkage composition indicates that the main sugar residues that could carry one or more sulfate groups were identified as fucose and galactose. This fact allowed to infer that the polysaccharides from sea salt arise mainly from algae, due to their abundance and composition. The amino acid profile of the polymeric material from the 16 Atlantic Ocean salts showed as main residues, as medians, alanine (25 mol%), leucine (14), and valine (14), which are hydrophobic, being the median protein content 35 mg/g, i.e. 4,9 mg per kg of dry salt. Beside the occurrence of hydrophobic volatile compounds in sea salt, hydrophobic non-volatile compounds were also detected. Triacylglycerides were obtained from sea salt by soxhlet extraction with n-hexane. Fatty acid composition revealed palmitic acid as the major residue (43 mol%), followed by stearic (13), linolenic (13), oleic (12), and linoleic (9). Sea salt triacylglycerides median content was 1.5 mg per kg of dry salt. Both protein and triacylglycerides seem to arise from macro and microalgae, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, due to their abundance and composition. Despite the variability resulting from saltpans surrounding environment, this PhD thesis allowed the identification of a sea salt characteristic organic compounds profile based on volatile compounds, polysaccharides, protein, and triacylglycerides.
This study aimed to analyse the Brazilian savanna forest from a Legal Reserve (LR) area from a perspective of conservation, reservoir of organic carbon and medicinal biomass for a prospective use of native medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out close to a community settled in the rural area in the south of Tocantins, being selected 9 of the most cited species (cajuí- Anacardium othonianum; inharé-Brosimum gaudichaudii; jatobá-Hymenaeae courbaril; jenipapo-Genipa americana, aroeira-Myracrodruon urundeuva; negramina-Siparuna guianensis; barbatimão- Stryphnodendron obovatum; assa peixe-Vernonia brasiliana, embaúba-Cecropia pachystachya). Crude foliar extracts were subjected to a preliminary phytochemical prospection and triage of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity of potential interest in health and familiar agriculture. Phenolic compounds, terpenes and flavonoids were detected in the extracts of most species, which suggests the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-insect activities. It was evident the need to better know the LR as a reservoir of medicinal biomass in an area under ecological tension where 35% (610ha) of the property is LR and should be protected by law. Therefore, a forest inventory of live woody species was performed using the allometric or indirect method. This identified a rare remnant of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest amidst the largest world savannah, the Cerrado biome. An analysis of the forest average productivity per basal area (m².ha), aerial live biomass (ton.ha-1) and carbon stock was carried out. The forest fragment was considered relatively rich in species and diversity, although showing signs of disturbance and dominance by a few species. Its horizontal structure suggests biotic regeneration conditions. It is an important reservoir of medicinal plants. Of the families (57.5%) presenting medicinal species, 19 from a total of 33 are represented in the area and contain 44% (27) of the total species (61) and 63% (432) of the total individuals catalogued. Medicinal species have ecological importance for the equilibrium of the local flora and represent 80% of the 10 species with higher Importance Value Index (IVI): Tetragastris altissima, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Oenocarpus distichus, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Simarouba versicolor, Alibertia macrophylla, Siparuna guianensis, Maprounea guianensis, Licania parvifolia e Physocalymma scaberrimum. Medicinal productivity was high for this type of phytophysionomy: 183,2 ton. ha-1 of biomass and 91,51 ton. ha-1 of carbon representing 66% of the total biomass and carbon of this Cerrado forest. From this stage S. guianensis (Siparunaceae) was selected for performing bioassays in order to verify its biological activity against microorganisms of health and agricultural relevance. This is a native aromatic medicinal plant recommended as priority for conservation, with local popular medicinal validation and availability of medicinal feedstock (3300 Kg.ha-1), with the foliar fraction giving 38Kg/ha of crude extract and 5L/ha of essential oil. Foliar crude extracts and essential oil were obtained and tested in vitro using a disk diffusion bioassay. Different concentrations of these natural products were tested against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and ATCC 35218; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145) and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 6258 e Fusarium oxysporum). The essential oil inhibited the growth of S. aureus in its crude concentration (380μg.mL-1), as well as diluted to half (190μg.mL-1) and a quarter strength (95μg.mL-1). It’s likely that such action is due to sesquiterpenes major components, such as bisabolol and bisabolene (10.35%), measured by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID). Extracts did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The native medicinal plants prospective market is an alternative that favours the conservation of biodiversity while generating benefits for the development of sustainable family productive activities within local ecosystems instead of the current inappropriate uses. This strengthens conservation policies of Legal Reserve in rural settlements and is in agreement with public policy on global warming and climate changes.
Coral reefs are of utmost ecological and economical importance but are currently in global decline due to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances. Corals, as well as other cnidarian species, live in symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. This relationship provides the cnidarian host with alternative metabolic pathways, as the symbionts translocate photosynthetic carbon to the animal. Besides this autotrophic nutrition mode, symbiotic cnidarians also take up organic matter from the environment (heterotrophy). The nutritional balance between auto- and heterotrophy is critical for the functioning, fitness and resilience of the cnidariandinoflagellate symbiosis. New methodological approaches were developed to better understand the role of auto- and heterotrophy in the ecophysiology of cnidarians associated with Symbiodinium, and the ecological implications of this trophic plasticity. Specifically, the new approaches were developed to assess photophysiology, biomass production of the model organism Aiptasia sp. and molecular tools to investigate heterotrophy in the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Using these approaches, we were able to non-invasively assess the photophysiological spatial heterogeneity of symbiotic cnidarians and identify spatial patterns between chlorophyll fluorescence and relative content of chlorophyll a and green-fluorescent proteins. Optimal culture conditions to maximize the biomass production of Aiptasia pallida were identified, as well as their implications on the fatty acid composition of the anemones. Molecular trophic markers were used to determine prey digestion times in symbiotic cnidarians, which vary between 1-3 days depending on prey species, predator species and the feeding history of the predator. This method was also used to demonstrate that microalgae is a potential food source for symbiotic corals. By using a stable isotope approach to assess the trophic ecology of the facultative symbiotic Oculina arbuscula in situ, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of pico- and nanoplanktonic organisms, particularly autotrophic, in the nutrition of symbiotic corals. Finally, we showed the effects of functional diversity of Symbiodinium on the nutritional plasticity of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Symbiont identity defines this plasticity through its individual metabolic requirements, capacity to fix carbon, quantity of translocated carbon and the host’s capacity to feed and digest prey.
Como reflexo da crescente disponibilização de recursos tecnológicos em ambiente Web 2.0 tem-se assistido, de forma gradual, a um contraponto de ordem social à inércia do poder político em sede da participação, traduzido numa intervenção mais ativa dos cidadãos, individualmente ou sob a forma de grupos de interesses, com recurso a processos de interação nos media participativos, nomeadamente nas redes sociais. Embora seja possível reconhecer alguma evolução no sentido da transparência na ação dos Governos, através de canais habitualmente mais vocacionados para procedimentos comunicacionais de natureza unidirecional, este estudo decorreu no sentido da caraterização das práticas participativas dos cidadãos, em ambiente digital, e das políticas e canais disponibilizados pelas administrações públicas, nomeadamente no âmbito da EU, em função dos compromissos assumidos por parte dos seus Estados-Membros para a criação e implementação de mecanismos de interação, no sentido de uma democracia digital, que enquanto conceção, enquadraria a participação dos cidadãos. Com este estudo pretendeu-se identificar necessidades e expectativas dos cidadãos, no contexto da cidadania participativa ou da democracia digital, sendo referenciados contextos enquadradores, correspondentes aos níveis da intervenção no exercício da cidadania em ambiente Web e ao estado da arte da componente que nessa matéria caberia aos Estados, nomeadamente no contexto da União Europeia e em particular, em Portugal. Para a concretização deste trabalho recorreu-se a bibliografia diversa, a exemplos práticos e à expressão da opinião de entidades singulares de reconhecido mérito e de representantes de Organizações da sociedade civil, sob a forma de entrevistas, parecendo pode retirar-se que as TIC não terão de assumir como objetivo procurar implantar uma democracia direta, em detrimento do contexto representativo, antes vir o seu potencial tecnológico a assumir um papel relevante no âmbito da complementaridade de interesses entre os poderes e os cidadãos.
The selection of the energy source to power the transport sector is one of the main current concerns, not only relative with the energy paradigm but also due to the strong influence of road traffic in urban areas, which highly affects human exposure to air pollutants and human health and quality of life. Due to current important technical limitations of advanced energy sources for transportation purposes, biofuels are seen as an alternative way to power the world’s motor vehicles in a near-future, helping to reduce GHG emissions while at the same time stimulating rural development. Motivated by European strategies, Portugal, has been betting on biofuels to meet the Directive 2009/28/CE goals for road transports using biofuels, especially biodiesel, even though, there is unawareness regarding its impacts on air quality. In this sense, this work intends to clarify this issue by trying to answer the following question: can biodiesel use contribute to a better air quality over Portugal, particularly over urban areas? The first step of this work consisted on the characterization of the national biodiesel supply chain, which allows verifying that the biodiesel chain has problems of sustainability as it depends on raw materials importation, therefore not contributing to reduce the external energy dependence. Next, atmospheric pollutant emissions and air quality impacts associated to the biodiesel use on road transports were assessed, over Portugal and in particular over the Porto urban area, making use of the WRF-EURAD mesoscale numerical modelling system. For that, two emission scenarios were defined: a reference situation without biodiesel use and a scenario reflecting the use of a B20 fuel. Through the comparison of both scenarios, it was verified that the use of B20 fuels helps in controlling air pollution, promoting reductions on PM10, PM2.5, CO and total NMVOC concentrations. It was also verified that NO2 concentrations decrease over the mainland Portugal, but increase in the Porto urban area, as well as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein emissions in the both case studies. However, the use of pure diesel is more injurious for human health due to its dominant VOC which have higher chronic hazard quotients and hazard indices when compared to B20.
This thesis reports in detail studies of industrial solid wastes valorization as alternative raw materials. All tested wastes are classified as non-hazardous and are generated in the pulp and paper process, including primary sludge, dregs, grits, lime mud and bottom ash (this generated in a process that occurs in parallel to the production of cellulose, whose aim is the production of energy to supply the plant through the combustion of forest biomass in fluidized bed). A detailed general characterization was performed at each waste and according to their characteristics, they were selected some applications in materials with potential use, specifically in Fibercement, Bituminous Mixture for regularization layer and industrial mortars (rendering mortars and cementitious-adhesive). After decided to application each waste was specifically tested to proceed the setting up of formulations containing different content of waste in replacement of the raw conventional material. As an isolated case, the bottom ash was tested not only as an alternative raw material for construction materials, but also it was tested for its use in fluidized bed in which the waste is generated as raw material. Both dregs and bottom ash had undergone special treatment to make possible to obtain a better quality of waste in order do not compromise the final product characteristics and process. The dregs were tested in bituminous mixtures as received and also washed (on the laboratory scale to remove soluble salts) and bottom ash were washed and screened in industrial scale (for removal of soluble salts, especially chlorides and coarse fraction particles elimination - particles larger than 1 mm size). The remaining residues form used in such as received avoiding additional costs. The results indicated potential and some limitations for each application to the use of these wastes as alternative raw material, but in some cases, the benefits in relation to valorization overlap with its limitations in both aspects, environmental and economic.
The global aim of this thesis was to evaluate and assess the effects of a pesticide (dimethoate) and a metal (nickel), as model chemicals, within different organization levels, starting at the detoxification pathways (enzymatic biomarkers) and energy costs associated (energy content quantification, energy consumption and CEA) along with the physiological alterations at the individual and population level (mortality), leading to a metabolomic analysis (using liquid 1H-NMR) and finally a gene expression analysis (transcriptome and RT-qPCR analysis). To better understand potential variations in response to stressors, abiotic factors were also assessed in terrestrial isopods such as temperature, soil moisture and UV radiation. The evaluation performed using biochemical biomarkers and energy related parameters showed that increases in temperature might negatively affect the organisms by generating oxidative stress. It also showed that this species is acclimated to environments with low soil moisture, and that in high moisture scenarios there was a short gap between the optimal and adverse conditions that led to increased mortality. As for UV-R, doses nowadays present have shown to induce significant negative impact on these organisms. The long-term exposure to dimethoate showed that besides the neurotoxicity resulting from acetylcholinesterase inhibition, this stressor also caused oxidative stress. This effect was observed for both concentrations used (recommended field dose application and a below EC50 value) and that its combination with different temperatures (20ºC and 25ºC) showed different response patterns. It was also observed that dimethoate’s degradation rate in soils was higher in the presence of isopods. In a similar study performed with nickel, oxidative stress was also observed. But, in the case of this stressor exposure, organisms showed a strategy where the energetic costs necessary for detoxification (biomarkers) seemed to be compensated by positive alterations in the energy related parameters. In this work we presented for the first time a metabolomic profile of terrestrial isopods exposed to stressors (dimethoate and niquel), since until the moment only a previous study was performed on a metabolomic evaluation in nonexposed isopods. In the first part of the study we identify 24 new metabolites that had not been described previously. On the second part of the study a metabolomic profile variation of abstract non-exposed organism throughout the exposure was presented and finally the metabolomic profile of organisms exposed to dimethoate and nickel. The exposure to nickel suggested alteration in growth, moult, haemocyanin and glutathione synthesis, energy pathways and in osmoregulation. As for the exposure to dimethoate alterations in osmoregulation, energy pathways, moult and neurotransmission were also suggested. In this work it was also presented the first full body transcriptome of a terrestrial isopod from the species Porcellionides pruinosus, which will complement the scarce information available for this group of organisms. This transcriptome also served as base for a RNA-Seq and a RT-qPCR analysis. The results of the RNA-Seq analysis performed in organisms exposed to nickel showed that this stressor negatively impacted at the genetic and epigenetic levels, in the trafficking, storage and elimination of metals, generates oxidative stress, inducing neurotoxicity and also affecting reproduction. These results were confirmed through RT-qPCR. As for the impact of dimethoate on these organisms it was only accessed through RT-qPCR and showed oxidative stress, an impact in neurotransmission, in epigenetic markers, DNA repair and cell cycle impairment. This study allowed the design of an Adverse Outcome Pathway draft that can be used further on for legislative purposes.