19 resultados para vocal repertoire


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A presente tese inscreve-se no domínio da etnomusicologia. Resulta da realização de trabalho de campo no estado do Maranhão/Brasil, entre 2012 e 2014, e propõe um exercício de reflexão sobre as transformações pelas quais passou a prática performativa Bumba meu Boi, a partir da introdução dos instrumentos de sopro na sua componente musical, dando origem ao Boi de Orquestra. Parti do estudo etnográfico dos quatro principais estilos de Bumba meu Boi (sotaques) existentes antes da criação do Boi de Orquestra, e de uma pesquisa de cunho histórico que buscou o modo como esta prática se configurou já no século XX e como ela se traduz na performance (folguedo). Argumento que a criação do sotaque de orquestra favoreceu a aceitação do folguedo pela elite social do Maranhão, que o identificou como próximo da cultura europeia, da qual se sentia caudatária. O repertório performativo analisado neste trabalho inclui as toadas, as danças, as indumentárias e os rituais de batizado e morte do boi, a partir dos registros sonoros e visuais efetuados no mês de junho e julho de 2013. Desta forma, este trabalho procura contribuir para a compreensão do lugar que a música ocupou nos movimentos gerados pelos povos subjugados no período pós-colonial, na luta pela afirmação do seu direito à existência singular. Neste sentido serão analisados os processos de ressignificação e de recontextualização do Bumba Meu Boi e da música, enquanto dispositivos que, no caso do Maranhão, contribuíram para a construção de mundos comuns a partir da criação de realidades ilusórias.


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The case study looked at psychological and physiological responses to stress in musicians, comparing a newly formed and a consolidated violin-piano duo. The common element between these duos was the pianist. Using the psychological tests (STAI Y1 and Y2, K-MPAI, MMPI-2, ICAC), the immunoassay saliva test to measure cortisol (stress hormone) and non- invasive device VitalJacket® developed at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, participants were monitored under various performance conditions. Others quantitative and qualitative dataset were collected including a pianist’s personal diary (analyzed by psychiatrist), semi-structured interviews with members of long-terms chamber music duo and perceptual evaluations (listening test) of the performances by expert listeners. The variables included two performance venues (European university and secondary school), as well as well-known repertoire, recently known repertoire and newly known repertoire. The latter was given approximately one week before each recital. The psychological and physiological dataset were collected for a total of eight recitals – two series of four recitals each. The unexpected results show that state anxiety levels and stress of the pianist, who does not present an anxious profile, either in social or in musical terms, are always higher when playing with a well-known partner. Possible explanations may be due to the highest expectations for quality of performance and implications of mirror neurons (since the reactions are very different according to the partner). In other words, the “known” (i.e., the consolidated duo) can become “trapped” within a predetermined space, especially at the psychological level, while the “unknown” (the occasional duo) seems to be less involved and therefore more reassuring and exciting in positive terms. In addition, the preference of the expert audience is for the consolidated duo.


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Esta investigação visa a criação de estratégias educativas para o ensino/aprendizagem da improvisação do tento de meio-registo de baixo, modelo composicional específico do repertório organístico da Península Ibérica nos séculos XVI a XVIII. Estas estratégias educativas concretizam-se numa proposta de manual de improvisação que deverá constituir-se como contributo didáctico, no âmbito do sistema de ensino, e como agente impulsionador da improvisação em órgão ibérico.


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Communication and cooperation between billions of neurons underlie the power of the brain. How do complex functions of the brain arise from its cellular constituents? How do groups of neurons self-organize into patterns of activity? These are crucial questions in neuroscience. In order to answer them, it is necessary to have solid theoretical understanding of how single neurons communicate at the microscopic level, and how cooperative activity emerges. In this thesis we aim to understand how complex collective phenomena can arise in a simple model of neuronal networks. We use a model with balanced excitation and inhibition and complex network architecture, and we develop analytical and numerical methods for describing its neuronal dynamics. We study how interaction between neurons generates various collective phenomena, such as spontaneous appearance of network oscillations and seizures, and early warnings of these transitions in neuronal networks. Within our model, we show that phase transitions separate various dynamical regimes, and we investigate the corresponding bifurcations and critical phenomena. It permits us to suggest a qualitative explanation of the Berger effect, and to investigate phenomena such as avalanches, band-pass filter, and stochastic resonance. The role of modular structure in the detection of weak signals is also discussed. Moreover, we find nonlinear excitations that can describe paroxysmal spikes observed in electroencephalograms from epileptic brains. It allows us to propose a method to predict epileptic seizures. Memory and learning are key functions of the brain. There are evidences that these processes result from dynamical changes in the structure of the brain. At the microscopic level, synaptic connections are plastic and are modified according to the dynamics of neurons. Thus, we generalize our cortical model to take into account synaptic plasticity and we show that the repertoire of dynamical regimes becomes richer. In particular, we find mixed-mode oscillations and a chaotic regime in neuronal network dynamics.