2 resultados para fine-grained visual categorization
With the new academic year structure encouraging more in-term assessment to replace end-of-year examinations one of the problems we face is assessing students and keeping track of individual student learning without overloading the students and staff with excessive assessment burdens.
In the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, we have constructed a system that allows students to self-assess their capability on a simple Yes/No/Don’t Know scale against fine grained learning outcomes for a module. As the term progresses students update their record as appropriately, including selecting a Learnt option to reflect improvements they have gained as part of their studies.
In the system each of the learning outcomes are linked to the relevant teaching session (lectures and labs) and to online resources that students can access at any time. Students can structure their own learning experience to their needs and preferences in order to attain the learning outcomes.
The system keeps a history of the student’s record, allowing the lecturer to observe how the students’ abilities progress over the term and to compare it to assessment results. The system also keeps of any of the resource links that student has clicked on and the related learning outcome.
The initial work is comparing the accuracy of the student self-assessments with their performance in the related questions in the traditional end-of-year examination.
This paper addresses the problem of colorectal tumour segmentation in complex real world imagery. For efficient segmentation, a multi-scale strategy is developed for extracting the potentially cancerous region of interest (ROI) based on colour histograms while searching for the best texture resolution. To achieve better segmentation accuracy, we apply a novel bag-of-visual-words method based on rotation invariant raw statistical features and random projection based l2-norm sparse representation to classify tumour areas in histopathology images. Experimental results on 20 real world digital slides demonstrate that the proposed algorithm results in better recognition accuracy than several state of the art segmentation techniques.