4 resultados para Schoenberg Conjecture


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For an arbitrary associative unital ring RR, let J1J1 and J2J2 be the following noncommutative, birational, partly defined involutions on the set M3(R)M3(R) of 3×33×3 matrices over RR: J1(M)=M−1J1(M)=M−1 (the usual matrix inverse) and J2(M)jk=(Mkj)−1J2(M)jk=(Mkj)−1 (the transpose of the Hadamard inverse).

We prove the surprising conjecture by Kontsevich that (J2∘J1)3(J2∘J1)3 is the identity map modulo the DiagL×DiagRDiagL×DiagR action (D1,D2)(M)=D−11MD2(D1,D2)(M)=D1−1MD2 of pairs of invertible diagonal matrices. That is, we show that, for each MM in the domain where (J2∘J1)3(J2∘J1)3 is defined, there are invertible diagonal 3×33×3 matrices D1=D1(M)D1=D1(M) and D2=D2(M)D2=D2(M) such that (J2∘J1)3(M)=D−11MD2(J2∘J1)3(M)=D1−1MD2.


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By the Golod–Shafarevich theorem, an associative algebra $R$ given by $n$ generators and $<n^2/3$ homogeneous quadratic relations is not 5-step nilpotent. We prove that this estimate is optimal. Namely, we show that for every positive integer $n$, there is an algebra $R$ given by $n$ generators and $\lceil n^2/3\rceil$ homogeneous quadratic relations such that $R$ is 5-step nilpotent.


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The state of a system in classical mechanics can be uniquely reconstructed if we know the positions and the momenta of all its parts. In 1958 Pauli has conjectured that the same holds for quantum mechanical systems. The conjecture turned out to be wrong. In this paper we provide a new set of examples of Pauli pairs, being the pairs of quantum states indistinguishable by measuring the spatial location and momentum. In particular, we construct a new set of spatially localized Pauli pairs.


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In the book ’Quadratic algebras’ by Polishchuk and Positselski [23] algebras with a small number of generators (n = 2, 3) are considered. For some number r of relations possible Hilbert series are listed, and those appearing as series of Koszul algebras are specified. The first case, where it was not possible to do, namely the case of three generators n = 3 and six relations r = 6 is formulated as an open problem. We give here a complete answer to this question, namely for quadratic algebras with dimA_1 = dimA_2 = 3, we list all possible Hilbert series, and find out which of them can come from Koszul algebras, and which can not. As a consequence of this classification, we found an algebra, which serves as a counterexample to another problem from the same book [23] (Chapter 7, Sec. 1, Conjecture 2), saying that Koszul algebra of finite global homological dimension d has dimA_1 > d. Namely, the 3-generated algebra A given by relations xx + yx = xz = zy = 0 is Koszul and its Koszul dual algebra A^! has Hilbert series of degree 4: HA! (t) = 1 + 3t + 3t^2 + 2t^3 + t^4, hence A has global homological dimension 4.