9 resultados para Kanerva, Jukkat: Exploring the chronospace of images
Teachers frequently struggle to cope with conduct problems in the classroom. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme for improving teacher competencies and child adjustment. The study involved a group randomised controlled trial which included 22 teachers and 217 children (102 boys and 115 girls). The average age of children included in the study was 5.3 years (standard deviation = 0.89). Teachers were randomly allocated to an intervention group (n = 11 teachers; 110 children) or a waiting-list control group (n = 11; 107 children). The sample also included 63 ‘high-risk’ children (33 intervention; 30 control), who scored above the cut-off (>12) on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for abnormal socioemotional and behavioural difficulties. Teacher and child behaviours were assessed at baseline and 6 months later using psychometric and observational measures. Programme delivery costs were also analysed. Results showed positive changes in teachers’ self-reported use of positive classroom management strategies (effect size = 0.56), as well as negative classroom management strategies (effect size = −0.43). Teacher reports also highlight improvements in the classroom behaviour of the high-risk group of children, while the estimated cost of delivering the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme was modest. However, analyses of teacher and child observations were largely non-significant. A need for further research exploring the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme is indicated.
Procedural justice advocates argue that fair procedures in decision making processes can increase participant satisfaction with legal institutions. Little critical work has been done however to explore the power of such claims in the context of mass violence and international criminal justice. This article critically examines some of the key claims of procedural justice by exploring the perceptions of justice held by victims participating as Civil Parties in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). The ECCC has created one of the most inclusive and extensive victim participation regimes within international criminal law. It therefore provides a unique case study to examine some of claims of ‘victim-centred’ transitional justice through a procedural justice lens. It finds that while procedural justice influenced civil parties’ overall perceptions of the Court, outcomes remained of primary importance. It concludes by analysing the possible reasons for this prioritisation.
A selected ion flow tube study of the reactions of a series of gas-phase atomic cations (S+, Xe+, O+, Kr+, N+, Ar+ and Ne+) and molecular ions (SF n+ (n = 1-5), CFn+ (n = 1-3), CF2Cl+, H3O+, NO+, N 2O+, CO2+, CO+, and N2+) spanning a large range of recombination energies (6.3-21.6 eV), with acetone, 1,1,1-trifluoroacetone, and hexafluoroacetone has been undertaken with the objective of exploring the nature of the reaction ion chemistry as the methyl groups in acetone are substituted for CF3. The reaction rate coefficients and product ion branching ratios for all 66 reactions, measured at 298 K, are reported. The experimental reaction rate coefficients are compared to theoretically calculated collisional values. Several distinct reaction processes were observed among the large number of reactions studied, including charge transfer (non-dissociative and dissociative), abstraction, ion-molecule associations and, in the case of the reactions involving the reagent ion H3O+, proton transfer.
The complexity of modern geochemical data sets is increasing in several aspects (number of available samples, number of elements measured, number of matrices analysed, geological-environmental variability covered, etc), hence it is becoming increasingly necessary to apply statistical methods to elucidate their structure. This paper presents an exploratory analysis of one such complex data set, the Tellus geochemical soil survey of Northern Ireland (NI). This exploratory analysis is based on one of the most fundamental exploratory tools, principal component analysis (PCA) and its graphical representation as a biplot, albeit in several variations: the set of elements included (only major oxides vs. all observed elements), the prior transformation applied to the data (none, a standardization or a logratio transformation) and the way the covariance matrix between components is estimated (classical estimation vs. robust estimation). Results show that a log-ratio PCA (robust or classical) of all available elements is the most powerful exploratory setting, providing the following insights: the first two processes controlling the whole geochemical variation in NI soils are peat coverage and a contrast between “mafic” and “felsic” background lithologies; peat covered areas are detected as outliers by a robust analysis, and can be then filtered out if required for further modelling; and peat coverage intensity can be quantified with the %Br in the subcomposition (Br, Rb, Ni).
To explore the concerns, needs and knowledge of women diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM).
A qualitative study of women with GDM or a history of GDM.
Nineteen women who were both pregnant and recently diagnosed with GDM or post- natal with a recent history of GDM were recruited from outpatient diabetes care clinics. This qualitative study utilised focus groups. Participants were asked a series of open-ended questions to explore 1) current knowledge of GDM; 2) anxiety when diagnosed with GDM, and whether this changed overtime; 3) understanding and managing GDM and 4) the future impact of GDM. The data were analysed using a conventional content analysis approach.
Women experience a steep learning curve when initially diagnosed and eventually become skilled at managing their disease effectively. The use of insulin is associated with fear and guilt. Diet advice was sometimes complex and not culturally appropriate. Women appear not to be fully aware of the short or long-term consequences of a diagnosis of GDM.
Midwives and other Health Care Professionals need to be cognisant of the impact of a diagnosis of GDM and give individual and culturally appropriate advice (especially with regards to diet). High quality, evidence based information resources need to be made available to this group of women. Future health risks and lifestyle changes need to be discussed at diagnosis to ensure women have the opportunity to improve their health.
Recent evidence has highlighted the important role that number ordering skills play in arithmetic abilities (e.g., Lyons & Beilock, 2011). In fact, Lyons et al. (2014) demonstrated that although at the start of formal mathematics education number comparison skills are the best predictors of arithmetic performance, from around the age of 10, number ordering skills become the strongest numerical predictors of arithmetic abilities. In the current study we demonstrated that number comparison and ordering skills were both significantly related to arithmetic performance in adults, and the effect size was greater in the case of ordering skills. Additionally, we found that the effect of number comparison skills on arithmetic performance was partially mediated by number ordering skills. Moreover, performance on comparison and ordering tasks involving the months of the year was also strongly correlated with arithmetic skills, and participants displayed similar (canonical or reverse) distance effects on the comparison and ordering tasks involving months as when the tasks included numbers. This suggests that the processes responsible for the link between comparison and ordering skills and arithmetic performance are not specific to the domain of numbers. Finally, a factor analysis indicated that performance on comparison and ordering tasks loaded on a factor which included performance on a number line task and self-reported spatial thinking styles. These results substantially extend previous research on the role of order processing abilities in mental arithmetic.