25 resultados para Analyse spatio-temporelle
Several countries have made large investments in building historical Geographical Information Systems (GIS) databases containing census and other quantitative statistics over long periods of time. Making good use of these databases requires approaches that explore spatial and temporal change.
Previous studies found that patriotic national pride (e.g., pride in democracy) - as opposed to nationalistic national pride (e.g., pride in being German) - has an attenuating effect on ethnocentrism, which is desirable from a democratic standpoint. Here it is hypothesized (1) that patriotic pride can be ascribed to the three components national identification, importance of democratic aspects of Germany, and belief in existence of democratic aspects of Germany, and (2) that these components exert in part conflicting effects on ethnocentrism and other variables. In two questionnaire studies (N-1 = 121, N-2 = 150) it is shown that (1) the three components do predict patriotic national pride and (2) the democratically desirable effects of patriotic pride trace back primarily to the importance of democratic aspects. In conclusion, from a democratic standpoint, it is positive valuation of democratic aspects and not patriotic pride that should be nurtured.
Cellular response to radiation damage is made by a complex network of pathways and feedback loops whose spatiotemporal organization is still unclear despite its decisive role in determining the fate of the damaged cell. The single-cell approach and the high spatial resolution offered by microbeams provide the perfect tool to study and quantify the dynamic processes associated with the induction and repair of DNA damage. The soft X-ray microbeam has been used to follow the development of radiation induced foci in live cells by monitoring their size and intensity as a function of dose and time using yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) tagging techniques. Preliminary data indicate a delayed and linear rising of the intensity signal indicating a slow kinetic for the accumulation of DNA repair protein 53BP1. A slow and limited foci diffusion has also been observed. Further investigations are required to assess whatever such diffusion is consistent with a random walk pattern or if it is the result of a more structured lesion processing phenomenon. In conclusion, our data indicates that the use of microbeams coupled to live cell microscopy represent a sophisticated approach for visualizing and quantifying the dynamics changes of DNA proteins at the damaged sites.
We investigated groundwater salinity as a key element in both the short and long-term evolution of the island of Grande Glorieuse. Firstly, we demonstrated that its evolution involved the integration of the whole range of variables forcing climate change. Piezometric surveys designed to sample the salinity of the subsoil waters of Grande Glorieuse could therefore provide an objective indicator of the environment’s evolution. Then, based on information from geoelectrical investigations, we proved that the spatial distribution of salinity is strongly dependent on the geological structure of the island. Structural heterogeneities can influence vulnerability of the island environment to salinization of the freshwater lens. Thus, characterization and monitoring of the freshwater lens will provide a reliable means of observing and managing anticipated climate changes on small islands. [Join J.-L., Banton O., Comte J.-C., Leze J., Massin F., Nicolini E. (2011), Assessing spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater salinity in small coral islands in the Western Indian Ocean, Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 10(1), 1-12]
ABSTRACT High resolution records of mid-late Holocene hydro-climatic change are presented from Mer Bleue Bog, eastern Ontario. Past climatic changes in this region have previously been inferred from lake sediments, but rain-fed peatlands can offer additional insights into the spatial and temporal pattern of moisture availability. In this study, reconstructed water table depths are based on a testate amoeba-derived transfer function developed for the region and changes in bog surface wetness are compared with plant macrofossil and peat humification data.
RÉSUMÉ Nous présentons les enregistrements hautes résolutions des variations hydrologique durant la second moitié de l’Holocène pour les tourbières Mer Bleue á l’est de l'Ontario. Précédemment, les changements climatiques de cette région ont été dérivés à partir de prélèvement de sédiments de lac. Mais ils s’avèrent que les tourbières ombrotrophes offrir un éclairage supplémentaire sur les schémas de répartition spatiale et temporelle de la disponibilité de l'humidité. Dans cette étude, des profondeurs reconstruites de nappe phréatique sont basées sur un modèle de function de transfert d’amibes (Arcellinida) et des changements de l’humidité de surface de la tourbière sont comparés avec les macrofossils et au humification de tourbe dans une analyse multi-proxy.
This paper addresses the pose recovery problem of a particular articulated object: the human body. In this model-based approach, the 2D-shape is associated to the corresponding stick figure allowing the joint segmentation and pose recovery of the subject observed in the scene. The main disadvantage of 2D-models is their restriction to the viewpoint. To cope with this limitation, local spatio-temporal 2D-models corresponding to many views of the same sequences are trained, concatenated and sorted in a global framework. Temporal and spatial constraints are then considered to build the probabilistic transition matrix (PTM) that gives a frame to frame estimation of the most probable local models to use during the fitting procedure, thus limiting the feature space. This approach takes advantage of 3D information avoiding the use of a complex 3D human model. The experiments carried out on both indoor and outdoor sequences have demonstrated the ability of this approach to adequately segment pedestrians and estimate their poses independently of the direction of motion during the sequence. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present a Spatio-temporal 2D Models Framework (STMF) for 2D-Pose tracking. Space and time are discretized and a mixture of probabilistic "local models" is learnt associating 2D Shapes and 2D Stick Figures. Those spatio-temporal models generalize well for a particular viewpoint and state of the tracked action but some spatio-temporal discontinuities can appear along a sequence, as a direct consequence of the discretization. To overcome the problem, we propose to apply a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) in the 2D-Pose eigenspace, thus interpolating unseen data between view-based clusters. The fitness to the images of the predicted 2D-Poses is evaluated combining our STMF with spatio-temporal constraints. A robust, fast and smooth human motion tracker is obtained by tracking only the few most important dimensions of the state space and by refining deterministically with our STMF.
Solid particle erosion is a major concern in the engineering industry, particularly where transport of slurry flow is involved. Such flow regimes are characteristic of those in alumina refinement plants. The entrainment of particulate matter, for example sand, in the Bayer liquor can cause severe erosion in pipe fittings, especially in those which redirect the flow. The considerable costs involved in the maintenance and replacement of these eroded components led to an interest in research into erosion prediction by numerical methods at Rusal Aughinish alumina refinery, Limerick, Ireland, and the University of Limerick. The first stage of this study focused on the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate solid particle erosion in elbows. Subsequently an analysis of the factors that affect erosion of elbows was performed using design of experiments (DOE) techniques. Combining CFD with DOE harnesses the computational power of CFD in the most efficient manner for prediction of elbow erosion. An analysis of the factors that affect the erosion of elbows was undertaken with the intention of producing an erosion prediction model. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.
Object tracking is an active research area nowadays due to its importance in human computer interface, teleconferencing and video surveillance. However, reliable tracking of objects in the presence of occlusions, pose and illumination changes is still a challenging topic. In this paper, we introduce a novel tracking approach that fuses two cues namely colour and spatio-temporal motion energy within a particle filter based framework. We conduct a measure of coherent motion over two image frames, which reveals the spatio-temporal dynamics of the target. At the same time, the importance of both colour and motion energy cues is determined in the stage of reliability evaluation. This determination helps maintain the performance of the tracking system against abrupt appearance changes. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the other state of the art techniques in the used test datasets.
The reduction of poverty and social exclusion is one of the targets of the European Union's 2020 strategy. The appropriateness and success of such a policy require the choice of relevant indicators that not only highlight poverty gaps between countries but also identify the groups of individuals in each country that need particular attention from social policies. The target retained in the European strategy combines three criteria: people living in households below the monetary poverty threshold, poor people “in terms of standard of living” who live in a situation of severe material deprivation, and those who live in households with very low or zero work intensity. We first show that neither the combination nor the intersection of these three criteria produces an adequate measure of the fight against poverty, or an objective for it. We therefore propose an alternative concept, that of “consistent poverty”, which targets people who simultaneously live below the monetary poverty threshold and above a certain level of material deprivation. The special material deprivation module of the EU-SILC 2009 database allows us to examine two versions of this notion of deprivation: the measurement of “severe” deprivation currently used by the European Union, which adopts a threshold with four items, and an alternative measure of “elementary” material deprivation with a three-item threshold. The intersection between our three-item elementary deprivation criterion and the monetary poverty criterion produces more satisfactory results than those obtained by the European Union approach, in terms of both coherency and profile of the population identified.