24 resultados para hypercyclic, cyclic vectors, topological vector spaces

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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We say that a (countably dimensional) topological vector space X is orbital if there is T∈L(X) and a vector x∈X such that X is the linear span of the orbit {Tnx:n=0,1,…}. We say that X is strongly orbital if, additionally, x can be chosen to be a hypercyclic vector for T. Of course, X can be orbital only if the algebraic dimension of X is finite or infinite countable. We characterize orbital and strongly orbital metrizable locally convex spaces. We also show that every countably dimensional metrizable locally convex space X does not have the invariant subset property. That is, there is T∈L(X) such that every non-zero x∈X is a hypercyclic vector for T. Finally, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, we construct a complete strongly orbital locally convex space.

As a byproduct of our constructions, we determine the number of isomorphism classes in the set of dense countably dimensional subspaces of any given separable infinite dimensional Fréchet space X. For instance, in X=ℓ2×ω, there are exactly 3 pairwise non-isomorphic (as topological vector spaces) dense countably dimensional subspaces.


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We prove that for any Hausdorff topological vector space E over the field R there exists A subset of E such that E is homeomorphic to a subset of A x R and A x R is homeomorphic to a subset of E. Using this fact we prove that E is monotonically normal if and only if E is stratifiable.


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We describe a class of topological vector spaces admitting a mixing uniformly continuous operator group $\{T_t\}_{t\in\C^n}$ with holomorphic dependence on the parameter $t$. This result covers those existing in the literature. We also
describe a class of topological vector spaces admitting no supercyclic strongly continuous operator semigroups $\{T_t\}_{t\geq 0}$.


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According to Grivaux, the group GL(X) of invertible linear operators on a separable infinite dimensional Banach space X acts transitively on the set s (X) of countable dense linearly independent subsets of X. As a consequence, each A? s (X) is an orbit of a hypercyclic operator on X. Furthermore, every countably dimensional normed space supports a hypercyclic operator. Recently Albanese extended this result to Fréchet spaces supporting a continuous norm. We show that for a separable infinite dimensional Fréchet space X, GL(X) acts transitively on s (X) if and only if X possesses a continuous norm. We also prove that every countably dimensional metrizable locally convex space supports a hypercyclic operator.


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A tuple $(T_1,\dots,T_n)$ of continuous linear operators on a topological vector space $X$ is called hypercyclic if there is $x\in X$ such that the the orbit of $x$ under the action of the semigroup generated by $T_1,\dots,T_n$ is dense in $X$. This concept was introduced by N.~Feldman, who have raised 7 questions on hypercyclic tuples. We answer those 4 of them, which can be dealt with on the level of operators on finite dimensional spaces. In
particular, we prove that the minimal cardinality of a hypercyclic tuple of operators on $\C^n$ (respectively, on $\R^n$) is $n+1$ (respectively, $\frac n2+\frac{5+(-1)^n}{4}$), that there are non-diagonalizable tuples of operators on $\R^2$ which possess an orbit being neither dense nor nowhere dense and construct a hypercyclic 6-tuple of operators on $\C^3$ such that every operator commuting with each member of the tuple is non-cyclic.


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We prove that a continuous linear operator T on a topological vector space X with weak topology is mixing if and only if the dual operator T' has no finite dimensional invariant subspaces. This result implies the characterization of hypercyclic operators on the space $\omega$ due to Herzog and Lemmert and implies the result of Bayart and Matheron, who proved that for any hypercyclic operator T on $\omega$, $T\oplus T$ is also hypercyclic.


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We say that the Peano theorem holds for a topological vector space $E$ if, for any continuous mapping $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$ and any $(t(0), x(0))$ is an element of ${\Bbb R}\times E$, the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t) = f(t,x(t))$, $x(t(0)) = x(0)$, has a solution in some neighborhood of $t(0)$. We say that the weak version of Peano theorem holds for $E$ if, for any continuous map $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$, the equation $\dot x(t) = f (t, x(t))$ has a solution on some interval. We construct an example (answering a question posed by S. G. Lobanov) of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the weak version of Peano theorem holds and the Peano theorem fails to hold. We also construct a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the Peano theorem holds and any barrel in E is neither compact nor sequentially compact.


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We construct a countable-dimensional Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space $E$ and a stratifiable closed linear subspace $F$ subset of $E$ such that any linear extension operator from $C_b(F)$ to $C_b(E)$ is unbounded (here $C_b(X)$ stands for the Banach space of continuous bounded real-valued functions on $X$).


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Goodwillie’s homotopy functor calculus constructs a Taylor tower of approximations toF , often a functor from spaces to spaces. Weiss’s orthogonal calculus provides a Taylortower for functors from vector spaces to spaces. In particular, there is a Weiss towerassociated to the functor V ÞÑ FpSVq, where SVis the one-point compactification of V .In this paper, we give a comparison of these two towers and show that when F isanalytic the towers agree up to weak equivalence. We include two main applications, oneof which gives as a corollary the convergence of the Weiss Taylor tower of BO. We alsolift the homotopy level tower comparison to a commutative diagram of Quillen functors,relating model categories for Goodwillie calculus and model categories for the orthogonal calculus.


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We treat the question of existence of common hypercyclic vectors for families of continuous linear operators. It is shown that for any continuous linear operator T on a complex Fréchet space X and a set ? ? R+ × C which is not of zero three-dimensional Lebesgue measure, the family {a T + b I : (a, b) ? ?} has no common hypercyclic vectors. This allows to answer negatively questions raised by Godefroy and Shapiro and by Aron. We also prove a sufficient condition for a family of scalar multiples of a given operator on a complex Fréchet space to have a common hypercyclic vector. It allows to show that if D = {z ? C : | z | < 1} and f ? H8 (D) is non-constant, then the family {z Mf{star operator} : b- 1 < | z | < a- 1} has a common hypercyclic vector, where Mf : H2 (D) ? H2 (D), Mf f = f f, a = inf {| f (z) | : z ? D} and b = sup {| f (z) | : | z | ? D}, providing an affirmative answer to a question by Bayart and Grivaux. Finally, extending a result of Costakis and Sambarino, we prove that the family {a Tb : a, b ? C {set minus} {0}} has a common hypercyclic vector, where Tb f (z) = f (z - b) acts on the Fréchet space H (C) of entire functions on one complex variable.


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Let D be the differentiation operator Df = f' acting on the Fréchet space H of all entire functions in one variable with the standard (compact-open) topology. It is known since the 1950’s that the set H(D) of hypercyclic vectors for the operator D is non-empty. We treat two questions raised by Aron, Conejero, Peris and Seoane-Sepúlveda whether the set H(D) contains (up to the zero function) a non-trivial subalgebra of H or an infinite-dimensional closed linear subspace of H. In the present article both questions are answered affirmatively.


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The multiplicative spectrum of a complex Banach space X is the class K(X) of all (automatically compact and Hausdorff) topological spaces appearing as spectra of Banach algebras (X,*) for all possible continuous multiplications on X turning X into a commutative associative complex algebra with the unity. The properties of the multiplicative spectrum are studied. In particular, we show that K(X^n) consists of countable compact spaces with at most n non-isolated points for any separable hereditarily indecomposable Banach space X. We prove that K(C[0,1]) coincides with the class of all metrizable compact spaces.


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Let $\Gamma$ be the class of sequentially complete locally convex spaces such that an existence theorem holds for the linear Cauchy problem $\dot x = Ax$, $x(0) = x_0$ with respect to functions $x: R\to E$. It is proved that if $E\in \Gamma$, then $E\times R^A$ is-an-element-of $\Gamma$ for an arbitrary set $A$. It is also proved that a topological product of infinitely many infinite-dimensional Frechet spaces, each not isomorphic to $\omega$, does not belong to $\Gamma$.


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Support vector machine (SVM) is a powerful technique for data classification. Despite of its good theoretic foundations and high classification accuracy, normal SVM is not suitable for classification of large data sets, because the training complexity of SVM is highly dependent on the size of data set. This paper presents a novel SVM classification approach for large data sets by using minimum enclosing ball clustering. After the training data are partitioned by the proposed clustering method, the centers of the clusters are used for the first time SVM classification. Then we use the clusters whose centers are support vectors or those clusters which have different classes to perform the second time SVM classification. In this stage most data are removed. Several experimental results show that the approach proposed in this paper has good classification accuracy compared with classic SVM while the training is significantly faster than several other SVM classifiers.