97 resultados para Spatially

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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The mechanisms underlying the parsing of a spatial distribution of velocity vectors into two adjacent (spatially segregated) or overlapping (transparent) motion surfaces were examined using random dot kinematograms. Parsing might occur using either of two principles. Surfaces might be defined on the basis of similarity of motion vectors and then sharp perceptual boundaries drawn between different surfaces (continuity-based segmentation). Alternatively, detection of a high gradient of direction or speed separating the motion surfaces might drive the process (discontinuity-based segmentation). To establish which method is used, we examined the effect of blurring the motion direction gradient. In the case of a sharp direction gradient, each dot had one of two directions differing by 135°. With a shallow gradient, most dots had one of two directions but the directions of the remainder spanned the range between one motion-defined surface and the other. In the spatial segregation case the gradient defined a central boundary separating two regions. In the transparent version the dots were randomly positioned. In both cases all dots moved with the same speed and existed for only two frames before being randomly replaced. The ability of observers to parse the motion distribution was measured in terms of their ability to discriminate the direction of one of the two surfaces. Performance was hardly affected by spreading the gradient over at least 25% of the dots (corresponding to a 1° strip in the segregation case). We conclude that detection of sharp velocity gradients is not necessary for distinguishing different motion surfaces.


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The triple-differential cross section for ionization of a heavy atom is shown to depend on the spin of the incident electron even if this is polarized entirely parallel or antiparallel to its direction of propagation, the atom is unpolarized, and the spins of the ejected electrons are not resolved. Quantitative predictions for the spin asymmetry are presented in a relativistic distorted-wave Born approximation. Simple physical models are introduced to understand both these results and further symmetry properties involving the reversal of a spatial momentum component also.


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In this paper, we investigate the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems over spatially correlated Rayleigh distributed flat fading channels with complex Gaussian additive noise. Specifically, we derive the probability density function of the mutual information between transmitted and received complex signals of MIMO systems. Using this density we derive the closed-form ergodic capacity (mean), delay-limited capacity, capacity variance and outage capacity formulas for spatially correlated channels and then evaluate these formulas numerically. Numerical results show how the channel correlation degrades the capacity of MIMO communication systems. We also show that the density of mutual information of correlated/uncorrelated MIMO systems can be approximated by a Gaussian density with derived mean and variance, even for a finite number of inputs and outputs.


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Despite enormous potential for technological applications, fundamentals of stable non-equilibrium micro-plasmas at ambient pressure are still only partly understood. Micro-plasma jets are one sub-group of these plasma sources. For an understanding it is particularly important to analyse transport phenomena of energy and particles within and between the core and effluent of the discharge. The complexity of the problem requires the combination and correlation of various highly sophisticated diagnostics yielding different information with an extremely high temporal and spatial resolution. A specially designed rf microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet (µ-APPJ) provides excellent access for optical diagnostics to the discharge volume and the effluent region. This allows detailed investigations of the discharge dynamics and energy transport mechanisms from the discharge to the effluent. Here we present examples for diagnostics applicable to different regions and combine the results. The diagnostics applied are optical emission spectroscopy (OES) in the visible and ultraviolet and two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. By the latter spatially resolved absolutely calibrated density maps of atomic oxygen have been determined for the effluent. OES yields an insight into energy transport mechanisms from the core into the effluent. The first results of spatially and phase-resolved OES measurements of the discharge dynamics of the core are presented.


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The onset of filamentation, following the interaction of a relatively long (tau(L) similar or equal to 1 ns) and intense (I-L similar or equal to 5 x 10(14) W/cm(2)) laser pulse with a neopentane filled gas bag target, has been experimentally studied via the proton radiography technique, in conditions of direct relevance to the indirect drive inertial confinement fusion scheme. The density gradients associated with filamentation onset have been spatially resolved yielding direct and unambiguous evidence of filament formation and quantitative information about the filamentation mechanism in agreement with previous theoretical modelings. Experimental data confirm that, once spatially smoothed laser beams are used, filamentation is not a relevant phenomenon during the heating laser beams propagation through typical hohlraum gas fills.


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Although it is well known that sandstone porosity and permeability are controlled by a range of parameters such as grain size and sorting, amount, type, and location of diagenetic cements, extent and type of compaction, and the generation of intergranular and intragranular secondary porosity, it is less constrained how these controlling parameters link up in rock volumes (within and between beds) and how they spatially interact to determine porosity and permeability. To address these unknowns, this study examined Triassic fluvial sandstone outcrops from the UK using field logging, probe permeametry of 200 points, and sampling at 100 points on a gridded rock surface. These field observations were supplemented by laser particle-size analysis, thin-section point-count analysis of primary and diagenetic mineralogy, quantitiative XRD mineral analysis, and SEM/EDAX analysis of all 100 samples. These data were analyzed using global regression, variography, kriging, conditional simulation, and geographically weighted regression to examine the spatial relationships between porosity and permeability and their potential controls. The results of bivariate analysis (global regression) of the entire outcrop dataset indicate only a weak correlation between both permeability porosity and their diagenetic and depositional controls and provide very limited information on the role of primary textural structures such as grain size and sorting. Subdividing the dataset further by bedding unit revealed details of more local controls on porosity and permeability. An alternative geostatistical approach combined with a local modelling technique (geographically weighted regression; GWR) subsequently was used to examine the spatial variability of porosity and permeability and their controls. The use of GWR does not require prior knowledge of divisions between bedding units, but the results from GWR broadly concur with results of regression analysis by bedding unit and provide much greater clarity of how porosity and permeability and their controls vary laterally and vertically. The close relationship between depositional lithofacies in each bed, diagenesis, and permeability, porosity demonstrates that each influences the other, and in turn how understanding of reservoir properties is enhanced by integration of paleoenvironmental reconstruction, stratigraphy, mineralogy, and geostatistics.


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We report spatially and temporally resolved measurements of self-generated multi-megagauss magnetic fields produced during ultrahigh intensity laser plasma interactions. Spatially resolved measurements of the magnetic fields show an asymmetry in the distribution of field with respect to the angle of laser incidence. Temporally resolved measurements of the self-generated third harmonic suggest that the strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the square root of laser intensity (i.e., the laser B-field) during the rise of the laser pulse. The experimental results are compared with numerical simulations using a particle-in-cell code which also shows clear asymmetry of the field profile and similar magnetic field growth rates and scalings.


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Experimental observations are presented demonstrating that the use of a gold-coated foam layer on the surface of a laser-driven target substantially reduces its hydrodynamic breakup during the acceleration phase. The data suggest that this results from enhanced thermal smoothing during the early-time imprint stage of the interaction. The target's kinetic energy and the level of parametric instability growth are shown to remain essentially unchanged from that of a conventionally driven target.


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A time-resolved Langmuir probe technique is used to measure the dependence of the electron density, electron temperature, plasma potential and electron energy distribution function (EEDF) on the phase of the driving voltage in a RF driven parallel plate discharge. The measurements were made in a low-frequency (100-500 kHz), symmetrically driven, radio frequency discharge operating in H-2, D-2 and Ar at gas pressures of a few hundred millitorr. The EEDFs could not be represented by a single Maxwellian distribution and resembled the time averaged EEDFs reported in 13.56 MHz discharges. The measured parameters showed structure in their spatial and temporal dependence, generally consistent with a simple oscillating sheath model. Electron temperatures of less than 0.1 eV were measured during the phase of the RF cycle when both electrodes are negative with respect to the plasma.