20 resultados para PHASE STRUCTURES

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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[Ag(NH3)(2)](ClO4) is obtained from a solution of AgClO4 in cone. ammonia as colourless single crystals (orthorhombic, Pnmn, Z = 4, a = 795.2(1) pm, b 617.7(1) pm, c = 1298.2(2) pm, R-all = 0.0494). The structure consists of linearly coordinated cations, [Ag(NH3)(2)](+), stacked in a staggered conformation and of tetrahedral (ClO4)(-) anions. A first order phase transition was observed between 210 and 200 K and the crystal structure of the low-temperature modification (monoclinic. P2/m, Z = 4, a = 789.9(5) pm, b = 604.1(5) pm, c = 1290.4(5) pm, beta = 97.436(5)degrees, at 170 K, R-all = 0.0636) has also been solved. Spectroscopic investigations (IR/Raman) have been carried out and the assignment of the spectra is discussed.


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We report results of first-principles calculations on the thermodynamic stability of different Sr adatom structures that have been proposed to explain some of the observed reconstructions of the (001) surface of strontium titanate (Kubo and Nozoye 2003 Surf Sci. 542 177). From surface free energy calculations, a phase diagram is constructed indicating the range of conditions over which each structure is most stable. These results are compared with Kubo and Nozoye's experimental observations. It is concluded that low Sr adatom coverage structures can only be explained if the surface is far from equilibrium. Intermediate coverage structures are stable only if the surface is in or very nearly in equilibrium with the strontium oxide.


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A force field model of phosphorus has been developed based on density functional (DF) computations and experimental results, covering low energy forms of local tetrahedral symmetry and more compact (simple cubic) structures that arise with increasing pressure. Rules tailored to DF data for the addition, deletion, and exchange of covalent bonds allow the system to adapt the bonding configuration to the thermodynamic state. Monte Carlo simulations in the N-P-T ensemble show that the molecular (P-4) liquid phase, stable at low pressure P and relatively low temperature T, transforms to a polymeric (gel) state on increasing either P or T. These phase changes are observed in recent experiments at similar thermodynamic conditions, as shown by the close agreement of computed and measured structure factors in the molecular and polymer phases. The polymeric phase obtained by increasing pressure has a dominant simple cubic character, while the polymer obtained by raising T at moderate pressure is tetrahedral. Comparison with DF results suggests that the latter is a semiconductor, while the cubic form is metallic. The simulations show that the T-induced polymerization is due to the entropy of the configuration of covalent bonds, as in the polymerization transition in sulfur. The transition observed with increasing P is the continuation at high T of the black P to arsenic (A17) structure observed in the solid state, and also corresponds to a semiconductor to metal transition. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The functional properties of two types of barium strontium titanate (BST) thin film capacitor structures were studied: one set of structures was made using pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) and the other using chemical solution deposition. While initial observations on PLD films looking at the behavior of T-m (the temperature at which the maximum dielectric constant was observed) and T-c(*) (from Curie-Weiss analysis) suggested that the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition was progressively depressed in temperature as BST film thickness was reduced, further work suggested that this was not the case. Rather, it appears that the temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thin films are independent of film thickness. Further, the fact that in many cases three transitions are observable, suggests that the sequence of symmetry transitions that occur in the thin films are the same as in bulk single crystals. This new observation could have implications for the validity of the theoretically produced thin film phase diagrams derived by Pertsev [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1988 (1998)] and extended by Ban and Alpay [J. Appl. Phys. 91, 9288 (2002)]. In addition, the fact that T-m measured for virgin films does not correlate well with the inherent phase transition behavior, suggests that the use of T-m alone to infer information about the thermodynamics of thin film capacitor behavior, may not be sufficient. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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: Static calculation and preliminary kinetic Monte Carlo simulation studies are undertaken for the nucleation and growth on a model system which follows a Frank-van der Merwe mechanism. In the present case, we consider the deposition of Ag on Au(100) and Au(111) surfaces. The interactions were calculated using the embedded atom model. The kinetics of formation and growth of 2D Ag structures on Au(100) and Au(111) is investigated and the influence of surface steps on this phenomenon is studied. Very different time scales are predicted for Ag diffusion on Au(100) and Au(111), thus rendering very different regimes for the nucleation and growth of the related 2D phases. These observations are drawn from the application of a model free of any adjustable parameter.


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Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) thin-film capacitor structures with various thicknesses, (50-1200 nm) and different strain conditions (on lanthanum strontium cobalt oxide La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 and strontium ruthenate SrRuO3 buffer layers) were made using pulsed laser deposition, and characterized by x-ray diffraction. The out-of-plane lattice parameter was followed as a function of temperature within the 100-300 K temperature interval. The phase sequence (cubic-tetragonal-orthorhombic-rhombohedral) known to exist in the bulk analog is shown to be strongly affected by both the stress conditions imposed by the buffer layer and the thickness of the BST film itself. Thus, no phase transition was found for the in-plane compressed BST films. On the stress-free BST films, on the contrary, more phase transitions were observed. It appeared that the complexity of structural phase transitions increased as the film thickness in this system was reduced.


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The core structure of <110] superdislocations in L10 TiAl was investigated with a view to clarifying their dissociation abilities and the mechanisms by which they may become sessile by self-locking. A detailed knowledge of the fine structure of dislocations is essential in analysing the origin of the various deformation features. Atomistic simulation of the core structure and glide of the screw <110] superdislocation was carried out using a bond order potential for ?-TiAl. The core structure of the screw <110] superdislocation was examined, starting with initial unrelaxed configurations corresponding to various dislocation dissociations discussed in the literature. The superdislocation was found to possess in the screw orientation either planar (glissile) or non-planar (sessile) core structures. The response of the core configurations to externally applied shear stress was studied. Some implications were considered of the dissociated configurations and their response to externally applied stress on dislocation dynamics, including the issue of dislocation decomposition, the mechanism of locking and the orientation dependence of the dislocation substructure observed in single-phase ?-TiAl. An unexpectedly rich and complex set of candidate core structures, both planar and non-planar, was found, the cores of which may transform under applied stress with consequent violation of Schmid's law.


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We report on the electric-field-generated effects in the nematic phase of a twin mesogen formed of bent-core and calamitic units, aligned homeotropically in the initial ground state and examined beyond the dielectric inversion point. The bend-Freedericksz (BF) state occurring at the primary bifurcation and containing a network of umbilics is metastable; we focus here on the degenerate planar (DP) configuration that establishes itself at the expense of the BF state in the course of an anchoring transition. In the DP regime, normal rolls, broad domains, and chevrons (both defect-mediated and defect-free types) form at various linear defect-sites, in different regions of the frequency-voltage plane. A significant novel aspect common to all these patterned states is the sustained propagative instability, which does not seem explicable on the basis of known driving mechanisms.


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We report observations of stable, localized, linelike structures in the spatially periodic pattern formed by nematic electroconvection, along which the phase of the pattern jumps by pi. With increasing electric voltage, these lines form a gridlike structure that goes over into a structure indistinguishable from the well-known grid pattern. We present theoretical arguments that suggest that the twisted cell geometry we are using is indirectly stabilizing the phase jump lines, and that the phase jump lines lattice is caused by an interaction of phase jump lines and a zig-zag instability of the surrounding pattern.


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Using a combination of experimental and computational techniques, changes in the domain structures seen infreestanding single-crystal platelets of BaTiO3 have been described in terms of a second-order phase transition.The transition is driven by the change in the length-to-width ratio of the platelet sidewalls and results in a symmetrybreaking of a complex, quadrant domain pattern. The phenomenon can be described by a Landau formalism inwhich (1) the order parameter is not the polarization but rather is the degree to which the domain pattern becomesoff-centered, and (2) the shape anisotropy of the platelet substitutes for temperature in the conventional Landauexpansion as the controlling thermodynamic variable. Bistability, in terms of the direction in which the domainpattern moves off center, coupled with the spontaneous macroscopic polarization and toroidal moment that resultfrom this off-centering, prompt the possibility of a new form of memory storage.


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A series of four calix[5]arenes and three calix[6]arenes (R-calixarene-OCH2COR1) (R = H or Bu-t) with alkyl ketone residues (R-1 = Me or Bu-t) on the lower rim have been synthesized, and their affinity for complexation of alkali cations has been assessed through phase-transfer experiments and stability constant measurements. The conformations of these ketones have been probed by H-1 NMR and X-ray diffraction analysis, and by molecular mechanics calculations. Pentamer 3 (R R-1 = Bu-t) possesses a symmetrical cone conformation in solution and a very distorted cone conformation in the solid state. Pentamer 5 (R = H, R-1 = Bu-t) exists in a distorted 1,2-alternate conformation in the solid state, but in solution two slowly interconverting conformations, one a cone and the other presumed to be 1,2-alternate, can be detected. X-ray structure analysis of the sodium and rubidium perchlorate complexes of 3 reveal the cations deeply encapsulated by the ethereal and carbonyl oxygen atoms in distorted cone conformations which can be accurately reproduced by molecular mechanics calculations. The phase-transfer and stability constant data reveal that the extent of complexation depends on calixarene size and the nature of the alkyl residues adjacent to the ketonic carbonyls with tert-butyl much more efficacious than methyl.


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Fabrication of devices based on thin film structures deposited using the pulsed laser deposition technique relies on reproducibility and control of deposition rates over substrate areas as large as possible. Here we present an application of the random phase plate technique to smooth and homogenize the intensity distribution of a KrF laser footprint on the surface of a target which is to be ablated. It is demonstrated that intensity distributions over millimeter-sized spots on the target can be made insensitive to the typical changes that occur in the near-field intensity distribution of the ultraviolet output from a KrF laser. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(99)02504-6].


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Throughout design development of satellite structure, stress engineer is usually challenged with randomness in applied loads and material properties. To overcome such problem, a risk-based design is applied which estimates satellite structure probability of failure under static and thermal loads. Determining probability of failure can help to update initially applied factors of safety that were used during structure preliminary design phase. These factors of safety are related to the satellite mission objective. Sensitivity-based analysis is to be implemented in the context of finite element analysis (probabilistic finite element method or stochastic finite element method (SFEM)) to determine the probability of failure for satellite structure or one of its components.


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Four different bombesins (bombesin, His(6)-bombesin, Phe(13)-bombesin and Asp(2)-, Phe(4)-SAP-bombesin) have been identified by a systematic sequencing study of peptides in reverse phase HPLC fractions of the skin secretion of the European yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata, that had been solvated in 0.1% (v/v) aqueous trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and stored frozen at -20°C for 12 years. By using a 3'- and 5'-RACE PCR strategy, the corresponding biosynthetic precursor-encoding cDNAs of all four peptides were cloned from a cDNA library made from the same long-term frozen, acid-solvated skin secretion sample following thawing and lyophilization. Canonical bombesin and His(6)-bombesin are classical bombesin sub-family members, whereas Phe(13)-bombesin and Asp(2)-, Phe(4)-SAP-bombesin, belong to the litorin/ranatensin sub-family of bombesin-like peptides (BLPs). Assignment of these peptides to respective sub-families, was based upon both their primary structural similarities and their comparative pharmacological activities. An interesting observation in this study, was that the nucleotide sequences of the open-reading frames of cloned cDNAs encoding bombesin and its His(6)-substituted analog, were identical except for a single base that was responsible for the change observed at the position 6 residue in the mature peptide from Asn to His. In contrast, the precursor cDNA nucleotide sequences encoding the Phe(13)-bombesins, exhibited 53 base differences. The pharmacological activities of synthetic replicates of each bombesin were compared using two different mammalian smooth muscle preparations and all four peptides were found to be active. However, there were significant differences in their relative potencies.


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The phase diagram of water at negative pressures as obtained from computer simulations for two models of water, TIP4P/2005 and TIP5P is presented. Several solid structures with lower densities than ice Ih, so-called virtual ices, were considered as possible candidates to occupy the negative pressure region of the phase diagram of water. In particular the empty hydrate structures sI, sII, and sH and another, recently proposed, low-density ice structure. The relative stabilities of these structures at 0 K was determined using empirical water potentials and density functional theory calculations. By performing free energy calculations and Gibbs-Duhem integration the phase diagram of TIP4P/2005 was determined at negative pressures. The empty hydrates sII and sH appear to be the stable solid phases of water at negative pressures. The phase boundary between ice Ih and sII clathrate occurs at moderate negative pressures, while at large negative pressures sH becomes the most stable phase. This behavior is in reasonable agreement with what is observed in density functional theory calculations.