106 resultados para OUTER GALACTIC DISK

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High-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectral data are presented for four young B-type stars lying towards the Galactic Centre. Determination of their atmospheric parameters from their absorption line profiles, and uvby photometric measurement of the continua indicate that they are massive objects lying slightly out of the plane, and were probably born in the disk between 2.5-5 kpc from the Centre. We have carried out a detailed absolute and differential line-by-line abundance analyses of the four stars compared to two stars with very similar atmospheric parameters in the solar neighbourhood. The stars appear to be rich in all the well sampled chemical elements (C, N, Si, Mg, S, Al), except for oxygen. Oxygen abundances derived in the atmospheres of these four stars are very similar to that in the solar neighbourhood. If the photospheric composition of these young stars is reflective of the gaseous ISM in the inner Galaxy, then the values derived for the enhanced metals are in excellent agreement with the extrapolation of the Galactic abundance gradients previously derived by Rolleston et al. (2000) and others. However, the data for oxygen suggests that the inner Galaxy may not be richer than normal in this element, and the physical reasons for such a scenario are unclear.


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High resolution spectra of an early B-type star associated with the H II region detected by de Geus et al. (1993) are analysed using LTE model atmosphere techniques to derive stellar atmospheric parameters and a chemical composition. A distance to the star of 8.2 kpc is estimated, placing it near the edge of the galactic disk and closer than the kinematic distance of 20 kpc to the H II region, calculated by de Geus et al. A differential line by line abundance analysis with respect to the spectroscopic standard tau Sco indicates a significant metal depletion, with elements down on average by -0.5 dex.


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High resolution echelle spectroscopy is presented for thirteen stars lying in the direction of the Galactic centre which, on the basis of photographic photometry and low dispersion spectroscopy, have been classified as early-B-type. Eight of these stars have large rotational velocities which preclude a detailed analysis. The five stars with moderate to low projected rotational velocities have been analysed using model atmosphere techniques to determine atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions. Two of these stars appear to be evolved blue horizontal branch objects on the basis of their chemical compositions and small projected rotational velocity. The evolutionary status of a third is ambiguous but it is probably a post-asymptotic-giant branch star. The remaining two objects are probably young massive stars and show enhanced abundances of N, C, Mg and Si, consistent with their formation in the inner part of the Galactic disk. However their O abundances are normal, confirming results found previously for other early- type stars, which would imply a flat abundance gradient for this element in the inner region of our Galaxy.


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We have previously published intermediate to hi,oh resolution spectroscopic observations of approximately 80 early B-type main-sequence stars situated in 19 Galactic open clusters/associations with Galactocentric distances distributed over 6 less than or equal to R-g less than or equal to 18 kpc. This current study collates and re-analyses these equivalent- width datasets using LTE and non-LTE model atmosphere techniques, in order to determine the stellar atmospheric parameters and abundance estimates for C, N, O, Mg, Al and Si. The latter should be representative of the present-day Galactic interstellar medium. Our extensive observational dataset permits the identification of sub-samples of stars with similar atmospheric parameters and of homogeneous subsets of lines. As such, this investigation represents the most extensive and systematic study of its kind to date. We conclude that the distribution of light elements (CI O, Mg & Si) in the Galactic disk can be represented by a linear, radial gradient of -0.07 +/- 0.01 dex kpc(-1) Our results for nitrogen and oxygen viz. (-0.09 +/- 0.01 dex kpc(-1) and -0.067 +/- 0.008 dex kpc(-1)) are in excellent agreement with that found from the study of HII regions. We have also examined our datasets for evidence of an abrupt discontinuity in the metallicity of the Galactic disk near a Galactocentric distance of 10 kpc (see Twarog et al. 1997). However, there is no evidence to suggest that our data would be better fitted with a two-zone model. Moreover, we observe a N/O gradient of -0.04 +/- 0.02 dex kpc(-1) which is consistent with that found for other spiral galaxies (Vila- Costas gr Edmunds 1993).


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Nine H II regions of the LMC were mapped in (CO)-C-13(1-0) and three in (CO)-C-12(1-0) to study the physical properties of the interstellar medium in the Magellanic Clouds. For N113 the molecular core is found to have a peak position which differs from that of the associated H II region by 20 ''. Toward this molecular core the (CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13 peak T-MB line temperatures of 7.3 K and 1.2 K are the highest so far found in the Magellanic Clouds. The molecular concentrations associated with N113, N44BC, N159HW, and N214DE in the LMC and LIRS 36 in the SMC were investigated in a variety of molecular species to study the chemical properties of the interstellar medium. I(HCO+)/I(HCN) and I(HCN)/I(HNC) intensity ratios as well as lower limits to the I((CO)-C-13)/I((CO)-O-18) ratio were derived for the rotational 1-0 transitions. Generally, HCO+ is stronger than HCN, and HCN is stronger than HNC. The high relative HCO+ intensities are consistent with a high ionization flux from supernovae remnants and young stars, possibly coupled with a large extent of the HCO+ emission region. The bulk of the HCN arises from relatively compact dense cloud cores. Warm or shocked gas enhances HCN relative to HNC. From chemical model calculations it is predicted that I(HCN)/I(HNC) close to one should be obtained with higher angular resolution (less than or similar to 30 '') toward the cloud cores. Comparing virial masses with those obtained from the integrated CO intensity provides an H-2 mass-to-CO luminosity conversion factor of 1.8 x 10(20) mol cm(-2) (K km s(-1))(-1) for N113 and 2.4 x 10(20) mol cm(-2) (K km s(-1))(-1) for N44BC. This is consistent with values derived for the Galactic disk.


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Ten detections and five tentative detections of hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) J=1-0 emission are reported from a survey including sixteen galaxies. Full maps are presented for the nuclear regions of NGC 253 and IC 342, partial maps for Maffei 2, M 82, and M 83. Toward IC 342, the HNC and HCO+ distributions differ from those observed in 12CO, 13CO, HCN, CS, and NH3. This is likely a consequence of the density structure. Relative HNC abundances are with 10(-10)-10(-9) much smaller than those measured in nearby dark clouds and appear to be slightly smaller than those in regions of massive star formation of the Galactic disk. This is consistent with the presence of dense warm gas or a frequent occurrence of shocks in the nuclear regions of the galaxies observed. As in prominent Galactic star forming regions, 3 mm HNC line emission tends to be weaker than the corresponding emission from HCN and HCO+. Toward Arp 220, however, the 3 mm HNC/HCN line intensity ratio is > 1. HNC/HCO+, HNC/CO, and HNC to 20 cm radio continuum luminosity ratios are also particularly large. A possible interpretation is the presence of cool quiescent gas outside the central region which contains the starburst. In the other ultraluminous galaxy observed, NGC 6240, X(HNC) 10 smaller than in Arp 220, demonstrating that the molecular composition in ultraluminous galaxies is far from being uniform.


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We have obtained the first high-resolution spectra of individual stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The spectra of the two A-type supergiants were obtained at the Very Large Telescope and Keck Observatories, using the Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph and the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer, respectively. A detailed model atmospheres analysis has been used to determine their atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances. The mean iron abundance from these two stars is [[Fe/H]] = -0.49 +/- 0.22 (+/- 0.21),(6) with Cr yielding a similar underabundance, [[Cr/H]] = -0.50 +/- 0.20 (+/- 0.16). This confirms that NGC 6822 has a metallicity that is slightly higher than that of the SMC and is the first determination of the present-day iron group abundances in NGC 6822. The mean stellar oxygen abundance, 12 + log (O/H) = 8.36 +/- 0.19 (+/- 0.21), is in good agreement with the nebular oxygen results. Oxygen has the same underabundance as iron, [[O/ Fe]] = + 0.02 +/- 0.20 (+/- 0.21). This O/Fe ratio is very similar to that seen in the Magellanic Clouds, which supports the picture that chemical evolution occurs more slowly in these lower mass galaxies, although the O/Fe ratio is also consistent with that observed in comparatively metal-poor stars in the Galactic disk. Combining all of the available abundance observations for NGC 6822 shows that there is no trend in abundance with galactocentric distance. However, a subset of the highest quality data is consistent with a radial abundance gradient. More high-quality stellar and nebular observations are needed to confirm this intriguing possibility.


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As part of a programme to investigate spatial variations in the Galactic chemical composition, we have been searching for normal B-type stars and A-type supergiants near the Galactic center. During this search we have found eleven peculiar stars, and in some cases performed detailed abundance analyses of them which suggest that they may be at a post-AGB evolutionary stage.


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We have modeled a small sample of Seyfert galaxies that were previously identified as having simple X-ray spectra with little intrinsic absorption. The sources in this sample all contain moderately broad components of FeK-shell emission and are ideal candidates for testing the applicability of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind model to active galactic nucleus (AGN) emission components. Viewing angles through the wind allow the observer to see the absorption signature of the gas, whereas face-on viewing angles allow the observer to see the scattered light from the wind. We find that the FeK emission line profiles are well described with a model of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind of solar abundances, arising tens to hundreds of gravitational radii from the central black hole. Further, the fits require a neutral component of FeKa emission that is too narrow to arise from the inner part of the wind, and likely comes from a more distant reprocessing region. Our study demonstrates that a Compton-thick wind can have a profound effect on the observed X-ray spectrum of an AGN, even when the system is not viewed through the flow. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..


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Accretion disk winds are thought to produce many of the characteristic features seen in the spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). These outflows also represent a natural form of feedback between the central supermassive black hole and its host galaxy. The mechanism for driving this mass loss remains unknown, although radiation pressure mediated by spectral lines is a leading candidate. Here, we calculate the ionization state of, and emergent spectra for, the hydrodynamic simulation of a line-driven disk wind previously presented by Proga & Kallman. To achieve this, we carry out a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation of the radiative transfer through, and energy exchange within, the predicted outflow. We find that the wind is much more ionized than originally estimated. This is in part because it is much more difficult to shield any wind regions effectively when the outflow itself is allowed to reprocess and redirect ionizing photons. As a result, the calculated spectrum that would be observed from this particular outflow solution would not contain the ultraviolet spectral lines that are observed in many AGN/QSOs. Furthermore, the wind is so highly ionized that line driving would not actually be efficient. This does not necessarily mean that line-driven winds are not viable. However, our work does illustrate that in order to arrive at a self-consistent model of line-driven disk winds in AGN/QSO, it will be critical to include a more detailed treatment of radiative transfer and ionization in the next generation of hydrodynamic simulations.


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We are searching for early-type stars towards the Galactic centre which are potentially young objects situated within the inner few kiloparsecs of the disk. Photographic photometry from the UK Schmidt Telescope has been used to identify the bluest candidates in nineteen Schmidt fields (centred close to the Galactic centre). We have previously obtained FLAIR low dispersion spectroscopy for three of these fields to estimate spectral types and here we present spectroscopy for an additional seven fields. Combining the results for all ten fields, 56 stars were initially classified as early-B type. Estimates of the equivalent widths of their Balmer and He I lines have been used to estimate atmospheric parameters and 32 targets have effective temperatures greater than or equal to 17 000 K (corresponding to a spectral type of B3 or earlier). The spectra of seven of these targets also have absorption lines due to O II and Si III and can be reliably classified as early- B type. Additionally 78 stars have estimated effective temperatures between 11 000 and 16 000 K with a further a further 50 objects identified as late-B (or early-A) type. All but two of the early B-type candidates have magnitudes in the range 12.0 less than or equal to V less than or equal to 16.0, and our best estimates of their distance suggest that they could be close to (i.e. R-g <3 kpc), or even beyond the Galactic centre.


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The propagation of acoustic nonlinear excitations in an electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma composed of warm electrons and positrons, as well as hot ions, has been investigated by adopting a two-dimensional cylindrical geometry. The electrons and positrons are modeled by hydrodynamic fluid equations, while the ions are assumed to follow a temperature-parametrized Boltzmann distribution (the fixed ion model is recovered in the appropriate limit). This situation applies in the accretion disk near a black hole in active galactic nuclei, where the ion temperature may be as high as 3 to 300 times that of the electrons. Using a reductive perturbation technique, a cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is derived and its exact soliton solutions are presented. Furthermore, real situations in which the strength of the nonlinearity may be weak are considered, so that higher-order nonlinearity plays an important role. Accordingly, an extended cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is derived, which admits both soliton and double-layer solutions. The characteristics of the nonlinear excitations obtained are investigated in detail


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The chemistry in a protoplanetary accretion disk is modelled between a radius of 100 and 0.1 AU of the central object. We find that interaction of the gas with the dust grains is very important, both by removing a large fraction of the material from the gas in the outer regions and through the chemical reactions which can occur on the dust grain surfaces. In addition, collision with grains neutralises gaseous ions effectively and keeps the ionization fraction low. This results in a chemistry which is dominated by neutral-neutral reactions, even if ionization is provided by cosmic rays or by the decay of radioactive isotopes. We model the effects of two desorption processes with very different efficiencies and find that while these produce similar results over much of the disk for many species, some molecules are extremely sensitive to the nature of the desorption and may one day be used as an observational test for the desorption process.


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We have begun a search for early-type stars towards the galactic centre which are potentially young objects situated within the inner few kiloparsecs of the disk. U and V (or I) band photographic photometry from the UK Schmidt Telescope has been obtained to identify the bluest candidates in nineteen Schmidt fields (centred close to the galactic centre). We have spectroscopically observed these targets for three fields with the FLAIR multi-fibre system to determine their spectral types. In particular; ten early B-type stars have been identified and equivalent width measurements of their Balmer and HeI lines have been used to estimate atmospheric parameters. These early-type objects have magnitudes in the range 11.5 less than or equal to V less than or equal to 16.0, and our best estimates of their distance (given probable highly variable reddening in this direction together with errors in the plate photometry) suggest that some of them originated close to (i.e R-g


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Star formation often occurs within or nearby stellar clusters. Irradiation by nearby massive stars can photoevaporate protoplanetary disks around young stars (so-called proplyds) which raises questions regarding the ability of planet formation to take place in these environments. We investigate the two-dimensional physical and chemical structure of a protoplanetary disk surrounding a low-mass (T Tauri) star which is irradiated by a nearby massive O-type star to determine the survivability and observability of molecules in proplyds. Compared with an isolated star-disk system, the gas temperature ranges from a factor of a few (in the disk midplane) to around two orders of magnitude (in the disk surface) higher in the irradiated disk. Although the UV flux in the outer disk, in particular, is several orders of magnitude higher, the surface density of the disk is sufficient for effective shielding of the disk midplane so that the disk remains predominantly molecular in nature. We also find that non-volatile molecules, such as HCN and H2O, are able to freeze out onto dust grains in the disk midplane so that the formation of icy planetesimals, e.g., comets, may also be possible in proplyds. We have calculated the molecular line emission from the disk assuming LTE and determined that multiple transitions of atomic carbon, CO (and isotopologues, 13CO and C18O), HCO+, CN, and HCN may be observable with ALMA, allowing characterization of the gas column density, temperature, and optical depth in proplyds at the distance of Orion (˜400 pc).