em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Ice Ih is comprised of orientationally disordered water molecules giving rise to positional disorder of the hydrogen atoms in the hydrogen bonded network of the lattice. Here we arrive at a first principles determination of the surface energy of ice Ih and suggest that the surface of ice is significantly more proton ordered than the bulk. We predict that the proton order-disorder transition, which occurs in the bulk at similar to 72 K, will not occur at the surface at any temperature below surface melting. An order parameter which defines the surface energy of ice Ih surfaces is also identified.


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The high-temperature cubic-tetragonal phase transition of pure stoichiometric zirconia is studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and within the framework of the Landau theory of phase transformations. The interatomic forces are calculated using an empirical, self-consistent, orthogonal tight-binding model, which includes atomic polarizabilities up to the quadrupolar level. A first set of standard MD calculations shows that, on increasing temperature, one particular vibrational frequency softens. The temperature evolution of the free-energy surfaces around the phase transition is then studied with a second set of calculations. These combine the thermodynamic integration technique with constrained MD simulations. The results seem to support the thesis of a second-order phase transition but with unusual, very anharmonic behavior above the transition temperature.


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[Ag(NH3)(2)](ClO4) is obtained from a solution of AgClO4 in cone. ammonia as colourless single crystals (orthorhombic, Pnmn, Z = 4, a = 795.2(1) pm, b 617.7(1) pm, c = 1298.2(2) pm, R-all = 0.0494). The structure consists of linearly coordinated cations, [Ag(NH3)(2)](+), stacked in a staggered conformation and of tetrahedral (ClO4)(-) anions. A first order phase transition was observed between 210 and 200 K and the crystal structure of the low-temperature modification (monoclinic. P2/m, Z = 4, a = 789.9(5) pm, b = 604.1(5) pm, c = 1290.4(5) pm, beta = 97.436(5)degrees, at 170 K, R-all = 0.0636) has also been solved. Spectroscopic investigations (IR/Raman) have been carried out and the assignment of the spectra is discussed.


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Using a combination of experimental and computational techniques, changes in the domain structures seen infreestanding single-crystal platelets of BaTiO3 have been described in terms of a second-order phase transition.The transition is driven by the change in the length-to-width ratio of the platelet sidewalls and results in a symmetrybreaking of a complex, quadrant domain pattern. The phenomenon can be described by a Landau formalism inwhich (1) the order parameter is not the polarization but rather is the degree to which the domain pattern becomesoff-centered, and (2) the shape anisotropy of the platelet substitutes for temperature in the conventional Landauexpansion as the controlling thermodynamic variable. Bistability, in terms of the direction in which the domainpattern moves off center, coupled with the spontaneous macroscopic polarization and toroidal moment that resultfrom this off-centering, prompt the possibility of a new form of memory storage.


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Density-functional theory (DFT) is used to examine the basal and prism surfaces of ice Ih. Similar surface energies are obtained for the two surfaces; however, in each case a strong dependence of the surface energy on surface proton order is identified. This dependence, which can be as much as 50% of the absolute surface energy, is significantly larger than the bulk dependence (< 1%) on proton order, suggesting that the thermodynamic ground state of the ice surface will remain proton ordered well above the bulk order-disorder temperature of about 72 K. On the basal surface this suggestion is supported by Monte Carlo simulations with an empirical potential and solution of a 2D Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions taken from DFT. Order parameters that define the surface energy of each surface in terms of nearest neighbor interactions between dangling OH bonds (those which point out of the surface into vacuum) have been identified and are discussed. Overall, these results suggest that proton order-disorder effects have a profound impact on the stability of ice surfaces and will most likely have an effect on ice surface reactivity as well as ice crystal growth and morphology. S Supplementary data are available from stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/22/074209/mmedia


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Hydrogen bonding in clusters and extended layers of squaric acid molecules has been investigated by density functional computations. Equilibrium geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and energy barriers for proton transfer along hydrogen bonds have been determined using the Car-Parrinello method. The results provide crucial parameters for a first principles modeling of the potential energy surface, and highlight the role of collective modes in the low-energy proton dynamics. The importance of quantum effects in condensed squaric acid systems has been investigated, and shown to be negligible for the lowest-energy collective proton modes. This information provides a quantitative basis for improved atomistic models of the order-disorder and displacive transitions undergone by squaric acid crystals as a function of temperature and pressure. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Thermal properties of an idealised tetrahedral network model of silica are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The interatomic potential consists of anharmonic stretching and bending terms, plus a short range repulsion. The model includes a bond interchange rule similar to the well known Wooten, Winer and Weaire (WWW) algorithm (see Phys. Rev. Lett., 1985, 54, 1392). Simulations reveal an apparent first order melting transition at T = 2200 K. The computed changes in the local coordination upon melting are consistent with experimental and ab initio data.


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Ultracold polar molecules, in highly anisotropic traps and interacting via a repulsive dipolar potential, may form one-dimensional chains at high densities. According to classical theory, at low temperatures there exists a critical value of the density at which a second-order phase transition from a linear to a zigzag chain occurs. We study the effect of thermal and quantum fluctuations on these self-organized structures using classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, by means of which we evaluate the pair correlation function and the static structure factor. Depending on the parameters, these functions exhibit properties typical of a crystalline or of a liquid system. We compare the thermal and the quantum results, identifying analogies and differences. Finally, we discuss experimental parameter regimes where the effects of quantum fluctuations on the linear-zigzag transition can be observed.


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We show that the statistical properties of a Coulomb crystal can be measured by means of a standard interferometric procedure performed on the spin of one ion in the chain. The ion spin, constituted by two internal levels of the ion, couples to the crystal modes via spatial displacement induced by photon absorption. The loss of contrast in the interferometric signal allows one to measure the autocorrelation function of the crystal observables. Close to the critical point, where the chain undergoes a second-order phase transition to a zigzag structure, the signal gives the behavior of the correlation function at the critical point.


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The interactions of coal with CO2 at pressures of up to 30 bar concerning mechanisms of diffusion, the strength of interactions, and the irreversibility of uptake for the permanent disposal of CO2 into coal fields have been studied. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate coal/CO2 interactions for North Dakota, Wyodak, Illinois No. 6, and Pittsburgh No. 8 coals. It was found that the first interactions of CO2 with coals led to strongly bound carbon dioxide on coal. Energy values attributed to the irreversible storage capacity for CO2 on coals were determined. The lowest irreversible sorption energy was found for North Dakota coal (0.44 J/g), and the highest value was for the Illinois No. 6 coal (8.93 J/g). The effect of high-pressure CO2 on the macromolecular structure of coal was also studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that the temperature of the second-order phase transition of Wyodak coal decreases with an increase in CO2 pressure significantly, indicating that high-pressure CO2 diffuses through the coal matrix, causes significant plasticization effects, and changes the macromolecular structure of the Wyodak coal. Desorption characteristics of CO2 from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal were studied by temperature-programmed desorption mass spectrometry. It was found that CO2 desorption from the coal is an activated process and follows a first-order kinetic model. The activation energy for CO2 desorption from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal increased with the preadsorbed CO2 pressure, indicating that CO2 binds more strongly and demands more energy to desorb from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal at higher pressures.


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We propose a one-dimensional rice-pile model which connects the 1D BTW sandpile model (Phys. Rev. A 38 (1988) 364) and the Oslo rice-pile model (Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1997) 107) in a continuous manner. We found that for a sufficiently large system, there is a sharp transition between the trivial critical behaviour of the 1D BTW model and the self-organized critical (SOC) behaviour. When there is SOC, the model belongs to a known universality class with the avalanche exponent tau = 1.53. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied a solid-to-plasma transition by irradiating Al foils with the FLASH free electron laser at intensities up to 10(16) W/cm(2). Intense XUV self-emission shows spectral features that are consistent with emission from regions of high density, which go beyond single inner-shell photoionization of solids. Characteristic features of intrashell transitions allowed us to identify Auger heating of the electrons in the conduction band occurring immediately after the absorption of the XUV laser energy as the dominant mechanism. A simple model of a multicharge state inverse Auger effect is proposed to explain the target emission when the conduction band at solid density becomes more atomiclike as energy is transferred from the electrons to the ions. This allows one to determine, independent of plasma simulations, the electron temperature and density just after the decay of crystalline order and to characterize the early time evolution.


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The effect of temperature on the structure of the ice Ih (0001) surface is considered through a series of molecular dynamics simulations on an ice slab. At relatively low temperatures (200K) a small fraction of surface self-interstitials (i.e. admolecules) appear that are formed exclusively from molecules leaving the outermost bilayer. At higher temperatures (ca. 250 K), vacancies start to appear in the inner part of the outermost bilayer exposing the underlying bilayer and providing sites with a high concentration of the dangling hydrogen bonds. Around 250-260 K aggregates of molecules formed on top of the outermost bilayer from self-interstitials become more mobile and have diffusivities approaching that of liquid water. At similar to 270-280 K the inner bilayer of one surface noticeably destructures and it appears that at above 285 K both surfaces are melting. The observed disparity in the onset of melting between the two sides of the slab is rationalised by considering the relationship between surface energy and the spatial distribution of protons at the surface; thermodynamic stability is conferred on the surface by maximising separations between dangling protons at the crystal exterior. Local hotspots associated with a high dangling proton density are suggested to be susceptible to pre-melting and may be more efficient at trapping species at the external surface than regions with low concentrations of protons thus potentially helping ice particles to catalyse reactions. A preliminary conclusion of this work is that only about 10-20 K below the melting temperature of the particular water potential employed is major disruption of the crystalline lattice noted which could be interpreted as being "liquid", the thickness of this film being about a nanometre.


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We provide insight into the quantum correlations structure present in strongly correlated systems beyond the standard framework of bipartite entanglement. To this aim we first exploit rotationally invariant states as a test bed to detect genuine tripartite entanglement beyond the nearest neighbor in spin-1/2 models. Then we construct in a closed analytical form a family of entanglement witnesses which provides a sufficient condition to determine if a state of a many-body system formed by an arbitrary number of spin-1/2 particles possesses genuine tripartite entanglement, independently of the details of the model. We illustrate our method by analyzing in detail the anisotropic XXZ spin chain close to its phase transitions, where we demonstrate the presence of long-range multipartite entanglement near the critical point and the breaking of the symmetries associated with the quantum phase transition.