51 resultados para Inbred C3H

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The host genotype has been proposed to contribute to individually composed bacterial communities in the gut. To provide deeper insight into interactions between gut bacteria and host, we associated germ-free C3H and C57BL/10 mice with intestinal bacteria from a C57BL/10 donor mouse. Analysis of microbiota similarity between the animals with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed the development of a mouse strain-specific microbiota. Microarray-based gene expression analysis in the colonic mucosa identified 202 genes whose expression differed significantly by a factor of more than 2. Application of bioinformatics tools demonstrated that functional terms including signaling/secretion, lipid degradation/catabolism, guanine nucleotide/guanylate binding and immune response were significantly enriched in differentially expressed genes. We had a closer look at the 56 genes with expression differences of more than 4 and observed a higher expression in C57BL/10 mice of the genes coding for Tlr1 and Ang4 which are involved in the recognition and response to gut bacteria. A higher expression of Pla2g2a was detected in C3H mice. In addition, a number of interferon-inducible genes were higher expressed in C3H than in C57BL/10 mice including Gbp1, Mal, Oasl2, Ifi202b, Rtp4, Ly6g6c, Ifi27l2a, Usp18, Ifit1, Ifi44, and Ly6g indicating that interferons may play an essential role in microbiota regulation. However, genes coding for interferons, their receptors, factors involved in interferon expression regulation or signaling pathways were not differentially expressed between the two mouse strains. Taken together, our study confirms that the host genotype is involved in the establishment of host-specific bacterial communities in the gut. Based on expression differences after colonization with the same bacterial inoculum, we propose that Pla2g2a and interferon-dependent genes may contribute to this phenomenon.


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Like humans, mice exhibit polymorphism in the N-acetylation of aromatic amines, many of which are toxic and/or carcinogenic. Mice have three N-acetyltransferase (Nat) genes, Nat1, Nat2 and Nat3, and Nat2 is known to be polymorphic. There is a dramatic difference in the acetylation of NAT2 substrates by blood from fast (C57BL/6J) compared with slow acetylator (A/J) mice. However, the acetylation of these substrates by liver cytosols from the two strains is very similar. In order to determine whether the expression of the NAT2 protein corresponded with the activities measured, a polyclonal antipeptide antisera was raised against the C-terminal decapeptide of NAT2 and characterized using recombinant murine NAT2 antigen. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) demonstrated that the anti-NAT2 antiserum bound in a concentration-dependent fashion to recombinant NAT2. Immunochemical analysis of mouse liver cytosols from C57BL/6J or A/J livers indicated that the level of NAT2 protein expressed in the two strains was similar. Immunohistochemical staining of C57BL/6J liver with anti-NAT2 antiserum showed that NAT2 was expressed in hepatocytes throughout the liver although the intensity of staining in the perivenous (centrilobular) region was higher than that in the periportal region. NAT2 was also detected in epithelial cells in the lung, kidney, bladder, small intestine and skin as well as in erythrocytes and lymphocytes in the spleen and hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the skin. Characterization of the distribution of NAT2 will be of value in elucidating the role of polymorphic N-acetylation in protecting the organism from environmental insults as well as in endogenous metabolism.


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Background The V617F mutation, which causes the substitution of phenylalanine for valine at position 617 of the Janus kinase (JAK) 2 gene (JAK2), is often present in patients with polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and idiopathic myelofibrosis. However, the molecular basis of these myeloproliferative disorders in patients without the V617F mutation is unclear. Methods We searched for new mutations in members of the JAK and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) gene families in patients with V617F-negative polycythemia vera or idiopathic erythrocytosis. The mutations were characterized biochemically and in a murine model of bone marrow transplantation. Results We identified four somatic gain-of-function mutations affecting JAK2 exon 12 in 10 V617F-negative patients. Those with a JAK2 exon 12 mutation presented with an isolated erythrocytosis and distinctive bone marrow morphology, and several also had reduced serum erythropoietin levels. Erythroid colonies could be grown from their blood samples in the absence of exogenous erythropoietin. All such erythroid colonies were heterozygous for the mutation, whereas colonies homozygous for the mutation occur in most patients with V617F-positive polycythemia vera. BaF3 cells expressing the murine erythropoietin receptor and also carrying exon 12 mutations could proliferate without added interleukin-3. They also exhibited increased phosphorylation of JAK2 and extracellular regulated kinase 1 and 2, as compared with cells transduced by wild-type JAK2 or V617F JAK2. Three of the exon 12 mutations included a substitution of leucine for lysine at position 539 of JAK2. This mutation resulted in a myeloproliferative phenotype, including erythrocytosis, in a murine model of retroviral bone marrow transplantation. Conclusions JAK2 exon 12 mutations define a distinctive myeloproliferative syndrome that affects patients who currently receive a diagnosis of polycythemia vera or idiopathic erythrocytosis.


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Suppression of angiogenesis during diabetes is a recognized phenomenon but is less appreciated within the context of diabetic retinopathy. The current study has investigated regulation of retinal angiogenesis by diabetic serum and determined if advanced glycation end products (AGEs) could modulate this response, possibly via AGE-receptor interactions. A novel in vitro model of retinal angiogenesis was developed and the ability of diabetic sera to regulate this process was quantified. AGE-modified serum albumin was prepared according to a range of protocols, and these were also analyzed along with neutralization of the AGE receptors galectin-3 and RAGE. Retinal ischemia and neovascularization were also studied in a murine model of oxygen-induced proliferative retinopathy (OIR) in wild-type and galectin-3 knockout mice (gal3(-/-)) after perfusion of preformed AGEs. Serum from nondiabetic patients showed significantly more angiogenic potential than diabetic serum (P <0.0001) and within the diabetic group, poor glycemic control resulted in more AGEs but less angiogenic potential than tight control (P <0.01). AGE-modified albumin caused a dose-dependent inhibition of angiogenesis (P <0.001), and AGE receptor neutralization significantly reversed the AGE-mediated suppression of angiogenesis (P <0.01). AGE-treated wild-type mice showed a significant increase in inner retinal ischemia and a reduction in neovascularization compared with non-AGE controls (P <0.001). However, ablation of galectin-3 abolished the AGE-mediated increase in retinal ischemia and restored the neovascular response to that seen in controls. The data suggest a significant suppression of angiogenesis by the retinal microvasculature during diabetes and implicate AGEs and AGE-receptor interactions in its causation.


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PURPOSE: A critical event in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is the inappropriate adherence of leukocytes to the retinal capillaries. Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are known to play a role in chronic inflammatory processes, and the authors postulated that these adducts may play a role in promoting pathogenic increases in proinflammatory pathways within the retinal microvasculature. METHODS: Retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) were treated with glycoaldehyde-modified albumin (AGE-Alb) or unmodified albumin (Alb). NFkappaB DNA binding was measured by electromobility shift assay (EMSA) and quantified with an ELISA: In addition, the effect of AGEs on leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cell monolayers was investigated. Further studies were performed in an attempt to confirm that this was AGE-induced adhesion by co-incubation of AGE-treated cells with soluble receptor for AGE (sRAGE). Parallel in vivo studies of nondiabetic mice assessed the effect of intraperitoneal delivery of AGE-Alb on ICAM-1 mRNA expression, NFkappaB DNA-binding activity, leukostasis, and blood-retinal barrier breakdown. RESULTS: Treatment with AGE-Alb significantly enhanced the DNA-binding activity of NFkappaB (P = 0.0045) in retinal endothelial cells (RMECs) and increased the adhesion of leukocytes to RMEC monolayers (P = 0.04). The latter was significantly reduced by co-incubation with sRAGE (P <0.01). Mice infused with AGE-Alb demonstrated a 1.8-fold increase in ICAM-1 mRNA when compared with control animals (P <0.001, n = 20) as early as 48 hours, and this response remained for 7 days of treatment. Quantification of retinal NFkappaB demonstrated a threefold increase with AGE-Alb infusion in comparison to control levels (AGE Alb versus Alb, 0.23 vs. 0.076, P <0.001, n = 10 mice). AGE-Alb treatment of mice also caused a significant increase in leukostasis in the retina (AGE-Alb versus Alb, 6.89 vs. 2.53, n = 12, P <0.05) and a statistically significant increase in breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier (AGE Alb versus Alb, 8.2 vs. 1.6 n = 10, P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: AGEs caused upregulation of NFkappaB in the retinal microvascular endothelium and an AGE-specific increase in leukocyte adhesion in vitro was also observed. In addition, increased leukocyte adherence in vivo was demonstrated that was accompanied by blood-retinal barrier dysfunction. These findings add further evidence to the thinking that AGEs may play an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy.


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BACKGROUND AIMS: Cell-based gene therapy is an alternative to viral and non-viral gene therapy. Emerging evidence suggests that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are able to migrate to sites of tissue injury and have immunosuppressive properties that may be useful in targeted gene therapy for sustained specific tissue engraftment. METHODS: In this study, we injected intravenously (i.v.) 1x10(6) MSC, isolated from green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic rats, into Rif-1 fibrosarcoma-bearing C3H/HeN mice. The MSC had been infected using a lentiviral vector to express stably the luciferase reporter gene (MSC-GFP-luci). An in vivo imaging system (IVIS 200) and Western blotting techniques were used to detect the distribution of MSC-GFP-luci in tumor-bearing animals. RESULTS: We observed that xenogenic MSC selectively migrated to the tumor site, proliferated and expressed the exogenous gene in subcutaneous fibrosarcoma transplants. No MSC distribution was detected in other organs, such as the liver, spleen, colon and kidney. We further showed that the FGF2/FGFR pathways may play a role in the directional movement of MSC to the Rif-1 fibrosarcoma. We performed in vitro co-culture and in vivo tumor growth analysis, showing that MSC did not affect the proliferation of Rif-1 cells and fibrosarcoma growth compared with an untreated control group. Finally, we demonstrated that the xenogenic MSC stably expressing inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) protein transferred by a lentivirus-based system had a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of Rif-1 tumors compared with MSC alone and the non-treatment control group. CONCLUSIONS: iNOS delivered by genetically modified iNOS-MSC showed a significant anti-tumor effect both in vitro and in vivo. MSC may be used as a target gene delivery vehicle for the treatment of fibrosarcoma and other tumors


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PURPOSE: Animal models are important for pre-clinical assessment of novel therapies in metastatic bladder cancer. The F344/AY-27 model involves orthotopic colonisation with AY-27 tumour cells which are syngeneic to F344 rats. One disadvantage of the model is the unknown status of colonisation between instillation and sacrifice. Non-invasive optical imaging using red fluorescence reporters could potentially detect tumours in situ and would also reduce the number of animals required for each experiment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: AY-27 cells were stably transfected with either pDsRed2-N1 or pcDNA3.1tdTomato. The intensity and stability of fluorescence in the resultant AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and AY-27/tdTomato stable cell lines were compared using Xenogen IVIS®200 and Olympus IX51 systems.

RESULTS: AY-27/tdTomato fluorescence intensity was 60-fold brighter than AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and was sustained in AY-27/tdTomato cells following freezing and six subsequent sub-cultures. After sub-cutaneous injection, fluorescence intensity from AY-27/tdTomato cells was threefold stronger than that detected from AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells. IVIS®200 detected fluorescence from AY-27/tdTomato and AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells colonising resected and exteriorised bladders, respectively. However, the deep-seated position of the bladder precluded in vivo imaging. Characteristics of AY-27/tdTomato cells in vitro and in tumours colonising F344 rats resembled those of parental AY-27 cells. Tumour transformation was observed in the bladders colonised with AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: In vivo whole-body imaging of internal red fluorescent animal tumours should use pcDNA3.1tdTomato rather than pDsRed2-N1. Optical imaging of deep-seated organs in larger animals remains a challenge which may require proteins with brighter red or far-red fluorescence and/or alternative approaches.


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Neovascular retinal disease is a leading cause of blindness orchestrated by inflammatory responses. Although noninfectious uveoretinitis is mediated by CD4(+) T cells, in the persistent phase of disease, angiogenic responses are observed, along with degeneration of the retina. Full clinical manifestation relies on myeloid-derived cells, which are phenotypically distinct from, but potentially sharing common effector responses to age-related macular degeneration. To interrogate inflammation-mediated angiogenesis, we investigated experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis, an animal model for human uveitis. After the initial acute phase of severe inflammation, the retina sustains a persistent low-grade inflammation with tissue-infiltrating leukocytes for over 4 months. During this persistent phase, angiogenesis is observed as retinal neovascular membranes that arise from inflamed venules and postcapillary venules, increase in size as the disease progresses, and are associated with infiltrating arginase-1(+) macrophages. In the absence of thrombospondin-1, retinal neovascular membranes are markedly increased and are associated with arginase-1(-) CD68(+) macrophages, whereas deletion of the chemokine receptor CCR2 resulted in reduced retinal neovascular membranes in association with a predominant neutrophil infiltrate. CCR2 is important for macrophage recruitment to the retina in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis and promotes chronicity in the form of a persistent angiogenesis response, which in turn is regulated by constitutive expression of angiogenic inhibitors like thrombospondin-1. This model offers a new platform to dissect the molecular and cellular pathology of inflammation-induced ocular angiogenesis.


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Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is the nematode responsible for a devastating epidemic of pine wilt disease in Asia and Europe, and represents a recent, independent origin of plant parasitism in nematodes, ecologically and taxonomically distinct from other nematodes for which genomic data is available. As well as being an important pathogen, the B. xylophilus genome thus provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution and mechanism of plant parasitism. Here, we present a high-quality draft genome sequence from an inbred line of B. xylophilus, and use this to investigate the biological basis of its complex ecology which combines fungal feeding, plant parasitic and insect-associated stages. We focus particularly on putative parasitism genes as well as those linked to other key biological processes and demonstrate that B. xylophilus is well endowed with RNA interference effectors, peptidergic neurotransmitters (including the first description of ins genes in a parasite) stress response and developmental genes and has a contracted set of chemosensory receptors. B. xylophilus has the largest number of digestive proteases known for any nematode and displays expanded families of lysosome pathway genes, ABC transporters and cytochrome P450 pathway genes. This expansion in digestive and detoxification proteins may reflect the unusual diversity in foods it exploits and environments it encounters during its life cycle. In addition, B. xylophilus possesses a unique complement of plant cell wall modifying proteins acquired by horizontal gene transfer, underscoring the impact of this process on the evolution of plant parasitism by nematodes. Together with the lack of proteins homologous to effectors from other plant parasitic nematodes, this confirms the distinctive molecular basis of plant parasitism in the Bursaphelenchus lineage. The genome sequence of B. xylophilus adds to the diversity of genomic data for nematodes, and will be an important resource in understanding the biology of this unusual parasite.


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In the present study, we examined the possible utility of a three-dimensional culture system using a thermo-reversible gelation polymer to isolate and expand neural stem cells (NSCs). The polymer is a synthetic biologically inert polymer and gelates at temperatures higher than the gel-sol transition point ( approximately 20 degrees C). When fetal mouse brain cells were inoculated into the gel, spherical colonies were formed ( approximately 1% in primary culture and approximately 9% in passage cultures). The spheroid-forming cells were positive for expression of the NSC markers nestin and Musashi. Under conditions facilitating spontaneous neural differentiation, the spheroid-forming cells expressed genes characteristic to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. The cells could be successively propagated at least to 80 poly-D-lysines over a period of 20 weeks in the gel culture with a growth rate higher than that observed in suspension culture. The spheroids formed by fetal mouse brain cells in the gel were shown to be of clonal origin. These results indicate that the spheroid culture system is a convenient and powerful tool for isolation and clonal expansion of NSCs in vitro.


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Results of recent studies have indicated that bone marrow cells can differentiate into various cells of ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal origins when transplanted into the body. However, the problems associated with those experiments such as the long latent period, rareness of the event, and difficulty in controlling the processes have hampered detailed mechanistic studies. In the present study, we examined the potency of mouse bone marrow cells to differentiate into cells comprising skin tissues using a skin reconstitution assay. Bone marrow cells from adult green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice were transplanted in a mixture of embryonic mouse skin cells (17.5 days post-coitus) onto skin defects made on the backs of nude mice. Within 3 weeks, fully differentiated skin with hair was reconstituted. GFP-positive cells were found in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and dermis. The localization and morphology of the cells, results of immunohistochemistry, and results of specific staining confirmed that the bone marrow cells had differentiated into epidermal keratinocytes, sebaceous gland cells, follicular epithelial cells, dendritic cells, and endothelial cells under the present conditions. These results indicate that this system is suitable for molecular and cellular mechanistic studies on differentiation of stem cells to various epidermal and dermal cells.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In the heterogeneous group of hepatocellular carcinomas, those with characteristics of embryonic stem-cell and progenitor-cell gene expression are associated with the worst prognosis. The oncofetal gene SALL4, a marker of a subtype of hepatocellular carcinoma with progenitor-like features, is associated with a poor prognosis and is a potential target for treatment.


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Retinal vascular leakage, inflammation, and neovascularization (NV) are features of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Fenofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor a (PPARa) agonist, has shown robust protective effects against DR in type 2 diabetic patients, but its effects on DR in type 1 diabetes have not been reported. This study evaluated the efficacy of fenofibrate on DR in type 1 diabetes models and determined if the effect is PPARa dependent. Oral administration of fenofibrate significantly ameliorated retinal vascular leakage and leukostasis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and in Akita mice. Favorable effects on DR were also achieved by intravitreal injection of fenofibrate or another specific PPARa agonist. Fenofibrate also ameliorated retinal NV in the oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model and inhibited tube formation and migration in cultured endothelial cells. Fenofibrate also attenuated overexpression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and blocked activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 and nuclear factor-?B in the retinas of OIR and diabetic models. Fenofibrate's beneficial effects were blocked by a specific PPARa antagonist. Furthermore, Ppara knockout abolished the fenofibrate-induced downregulation of VEGF and reduction of retinal vascular leakage in DR models. These results demonstrate therapeutic effects of fenofibrate on DR in type 1 diabetes and support the existence of the drug target in ocular tissues and via a PPARa-dependent mechanism.