61 resultados para Endoplasmic reticulum resident aminopeptidase 2

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Interleukin-12 (IL-12), p80, and IL-23 are structurally related cytokines sharing a p40 subunit. We have recently demonstrated that celecoxib and its COX-2-independent analogue 4-trifluoromethyl-celecoxib (TFM-C) inhibit secretion but not transcription of IL-12 (p35/p40) and p80 (p40/p40). This is associated with a mechanism involving altered cytokine-chaperone interaction in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the present study, we found that celecoxib and TFM-C also block secretion of IL-23 (p40/p19 heterodimers). Given the putative ER-centric mode of these compounds, we performed a comprehensive RTPCR analysis of 23 ER-resident chaperones/foldases and associated co-factors. This revealed that TFM-C induced 1.5-3-fold transcriptional up-regulation of calreticulin, GRP78, GRP94, GRP170, ERp72, ERp57, ERdj4, and ERp29. However, more significantly, a 7-fold up-regulation of homocysteine-inducible ER protein (HERP) was observed. HERP is part of a high molecular mass protein complex involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Using co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that TFM-C induces protein interaction of p80 and IL-23 with HERP. Both HERP siRNA knockdown and HERP overexpression coupled to cycloheximide chase assays revealed that HERP is necessary for degradation of intracellularly retained p80 by TFM-C. Thus, our data suggest that targeting cytokine folding in the ER by small molecule drugs could be therapeutically exploited to alleviate in appropriate inflammation in autoimmune conditions.


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Pancreatic cancer remains as one of the most deadly cancers, and responds poorly to current therapies. The prognosis is extremely poor, with a 5-year survival of less than 5%. Therefore, search for new effective therapeutic drugs is of pivotal need and urgency to improve treatment of this incurable malignancy. Synthetic alkyl-lysophospholipid analogs (ALPs) constitute a heterogeneous group of unnatural lipids that promote apoptosis in a wide variety of tumor cells. In this study, we found that the anticancer drug edelfosine was the most potent ALP in killing human pancreatic cancer cells, targeting endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Edelfosine was taken up in significant amounts by pancreatic cancer cells and induced caspase-and mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis. Pancreatic cancer cells show a prominent ER and edelfosine accumulated in this subcellular structure, inducing a potent ER stress response, with caspase-4, BAP31 and c-Jun NH 2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, CHOP/GADD153 upregulation and phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 a-subunit that eventually led to cell death. Oral administration of edelfosine in xenograft mouse models of pancreatic cancer induced a significant regression in tumor growth and an increase in apoptotic index, as assessed by TUNEL assay and caspase-3 activation in the tumor sections. The ER stress-associated marker CHOP/GADD153 was visualized in the pancreatic tumor isolated from edelfosine-treated mice, indicating a strong in vivo ER stress response. These results suggest that edelfosine exerts its pro-apoptotic action in pancreatic cancer cells, both in vitro and in vivo, through its accumulation in the ER, which leads to ER stress and apoptosis. Thus, we propose that the ER could be a key target in pancreatic cancer, and edelfosine may constitute a prototype for the development of a new class of antitumor drugs targeting the ER. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.


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Ewing's sarcoma (ES) is the second most common bone cancer in children and young people. Edelfosine (1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is the prototype of a family of synthetic antitumor compounds, collectively known as alkylphospholipid analogs (APLs). We have found that APLs ranked edelfosine>perifosine>erucylphosphocholine>miltefosine for their capacity to promote apoptosis in ES cells. Edelfosine accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and triggered an ER stress response that eventually led to caspase-dependent apoptosis in ES cells. This apoptotic response involved mitochondrial-mediated processes, with cytochrome c release, caspase-9 activation and generation of reactive oxygen species. Edelfosine-induced apoptosis was also dependent on sustained c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activation. Oral administration of edelfosine showed a potent in vivo antitumor activity in an ES xenograft animal model. Histochemical staining gave evidence for ER stress response and apoptosis in the ES tumors isolated from edelfosine-treated mice. Edelfosine showed a preferential action on ES tumor cells as compared to non-transformed osteoblasts, and appeared to be well suited for combination therapy regimens. These results demonstrate in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of edelfosine against ES cells that is mediated by caspase activation and ER stress, and provide the proof of concept for a putative edelfosine-and ER stress-mediated approach for ES treatment.


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Endoplasmic reticulum protein 29 (ERp29) is a novel endoplasmic reticulum ( ER) secretion factor that facilitates the transport of secretory proteins in the early secretory pathway. Recently, it was found to be overexpressed in several cancers; however, little is known regarding its function in breast cancer progression. In this study, we show that the expression of ERp29 was reduced with tumor progression in clinical specimens of breast cancer, and that overexpression of ERp29 resulted in G(0)/G(1) arrest and inhibited cell proliferation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Importantly, overexpression of ERp29 in MDA-MB-231 cells led to a phenotypic change and mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) characterized by cytoskeletal reorganization with loss of stress fibers, reduction of fibronectin (FN), reactivation of epithelial cell marker E-cadherin and loss of mesenchymal cell marker vimentin. Knockdown of ERp29 by shRNA in MCF-7 cells reduced E-cadherin, but increased vimentin expression. Furthermore, ERp29 overexpression in MDA-MB-231 and SKBr3 cells decreased cell migration/invasion and reduced cell transformation, whereas silencing of ERp29 in MCF-7 cells enhanced cell aggressive behavior. Significantly, expression of ERp29 in MDA-MB-231 cells suppressed tumor formation in nude mice by repressing the cell proliferative index (Ki-67 positivity). Transcriptional profiling analysis showed that ERp29 acts as a central regulator by upregulating a group of genes with tumor suppressive function, for example, E-cadherin (CDH1), cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKN2B) and spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK), and by downregulating a group of genes that regulate cell proliferation (eg, FN, epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR) and plasminogen activator receptor ( uPAR)). It is noteworthy that ERp29 significantly attenuated the overall ERK cascade, whereas the ratio of p-ERK1 to p-ERK2 was highly increased. Taken together, our results showed that ERp29 is a novel regulator leading to cell growth arrest and cell transition from a proliferative to a quiescent state, and reprogramming molecular portraits to suppress the tumor growth of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Laboratory Investigation (2009) 89, 1229-1242; doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2009.87; published online 21 September 2009


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We previously showed that extravasated, modified LDL is implicated in pericyte loss in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Here, we investigate whether modified LDL induces apoptosis in retinal Müller glial cells.


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The oxidation of LDLs is considered a key step in the development of atherosclerosis. How LDL oxidation contributes to atherosclerosis remains poorly defined. Here we report that oxidized and glycated LDL (HOG-LDL) causes aberrant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and that the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) suppressed HOG-LDL-triggered ER stress in vivo.


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Processing of the 'CaaX' motif found on the C-termini of many proteins, including the proto-oncogene Ras, requires the ER (endoplasmic reticulum)-resident protease RCE1 (Ras-converting enzyme 1) and is necessary for the proper localization and function of many of these 'CaaX' proteins. In the present paper, we report that several mammalian species have a novel isoform (isoform 2) of RCE1 resulting from an alternate splice site and producing an N-terminally truncated protein. We demonstrate that both RCE1 isoform 1 and the newly identified isoform 2 are required to reinstate proper H-Ras processing and thus plasma membrane localization in RCE1-null cells. In addition, we show that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 (ubiquitin-specific protease 17), previously shown to modulate RCE1 activity, can regulate the abundance and localization of isoform 2. Furthermore, we show that isoform 2 is ubiquitinated on Lys43 and deubiquitinated by USP17. Collectively, the findings of the present study indicate that RCE1 isoform 2 is required for proper 'CaaX' processing and that USP17 can regulate this via its modulation of RCE1 isoform 2 ubiquitination.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), a newly identified group 2 coronavirus, is the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome, a life-threatening form of pneumonia in humans. Coronavirus replication and transcription are highly specialized processes of cytoplasmic RNA synthesis that localize to virus-induced membrane structures and were recently proposed to involve a complex enzymatic machinery that, besides RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, helicase, and protease activities, also involves a series of RNA-processing enzymes that are not found in most other RNA virus families. Here, we characterized the enzymatic activities of a recombinant form of the SARS-CoV helicase (nonstructural protein [nsp] 13), a superfamily 1 helicase with an N-terminal zinc-binding domain. We report that nsp13 has both RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities. SARS-CoV nsp13 unwinds its substrates in a 5'-to-3' direction and features a remarkable processivity, allowing efficient strand separation of extended regions of double-stranded RNA and DNA. Characterization of the nsp13-associated (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphatase ([dNTPase) activities revealed that all natural nucleotides and deoxynucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed slightly more efficiently than other nucleotides. Furthermore, we established an RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity for the SARS-CoV nsp13 helicase which may be involved in the formation of the 5' cap structure of viral RNAs. The data suggest that the (d)NTPase and RNA 5'-triphosphatase activities of nsp13 have a common active site. Finally, we established that, in SARS-CoV-infected Vero E6 cells, nsp13 localizes to membranes that appear to be derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and are the likely site of SARS-CoV RNA synthesis.


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1. Collagenase dispersal of strips of rabbit urethra yielded, in addition to normal spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells, a small proportion of branched cells which resembled the interstitial cells of Cajal dispersed from canine colon. These were clearly distinguishable from smooth muscle in their appearance under the phase-contrast microscope, their immunohistochemistry and their ultrastructure. They had abundant vimentin filaments but no myosin, a discontinuous basal lamina, sparse rough endoplasmic reticulum, many mitochondria and a well-developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 2. Interstitial cells were non-contractile but exhibited regular spontaneous depolarisations in current clamp. These could be increased in frequency by noradrenaline and blocked by perfusion with calcium-free solution. In voltage clamp they showed abundant calcium-activated chloride current and spontaneous transient inward currents which could be blocked by chloride channel blockers. 3. The majority of smooth muscle cells were vigorously contractile when stimulated but did not show spontaneous electrical activity in current clamp. In voltage clamp, smooth muscle cells showed very little calcium-activated chloride current. 4. We conclude that there are specialised pacemaking cells in the rabbit urethra that may be responsible for initiating the slow waves recorded from smooth muscle cells in the intact syncitium.


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Light and electron microscopy were used to characterize the structure of secretory cells and their products involved in attachment of two monogenean parasites of fish, in order to understand their role in the attachment process. In Bravohollisia rosetta and Bravohollisia gussevi, peduncular gland cells with two nuclei, granular endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies produce dual electron-dense (DED) secretory bodies with a homogenous electron-dense rind and a less electron-dense fibrillar core (oval and concave in B. rosetta and oval in B. gussevi). The DED secretory bodies are altered as they migrate from the gland cell to the haptoral reservoir, the superficial anchor grooves, and into the gill tissues. The contents of the DED secretory bodies are exocytosed into the reservoirs, fibrillar cores persisting in the matrix, some of which condense, forming highly electron-dense spherical bodies. Small, oval, electron-dense bodies occur in the grooves, while no inclusions are visible in the homogenous exudate within the gill tissues. The single tubular extension of the reservoir enters a bifurcate channel within the anchor via a concealed, crevice-like opening on one side of the anchor. The channel directs secretions into the left and the right grooves via concealed apertures. The secretions, introduced into the tissues by the anchors, probably assist in attachment. The secretions are manifested externally as net-like structures and observed in some cases to be still attached to the point of exudation, on anchors detached from the gill tissues. This suggests that despite having the anchors detached, the worms can still remain anchored to the gill tissues via these net-like structures. Based on this, it is postulated that the net-like secretions probably function as a safety line to anchor the worm during the onset of locomotion and in doing so reduce the risk of tearing host tissues.


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The phosphorylation status of the small hydrophobic (SH) protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was examined in virus-infected Vero cells. The SH protein v.,as isolated from [S-35]methionine- and [P-33]orthophosphate-labelled IRSV-infected cells and analysed by SDS-PAGE. In each case, a protein product of the expected size for the SH protein was observed. Phosphoamino acid analysis and reactivity with the phosphotyrosine specific antibody PY20 showed that the SH protein was modified by tyrosine phosphorylation. The role or tyrosine kinase activity in SH protein phosphorylation was confirmed by the use of genistein, a broad-spectrum tyrosine kinase inhibitor, to inhibit SH protein phosphorylation. Further analysis showed that the different glycosylated forms of the SH protein were phosphorylated, as was the oligomeric form of the protein. Phosphorylation of the SH protein was specifically inhibited by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 inhibitor SB203580, suggesting that SH protein phosphorylation occurs via a MAPK p38-dependent pathway. Analysis of virus-infected cells using fluorescence microscopy showed that, although the SH protein was distributed throughout the cytoplasm, it appeared to accumulate, at low levels, in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi complex, confirming recent observations. However, in the presence of SB203580. an increased accumulation of the SH protein in the Golgi complex was observed, although other virus structures, such as virus filaments and inclusion bodies, remained largely unaffected. These results showed that during RSV infection, the SH protein is modified by an MAPK p38-dependant tyrosine kinase activity and that this modification influences its cellular distribution.