30 resultados para Cavity ring-up spectroscopy

em QUB Research Portal - Research Directory and Institutional Repository for Queen's University Belfast


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Silicone elastomer vaginal rings are currently being pursued as a controlled-release strategy for delivering microbicidal substances for the prevention of heterosexual transmission of HIV. Although it is well established that the distribution of drugs in delivery systems influences the release characteristics, in practice the distribution is often difficult to quantify in-situ. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine whether Raman spectroscopy might provide a rapid, non-contact means of measuring the concentrations of the lead candidate HIV microbicide TMC120 in a silicone elastomer reservoir-type vaginal ring. Vaginal rings loaded with TMC120 were manufactured and sectioned before either Raman mapping an entire ring cross-section (100 µm resolution) or running line scans at appropriate time intervals up to 30 h after manufacture. The results demonstrated that detectable amounts of TMC120, above the silicone elastomer saturation concentration, could be detected up to 1 mm into the sheath, presumably as a consequence of permeation and subsequent reprecipitation. The extent of permeation was found to be similar in rings manufactured at 25 and 80°C.


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DNA sequences attached to Au nanoparticles via thiol linkers stand up from the surface, giving preferential enhancement of the adenine ring breathing SERS band. Non-specific binding via the nucleobases reorients the DNA, reducing this effect. This change in intensity on reorientation was utilised for label-free detection of hybridization of a molecular beacon.


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We investigate optomechanical forces on a nearly lossless scatterer, such as an atom pumped far off-resonance or amicromirror, inside an optical ring cavity. Our model introduces two additional features to the cavity: an isolator is used to prevent circulation and resonant enhancement of the pump laser field and thus to avoid saturation of or damage to the scatterer, and an optical amplifier is used to enhance the effective Q-factor of the counterpropagating mode and thus to increase the velocity-dependent forces by amplifying the back-scattered light. We calculate friction forces, momentum diffusion, and steady-state temperatures to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed setup.


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[M2L3] coordination cages and linear [M2L3]infinity polymers of the rigid, bridging diphosphines bis(diphenylphosphino)acetylene (dppa) and trans-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethylene (dppet) with silver(I) salts have been investigated in the solution and solid states. Unlike flexible diphosphines, 1:1 dppa/AgX mixtures do not selectively form discrete [Ag2(diphos)2(X)2] macrocycles; instead dynamic mixtures of one-, two- and three-coordinate complexes are formed. However, 3:2 dppa/AgX ratios (X = SbF6. BF4, O3SCF3 or NO3) do lead selectively to new [M2L3] triply bridged cage complexes [Ag2(dppa)3(X)2] 1a-d (X = SbF6 a, BF4 b, O3SCF3 c, NO3 d), which do not exhibit Ag-P bond dissociation at room temperature on the NMR time scale (121 MHz). Complexes la-d were characterised by X-ray crystallography and were found to have small internal cavities, helical conformations and multiple intramolecular aromatic interactions. The nucleophilicity of the anion subtly influences the cage shape: Increasing nucleophilicity from SbF6 (1a) through BF4 (1b) and O3SCF3 (1c) to NO3 (1d) increases the pyramidal distortion at the AgP3 centres, stretching the cage framework (with Ag...Ag distances increasing from 5.48 in 1a to 6.21 A in 1d) and giving thinner internal cavities. Crystal packing strongly affected the size of the helical twist angle, and no correlation between this parameter and the Ag-Ag distance was observed. When crystalline 1c was stored in its supernatant for 16 weeks, conversion occured to the isostoichiometric [M2L3]infinity coordination polymer [Ag(dppa)2Ag(dppa)(O3SCF3)2]infinity (1c'). X-ray crystallography revealed a structure with ten-membered Ag2(dppa)2 rings linked into infinite one-dimensional chains by a third dppa unit. The clear structural relationship between this polymer and the precursor cage 1c suggests a novel example of ring-opening polymerisation. With dppet, evidence for discrete [M2L3] cages was also found in solution, although 31P NMR spectroscopy suggested some Ag-P bond dissociation. On crystallisation, only the corresponding ring-opened polymeric structures [M2L3]infinity could be obtained. This may be because the greater steric bulk of dppet versus dppa destabilises the cage and favours the ring-opening polymerisation.


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Absolute and differential abundance analyses have been performed from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical (Keck I) spectra for three evolved Galactic halo stars, namely PG 1704 + 222, HD 341617 and LSIV -0401. Their derived atmospheric parameters indicate that all three objects are undergoing a post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) phase of evolution. A differential abundance analysis reveals HD 341617 as having a mild carbon deficiency of 0.74 dex, possibly due to the star having evolved off the AGB before the onset of the third dredge-up. Although such carbon underabundances are typical of hot post-AGB objects, the same trend is not observed in PG 1704 + 222, where the carbon abundance is found to be consistent with those derived for nitrogen and oxygen. Hence, a dredge-up scenario need not be invoked to explain the chemical composition of PG 1704 + 222. For LSIV -0401 no iron deficiency is apparent relative to magnesium and silicon, and hence a gas- dust separation event in the AGB progenitor need not be invoked for this star.


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We present model atmosphere analyses of high resolution Keck and VLT optical spectra for three evolved stars in globular clusters, viz. ZNG-1 in M 10, ZNG-1 in M 15 and ZNG-1 in NGC 6712. The derived atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions confirm the programme stars to be in the post- Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) evolutionary phase. Differential abundance analyses reveal CNO abundance patterns in M 10 ZNG-1, and possibly M 15 ZNG-1, which Suggest that both objects may have evolved off the AGB before the third dredge-up occurred. The abundance pattern of these stars is similar to the third class of optically, bright post-AGB objects discussed by van Winckel (1997). Furthermore, M 10 ZNG-1 exhibits a large C underabundance (with Delta[C/O] similar to -1.6 dex), typical of other hot post-AGB objects. Differential Delta[alpha/Fe] abundance ratios in both M 10 ZNG-1 and NGC 6712 ZNG-1 are found to be approximately 0.0 dex, with the Fe abundance of the former being in disagreement with the cluster metallicity of M 10. Given that the Fe absorption features in both M 10 ZNG-1 and NGC6712 ZNG-1 are well observed and reliably modelled, we believe that these differential Fe abundance estimates to be secure. However, our Fe abundance is difficult to explain in terms of previous evolutionary processes that Occur oil both the Horizontal Branch and the AGB.


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Structural and magnetic properties of thin Mn films on the Fe(001) surface have been investigated by a combination of photoelectron spectroscopy and computer simulation in the temperature range 300 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to750 K. Room-temperature as deposited Mn overlayers are found to be ferromagnetic up to 2.5-monolayer (ML) coverage, with a magnetic moment parallel to that of the iron substrate. The Mn atomic moment decreases with increasing coverage, and thicker samples (4-ML and 4.5-ML coverage) are antiferromagnetic. Photoemission measurements performed while the system temperature is rising at constant rate (dT/dtsimilar to0.5 K/s) detect the first signs of Mn-Fe interdiffusion at T=450 K, and reveal a broad temperature range (610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K) in which the interface appears to be stable. Interdiffusion resumes at Tgreater than or equal to680 K. Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations allow us to attribute the stability plateau at 610 Kless than or equal toTless than or equal to680 K to the formation of a single-layer MnFe surface alloy with a 2x2 unit cell and a checkerboard distribution of Mn and Fe atoms. X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and analysis of the dichroic signal show that the alloy has a ferromagnetic spin structure, collinear with that of the substrate. The magnetic moments of Mn and Fe atoms in the alloy are estimated to be 0.8mu(B) and 1.1mu(B), respectively.


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz) running with a high helium flux (2m3 h-1) between concentric electrodes. Small amounts (0.5%) of admixed molecular oxygen do not disturb the homogeneous plasma discharge. The jet effluent leaving the discharge through the ring-shaped nozzle contains high concentrations of radicals at a low gas temperature—the key property for a variety of applications aiming at treatment of thermally sensitive surfaces. We report on absolute atomic oxygen density measurements by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) spectroscopy in the jet effluent. Calibration is performed with the aid of a comparative TALIF measurement with xenon. An excitation scheme (different from the one earlier published) providing spectral matching of both the two-photon resonances and the fluorescence transitions is applied.


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Measurements of collisional de-excitation (quenching) coefficients required for the interpretation of emission and fluorescence spectroscopic measurements are reported. Particular attention is turned on argon transitions which are of interest for actinometric determinations of atomic ground state populations and on fluorescence lines originating from excited atoms and noble gases in connection with two-photon excitation (TALIF) of atomic radicals. A novel method is described which allows to infer quenching coefficients for collisions with molecular hydrogen of noble gas states in the energy range up to 24 eV. The excitation is performed in these experiments by collisions of energetic electrons in the sheath of an RF excited hydrogen plasma during the field reversal phase which lasts about 10 ns. We describe in addition a calibration method - including quenching effects - for the determination by TALIF of absolute atomic radical densities of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen using two-photon resonances in noble gases close by the resonances of the species mentioned. The paper closes with first ideas on a novel technique to bypass quenching effects in TALIF by introducing an additional, controllable loss by photoionization that will allow quenching-free determination of absolute atomic densities with prevalent nanosecond laser systems in situations where collisional de-excitation dominates over spontaneous emission.


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Recent advances in the development of 2D microstrip detectors open up new possibilities for hard x-ray spectroscopy, in particular for polarization studies. These detectors make ideal Compton polarimeters, which enable us to study precisely the polarization of hard x-rays. Here, we present recent results from measurements of Radiative Electron Capture into the K-shell of highly-charged uranium ions. The experiments were performed with a novel 2D Si(Li) Compton polarimeter at the Experimental Storage Ring at GSI. Stored and cooled beams of U91+ and U92+ ions, with kinetic energies of 43 MeV/u and 96 MeV/u respectively, were crossed with a hydrogen gasjet. The preliminary data analysis shows x-rays from the K-REC process, emitted perpendicularly to the ion beam, to be strongly linearly polarized.


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A series of metathesis polymers and copolymers have been formed and their structures were analysed by C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Noble metal and non-noble metal salt catalysts are distinguished by their behaviour in various solvents. Thus, in phenolic solvents, the former class produce alternating copolymers from cyclopentene and norbornene, while the latter are unaffected and produce random copolymers. In contrast, ether solvents have the effect of markedly increasing the cis content of polymers from the latter catalysts while the former are unaffected.


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SuWt 2 is a planetary nebula (PN) consisting of a bright ionized thin ring seen nearly edge-on, with much fainter bipolar lobes extending perpendicularly to the ring. It has a bright (12th magnitude) central star, too cool to ionize the PN, which we discovered in the early 1990s to be an eclipsing binary. Although it was anticipated that there would also be an optically faint, hot, ionizing star in the system, a spectrum from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) did not reveal a UV source. We present extensive ground-based photometry and spectroscopy of the central binary collected over the ensuing two decades, resulting in the determination that the orbital period of the eclipsing pair is 4.9 days, and that it consists of two nearly identical A1 V stars, each of mass ~2.7 M sun. The physical parameters of the A stars, combined with evolutionary tracks, show that both are in the short-lived "blue-hook" evolutionary phase that occurs between the main sequence and the Hertzsprung gap, and that the age of the system is about 520 Myr. One puzzle is that the stars' rotational velocities are different from each other, and considerably slower than synchronous with the orbital period. It is possible that the center-of-mass velocity of the eclipsing pair is varying with time, suggesting that there is an unseen third orbiting body in the system. We propose a scenario in which the system began as a hierarchical triple, consisting of a ~2.9 M sun star orbiting the close pair of A stars. Upon reaching the asymptotic giant branch stage, the primary engulfed the pair into a common envelope, leading to a rapid contraction of the orbit and catastrophic ejection of the envelope into the orbital plane. In this picture, the exposed core of the initial primary is now a white dwarf of ~0.7 M sun, orbiting the eclipsing pair, which has already cooled below the detectability possible by IUE at our derived distance of 2.3 kpc and a reddening of E(B - V) = 0.40. The SuWt 2 system may be destined to perish as a Type Ia supernova.


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UC781 is a potent and poorly water-soluble nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor being investi- gated as a potential microbicide for preventing sexual transmission of HIV-1. This study was designed to evaluate the in vivo release and pharmacokinetics of UC781 delivered from matrix-type intravaginal ring segments in rabbits. Three polymer matrices (polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, and silicone elastomer) and two drug loadings (5 and 15 mg/segment) were evaluated in at least one of two independent studies for up to 28 days in vivo. Inter-study comparison of in vivo release, vaginal tissue, and plasma concentrations for similar formulations demonstrated good reproducibility of the animal model. Mean estimates for a 28-day in vivo release ranged from 0.35 to 3.17 mg UC781 per segment. Mean proximal vaginal tissue levels (adjacent to the IVR segment) were 8– 410 ng/g and did not change significantly with time for most formulations. Distal vaginal tissue levels of UC781 were 6- to 49-fold lower than proximal tissue levels. Mean UC781 plasma levels were low for all formulations, at 0.09–0.58 ng/mL. All formulations resulted in similar UC781 concentrations in vaginal tissue and plasma, except the low loading polyurethane group which provided significantly lower levels. Loading dependent release and pharmacokinetics were only clearly observed for the polyurethane matrix. Based on these results, intravaginal ring segments loaded with UC781 led to vaginal tissue concen- trations ranging from below to approximately two orders of magnitude higher than UC781’s EC50 under in vitro conditions (2.8 ng/mL), with little influence by polymer matrix or UC781 loading. Moreover, these findings support the use of rabbit vaginal pharmacokinetic studies in preclinical testing of microbicide intravaginal rings.


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Polymer based carbon aerogels were prepared by synthesis of a resorcinol formaldehyde gel followed by pyrolysis at 1073K under Ar and activation of the resultant carbon under CO2 at different temperatures. The prepared carbon aerogels were used as active materials in the preparation of cathode electrodes for lithium oxygen cells and the electrochemical performance of the cells was evaluated by galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling and electrochemical impedance measurements. It was shown that the storage capacity and discharge voltage of a Li/O2 cell strongly depend on the porous structure of the carbon used in cathode. EIS results also showed that the shape and value of the resistance in the impedance spectrum of a Li/O2 cell are strongly affected by the porosity of carbon used in the cathode. Porosity changes due to the build up of discharge products hinder the oxygen and lithium ion transfer into the electrode, resulting in a gradual increase in the cell impedance with cycling. The discharge capacity and cycle life of the battery decrease significantly as its internal resistance increases with charge/discharge cycling.


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The blue supergiant Sher 25 is surrounded by an asymmetric, hourglass-shaped circumsteller nebula. Its structure and dynamics have been studied previously through high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy, and it appears dynamically similar to the ring structure around SN 1987A. Here, we present long-slit spectroscopy of the circumstellar nebula around Sher 25, and of the background nebula of the host cluster NGC 3603. We perform a detailed nebular abundance analysis to measure the gas-phase abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, neon and argon. The oxygen abundance in the circumstellar nebula (12 + log O/H = 8.61 +/- 0.13 dex) is similar to that in the background nebula (8.56 +/- 0.07), suggesting that the composition of the host cluster is around solar. However, we confirm that the circumsteller nebula is very rich in nitrogen, with an abundance of 8.91 +/- 0.15, compared to the background value of 7.47 +/- 0.18. A new analysis of the stellar spectrum With the FASTWIND model atmosphere code suggests that the photospheric nitrogen and oxygen abundances in Sher 25 are consistent with the nebular results. While the nitrogen abundances are high, when compared to stellar evolutionary models, they do not unambiguously confirm that the star has undergone convective dredge-up during a previous red supergiant phase. We suggest that the more likely scenario is that the nebula was ejected from the star while it was in the blue supergiant phase. The star's initial mass was around 50 M-circle dot which is rather too high for it to have had a convective envelope stage as a red supergiant. Rotating stellar models that lead to mixing of core-processed material to the stellar surface during core H-burning can quantitatively match the stellar results with the nebula abundances.