157 resultados para spiral extrusion


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate trends in antibiotic expenditure over an 11-year period (1982-1992) in a 370-bed district general hospital in Northern Ireland and to examine the impact of two separate antibiotic policies on antibiotic usage. A further objective was to examine the attitudes of prescribers to the second policy. Drug utilization review was used to collect information on antibiotic expenditure and usage before and after introduction of separate antibiotic policies in 1985 (not intensively monitored) and 1989 (intensively monitored). A mail questionnaire was used to determine the attitudes of prescribers. The first policy (1985) showed no benefits with regard to the number of antibiotic entities stocked (45 before, 45 after), number of dosage units issued (9.35 increase) or expenditure (33.35 increase). The 1989 policy led to significant reductions in the number of antibiotic entities stocked (28.9%), number of antibiotics issued (11.9%) and expenditure (6.1%). Expenditure began to spiral upwards when active monitoring of the second policy was suspended. The majority of prescribers (87.2%) who responded to the questionnaire (56.5% response rate) felt that the 1989 policy made a positive contribution to antibiotic usage in the hospital.


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We present the results of the one-year long observational campaign of the type 11 plateau SN 2005cs, which exploded in the nearby spiral galaxy M51 (the Whirlpool galaxy). This extensive data set makes SN 2005cs the best observed low-luminosity, Ni-56-poor type II plateau event so far and one of the best core-collapse supernovae ever. The optical and near-infrared spectra show narrow P-Cygni lines characteristic of this SN family, which are indicative of a very low expansion velocity (about 1000 km s(-1)) of the ejected material. The optical light curves cover both the plateau phase and the late-time radioactive tail, until about 380 d after core-collapse. Numerous unfiltered observations obtained by amateur astronomers give us the rare opportunity to monitor the fast rise to maximum light, lasting about 2 cl. In addition to optical observations, we also present near-infrared light curves that (together with already published ultraviolet observations) allow us to construct for the first time a reliable bolometric light Curve for an object of this class. Finally. comparing the observed data withthose derived front it semi-analytic model, we infer for SN 2005cs a Ni-56 mass of about 3 x 10(-3) M-circle dot a total ejected mass of 8-13 M-circle dot and an explosion energy of about 3 x 10(50) erg.


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For the purposes of identifying microlensing events, the POINT-AGAPE collaboration has been monitoring the Andromeda galaxy (M31) for three seasons (1999-2001) with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. In each season, data are taken for one hour per night for roughly 60 nights during the six months that M31 is visible. The two 33 x 33 arcmin(2) fields of view straddle the central bulge, northwards and southwards. We have calculated the locations, periods and brightness of 35 414 variable stars in M31 as a by-product of the microlensing search. The variables are classified according to their period and brightness. Rough correspondences with classical types of variable star (such as Population I and II Cepheids, Miras and semiregular long-period variables) are established. The spatial distribution of Population I Cepheids is clearly associated with the spiral arms, while the central concentration of the Miras and long-period variables varies noticeably, the brighter and the shorter period Miras being much more centrally concentrated.


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The genus Polysiphonia Greville, nom. cons., has had a long and confused nomenclatural history. At present, Polysiphonia has a wide circumscription, including at least 200 species, but it is heterogeneous in many vegetative and reproductive developmental features. Central to any re-evaluation of the genus is a detailed examination of the type species of Polysiphonia, P. urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville, which is conspecific with P. stricta (Dillwyn) Greville. We here report on the vegetative and reproductive morphology of P. stricta, including P, urceolata, based on type and other material from the British Isles. Thalli consist of prostrate and erect ecorticate axes with four pericentral cells, attached by unicellular rhizoids remaining in open connection with pericentral cells. Prostrate axes lack vegetative trichoblasts; trichoblasts occur seasonally on erect axes. Branch initials are cut off from the subapical cell at intervals of four or five segments in dichotomous and alternating pairs rather than being formed horn each axial cell in the spiral pattern typical of most species of Polysiphonia. Spermatangial branch initials, which are trichoblast homologues, are produced directly from each axial cell at the tips of erect branches, not subtended by trichoblasts, and have two- to five-celled sterile tips when mature. The mature carpogonial branch is four-celled with a two-celled first sterile group and a one-celled second sterile group. Following presumed fertilization, direct fusion apparently takes place between carpogonium and auxiliary tell; mature cystocarps are usually urceolate. Tetrasporangia are formed from the third pericentral cell, in straight series, and have two pre-sporangial cover cells. Previous accounts of a third, post-sporangial cover cell could not be substantiated. P. stricta and a small group of other Polysiphonia species differ in several important respects from most members of the genus, which have rhizoids cut off from pericentral cells by a cell division, abundant trichoblasts, spirally arranged tetrasporangia and a post-sporangial cover cell. The branching pattern of P. stricta highlights the difficulties of distinguishing between the tribes Polysiphonieae and Pterosiphonieae.


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Intertwining planar spirals arranged in doubly periodic arrays enables a substantially subwavelength response of the unit cell smaller than 1/40 of wavelength with large fractional bandwidths. These properties are important for application at low frequencies, conformal curved surfaces, or with compact radiators. It is shown that interleaving counter-wound spiral arms extended into adjacent unit cells dramatically increase the array equivalent capacitance while reducing the inductance. A coplanar waveguide (CPW) model has been developed to analytically estimate the equivalent capacitance and inductance of intertwined spiral array elements in terms of their geometrical parameters. The proposed CPW model is shown to provide an accurate prediction of the fundamental resonance frequency and can be instrumental in the design of the arrays for a specified frequency response. © 2012 IEEE.


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The features of artificial surfaces composed of doubly periodic patterns of interwoven planar conductors are discussed. The free-standing intertwined quadrifilar spirals and modified Brigid's crosses are presented as illustrative examples to demonstrate the highly stable angular reflection and transmittance response with low cross-polarisation and a broad fractional bandwidth. The main mechanisms contributing to the substantially sub-wavelength response of these arrays are discussed showing that interweaving their conductor patterns provides concurrent control of both the equivalent capacitance and inductance of the unit cell. The effects of dielectric substrate and conductor thickness on the properties of intertwined spiral and modified Brigid's cross arrays are discussed to provide insight in the effect of the structure parameters on array performance.


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The properties of metasurfaces comprised of interwoven conductor patterns on dielectric substrates have been examined. The significant reduction of the fundamental resonance frequency fr and expanded fractional bandwidths (FBWs) offered by the intertwined spirals and Brigid’s crosses extended beyond a single unit cell has been achieved with the aid of thin dielectric substrates. A qualitative model has been proposed and proved to adequately predict the main properties of entwined spiral arrays on dielectric substrates.


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AC magnetic heating of superparamagnetic Co and Fe nanoparticles for application in hyperthermia was measured to find a size of nanoparticles that would result in an optimal heating for given amplitude and frequency of ac externally applied magnetic field. To measure it, a custom-made power supply connected to a 20-turn insulated copper coil in the shape of a spiral solenoid cooled with water was used. A fiber-optic temperature sensor has been used to measure the temperature with an accuracy of 0.0001 K. The magnetic field with magnitude of 20.6 µT and a frequency of oscillation equal to 348 kHz was generated inside the coil to heat magnetic nanoparticles. The maximum specific power loss or the highest heating rate for Co magnetic nanoparticles was achieved for nanoparticles of 8.2 nm in diameter. The maximum heating rate for coated Fe was found for nanoparticles with diameter of 18.61 nm. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Polymer extrusion, in which a polymer is melted and conveyed to a mould or die, forms the basis of most polymer processing techniques. Extruders frequently run at non-optimised conditions and can account for 15–20% of overall process energy losses. In times of increasing energy efficiency such losses are a major concern for the industry. Product quality, which depends on the homogeneity and stability of the melt flow which in turn depends on melt temperature and screw speed, is also an issue of concern of processors. Gear pumps can be used to improve the stability of the production line, but the cost is usually high. Likewise it is possible to introduce energy meters but they also add to the capital cost of the machine. Advanced control incorporating soft sensing capabilities offers opportunities to this industry to improve both quality and energy efficiency. Due to strong correlations between the critical variables, such as the melt temperature and melt pressure, traditional decentralized PID (Proportional–Integral–Derivative) control is incapable of handling such processes if stricter product specifications are imposed or the material is changed from one batch to another. In this paper, new real-time energy monitoring methods have been introduced without the need to install power meters or develop data-driven models. The effects of process settings on energy efficiency and melt quality are then studied based on developed monitoring methods. Process variables include barrel heating temperature, water cooling temperature, and screw speed. Finally, a fuzzy logic controller is developed for a single screw extruder to achieve high melt quality. The resultant performance of the developed controller has shown it to be a satisfactory alternative to the expensive gear pump. Energy efficiency of the extruder can further be achieved by optimising the temperature settings. Experimental results from open-loop control and fuzzy control on a Killion 25 mm single screw extruder are presented to confirm the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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This study describes an innovative monolith structure designed for applications in automotive catalysis using an advanced manufacturing approach developed at Imperial College London. The production process combines extrusion with phase inversion of a ceramic-polymer-solvent mixture in order to design highly ordered substrate micro-structures that offer improvements in performance, including reduced PGM loading, reduced catalyst ageing and reduced backpressure.

This study compares the performance of the novel substrate for CO oxidation against commercially available 400 cpsi and 900 cpsi catalysts using gas concentrations and a flow rate equivalent to those experienced by a full catalyst brick when attached to a vehicle. Due to the novel micro-structure, no washcoat was required for the initial testing and 13 g/ft3 of Pd was deposited directly throughout the substrate structure in the absence of a washcoat.

Initial results for CO oxidation indicate that the advanced micro-structure leads to enhanced conversion efficiency. Despite an 79% reduction in metal loading and the absence of a washcoat, the novel substrate sample performs well, with a light-off temperature (LOT) only 15 °C higher than the commercial 400 cpsi sample.

To test the effects of catalyst ageing on light-off temperature, each sample was aged statically at a temperature of 1000 °C, based on the Bench Ageing Time (BAT) equation. The novel substrate performed impressively when compared to the commercial samples, with a variation in light-off temperature of only 3% after 80 equivalent hours of ageing, compared to 12% and 25% for the 400 cpsi and 900 cpsi monoliths, respectively.


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Hospital-acquired infections pose both a major risk to patient wellbeing and an economic burden on global healthcare systems, with the problem compounded by the emergence of multidrug resistant and biocide tolerant bacterial pathogens. Many inanimate surfaces can act as a reservoir for infection, and adequate disinfection is difficult to achieve and requires direct intervention. In this study we demonstrate the preparation and performance of materials with inherent photodynamic, surface-active, persistent antimicrobial properties through the incorporation of photosensitizers into high density poly(ethylene) (HDPE) using hot-melt extrusion, which require no external intervention except a source of visible light. Our aim is to prevent bacterial adherence to these surfaces and eliminate them as reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens, thus presenting a valuable advance in infection control. A two-layer system with one layer comprising photosensitizer-incorporated HDPE, and one layer comprising HDPE alone is also described to demonstrate the versatility of our approach. The photosensitizer-incorporated materials are capable of reducing the adherence of viable bacteria by up to 3.62 Log colony forming units (CFU) per square centimeter of material surface for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and by up to 1.51 Log CFU/cm2 for Escherichia coli. Potential applications for the technology are in antimicrobial coatings for, or materials comprising objects, such as tubing, collection bags, handrails, finger-plates on hospital doors, or medical equipment found in the healthcare setting.


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Melt viscosity is one of the main factors affecting product quality in extrusion processes particularly with regard to recycled polymers. However, due to wide variability in the physical properties of recycled feedstock, it is difficult to maintain the melt viscosity during extrusion of polymer blends and obtain good quality product without generating scrap. This research investigates the application of ultrasound and temperature control in an automatic extruder controller, which has ability to maintain constant melt viscosity from variable recycled polymer feedstock during extrusion processing. An ultrasonic modulation system has been developed and fitted to the extruder prior to the die to convey ultrasonic energy from a high power ultrasonic generator to the polymer melt. Two separate control loops have been developed to run simultaneously in one controller: the first loop controls the ultrasonic energy or temperature to maintain constant die pressure, the second loop is used to control extruder screw speed to maintain constant throughput at the extruder die. Time response and energy consumption of the control methods in real-time experiments are also investigated and reported this paper.


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The properties of metasurfaces composed of doubly periodic arrays of interwoven quadrifilar spiral conductors on magnetized ferrite substrates have been investigated with the aid of the full-wave electromagnetic simulator. The effects of incident wave polarization and ferrite magnetization on the scattering characteristics have been analysed at both normal and in-plane dc magnetic bias. The features of the fundamental topological resonances in the interwoven spiral arrays on ferrite substrates are illustrated by the simulation results and the effects of ferrite gyrotropy and dispersion on the array resonance response and fractional bandwidth are discussed.


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The search for ideal biomaterials is still on-going for tissue regeneration. In this study, blends of Poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) with Poly l-lactic acid (PLLA), Nalidixic Acid (NA) and Polyethylene glycol (PEG) were prepared. Mechanical and thermal properties of the blends were investigated by tensile and flexural analysis, DSC, TGA, WXRD, MFI, BET, SEM and hot stage optical microscopy. Results showed that the loading of PLLA caused a significant decrease in tensile strength and almost total eradication of the elongation at break of PCL matrix, especially after PEG and NA addition. Increased stiffness was also noted with additional NA, PEG and PLLA, resulting in an increase in the flexural modulus of the blends.
Isothermal degradation indicated that bulk PCL, PLLA and the blends were thermally stable at 200°C for the duration of 2h making extrusion of the blends at this temperature viable. Morphological study showed that increasing the PLLA content and addition of the very low viscosity PEG and powder NA decreased the Melt Flow Indexer and increased the viscosity.
At the higher temperature the PLLA begins to soften and eventually melts allowing for increased flow and, coupling this with, the natural increase in MFI caused by temperature is enhanced further. The PEG and NA addition increased dramatically the pore volume which is important for cell growth and flow transport of nutrients and metabolic waste.


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A carbon nanotube free-standing linearly dichroic polariser is developed using solid-state extrusion. Membrane cohesion is experimentally and numerically demonstrated to derive from inter-tube van der Waals interactions in this family of planar metastable morphologies, controlled by the chemical vapour deposition conditions. Ultra-broadband polarisation (400 nm – 2.5 mm) is shown and corroborated by effective medium and full numerical simulations.