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The agile model of software development has been mainstream for several years, and is now in a phase where its principles and practices are maturing. The purpose of this paper is to describe the results of an industry survey aimed at understanding how maturation is progressing. The survey was taken across 40 software development companies in Northern Ireland at the beginning of 2012. The paper describes the design of the survey and examines maturity by comparing the results obtained in 2012 with those from a study of agile adoption in the same region in 2010. Both surveys aimed to achieve comprehensive coverage of a single area rather than rely on a voluntary sample. The main outcome from the work is a collection of ‘insights’ into the nature and practice of agile development, the main two of which are reported in this paper.


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The inclusion of granular columns in soft clay deposits leads to improvements in bearing capacity and overall stiffness along with a reduction in consolidation settlement. Many laboratory investigations have focused on aspects of bearing capacity, but published data on settlement performance is limited. This paper reports on some interesting findings obtained from a laboratory model study in respect of these issues. In this investigation, 300 mm diameter by 400 mm long samples of soft kaolin clay were reinforced with single or multiple granular columns of various lengths using the displacement and replacement installation methods. The experimental findings revealed that, for the same area replacement ratio, limited settlement reduction was achieved for single long floating columns and end-bearing column groups. Marginal improvements in settlement performance were also achieved for columns installed by the displacement method. No settlement reduction was achieved for short single floating columns while short floating granular column groups produced increased settlements. These observations were verified using contact pressure measurements between the footing and column/surrounding clay.


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Focal gamma irradiation was used to limit the intraocular extension of scar tissue which typically occurs after posterior perforating injury to the eye. Standard posterior perforating injuries were created in the right eye of forty-eight rabbits, half of which had the site of perforation focally irradiated using a Cobalt 60 ophthalmic plaque. Non-irradiated wounds healed with profuse formation of highly cellular and vascularised granulation tissue which invaded the vitreous to form contractile vitreo-retinal membranes. In irradiated eyes vitreo-retinal membrane formation was infrequent; the wounds showing only sparse granulation tissue with little or no extension into the vitreous cavity. Autoradiographic studies carried out in a second group of 40 animals showed that the episclera was the main source of the proliferating fibroblasts, and cell counts confirmed that the inflammatory and repair responses in irradiated wounds were both delayed and attenuated.


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We produced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by diminishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. The neovascular fronds which developed either infiltrated the subretinal space or proliferated through necrotic and gliotic retina into the vitreous cavity. Sequential electron microscopic sections of neovascular fronds in the subretinal space demonstrated that the advancing capillary sprouts were composed of primitive endothelial tubes surrounded by pericytes and enmeshed in a loose basement-membrane-like substance. More mature capillaris and displayed endothelial fenestrations and endothelial-pericyte membranous contacts. Large neovascular fronds developed major feeding vessels that closely resembled normal small choroidal arteries and veins. Retinal pigment epithelial cells in various guises were in constant association with proliferating neovascular networks.


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We induced choroidal neovascularization in the rhesus monkey by impoverishing the blood supply to the inner retina and producing defects in Bruch's membrane by photocoagulation. Fourteen of 46 eyes undergoing photocoagulation developed neovascular fronds which were identified and categorized by histopathologic examination and fluorescein angiography. All new vessels gained access to the retina through defects in Bruch's membrane at the site of photocoagulation marks. In eight eyes the new vessels remained localized to the immediate vicinity of photocoagulation marks. In four eyes neovascular fronds infiltrated the subretinal space for distances up to 6 disk diameters from the point of entry into the retina. In the two eyes choroidovitreal neovascular complexes developed but rapidly regressed shortly after gaining the vitreous cavity. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that all neovascular fronds were grossly incompetent to dye but that formed feeding channels had some degree of integrity. Light microscopic studies showed the proliferating networks to be composed of capillaries with well-formed basement membranes and more mature vessels with the basic structure of choroidal arteries and veins.


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Objective: The aim of this study is to examine microscopically the destruction of bacterial biofilms mediated by atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma (APNTP) at cellular level as well as at the level of biofilm structure as a whole. Methods: 3-day old bacterial biofilms were grown on polycarbonate coupons in a dual channel flow cell and were treated with an in-housed designed atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma jet for up to 4 minutes of exposure before being examined by both confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), preceded by Live/Dead bacterial viability staining, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Differential live/dead staining followed by confocal microscopy examination revealed that biofilm eradication by APNTP was mediated by varying levels of both cell killing and physical removal. Relative extent of each mechanism was dependent on plasma operating conditions, bacterial species, growth conditions and biofilm thickness. On the other hand, SEM examination of plasma-exposed biofilms revealed a series of morphological changes exhibited by biofilm cells ranging from increased roughness of cell surface to complete cell lysis. Conclusions: Interesting mechanistic insights have been revealed by microscopic examination of plasma-treated bacterial biofilms that, when coupled with more specific biochemical studies, will not only contribute significantly to our understanding of the mechanism of plasma mediated biofilm destruction but also will help in better application-guided development of this novel anti-biofilm approach.


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We present 65 optical spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2012fr, of which 33 were obtained before maximum light. At early times SN 2012fr shows clear evidence of a high-velocity feature (HVF) in the Si II 6355 line which can be cleanly decoupled from the lower velocity "photospheric" component. This Si II 6355 HVF fades by phase -5; subsequently, the photospheric component exhibits a very narrow velocity width and remains at a nearly constant velocity of v~12,000 km/s until at least 5 weeks after maximum brightness. The Ca II infrared (IR) triplet exhibits similar evidence for both a photospheric component at v~12,000 km/s with narrow line width and long velocity plateau, as well as a high-velocity component beginning at v~31,000 km/s two weeks before maximum. SN 2012fr resides on the border between the "shallow silicon" and "core-normal" subclasses in the Branch et al. (2009) classification scheme, and on the border between normal and "high-velocity" SNe Ia in the Wang et al. (2009a) system. Though it is a clear member of the "low velocity gradient" (LVG; Benetii et al., 2005) group of SNe Ia and exhibits a very slow light-curve decline, it shows key dissimilarities with the overluminous SN 1991T or SN 1999aa subclasses of SNe Ia. SN 2012fr represents a well-observed SN Ia at the luminous end of the normal SN Ia distribution, and a key transitional event between nominal spectroscopic subclasses of SNe Ia.


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The details of the mechanism(s) responsible for the observed heating and dynamics of the solar atmosphere still remain a mystery. Magnetohydrodynamic waves are thought to have a vital role in this process. Although it has been shown that incompressible waves are ubiquitous in off-limb solar atmospheric observations, their energy cannot be readily dissipated. Here we provide, for the first time, on-disk observation and identification of concurrent magnetohydrodynamic wave modes, both compressible and incompressible, in the solar chromosphere. The observed ubiquity and estimated energy flux associated with the detected magnetohydrodynamic waves suggest the chromosphere is a vast reservoir of wave energy with the potential to meet chromospheric and coronal heating requirements. We are also able to propose an upper bound on the flux of the observed wave energy that is able to reach the corona based on observational constraints, which has important implications for the suggested mechanism(s) for quiescent coronal heating. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Aims: On 13 June 1998, the TRACE satellite was fortuitously well placed to observe the effects of a flare-induced EIT wave in the corona, and its subsequent interaction with coronal magnetic loops. In this study, we use these TRACE observations to corroborate previous theoretical work, which determined the response of a coronal loop to a harmonic driver in the context of ideal magnetohydrodynamics, as well as estimate the magnetic field strength and the degree of longitudinal inhomogeneity. Methods: Loop edges are tracked, both spatially and temporally, using wavelet modulus maxima algorithms, with corresponding loop displacements from its quiescent state analysed by fitting scaled sinusoidal functions. The physical parameters of the coronal loop are subsequently determined using seismological techniques. Results: The studied coronal loop is found to oscillate with two distinct periods, 501 ± 5 s and 274 ± 7 s, which could be interpreted as belonging to the fundamental kink mode and first harmonic, or could reflect the stage of an overdriven loop. Additional scenarios for explaining the two periods are listed, each resulting in a different value of the magnetic field and the intrinsic and sub-resolution properties of the coronal loop. When assuming the periods belong to the fundamental kink mode and its first harmonic, we obtain a magnetic field strength inside the oscillating coronal loop of 2.0 ± 0.7 G. In contrast, interpreting the oscillations as a combination of the loop's natural kink frequency and a harmonic EIT wave provides a magnetic field strength of 5.8 ± 1.5 G. Using the ratio of the two periods, we find that the gravitational scale height in the loop is 73 ± 3 Mm. Conclusions: We show that the observation of two distinct periods in a coronal loop does not necessarily lead to a unique conclusion. Multiple plausible scenarios exist, suggesting that both the derived strength of the magnetic field and the sub-resolution properties of the coronal loop depend entirely on which interpretation is chosen. The interpretation of the observations in terms of a combination of the natural kink mode of the coronal loop, driven by a harmonic EIT wave seems to result in values of the magnetic field consistent with previous findings. Other interpretations, which are realistic, such as kink fundamental mode/first harmonic and the oscillations of two sub-resolution threads result in magnetic field strengths that are below the average values found before.


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Alfvén waves are considered to be viable transporters of the non-thermal energy required to heat the Sun's quiescent atmosphere. An abundance of recent observations, from state-of-the-art facilities, have reported the existence of Alfvén waves in a range of chromospheric and coronal structures. Here, we review the progress made in disentangling the characteristics of transverse kink and torsional linear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. We outline the simple, yet powerful theory describing their basic properties in (non-)uniform magnetic structures, which closely resemble the building blocks of the real solar atmosphere.


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We present Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b and determine the sky-projected angle between the normal of the planetary orbit and the stellar rotation axis (λ). WASP-13b and WASP-32b both have prograde orbits and are consistent with alignment with measured sky-projected angles of λ =8°^{+13}_{-12} and λ =-2°^{+17}_{-19}, respectively. Both WASP-13 and WASP-32 have Teff < 6250 K, and therefore, these systems support the general trend that aligned planetary systems are preferentially found orbiting cool host stars. A Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis was carried out on archival SuperWASP data for both systems. A statistically significant stellar rotation period detection (above 99.9 per cent confidence) was identified for the WASP-32 system with Prot =11.6 ± 1.0 days. This rotation period is in agreement with the predicted stellar rotation period calculated from the stellar radius, R*, and vsin i if a stellar inclination of i* =90° is assumed. With the determined rotation period, the true 3D angle between the stellar rotation axis and the planetary orbit, ψ, was found to be ψ = 11° ± 14°. We conclude with a discussion on the alignment of systems around cool host stars with Teff < 6150 K by calculating the tidal dissipation time-scale. We find that systems with short tidal dissipation time-scales are preferentially aligned and systems with long tidal dissipation time-scales have a broad range of obliquities.


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Soils and saprolites developed from interbedded shales and limestones of the Conasauga Group are widespread in the Valley and Ridge Province of East Tennessee. Thin sections from four soil profiles were examined by petrographic and scanning electron microscopy including backscatter electron and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. Iron and manganese released by weathering had migrated differentially downward and precipitated as crystalline and noncrystalline oxides. Oxides were observed as nodules, granular particulates, pore fillings, and coatings on other minerals, packing voids, vesicles, channels, and chambers. Iron oxides formed predominantly as coatings on packing-void walls and on laminated clays in vesicles and channels. Manganese oxides occurred as an early replacement phase of packing voids and of fracture-filling carbonate minerals. Iron oxides were dominant in moderately well-drained and oxidized horizons of the soil solum, whereas manganese oxides were abundant in the oxidized and moderately leached saprolite zone where the water table fluctuates seasonally. Therefore, a manganese enrichment zone, on a bulk soil basis, occurred generally below the iron oxide zone in the soil profile. Such differential migration and accumulation of iron and manganese have been controlled by localized soil microenvironments. Micromorphologic features observed in this study are important in land-use evaluation for hazardous waste disposal. © 1990.


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Recent experimental results definitively showed, for the first time, optical radiation mediated by the slow mode surface plasmon polariton of metal-oxide-metal tunnel junctions. Here, dispersion curves for this mode are calculated. They are consistent with first-order grating coupling to light at the energies of the experimental emission peaks. The curves are then used to analyze second-order and high-energy (> 2.35 eV) grating coupling of the polaritons to radiation. Finally, variation of slow mode damping as a function of energy is used to explain qualitatively the relative experimental peak emission intensities and the absence of radiation peaks above 2.35 eV.