Spectroscopic Observations of SN 2012fr: A Luminous Normal Type Ia Supernova with Early High Velocity Features and Late Velocity Plateau

Autoria(s): J. Childress, M.; A. Scalzo, R.; A. Sim, S.; E. Tucker, B.; Yuan, F.; P. Schmidt, B.; B. Cenko, S.; M. Silverman, J.; Contreras, C.; Y. Hsiao, E.; Phillips, M.; Morrell, N.; W. Jha, S.; McCully, C.; V. Filippenko, A.; P. Anderson, J.; Benetti, S.; Bufano, F.; de Jaeger, T.; Forster, F.; Gal-Yam, A.; Le Guillou, L.; Maguire, K.; Maund, J.; A. Mazzali, P.; Pignata, G.; Smartt, S.; Spyromilio, J.; Sullivan, M.; Taddia, F.; Valenti, S.; D. R. Bayliss, D.; Bessell, M.; A. Blanc, G.; J. Carson, D.; I. Clubb, K.; de Burgh-Day, C.; D. Desjardins, T.; J. Fang, J.; D. Fox, O.; L. Gates, E.; Ho, I-T.; Keller, S.; L. Kelly, P.; Lidman, C.; S. Loaring, N.; R. Mould, J.; Owers, M.; Ozbilgen, S.; Pei, L.; Pickering, T.; B. Pracy, M.; A. Rich, J.; E. Schaefer, B.; Scott, N.; Stritzinger, M.; P. A. Vogt, F.; Zhou, G.



We present 65 optical spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2012fr, of which 33 were obtained before maximum light. At early times SN 2012fr shows clear evidence of a high-velocity feature (HVF) in the Si II 6355 line which can be cleanly decoupled from the lower velocity "photospheric" component. This Si II 6355 HVF fades by phase -5; subsequently, the photospheric component exhibits a very narrow velocity width and remains at a nearly constant velocity of v~12,000 km/s until at least 5 weeks after maximum brightness. The Ca II infrared (IR) triplet exhibits similar evidence for both a photospheric component at v~12,000 km/s with narrow line width and long velocity plateau, as well as a high-velocity component beginning at v~31,000 km/s two weeks before maximum. SN 2012fr resides on the border between the "shallow silicon" and "core-normal" subclasses in the Branch et al. (2009) classification scheme, and on the border between normal and "high-velocity" SNe Ia in the Wang et al. (2009a) system. Though it is a clear member of the "low velocity gradient" (LVG; Benetii et al., 2005) group of SNe Ia and exhibits a very slow light-curve decline, it shows key dissimilarities with the overluminous SN 1991T or SN 1999aa subclasses of SNe Ia. SN 2012fr represents a well-observed SN Ia at the luminous end of the normal SN Ia distribution, and a key transitional event between nominal spectroscopic subclasses of SNe Ia.












J. Childress , M , A. Scalzo , R , A. Sim , S , E. Tucker , B , Yuan , F , P. Schmidt , B , B. Cenko , S , M. Silverman , J , Contreras , C , Y. Hsiao , E , Phillips , M , Morrell , N , W. Jha , S , McCully , C , V. Filippenko , A , P. Anderson , J , Benetti , S , Bufano , F , de Jaeger , T , Forster , F , Gal-Yam , A , Le Guillou , L , Maguire , K , Maund , J , A. Mazzali , P , Pignata , G , Smartt , S , Spyromilio , J , Sullivan , M , Taddia , F , Valenti , S , D. R. Bayliss , D , Bessell , M , A. Blanc , G , J. Carson , D , I. Clubb , K , de Burgh-Day , C , D. Desjardins , T , J. Fang , J , D. Fox , O , L. Gates , E , Ho , I-T , Keller , S , L. Kelly , P , Lidman , C , S. Loaring , N , R. Mould , J , Owers , M , Ozbilgen , S , Pei , L , Pickering , T , B. Pracy , M , A. Rich , J , E. Schaefer , B , Scott , N , Stritzinger , M , P. A. Vogt , F & Zhou , G 2013 , ' Spectroscopic Observations of SN 2012fr: A Luminous Normal Type Ia Supernova with Early High Velocity Features and Late Velocity Plateau ' Astrophysical Journal , vol 770 , no. 1 , 29 . DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/770/1/29

Palavras-Chave #astro-ph.CO #astro-ph.SR
