129 resultados para Elliptically Polarized


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Mammary epithelial cells cultured on a concentrated laminin-rich extracellular matrix formed 3D acinar structures that matured to polarized monolayers surrounding a lumen. In the absence of glucocorticoids mature acinus formation failed and the expression of an acinus-associated, activator protein 1 (AP1) and nuclear factor kappaB transcription factor DNA-binding profile was lost. Treatment with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125, caused similar effects, whereas normal organization of the mammary epithelial cells as acini caused JNK activation in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner. The forming acini expressed BRCA1, GADD45beta, MEKK4, and the JNK activating complex GADD 45beta-MEKK4 in a glucocorticoid-dependent fashion. JNK catalyzed phosphorylation of c-Jun was also detected in the acini. In addition, expression of beta4 integrin and in situ occupation of its promoter by AP1 components, c-Jun and Fos, was glucocorticoid dependent. These results suggest that glucocortocoid signaling regulates acinar integrity through a pathway involving JNK regulation of AP1 transcription factors and beta4 integrin expression.


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Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ib SN 2008D, associated with the X-ray Flash (XRF) 080109, at two separate epochs, is presented. The epochs of these observations correspond to V-band light curve maximum and 15 days after light curve maximum (or 21 and 36 days after the XRF). We find SN 2008D to be significantly polarized, although the largest contribution is due to the interstellar polarization component of Q ISP = 0% ± 0.1% and U ISP = -1.2% ± 0.1%. At the two epochs, the spectropolarimetry of SN 2008D is classified as being D1+L(He I)+L(Ca II). The intrinsic polarization of continuum wavelength regions is <0.4%, at both epochs, implying an asymmetry of the photosphere of <10%. Similar to other Type Ibc SNe, such as 2005bf, 2006aj, and 2007gr, we observed significant polarization corresponding to the spectral features of Ca II, He I, Mg I, Fe II and, possibly, O I ?7774, about a close-to-spherically symmetric photosphere. We introduce a new plot showing the chemically distinct line-forming regions in the ejecta and comment on the apparent ubiquity of highly polarized high-velocity Ca II features in Type Ibc SNe. The polarization angle of Ca II IR triplet was significantly different, at both epochs, to those of the other species, suggesting high-velocity Ca II forms in a separate part of the ejecta. The apparent structure in the outer layers of SN 2008D has implications for the interpretation of the early-time X-ray emission associated with shock breakout. We present two scenarios, within the jet-torus paradigm, which explain the lack of an apparent geometry discontinuity between the two observations: (1) a jet which punched a hole straight through the progenitor and deposited Ni outside the ejecta and (2) a jet which stalled inside the radius of the photosphere as observed at the second epoch. The lack of a peculiar polarization signature, suggesting strongly asymmetric excitation of the ejecta, and the reported properties of the shock-breakout favor the second scenario.


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The urban-rural divide in China was an entrenched feature of Chinese society in the Maoist era. This divide generated and continues to generate inequality as between the rural population and the urban population. In post-Deng China, legal and administrative distinctions between urban and rural have become blurred, especially with the development of rural-urban migration. Nevertheless, the urban-rural divide still exists, and the income of farmers is below that of urban residents. In this paper, it is argued that the emergence of the phenomenon of “quasi-commons” in rural China, crossing the “borders” of the urbanrural divide, may increase farmers’ income in the future and bridge this divide. The paper focuses on different forms of “quasi-commons” (the sharing and use of communal land) emerging in rural areas, including the farmland shareholding cooperatives and transforming rural land management rights into shares in joint ventures. There are divergent views held by Chinese academics and policy makers about “quasi-commons” in rural China, as well as the direction of change in the rural land system. However, most of the proposals for reform have been polarized between nationalization and privatization of rural land. Looking beyond this “boundary thinking” and drawing on the discourses of “the commons” (for example, the writings of Hardin, Heller and Ostrom), this paper analyses the theoretical models of both the nationalization and privatization schemes and their shortcomings. The present essay also analyses the prospect for, and the barriers to the emerging commons in rural China.


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A technique is proposed for the design of engineered reflectors consisting of doubly periodic arrays printed on thin grounded dielectric substrates that reflect an incoming wave from a given incoming direction to a predetermined outgoing direction. The proposed technique is based on a combination of Floquet theory for propagation in periodic structures and reflect-array principles. A flat surface designed to reflect a TE polarized wave incident at 45 back in the direction of the impinging signal at 14.7 GHz is employed as an example. By means of full-wave simulations, it is demonstrated that the monostatic RCS of a finite reflector is comparable with the specular RCS of a metallic mirror of the same dimensions. It is further shown that comparably high monostatic RCS values are obtained for angles of incidence in the 30-60 range, which are frequency dependent and thus open opportunities for target localization. A prototype array is fabricated and experimentally tested for validation. The proposed solution can be used to modify the radar cross section of a target. Other potential applications are also discussed. © 1963-2012 IEEE.


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This letter gives the first report of a planar phase plate structure based on frequency selective surface (FSS) technology for the generation of helical far-field radiation patterns with circular polarization properties.The unit cell of the structure comprises two orthogonal split-ring resonators designed to ensure 180$^{\circ}$ phase shift between orthogonal transmission coefficients. This property is exploited to obtain progressive rotational phase shift within the structure and thus synthesize 360$^{\circ}$ spiral phase profile. Measured far-field radiation patterns demonstrate spiral phase front generation for 10-GHz circularly polarized waves transmitted through the structure.


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We have investigated the nanoscale switching properties of strain-engineered BiFeO(3) thin films deposited on LaAlO(3) substrates using a combination of scanning probe techniques. Polarized Raman spectral analysis indicates that the nearly tetragonal films have monoclinic (Cc) rather than P4mm tetragonal symmetry. Through local switching-spectroscopy measurements and piezoresponse force microscopy, we provide clear evidence of ferroelectric switching of the tetragonal phase, but the polarization direction, and therefore its switching, deviates strongly from the expected (001) tetragonal axis. We also demonstrate a large and reversible, electrically driven structural phase transition from the tetragonal to the rhombohedral polymorph in this material, which is promising for a plethora of applications.


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We report on Suzaku observations of selected regions within the southern giant lobe of the radio galaxy Centaurus A. In our analysis we focus on distinct X-ray features detected with the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer within the range 0.5-10 keV, some of which are likely associated with fine structure of the lobe revealed by recent high-quality radio intensity and polarization maps. With the available photon statistics, we find that the spectral properties of the detected X-ray features are equally consistent with thermal emission from hot gas with temperatures kT > 1 keV, or with a power-law radiation continuum characterized by photon indices Gamma similar to 2.0 +/- 0.5. However, the plasma parameters implied by these different models favor a synchrotron origin for the analyzed X-ray spots, indicating that a very efficient acceleration of electrons up to greater than or similar to 10 TeV energies is taking place within the giant structure of Centaurus A, albeit only in isolated and compact regions associated with extended and highly polarized radio filaments. We also present a detailed analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission filling the whole field of view of the instrument, resulting in a tentative detection of a soft excess component best fitted by a thermal model with a temperature of kT similar to 0.5 keV. The exact origin of the observed excess remains uncertain, although energetic considerations point to thermal gas filling the bulk of the volume of the lobe and mixed with the non-thermal plasma, rather than to the alternative scenario involving a condensation of the hot intergalactic medium around the edges of the expanding radio structure. If correct, this would be the first detection of the thermal content of the extended lobes of a radio galaxy in X-rays. The corresponding number density of the thermal gas in such a case is n(g) similar to 10(-4) cm(-3), while its pressure appears to be in almost exact equipartition with the volume-averaged non-thermal pressure provided by the radio-emitting electrons and the lobes' magnetic field. A prominent large-scale fluctuation of the Galactic foreground emission, resulting in excess foreground X-ray emission aligned with the lobe, cannot be ruled out. Although tentative, our findings potentially imply that the structure of the extended lobes in active galaxies is likely to be highly inhomogeneous and non-uniform, with magnetic reconnection and turbulent acceleration processes continuously converting magnetic energy to internal energy of the plasma particles, leading to possibly significant spatial and temporal variations in the plasma beta parameter around the volume-averaged equilibrium condition beta similar to 1.


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In supernova remnants, the nonlinear amplification of magnetic fields upstream of collisionless shocks is essential for the acceleration of cosmic rays to the energy of the "knee" at 10(15.5) eV. A nonresonant instability driven by the cosmic ray current is thought to be responsible for this effect. We perform two-dimensional, particle-in-cell simulations of this instability. We observe an initial growth of circularly polarized nonpropagating magnetic waves as predicted in linear theory. It is demonstrated that in some cases the magnetic energy density in the growing waves can grow to at least 10 times its initial value. We find no evidence of competing modes, nor of significant modification by thermal effects. At late times, we observe saturation of the instability in the simulation, but the mechanism responsible is an artifact of the periodic boundary conditions and has no counterpart in the supernova-shock scenario.


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Conventional approaches of digital modulation schemes make use of amplitude, frequency and/or phase as modulation characteristic to transmit data. In this paper, we exploit circular polarization (CP) of the propagating electromagnetic carrier as modulation attribute which is a novel concept in digital communications. The requirement of antenna alignment to maximize received power is eliminated for CP signals and these are not affected by linearly polarized jamming signals. The work presents the concept of Circular Polarization Modulation for 2, 4 and 8 states of carrier and refers them as binary circular polarization modulation (BCPM), quaternary circular polarization modulation (QCPM) and 8-state circular polarization modulation (8CPM) respectively. Issues of modulation, demodulation, 3D symbol constellations and 3D propagating waveforms for the proposed modulation schemes are presented and analyzed in the presence of channel effects, and they are shown to have the same bit error performance in the presence of AWGN compared with conventional schemes while provide 3dB gain in the flat Rayleigh fading channel.


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The potential for implementation of retrodirective arrays as antenna terminals for future integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile communications is discussed in this paper. Particularly, in the context of the Inmarsat L-band system we address the issues related to array antenna element capacity to produce high-quality circular polarized radiation pattern over large angles of arrival. We also discuss circuitry reduction methodologies and their effect on retrodirected beam characteristics. The possibility of circular polarization modulation of the re-transmit signal is also discussed.


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At large elevation angles away from boresight the performance of planar phased antenna arrays for circularly polarized, CP, signals suffers from significant gain reduction, worsening of the circular polarization purity, increased pointing error and unwanted dominantly specular lobe radiation. The mechanisms governing this performance deterioration and suggestions for possible rectification are for the first time elaborated in this paper. The points raised in this paper are important when CP retrodirective arrays are to be deployed in self-tracking satellite and terrestrial communication systems mounted on mobile platforms.


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The occurrence of rogue waves (freak waves) associated with electromagnetic pulse propagation interacting with a plasma is investigated, from first principles. A multiscale technique is employed to solve the fluid Maxwell equations describing weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulses in magnetized plasmas. A nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) type equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. A set of non-stationary envelope solutions of the NLS equation are considered as potential candidates for the modeling of rogue waves (freak waves) in beam-plasma interactions, namely in the form of the Peregrine soliton, the Akhmediev breather and the Kuznetsov-Ma breather. The variation of the structural properties of the latter structures with relevant plasma parameters is investigated, in particular focusing on the ratio between the (magnetic field dependent) cyclotron (gyro-)frequency and the plasma frequency. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM), conductive AFM and electrochemical strain microscopy were used to study the topography change at the defect surface of SrTiO3:N, breakdown in the electrical conduction of the tip/sample/electrode system and ionic motion. The IV curves show resistance switching behavior in a voltage range ±6 V < U <± 10 V and a current of maximum ±10 nA. A series of sweeping IV curves resulted in an increase in ionically polarized states (surface charging), electrochemical volume (surface deformations) and sequential formations of stable surface protrusions. The surface deformations are reversible (U <± 5 V) without IVpinched hysteresis and remained stable during the resistance switching (U >± 6 V), revealing the additional necessity (albeit insufficient due to 50% yield of working cells) of surface protrusion formation for resistance switching memory.


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Although widely debated in broader socioeconomic terms, the Eurozone crisis has not received adequate scholarly attention with regards to the impact of alternative political systems. This article revisits the debate on majoritarian and consensus democracies drawing on recent evidence from the Eurozone debacle. Greece is particularly interesting both with regards to its potential ‘global spillover effects’ and choice of political system. Despite facing comparable challenges as Portugal and Spain, the country has become polarized socially and politically, seeing a record number of MP defections, electoral volatility and the rise of the militant extreme right. The article explains why Greece, the country that relied most extensively on majoritarian institutions, entered the global financial crisis in the most vulnerable position while subsequently faced insurmountable political and institutional obstacles in its management. The article points to the paradox of majoritarianism: in times of economic stress, the first ‘casualties’ are its strongest elements – centrist parties (bi-partisanship) and cabinet stability.


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This paper presents an approach to improve the detection of an artificial target with low radar cross-section in presence of clutter. The target proposed in the paper modulates the phase response of the circularly polarized incident signal by means of rotation. The same physical phenomenon can be used to steer the modulated response in a non-specular direction. The bi-static measurements of the response of the target have demonstrated good agreement with theoretical prediction as well as with full-wave simulation.