118 resultados para 200208 Migrant Cultural Studies


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This essay explores an example of a little-known, yet highly significant part of Rukeyser’s early oeuvre: the magazine photo-narrative. Profoundly engaged with the documentary expression of the 1930s, Rukeyser utilised the genre’s methods, aesthetics and images to create a hybrid text reporting the realities of the Depression in lyrical, imaginative terms. The result is a conflation of what Rukeyser understood to constitute poetry, and therefore life: the document and the unverifiable fact, presented in an innovative format that is shaped by Rukeyser’s ethical poetics of connection to construct lessons in creative exchange and being in the world.


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This paper examines the potential of international actors to contribute to conflict resolution by analysing the evolving role of the European Union (EU) in embedding Northern Ireland's peace process. Scrutiny of the EU's approach to conflict resolution in Northern Ireland offers useful insights into the scope and potential of soft power for facilitating behavioural change from governmental to grass-roots levels. This paper traces the development of the EU's approach to conflict resolution in Northern Ireland from one concentrated on encouraging state-level agreement, to nurturing peace through multilevel funding, through now to consolidating the peace by facilitating regional-level empowerment. The core argument is that, in sum, the most critical element of the EU's contribution to peace in Northern Ireland has been, quite simply, that of enduring commitment.


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La terminologie ‘écriture écran’ est souvent utilisée dans un sens proche de celui que lui donne Annie Ernaux lorsqu’elle écrit que ‘la fiction protège’ en permettant à un auteur de dire tout en gardant le lecteur à distance. Pourtant, de Blanchot à Genette, de nombreux critiques ont souligné que le texte est par essence un espace qui n’existe que dans et par cet échange, le lecteur – surtout dans le cas des textes de fiction – devant s’investir, se projeter dans le texte lu. Le texte de fiction serait-il donc un écran protecteur pour celui qui tient la plume et un écran projecteur pour celui qui tient le livre ? En nous basant principalement sur des textes de la psychanalyste Rachel Rosenblum et de l’auteure et survivante de la Shoah Anna Langfus, nous suggèrerons que, pour l’auteur comme pour le lecteur, le texte de fiction est à la fois un écran protecteur et un écran projecteur, ces deux fonctions étant étroitement liées et nullement contradictoires. Nous montrerons en effet qu’aucun genre n’est a priori protecteur puisque c’est l’acte de lecture ou d’écriture qui peut se transformer en morbide compulsion de répétition quand la mémoire d’un lecteur ou d’un auteur est devenue pathologique.


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In 1924 the Irish Free State government passed legislation to award pensions to veterans of the Irish revolution and Civil War. This article argues that the motivation for the pensions was the need to placate the national army after a failed mutiny in 1924 and that this explains their unusual nature in being based on service alone rather than disability. It will also explore the problems this created for defining service, examine the extension of eligibility to former republican enemies of the state and women revolutionaries in 1934, and describe the application and assessment procedure.


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Individuals who have been subtly reminded of death display heightened in-group favouritism, or “worldview defense.” Terror management theory argues (i) that death cues engender worldview defense via psychological mechanisms specifically evolved to suppress death anxiety, and (ii) that the core function of religiosity is to suppress death anxiety. Thus, terror management theory predicts that extremely religious individuals will not evince worldview defense. Here, two studies are presented in support of an alternative perspective. According to the unconscious vigilance hypothesis, subtly processed threats (which need not pertain to death) heighten sensitivity to affectively valenced stimuli (which need not pertain to cultural attitudes). From this perspective, religiosity mitigates the influence of mortality-salience only insofar as afterlife doctrines reduce the perceived threat posed by death. Tibetan Buddhism portrays death as a perilous gateway to rebirth rather than an end to suffering; faith in this doctrine should therefore not be expected to nullify mortality-salience effects. In Study 1, devout Tibetan Buddhists who were subtly reminded of death produced exaggerated aesthetic ratings unrelated to cultural worldviews. In Study 2, devout Tibetan Buddhists produced worldview defense following subliminal exposure to non-death cues of threat. The results demonstrate both the domain-generality of the process underlying worldview defense and the importance of religious doctrinal content in moderating mortality-salience effects.


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This article reconstructs British constitutional policy in Northern Ireland after power-sharing collapsed in May 1974. Over the following two years, the British government publicly emphasised that Northern Ireland would decide its own future, but ministers secretly considered a range of options including withdrawal, integration and Dominion status. These discussions have been fundamentally misunderstood by previous authors, and this article shows that Harold Wilson did not seriously advocate withdrawal nor was policy as inconsistent as argued elsewhere. An historical approach, drawing from recently released archival material, shows that consociationalists such as Brendan O'Leary and Michael Kerr have neglected the proper context of government policy because of their commitment to a particular form of government, failing to recognise the constraints under which ministers operated. The British government remained committed to an internal devolved settlement including both communities but was unable to impose one.


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In April 1989, ninety-six men, women and children, supporters of Liverpool Football Club, died in a severe crush at an FA Cup semi-final at Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield. Hundreds were injured and thousands traumatised. Within hours, the causes and circumstances of the disaster were contested. While a judicial inquiry found serious institutional failures in the policing and management of the capacity crowd, no criminal prosecutions resulted, and the inquests returned ‘accidental death’ verdicts. Immediately, the authorities claimed that drunken, violent fans had caused the fatal crush. Denied legitimacy, survivors’ accounts revealed a different story criticising the parlous state of the stadium, inadequate stewarding, negligent policing, failures in the emergency response and flawed processes of inquiry and investigation. Reflecting on two decades of research and contemporaneous interviews with bereaved families and survivors, this article contrasts the official discourse with those alternative accounts – the ‘view from below’. It demonstrates the influence of powerful institutional interests on the inquiries and investigations. It maps the breakthrough to full documentary disclosure following the appointment of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, its research and key findings published in September 2012. The campaigns by families and survivors were vindicated and the fans, including those who died, were exonerated. The process is discussed as an alternative method for liberating truth, securing acknowledgement and pursuing justice.


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This article explores recent developments in cultural studies debates regarding the representation of class in British and Irish life.


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French Cultural Studies 25 anniversary conference
Marseille, May 2013


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As Susan Bassnett and Harish Trivedi argue, ‘translation does not happen in a vacuum, but in a continuum; it is not an isolated act, it is part of an ongoing process of intercultural transfer’. In understanding Brendan Behan's most celebrated and controversial translation, of his spare Irish language play An Giall (1958) to its riotous English counterpart The Hostage (1958), understanding the problematic ‘intercultural transfer’ between British and Irish life in the 1950s is crucial. Comparisons between both works reveal significant changes that illuminate Behan's relationship with both nations and provide a sometimes oblique metacommentary regarding his most pressing political and personal anxieties. Yet for all their differences, the plays also share a common desire to transcend the divisions forged by the colonial experience through critical understandings of life on either side of the Irish Sea. In this essay, I argue that Behan's act of transculturation reveals a great deal more reflexivity and depth than many of his critics would allow, developing an iconoclastic dialogue between British and Irish mid-century life.


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La Seconde Guerre mondiale demeure très présente dans les mémoires des Français qui seraient plongés dans une « phase obsessionnelle » depuis le début des années 1970 selon l’historien Henry Rousso. Notre étude se propose de vérifier dans quelle mesure cela reste vrai de nos jours. Elle entend le faire non pas en se basant sur ses occurrences dans la presse ou dans les médias – ce qui, paradoxalement, pourrait ne faire ressortir que ce qui est du domaine de l’épidermique – mais indirectement, à travers les romans et, plus précisément, les best-sellers qui sont, selon de nombreux critiques, des miroirs privilégiés de l’inconscient collectif ou de l’imaginaire d’une époque que, en retour, ils contribuent à façonner. Nous distinguerons quatre phases depuis 1945. Or, les best-sellers contemporains, ceux de la quatrième et dernière phase, présentent nombre de caractéristiques communes qui suggèrent que ce passé difficile est bel et bien en train de passer.