119 resultados para 090203 Automotive Mechatronics


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Endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogens, some of which may not yet have been classified as such, are present in many occupational environments and could increase breast cancer risk. Prior research has identified associations with breast cancer and work in agricultural and industrial settings. The purpose of this study was to further characterize possible links between breast cancer risk and occupation, particularly in farming and manufacturing, as well as to examine the impacts of early agricultural exposures, and exposure effects that are specific to the endocrine receptor status of tumours.


1005 breast cancer cases referred by a regional cancer center and 1147 randomly-selected community controls provided detailed data including occupational and reproductive histories. All reported jobs were industry- and occupation-coded for the construction of cumulative exposure metrics representing likely exposure to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. In a frequency-matched case?control design, exposure effects were estimated using conditional logistic regression.


Across all sectors, women in jobs with potentially high exposures to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors had elevated breast cancer risk (OR = 1.42; 95% CI, 1.18-1.73, for 10 years exposure duration). Specific sectors with elevated risk included: agriculture (OR = 1.36; 95% CI, 1.01-1.82); bars-gambling (OR = 2.28; 95% CI, 0.94-5.53); automotive plastics manufacturing (OR = 2.68; 95% CI, 1.47-4.88), food canning (OR = 2.35; 95% CI, 1.00-5.53), and metalworking (OR = 1.73; 95% CI, 1.02-2.92). Estrogen receptor status of tumors with elevated risk differed by occupational grouping. Premenopausal breast cancer risk was highest for automotive plastics (OR = 4.76; 95% CI, 1.58-14.4) and food canning (OR = 5.70; 95% CI, 1.03-31.5).


These observations support hypotheses linking breast cancer risk and exposures likely to include carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, and demonstrate the value of detailed work histories in environmental and occupational epidemiology.


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The two environmental management system (EMS) standards EMAS and ISO 14001 have been available in Europe for the last 15 years. ISO 14001 has been taken up at a much larger scale but many firms in the German automotive and engineering industry have certified their EMSs according to both standards. Two research questions are addressed: (i) What explains why companies adopt both EMAS and ISO 14001? (ii) Are EMAS and ISO 14001 complements or substitutes? Based on 21 interviews with industrial and institutional representatives, this study finds that, first, the two standards are adopted for completely different reasons: while ISO 14001 is often done as a response to external pressure, EMAS tends to be motivated internally. Second, it is argued that EMAS and ISO 14001 are likely in a situation of direct competition at present which may well turn into complementarity in the future.


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Among the key challenges present in the modelling and optimisation of composite structures against impact is the computational expense involved in setting up accurate simulations of the impact event and then performing the iterations required to optimise the designs. It is of more interest to find good designs given the limitations of the resources and time available rather than the best possible design. In this paper, low cost but sufficiently accurate finite element (FE) models were generated in LS Dyna for several experimentally characterised materials by semi-automating the modelling process and using existing material models. These models were then used by an optimisation algorithm to generate new hybrid offspring, leading to minimum weight and/or cost designs from a selection of isotropic metals, polymers and orthotropic fibre-reinforced laminates that countered a specified impact threat. Experimental validation of the optimal designs thus identified was then successfully carried out using a single stage gas gun. With sufficient computational hardware, the techniques developed in this pilot study can further utilise fine meshes, equations of state and sophisticated material models, so that optimal hybrid systems can be identified from a wide range of materials, designs and threats.


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The adoption of each new level of automotive emissions legislation often requires the introduction of additional emissions reduction techniques or the development of existing emissions control systems. This, in turn, usually requires the implementation of new sensors and hardware which must subsequently be monitored by the on-board fault detection systems. The reliable detection and diagnosis of faults in these systems or sensors, which result in the tailpipe emissions rising above the progressively lower failure thresholds, provides enormous challenges for OBD engineers. This paper gives a review of the field of fault detection and diagnostics as used in the automotive industry. Previous work is discussed and particular emphasis is placed on the various strategies and techniques employed. Methodologies such as state estimation, parity equations and parameter estimation are explained with their application within a physical model diagnostic structure. The utilization of symptoms and residuals in the diagnostic process is also discussed. These traditional physical model based diagnostics are investigated in terms of their limitations. The requirements from the OBD legislation are also addressed. Additionally, novel diagnostic techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) are also presented as a potential method of achieving the monitoring requirements of current and future OBD legislation.


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The two-stroke engine, by its nature is very dependent on the unsteady gas dynamics within an exhaust system. This is demonstrated by the tuning effects on two-stroke engines, which have been well documented. In consideration of current emissions legislation, a two-stroke engine can be fitted with a catalytic converter for the outboard, utility or automotive markets. The catalytic substrate represents a major obstruction to the flow of exhaust gas, which hinders the progression of the main exhausted pulse, and in turn effects the scavenging of the cylinder and ultimately the performance of the engine.


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Digital manufacturing techniques can simulate complex assembly sequences using computer-aided design-based, as-designed' part forms, and their utility has been proven across several manufacturing sectors including the ship building, automotive and aerospace industries. However, the reality of working with actual parts and composite components, in particular, is that geometric variability arising from part forming or processing conditions can cause problems during assembly as the as-manufactured' form differs from the geometry used for any simulated build validation. In this work, a simulation strategy is presented for the study of the process-induced deformation behaviour of a 90 degrees, V-shaped angle. Test samples were thermoformed using pre-consolidated carbon fibre-reinforced polyphenylene sulphide, and the processing conditions were re-created in a virtual environment using the finite element method to determine finished component angles. A procedure was then developed for transferring predicted part forms from the finite element outputs to a digital manufacturing platform for the purpose of virtual assembly validation using more realistic part geometry. Ultimately, the outcomes from this work can be used to inform process condition choices, material configuration and tool design, so that the dimensional gap between as-designed' and as-manufactured' part forms can be reduced in the virtual environment.


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Mathematical modelling has become an essential tool in the design of modern catalytic systems. Emissions legislation is becoming increasingly stringent, and so mathematical models of aftertreatment systems must become more accurate in order to provide confidence that a catalyst will convert pollutants over the required range of conditions. 
Automotive catalytic converter models contain several sub-models that represent processes such as mass and heat transfer, and the rates at which the reactions proceed on the surface of the precious metal. Of these sub-models, the prediction of the surface reaction rates is by far the most challenging due to the complexity of the reaction system and the large number of gas species involved. The reaction rate sub-model uses global reaction kinetics to describe the surface reaction rate of the gas species and is based on the Langmuir Hinshelwood equation further developed by Voltz et al. [1] The reactions can be modelled using the pre-exponential and activation energies of the Arrhenius equations and the inhibition terms. 
The reaction kinetic parameters of aftertreatment models are found from experimental data, where a measured light-off curve is compared against a predicted curve produced by a mathematical model. The kinetic parameters are usually manually tuned to minimize the error between the measured and predicted data. This process is most commonly long, laborious and prone to misinterpretation due to the large number of parameters and the risk of multiple sets of parameters giving acceptable fits. Moreover, the number of coefficients increases greatly with the number of reactions. Therefore, with the growing number of reactions, the task of manually tuning the coefficients is becoming increasingly challenging. 
In the presented work, the authors have developed and implemented a multi-objective genetic algorithm to automatically optimize reaction parameters in AxiSuite®, [2] a commercial aftertreatment model. The genetic algorithm was developed and expanded from the code presented by Michalewicz et al. [3] and was linked to AxiSuite using the Simulink add-on for Matlab. 
The default kinetic values stored within the AxiSuite model were used to generate a series of light-off curves under rich conditions for a number of gas species, including CO, NO, C3H8 and C3H6. These light-off curves were used to generate an objective function. 
This objective function was used to generate a measure of fit for the kinetic parameters. The multi-objective genetic algorithm was subsequently used to search between specified limits to attempt to match the objective function. In total the pre-exponential factors and activation energies of ten reactions were simultaneously optimized. 
The results reported here demonstrate that, given accurate experimental data, the optimization algorithm is successful and robust in defining the correct kinetic parameters of a global kinetic model describing aftertreatment processes.


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Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is the most commonly used method for recovering energy from small sources of heat. The investigation of the ORC in supercritical condition is a new research area as it has a potential to generate high power and thermal efficiency in a waste heat recovery system. This paper presents a steady state ORC model in supercritical condition and its simulations with a real engine’s exhaust data. The key component of ORC, evaporator, is modelled using finite volume method, modelling of all other components of the waste heat recovery system such as pump, expander and condenser are also presented. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of mass flow rate and evaporator outlet temperature on the efficiency of the waste heat recovery process. Additionally, the necessity of maintaining an optimum evaporator outlet temperature is also investigated. Simulation results show that modification of mass flow rate is the key to changing the operating temperature at the evaporator outlet.


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Mixed flow turbines can offer improvements over typical radial turbines used in automotive turbochargers, with regards to transient performance and low velocity ratio efficiency. Turbine rotor mass dominates the rotating inertia of the turbocharger, and any reductions of mass in the outer radii of the wheel, including the rotor back-disk, can significantly reduce this inertia and improve the acceleration of the assembly. Off-design, low velocity ratio conditions are typified by highly tangential flow at the rotor inlet and a non-zero inlet blade angle is preferred for such operating conditions. This is achievable in a Mixed Flow Turbine without increasing bending stresses within the rotor blade, which is beneficial in high speed and high inlet temperature turbine design. A range of mixed flow turbine rotors was designed with varying cone angle and inlet blade angle and each was assessed at a number of operating points. These rotors were based on an existing radial flow turbine, and both the hub and shroud contours and exducer geometry were maintained. The inertia of each rotor was also considered. The results indicated that there was a trade-off between efficiency and inertia for the rotors and certain designs may be beneficial for the transient performance of downsized, turbocharged engines.