149 resultados para diagnoses of plasma electron density


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Results from first-principles calculations on the subtle energetics of proton ordering in ice phases are shown only to depend on the electrostatic components of the total energy. Proton ordered ice phases can therefore be predicted using electronic structure methods or a tailored potential model. However, analysis of the electron density reveals that high order multipole components, up to hexadecapole, are needed to adequately capture total energy differences between proton ordered and disordered phases. This suggests that current potential models may be unable to reproduce the position of proton ordered ice phases in the phase diagram without extensions to describe high order electrostatics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nonlinear propagation of finite amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in a plasma consisting of adiabatic warm ions, nonisothermal electrons, and a weakly relativistic electron beam is studied via a two-fluid model. A multiple scales technique is employed to investigate the nonlinear regime. The existence of the electron beam gives rise to four linear ion acoustic modes, which propagate at different phase speeds. The numerical analysis shows that the propagation speed of two of these modes may become complex-valued (i.e., waves cannot occur) under conditions which depend on values of the beam-to-background-electron density ratio , the ion-to-free-electron temperature ratio , and the electron beam velocity v0; the remaining two modes remain real in all cases. The basic set of fluid equations are reduced to a Schamel-type equation and a linear inhomogeneous equation for the first and second-order potential perturbations, respectively. Stationary solutions of the coupled equations are derived using a renormalization method. Higher-order nonlinearity is thus shown to modify the solitary wave amplitude and may also deform its shape, even possibly transforming a simple pulse into a W-type curve for one of the modes. The dependence of the excitation amplitude and of the higher-order nonlinearity potential correction on the parameters , , and v0 is numerically investigated.


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A new type of direct current, high-density, and low electron temperature reflex plasma source, obtained as a hybrid between a modified hollow-cathode discharge and a Penning ionization gauge discharge is presented. The plasma source was tested in argon, nitrogen, and oxygen over a range pressure of 1.0-10(-3) mbar, discharge currents 20-200 mA, and magnetic field 0-120 Gauss. Both external parameters, such as breakdown potential and the discharge voltage-current characteristic, and its internal parameters, like the electron energy distribution function, electron and ion densities, and electron temperature, were measured. Due to the enhanced hollow-cathode effect by the magnetic trapping of electrons, the density of the bulk plasma is as high as 10(18) m(-3), and the electron temperature is as low as a few tenths of electron volts. The plasma density scales with the dissipated power. Another important feature of this reflex plasma source is its high degree of uniformity, while the discharge bulk region is free of an electric field. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The FLASH XUV-free electron laser has been used to irradiate solid samples at intensities of the order 10(16) W cm(-2) at a wavelength of 13.5 nm. The subsequent time integrated XUV emission was observed with a grating spectrometer. The electron temperature inferred from plasma line ratios was in the range 5-8 eV with electron density in the range 10(21)-10(22) cm(-3). These results are consistent with the saturation of absorption through bleaching of the L-edge by intense photo-absorption reported in an earlier publication. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied a solid-to-plasma transition by irradiating Al foils with the FLASH free electron laser at intensities up to 10(16) W/cm(2). Intense XUV self-emission shows spectral features that are consistent with emission from regions of high density, which go beyond single inner-shell photoionization of solids. Characteristic features of intrashell transitions allowed us to identify Auger heating of the electrons in the conduction band occurring immediately after the absorption of the XUV laser energy as the dominant mechanism. A simple model of a multicharge state inverse Auger effect is proposed to explain the target emission when the conduction band at solid density becomes more atomiclike as energy is transferred from the electrons to the ions. This allows one to determine, independent of plasma simulations, the electron temperature and density just after the decay of crystalline order and to characterize the early time evolution.


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A theoretical and numerical study of fast electron transport in solid and compressed fast ignition relevant targets is presented. The principal aim of the study is to assess how localized increases in the target density (e. g., by engineering of the density profile) can enhance magnetic field generation and thus pinching of the fast electron beam through reducing the rate of temperature rise. The extent to which this might benefit fast ignition is discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729322]


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Tungsten will be employed as a plasma facing material in the ITER fusion reactor under construction in Cadarache, France; therefore, there is a significant need for accurate electron-impact excitation and ionization data for the ions of tungsten. We report on the results of extensive calculations of ionization and excitation for W 3+ that are intended to provide the atomic data needed for the determination of impurity influx diagnostics of tungsten in several existing tokamak reactors. The electron-impact excitation rate coefficients for this study were determined using the relativistic R -matrix method. The contribution to direct electron-impact ionization was determined using the distorted-wave approximation, the accuracy of which was verified by an R -matrix with pseudo states calculation. Contributions to total ionization from excitation autoionization were also generated from the relativistic R -matrix method. These results were then employed to calculate values of ionization per emitted photon, or SXB ratios, for four carefully selected spectral lines; these data will allow the determination of impurity influx from tungsten facing surfaces. For the range of densities of importance in the edge region of a tokamak reactor, these SXB ratios are found to be nearly independent of electron density but vary significantly with electron temperature.


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Evaluating the ratio of selected helium lines allows for measurement of electron densities and temperatures. This technique is applied for L-mode plasmas at TEXTOR (O. Schmitz et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50 (2008) 115004). We report our first efforts to extend it to H-mode plasma diagnostics in DIII-D. This technique depends on the accuracy of the atomic data used in the collisional radiative model (CRM). We present predictions for the electron temperatures and densities by using recently calculated R-Matrix With Pseudostates (RMPS) and Convergent Close-Coupling (CCC) electron-impact excitation and ionization data. We include contributions from higher Rydberg states by means of the projection matrix. These effects become significant for high electron density conditions, which are typical in H-mode. We apply a non-equilibrium model for the time propagation of the ionization balance to predict line emission profiles from experimental H-mode data from DIII-D. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental investigation of the argon plasma behavior near the E-H transition in an inductively coupled Gaseous Electronics Conference reference cell is reported. Electron density and temperature, ion density, argon metastable density, and optical emission measurements have been made as function of input power and gas pressure. When plotted versus plasma power, applied power corrected for coil and hardware losses, no hysteresis is observed in the measured plasma parameter dependence at the E-H mode transition. This suggests that hysteresis in the E-H mode transition is due to ignoring inherent power loss, primarily in the matching system.


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A detailed study is presented of the decaying solar-active region NOAA 10103 observed with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS), the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Electron-density maps formed using Si x (356.03 angstrom/347.41 angstrom) show that the density varies from similar to 10(10) cm(-3) in the active-region core to similar to 7 x 108 cm-3 at the region boundaries. Over the 5 d of observations, the average electron density fell by similar to 30 per cent. Temperature maps formed using Fe XVI (335.41 angstrom)/Fe XIV (334.18 angstrom) show electron temperatures of similar to 2.34 x 10(6) K in the active-region core and similar to 2.10 x 10(6) K at the region boundaries. Similarly to the electron density, there was a small decrease in the average electron temperature over the 5-d period. The radiative, conductive and mass-flow losses were calculated and used to determine the resultant heating rate (P-H). Radiative losses were found to dominate the active-region cooling process. As the region decayed, the heating rate decreased by almost a factor of 5 between the first and last day of observations. The heating rate was then compared to the total unsigned magnetic flux (Phi(tot) = integral dA vertical bar B-z vertical bar), yielding a power law of the form P-H similar to Phi(0.81 +/- 0.32)(tot) This result suggests that waves rather than nanoflares may be the dominant heating mechanism in this active region.


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The direct observation and full characterization of a phase space electron hole (EH) generated during laser-matter interaction is presented. This structure, propagating in a tenuous, nonmagnetized plasma, has been detected via proton radiography during the irradiation with a ns laser pulse (I?2 ˜ 1014 W/cm2) of a gold hohlraum. This technique has allowed the simultaneous detection of propagation velocity, potential, and electron density spatial profile across the EH with fine spatial and temporal resolution allowing a detailed comparison with theoretical and numerical models.


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The amplitude modulation of ion-acoustic waves IS investigated in a plasma consisting of adiabatic warm ions, and two different populations of thermal electrons at different temperatures. The fluid equations are reduced to nonlinear Schrodinger equation by employing a multi-scale perturbation technique. A linear stability analysis for the wave packet amplitude reveals that long wavelengths are always stable, while modulational instability sets in for shorter wavelengths. It is shown that increasing the value of the hot-to-cold electron temperature ratio (mu), for a given value of the hot-to-cold electron density ratio (nu): favors instability. The role of the ion temperature is also discussed. In the limiting case nu = 0 (or nu -> infinity). which correspond(s) to an ordinary (single) electron-ion plasma, the results of previous works are recovered.


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The study of non-Maxwellian plasmas is crucial to the understanding of space and astrophysical plasma dynamics. In this paper, we investigate the existence of arbitrary amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of ions and excess superthermal electrons (modelled by a kappa-type distribution), which is penetrated by an electron beam. A kappa (kappa-) type distribution is assumed for the background electrons. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential formalism is employed to derive an energy-balance like equation. The range of allowed values of the soliton speed (Mach number), wherein solitary waves may exist, is determined. The Mach number range (allowed soliton speed values) becomes narrower under the combined effect of the electron beam and of the superthermal electrons, and may even be reduced to nil (predicting no solitary wave existence) for high enough beam density and low enough kappa (significant superthermality). For fixed values of all other parameters (Mach number, electron beam-to-ion density ratio and electron beam velocity), both soliton amplitude and (electric potential perturbation) profile steepness increase as kappa decreases. The combined occurrence of small-amplitude negative potential structures and larger amplitude positive ones is pointed out, while the dependence of either type on the plasma parameters is investigated.


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A description of the radiation emitted by impurities from within a plasma is crucial if spectral line intensities are to be used in detailed studies, such as the analysis of impurity transport. The simplest and most direct check that can be made on measurements of line intensities is to analyse their ratios with other lines from the same ion. This avoids uncertainties in determining the volume of the emitting plasma and the absolute sensitivity calibration of the spectrometer and, in some cases, the need even for accurate measurements of parameters such as electron density. Consistency is required between the measured line intensity ratios and the theoretical values. The expected consistency has not been found for radiation emitted from the JET scrape-off layer (e.g. Lawson et al 2009a JINST 4 P04013), meaning that the description of the spectral line intensities of impurity emission from the plasma edge is incomplete. In order to gain further understanding of the discrepancies, an analysis has been carried out for emission from the JET divertor plasma and this is reported in this paper. Carbon was the main low Z intrinsic impurity in JET and an analysis of spectral line intensity ratios has been made for the C (IV) radiation emitted from the JET divertor. In this case, agreement is found between the measured and theoretical ratios to a very high accuracy, namely to within the experimental uncertainty of similar to +/- 10%. This confirms that the description of the line intensities for the present observations is complete. For some elements and ionization stages, an analysis of line intensity ratios can lead to the determination of parameters such as the electron temperature of the emitting plasma region and estimates of the contribution of recombination to the electron energy level populations. This applies to C (IV) and, to show the value and possibilities of the spectral measurements, these parameters have been calculated for a database of Ohmic and additionally heated phases of a large number of pulses. The importance of dielectronic, radiative and charge-exchange recombination as well as ionization has been investigated. In addition, the development of T-e throughout two example discharges is illustrated. The presented results indicate a number of areas for further investigation.