110 resultados para apoptosis, ceramide, APC,p38, JNK, AKT, ASK, cell death


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BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor gene implicated in the predisposition to early onset breast and ovarian cancer. We have generated cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 to evaluate its role in mediating the cellular response to various chemotherapeutic drugs commonly used in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer. Induction of BRCA1 in the presence of Taxol and Vincristine resulted in a dramatic increase in cell death; an effect that was preceded by an acute arrest at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and which correlated with BRCA1 mediated induction of GADD45. A proportion of the arrested cells were blocked in mitosis suggesting activation of both a G2 and a mitotic spindle checkpoint. In contrast, no specific interaction was observed between BRCA1 induction and treatment of cells with a range of DNA damaging agents including Cisplatin and Adriamycin. Inducible expression of GADD45 in the presence of Taxol induced both G2 and mitotic arrest in these cells consistent with a role for GADD45 in contributing to these effects. Our results support a role for both BRCA1 and GADD45 in selectively regulating a G2/M checkpoint in response to antimicrotubule agents and raise the possibility that their expression levels in cells may contribute to the toxicity observed with these compounds.


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BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene implicated in transcriptional regulation. We have generated cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 as a tool to identify downstream targets that may be important mediators of BRCA1 function. Oligonucleotide array-based expression profiling identified 11 previously described interferon regulated genes that were up-regulated following inducible expression of BRCA1. Northern blot analysis revealed that a subset of the identified targets including IRF-7, MxA, and ISG-54 were synergistically up-regulated by BRCA1 in the presence of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) but not interferons alpha or beta. Importantly, IFN-gamma-mediated induction of IRF-7 and MxA was attenuated in the BRCA1 mutant cell line HCC1937, an effect that was rescued following reconstitution of exogenous wild type BRCA1 in these cells. Furthermore, reconstituted BRCA1 sensitized HCC1937 cells to IFN-gamma-induced apoptotic cell death. This study identifies BRCA1 as a component of the IFN-gamma-regulated signaling pathway and suggests that BRCA1 may play a role in the regulation of IFN-gamma-mediated apoptosis.


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Hypoxic cancer cells are resistant to treatment, leading to the selection of cells with a more malignant phenotype. The expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8) plays an important role in the tumorigenesis and metastasis of solid tumors including prostate cancer. Recently, we detected elevated expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptors in human prostate cancer tissue. The objective of the current study was to determine whether hypoxia increases IL-8 and IL-8 receptor expression in prostate cancer cells and whether this contributes to a survival advantage in hypoxic cells. IL-8, CXCR1 and CXCR2 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in PC3 cells was upregulated in response to hypoxia in a time-dependent manner. Elevated IL-8 secretion following hypoxia was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while immunoblotting confirmed elevated receptor expression. Attenuation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1) and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcriptional activity using small interfering RNA (siRNA), a HIF-1 dominant-negative and pharmacological inhibitors, abrogated hypoxia-induced transcription of CXCR1 and CXCR2 in PC3 cells. Furthermore, chromatin-IP analysis demonstrated binding of HIF-1 and NF-kappaB to CXCR1. Finally, inhibition of IL-8 signaling potentiated etoposide-induced cell death in hypoxic PC3 cells. These results suggest that IL-8 signaling confers a survival advantage to hypoxic prostate cancer cells, and therefore, strategies to inhibit IL-8 signaling may sensitize hypoxic tumor cells to conventional treatments.


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Evasion of DNA damage-induced cell death, via mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor or overexpression of prosurvival Bcl-2 family proteins, is a key step toward malignant transformation and therapeutic resistance. We report that depletion or acute inhibition of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) is sufficient to restore ?-radiation-induced apoptosis in p53 mutant zebrafish embryos. Surprisingly, caspase-3 is not activated prior to DNA fragmentation, in contrast to classical intrinsic or extrinsic apoptosis. Rather, an alternative apoptotic program is engaged that cell autonomously requires atm (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), atr (ATM and Rad3-related) and caspase-2, and is not affected by p53 loss or overexpression of bcl-2/xl. Similarly, Chk1 inhibitor-treated human tumor cells hyperactivate ATM, ATR, and caspase-2 after ?-radiation and trigger a caspase-2-dependent apoptotic program that bypasses p53 deficiency and excess Bcl-2. The evolutionarily conserved "Chk1-suppressed" pathway defines a novel apoptotic process, whose responsiveness to Chk1 inhibitors and insensitivity to p53 and BCL2 alterations have important implications for cancer therapy. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims: Infection of the mouse central nervous system with wild type (WT) and vaccine strains of measles virus (MV) results in lack of clinical signs and limited antigen detection. It is considered that cell entry receptors for these viruses are not present on murine neural cells and infection is restricted at cell entry.

Methods: To examine this hypothesis, virus antigen and caspase 3 expression (for apoptosis) was compared in primary mixed, neural cell cultures infected in vitro or prepared from mice infected intracerebrally with WT, vaccine or rodent neuroadapted viruses. Viral RNA levels were examined in mouse brain by nested and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.

Results: WT and vaccine strains were demonstrated for the first time to infect murine oligodendrocytes in addition to neurones despite a lack of the known MV cell receptors. Unexpectedly, the percentage of cells positive for viral antigen was higher for WT MV than neuroadapted virus in both in vitro and ex vivo cultures. In the latter the percentage of positive cells increased with time after mouse infection. Viral RNA (total and mRNA) was detected in brain for up to 20 days, while cultures were negative for caspase 3 in WT and vaccine virus infections.

Conclusions: WT and vaccine MV strains can use an endogenous cell entry receptor(s) or alternative virus uptake mechanism in murine neural cells. However, viral replication occurs at a low level and is associated with limited apoptosis. WT MV mouse infection may provide a model for the initial stages of persistent MV human central nervous system infections.


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Twenty-four shed-reared lambs were each infected orally with 250 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica, using either the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-sensitive Cullompton isolate or the TCBZ-resistant Sligo isolate. Twelve weeks after infection the lambs were treated with TCBZ (10 mg/kg) or with the experimental fasciolicide, Compound Alpha (Cpd alpha), a benzimidazole derivative of TCBZ (15 mg/kg). The lambs were euthanised 48,72 and 96 h after TCBZ treatment, or 24, 48 and 72 h after Cpd a treatment, and flukes were collected from the liver and/or gall bladder of each animal. Untreated animals harbouring 12-week infections were euthanised 24 h after administration of anthelmintic to the treatment groups, and the untreated flukes provided control material. A semi-quantitative assessment of the degree of histological change induced by the two drugs after different times of exposure was achieved by scoring the intensity of three well-defined lesions that developed in the testes and uteri of a representative sample of flukes from each lamb. In general, it was found that in those tissues where active meiosis and/or mitosis occurred (testis, ovary, and vitelline follicles), there was progressive loss of cell content due to apparent failure of cell division to keep pace with expulsion of the mature or effete products. Further, actively dividing cell types tended to become individualised, rounded and condensed, characteristic of apoptotic cell death. Protein synthetic activity was apparently inhibited in the Mehlis' secretory cells. In the uterus, where successful formation of shelled eggs represents the culmination of a complex sequence of cytokinetic, cytological and synthetic activity involving the vitelline follicles, the ovary and the Mehlis' gland, histological evidence indicating failure of ovigenesis was evident from 24 h post-treatment onwards. The development of these lesions may be related to the known antitubulin activity of the benzimidazole class of anthelmintics, to the induction of apoptosis in cells where mitosis or meiosis has aborted due to failure of spindle formation, and to drug-induced inhibition of protein synthesis. The semi-quantitative findings indicated that Cpd a is slightly less efficacious than TCBZ itself in causing histological damage to the reproductive structures of TCBZ-sensitive flukes, and that, like TCBZ, it caused no histological damage in flukes of the TCBZ-resistant isolate. This study illustrates the potential utility of histological techniques for conveniently screening representative samples of flukes in field trials designed to validate instances of drug resistance or to test the efficacy of new products against known drug-resistant and drug-susceptible fluke isolates. It also provides reference criteria for drug-induced histopathological changes in fluke reproductive structures which may aid interpretation of TEM findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Current guidelines encourage the use of statins to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients; however the impact of these drugs on diabetic retinopathy is not well defined. Moreover, pleiotropic effects of statins on the highly specialised retinal microvascular endothelium remain largely unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of clinically relevant concentrations of simvastatin on retinal endothelium in vitro and in vivo.

Methods and Findings: Retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) were treated with 0.01–10 µM simvastatin and a biphasic dose-related response was observed. Low concentrations enhanced microvascular repair with 0.1 µM simvastatin significantly increasing proliferation (p<0.05), and 0.01 µM simvastatin significantly promoting migration (p<0.05), sprouting (p<0.001), and tubulogenesis (p<0.001). High concentration of simvastatin (10 µM) had the opposite effect, significantly inhibiting proliferation (p<0.01), migration (p<0.01), sprouting (p<0.001), and tubulogenesis (p<0.05). Furthermore, simvastatin concentrations higher than 1 µM induced cell death. The mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy was used to investigate the possible effects of simvastatin treatment on ischaemic retinopathy. Low dose simvastatin(0.2 mg/Kg) promoted retinal microvascular repair in response to ischaemia by promoting intra-retinal re-vascularisation (p<0.01). By contrast, high dose simvastatin(20 mg/Kg) significantly prevented re-vascularisation (p<0.01) and concomitantly increased pathological neovascularisation (p<0.01). We also demonstrated that the pro-vascular repair mechanism of simvastatin involves VEGF stimulation, Akt phosphorylation, and nitric oxide production; and the anti-vascular repair mechanism is driven by marked intracellular cholesterol depletion and related disorganisation of key intracellular structures.

Conclusions: A beneficial effect of low-dose simvastatin on ischaemic retinopathy is linked to angiogenic repair reducing ischaemia, thereby preventing pathological neovascularisation. High-dose simvastatin may be harmful by inhibiting reparative processes and inducing premature death of retinal microvascular endothelium which increases ischaemia-induced neovascular pathology. Statin dosage should be judiciously monitored in patients who are diabetic or are at risk of developing other forms of proliferative retinopathy.


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A major goal of molecular biology is to elucidate the mechanisms underlying cancer development and progression in order to achieve early detection, better diagnosis and staging and novel preventive and therapeutic strategies. We feel that an understanding of Runt-related transcription factor 3 (RUNX3)-regulated biological pathways will directly impact our knowledge of these areas of human carcinogenesis. The RUNX3 transcription factor is a downstream effector of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway, and has a critical role in the regulation of cell proliferation and cell death by apoptosis, and in angiogenesis, cell adhesion and invasion. We previously identified RUNX3 as a major gastric tumor suppressor by establishing a causal relationship between loss of function and gastric carcinogenesis. More recently, we showed that RUNX3 functions as a bona fide initiator of colonic carcinogenesis by linking the Wnt oncogenic and TGF-beta tumor suppressive pathways. Apart from gastric and colorectal cancers. a multitude of epithelial cancers exhibit inactivation of RUNX3, thereby making it a putative tumor suppressor in human neoplasia. This review highlights our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms of RUNX3 inactivation in the context of cancer development and progression. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Direct pharmacological targeting of the anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2) family is an attractive therapeutic strategy for treating cancer. Obatoclax is a pan-BCL-2 family inhibitor currently in clinical development. Here we show that, although obatoclax can induce mitochondrial apoptosis dependent on BCL-2 associated x protein/BCL-2 antagonist killer (BAX/BAK) consistent with its on-target pharmacodynamics, simultaneous silencing of both BAX and BAK did not abolish acute toxicity or loss of clonogenicity. This is despite complete inhibition of apoptosis. Obatoclax dramatically reduced viability without inducing loss of plasma membrane integrity. This was associated with rapid processing of light chain-3 (LC3) and reduction of S6 kinase phosphorylation, consistent with autophagy. Dramatic ultrastructural vacuolation, not typical of autophagy, was also induced. Silencing of beclin-1 failed to prevent LC3 processing, whereas knockout of autophagy-related (Atg) 7 abolished LC3 processing but failed to prevent obatoclax-induced loss of clonogenicity or ultrastructural changes. siRNA silencing of Atg7 in BAX/BAK knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts did not prevent obatoclax-induced loss of viability. Cells selected for obatoclax resistance evaded apoptosis independent of changes in BCL-2 family expression and displayed reduced LC3 processing. In summary, obatoclax exhibits BAX- and BAK-dependent and -independent mechanisms of toxicity and activation of autophagy. Mechanisms other than autophagy and apoptosis are blocked in obatoclax resistant cells and contribute significantly to obatoclax's anticancer efficacy. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e108; doi:10.1038/cddis.2010.86; published online 16 December 2010


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Cells expressing human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E6 and E7 proteins exhibit deregulation of G(2)/M genes, allowing bypass of DNA damage arrest signals. Normally, cells with DNA damage that override the G(2) damage checkpoint would precociously enter mitosis and ultimately face mitotic catastrophe and apoptotic cell death. However, E6/E7-expressing cells (E6/E7 cells) have the ability to enter and exit mitosis in the presence of DNA damage and continue with the next round of the cell cycle. Little is known about the mechanism that allows these cells to gain entry into and exit from mitosis. Here, we show that in the presence of DNA damage, E6/E7 cells have elevated levels of cyclin B, which would allow entry into mitosis. Also, as required for exit from mitosis, cyclin B is degraded in these cells, permitting initiation of the next round of DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression. Proteasomal degradation of cyclin B by anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is, in part, due to elevated levels of the E2-conjugating enzyme, Ubch10, and the substrate recognition protein, Cdc20, of APC/C. Also, in E6/E7 cells with DNA damage, while Cdc20 is complexed with BubR1, indicating an active checkpoint, it is also present in complexes free of BubR1, presumably allowing APC/C activity and slippage through the checkpoint.


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The role of the calcium binding protein, Calbindin 2 (CALB2), in regulating the response of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells to 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) was investigated. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that CALB2 mRNA and protein expression were down-regulated in p53 wild-type and p53 null isogenic HCT116 CRC cell lines following 48 h and 72 h 5-FU treatment. Moreover, 5-FU-induced apoptosis was significantly reduced in HCT116 and LS174T CRC cell lines in which CALB2 expression had been silenced. Further investigation revealed that CALB2 translocated to the mitochondria following 5-FU treatment and that 5-FU-induced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta psi(m)) was abrogated in CALB2-silenced cells. Furthermore, CALB2 silencing decreased 5-FU-induced cytochrome c and smac release from the mitochondria and also decreased 5-FU-induced activation of caspases 9 and 3/7. Of note, co-silencing of XIAP overcame 5-FU resistance in CALB2-silenced cells. Collectively, these results suggest that following 5-FU treatment in CRC cell lines, CALB2 is involved in apoptosis induction through the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. This indicates that CALB2 may be an important mediator of 5-FU-induced cell death. Moreover, down-regulation of CALB2 in response to 5-FU may represent an intrinsic mechanism of resistance to this anti-cancer drug.


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meso-Tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphine tetra tosylate (TMP) is a photosensitizer that can be used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) to induce cell death through generation of reactive oxygen species in targeted tumor cells. However, TMP is highly hydrophilic, and therefore, its ability to accumulate intracellularly is limited. In this study, a strategy to improve TMP uptake into cells has been investigated by encapsulating the compound in a hydrogel-based chitosan/alginate nanoparticle formulation. Nanoparticles of 560 nm in diameter entrapping 9.1 µg of TMP per mg of formulation were produced and examined in cell-based assays. These particles were endocytosed into human colorectal carcinoma HCT116 cells and elicited a more potent photocytotoxic effect than free drug. Antibodies targeting death receptor 5 (DR5), a cell surface apoptosis-inducing receptor up-regulated in various types of cancer and found on HCT116 cells, were then conjugated onto the particles. The conjugated antibodies further enhanced uptake and cytotoxic potency of the nanoparticle. Taken together, these results show that antibody-conjugated chitosan/alginate nanoparticles significantly enhanced the therapeutic effectiveness of entrapped TMP. This novel approach provides a strategy for providing targeted site-specific delivery of TMP and other photosensitizer drugs to treat colorectal tumors using PDT.


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Execution of programmed cell death (PCD) in nonmetazoan organisms is morphologically different from apoptotic PCD in animals and lacks a number of key molecular components of apoptotic machinery, including caspases. Yet protozoan, fungal, and plant cells exhibit caspase-like proteolytic activities, which increase in a PCD-dependent manner. This poses a question whether nonmetazoan organisms contain structurally dissimilar proteases that functionally substitute for caspases. Putative ancestors of caspases, metacaspases, are candidates for this role; however, their distinct substrate specificity raises doubts. The identification of a common biological target of caspases and metacaspases and previously unknown functions unrelated to cell death of metacaspases provide new food for thought.


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Secretory factors that drive cancer progression are attractive immunotherapeutic targets. We used a whole-genome data-mining approach on multiple cohorts of breast tumours annotated for clinical outcomes to discover such factors. We identified Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 1 (SPINK1) to be associated with poor survival in estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) cases. Immunohistochemistry showed that SPINK1 was absent in normal breast, present in early and advanced tumours, and its expression correlated with poor survival in ER+ tumours. In ER- cases, the prognostic effect did not reach statistical significance. Forced expression and/or exposure to recombinant SPINK1 induced invasiveness without affecting cell proliferation. However, down-regulation of SPINK1 resulted in cell death. Further, SPINK1 overexpressing cells were resistant to drug-induced apoptosis due to reduced caspase-3 levels and high expression of Bcl2 and phospho-Bcl2 proteins. Intriguingly, these anti-apoptotic effects of SPINK1 were abrogated by mutations of its protease inhibition domain. Thus, SPINK1 affects multiple aggressive properties in breast cancer: survival, invasiveness and chemoresistance. Because SPINK1 effects are abrogated by neutralizing antibodies, we suggest that SPINK1 is a viable potential therapeutic target in breast cancer.


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Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 modulates vascular development by regulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) behavior, specifically stimulating EPC cell migration. This study was undertaken to investigate the mechanism of IGFBP-3 effects on EPC function and how IGFBP-3 mediates cytoprotection following vascular injury.