83 resultados para Microchip electrophoresis


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Aims: Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent cardiomyocyte death. The generation of excessive quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and resultant damage to mitochondrial enzymes is considered an important mechanism underlying reperfusion injury. Mitochondrial complex I can exist in two interconvertible states: active (A) and deactive or dormant (D). We have studied the active/deactive (A/D) equilibrium in several tissues under ischemic conditions in vivo and investigated the sensitivity of both forms of the heart enzyme to ROS.

Results: We found that in the heart, t½ of complex I deactivation during ischemia was 10?min, and that reperfusion resulted in the return of A/D equilibrium to its initial level. The rate of superoxide generation by complex I was higher in ischemic samples where content of the D-form was higher. Only the D-form was susceptible to inhibition by H2O2 or superoxide, whereas turnover-dependent activation of the enzyme resulted in formation of the A-form, which was much less sensitive to ROS. The mitochondrial-encoded subunit ND3, most likely responsible for the sensitivity of the D-form to ROS, was identified by redox difference gel electrophoresis.

Innovation: A combined in vivo and biochemical approach suggests that sensitivity of the mitochondrial system to ROS during myocardial I/R can be significantly affected by the conformational state of complex I, which may therefore represent a new therapeutic target in this setting.

Conclusion: The presented data suggest that transition of complex I into the D-form in the absence of oxygen may represent a key event in promoting cardiac injury during I/R.


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Background: The interleukin 10 knockout mouse (IL10-KO) is a model of human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used to Study host microbial interactions and the action of potential therapeutics. Using Affymetrix data analysis, important signaling pathways and transcription factors relevant to gut inflammation and antiinflammatory probiotics were identified.

Methods: Affymetrix microarray analysis on both wildtype (WT) and IL10-KO mice orally administered with and without the probiotic VSL#3 was performed and the results validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunocytochemistry, proteomics, and histopathology. Changes in metabolically active bacteria were assessed with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).

Results: Inflammation in IL10-KO mice was characterized by differential regulation of inflammatory, nuclear receptor, lipid, and xenobiotic signaling pathways. Probiotic intervention resulted in downregulation of CXCL9 (fold change [FC] = -3.98, false discovery rate [FDR] = 0.019), CXCL10 (FC = -4.83, FDR = 0.0008), CCL5 (FC -3.47 FDR = 0.017), T-cell activation (Itgal [FC = -4.72, FDR = 0.00009], Itgae [FC = -2.54 FDR = 0.0044]) and the autophagy gene IRGM (FC = -1.94, FDR = 0.01), a recently identified susceptibility gene in human IBD. Consistent with a marked reduction in integrins, probiotic treatment decreased the number of CCL5+ CD3+ double-positive T Cells and upregulated galectin2, which triggers apoptosis of activated T cells. Importantly, genes associated with lipid and PPAR signaling (PPAR alpha [FC = 2.36, FDR = 0.043], PPARGC1 alpha [FC 2.58, FDR = 0.016], Nrld2 [FC = 3.11, FDR = 0.0067]) were also upregulated. Altered microbial diversity was noted in probiotic-treated mice.

Conclusions: Bioinformatics analysis revealed important immune response. phagocytic and inflammatory pathways dominated by elevation of T-helper cell 1 type (TH1) transcription factors in IL10-KO mice. Probiotic intervention resulted in a site-specific reduction of these pathways but importantly upregulated PPAR, xenobiotic, and lipid signaling genes. potential antagonists of NF-kappa B inflammatory pathways.


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Unregulated growth promoter use in food-producing animals is an issue of concern both from food safety and animal welfare perspectives. However, the monitoring of such practices is analytically challenging due to the concerted actions of users to evade detection. Techniques based on the monitoring of biological responses to exogenous administrations have been proposed as more sensitive methods to identify treated animals. This study has, for the first time, profiled plasma proteome responses in bovine animals to treatment with nortestosterone decanoate and 17 beta-oestradiol benzoate, followed by dexamethasone administration. Two-dimensional fluorescence differential in-gel electrophoresis analysis revealed a series of hepatic and acute-phase proteins within plasma whose levels were up- or down-regulated within phases of the treatment regime. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) immuno-assays were developed to quantify responses of identified protein markers during the experimental treatment study with a view to developing methods which can be used as screening tools for growth promoter abuse detection. SPR analysis demonstrated the potential for plasma proteins to be used as indicative measures of growth promoter administrations and concludes that the sensitivity and robustness of any detection approach based on plasma proteome analysis would benefit from examination of a range of proteins representative of diverse biological processes rather being reliant on specific individual markers.


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Airway epithelial cells act as the first barrier against pathogens. These cells recognize conserved structural motifs expressed by microbial pathogens via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) expressed on the surface. In contrast to the level of expression in lymphoid cells, the level of expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in airway epithelial cells is low under physiological conditions. Here we explored whether Klebsiella pneumoniae upregulates the expression of TLRs in human airway epithelial cells. We found that the expression of TLR2 and TLR4 by A549 cells and human primary airway cells was upregulated upon infection with K. pneumoniae. The increased expression of TLRs resulted in enhancement of the cellular response upon stimulation with Pam3CSK4 and lipopolysaccharide, which are TLR2 and TLR4 agonists, respectively. Klebsiella-dependent upregulation of TLR expression occurred via a positive IkappaBalpha-dependent NF-kappaBeta pathway and via negative p38 and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathways. We showed that Klebsiella-induced TLR2 and TLR4 upregulation was dependent on TLR activation. An isogenic capsule polysaccharide (CPS) mutant did not increase TLR2 and TLR4 expression. Purified CPS upregulated TLR2 and TLR4 expression, and polymyxin B did not abrogate CPS-induced TLR upregulation. Although no proteins were detected in the CPS preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and colloidal gold staining, we could not rule out the possibility that traces of protein in our CPS preparation could have been responsible, at least in part, for the TLR upregulation.


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Adrenomedullin (AM) is an important regulatory peptide involved in both physiological and pathological states. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a specific AM-binding protein (AMBP-1) in human plasma. In the present study, we developed a nonradioactive ligand blotting assay, which, together with high pressure liquid chromatography/SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis purification techniques, allowed us to isolate AMBP-1 to homogeneity. The purified protein was identified as human complement factor H. We show that AM/factor H interaction interferes with the established methodology for quantification of circulating AM. Our data suggest that this routine procedure does not take into account the AM bound to its binding protein. In addition, we show that factor H affects AM in vitro functions. It enhances AM-mediated induction of cAMP in fibroblasts, augments the AM-mediated growth of a cancer cell line, and suppresses the bactericidal capability of AM on Escherichia coli. Reciprocally, AM influences the complement regulatory function of factor H by enhancing the cleavage of C3b via factor I. In summary, we report on a potentially new regulatory mechanism of AM biology, the influence of factor H on radioimmunoassay quantification of AM, and the possible involvement of AM as a regulator of the complement cascade.


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This study presents a solid-phase PCR (SP-PCR) for rapid detection, identification, and sub-typing of various Salmonella species, the major food-borne cause of salmonellosis. The target DNA is firstly amplified with PCR primers (one primer is labeled with fluorophores) in the liquid phase. Simultaneously on the solid phase, the amplified PCR amplicons interact with the nested DNA probes immobilized on the solid substrate as an array. If the immobilized probes match the sequence of the DNA templates they are extended by the polymerase and serve as template for the second strand elongation primed by the liquid phase primer thus generating new templates for the SP-PCR. After the reaction, PCR products labeled with fluorophores remain attached to the substrate and can be visualized directly by fluorescence readout devices. Using this method, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin can be detected at the same time. The method offers several advantages over conventional multiplex PCR: less competition between different primer pairs thus increasing multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed for the multiplexing detection, and less time-consuming owing to reduction of the post-PCR gel electrophoresis. The method will be useful for development of point-of-care devices for rapid detection and identification of Salmonella spp. A solid-phase PCR for rapid detection and identification of S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin is developed. The method offers advantages such as better multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed, and less time-consuming.


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A Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plant (apm5(r)) resistant to amiprophos-methyl (APM), a phosphoroamide herbicide, was isolated from protoplasts prepared from leaves of haploid plants. Genetic analysis revealed that the resistance is coded for by a dominant nuclear mutation and is associated with the increased stability of cortical microtubules. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, combined with immunoblotting using anti-tubulin monoclonal antibodies, showed that part of the beta-tubulin in the resistant plant possessed lower isoelectric points than the beta-tubulin of susceptible wild-type plants. These results provide evidence that the resistance to APM is associated with a mutation in a beta-tubulin gene. The APM-resistant line showed cross-resistance to trifluralin, a dinitroaniline herbicide, suggesting a common mechanism of resistance between these two classes of herbicides.


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Interspecific and intertribal somatic hybrids were obtained to study the composition and function of microtubules in hybrid plants. The amiprophosmethyl-resistant mutant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L. was used as donor; canamycin-resistant mutants N. sylvestris L. and Atropa belladonna served as recipients. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid nature of the clones selected. Immunoflourescent analysis showed that constitutions of mitotic spindles in regenerating protoplast, isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and the mutant N. plunbaginifolia, show no change after a 2-hour treatment with 5 mu M of amiprophosmethyl; in A. belladonna, the division spindle is completely destroyed under these conditions. Tubulin was isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The results showed that NpAb-107 has the beta-tubulin isoform specific for N. plumbaginifolia in addition to all isoforms of A. belladonna.