181 resultados para Hormonal Regulation of diabetes


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A screen of microRNA (miRNA) expression following differentiation in human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) identified changes in several miRNAs, including miRNA 203 (miR-203), which has previously been shown to play an important role in epithelial cell biology by regulating p63 levels. We investigated how expression of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) oncoproteins E6 and E7 affected miR-203 expression during proliferation and differentiation of HFKs. We demonstrated that miR-203 expression is reduced in HFKs where p53 function is compromised, either by the viral oncoprotein E6 or by knockout of p53 using short hairpin RNAs (p53i). We show that the induction of miR-203 observed during calcium-induced differentiation of HFKs is significantly reduced in HFKs expressing E6 and in p53i HFKs. Induction of miR-203 in response to DNA damage is also reduced in the absence of p53. We report that proliferation of HFKs is dependent on the level of miR-203 expression and that overexpression of miR-203 can reduce overproliferation in E6/E7-expressing and p53i HFKs. In summary, these results indicate that expression of miR-203 is dependent on p53, which may explain how expression of HPV16 E6 can disrupt the balance between proliferation and differentiation, as well as the response to DNA damage, in keratinocytes.


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We irradiated different cellular compartments and measured changes in expression of the FOS gene at the mRNA and protein levels. [H-3]Thymidine and tritiated water were used to irradiate the nucleus and the whole cell, respectively. I-125-Concanavalin A binding was used to irradiate the cell membrane differentially. Changes in FOS mRNA and protein levels were measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR and SDS-PAGE Western blotting, respectively, Irradiation of the nucleus or the whole cell at a dose rate of 0.075 Gy/h caused no change in the level of FOS mRNA expression, but modestly (1.5-fold) induced FOS protein after 0.5 h, Irradiation of the nucleus at a dose rate of 0.43 Gy/h induced FOS mRNA by 1.5-fold after 0.5 h, but there was no significant effect after whole-cell irradiation. FOS protein was transiently induced 2.5-fold above control levels 0.5 h after a 0.43-Gy/h exposure of the nucleus or the whole cell. Irradiation of the cell membrane at a dose rate of 1.8 Gy/h for up to 2 h caused no change in the levels of expression of FOS mRNA or protein, but a dose rate of 6.8 Gy/h transiently increased the level of FOS mRNA S-fold after 0.5 h, These data demonstrate the complexity of the cellular response to radiation-induced damage at low doses. The lack of quantitative agreement between the transcript and protein levels for FOS suggests a role for posttranscriptional regulation. (C) 2000 by Radiation Research Society.


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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been found to have subtle yet profound effects on the metabolic status of the testis, the expression of numerous spermatogenic genes and is associated with increased numbers of sperm with nuclear DNA damage. The precise mechanism causing these detrimental effects remains unknown. The presence of increased levels of the most prominent member (carboxymethyllysine - CML) of the advanced glycation end product adducts and their receptor (RAGE) in the reproductive tract of DM men has provided a new avenue for research. As there are suspicions that the antibiotic (streptozotocin - STZ) employed to induce DM is also capable of causing oxidative stress and DNA damage, we compared CML and RAGE levels in the reproductive tract and sperm nDNA status of STZ mice with the levels in the Ins(2Akita) mouse to determine which more closely mimics the situation described in the human diabetic. CML was observed in the testes, epididymes and sperm of all animals. Sperm from DM mice showed particularly strong CML immunolocalization in the acrosomal cap, the equatorial region and whenever present, cytoplasmic droplets. Although increased, the level of CML on the sperm of the STZ and Ins(2Akita) DM mice did not reach statistical significance. RAGE was present on the developing acrosome and epididymal sperm of all animals and in discrete regions of the epididymes of the DM models. Only the epididymal sperm of the Ins(2Akita) mice were found to have significantly increased (p < 0.0001) nDNA damage. The Ins(2Akita) mouse therefore appears to more accurately reflect the conditions found in the human and, as such, is a more representative model for the study of diabetes and glycation's influence on male fertility.


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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of endostatin on tight junction (TJ) integrity in retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, it was hypothesized that endostatin-induced occludin upregulation regulated VEGF(165)-mediated increases in endothelial cell permeability and involved activation of the MAPK signaling cascade. Endostatin is a 20-kDa fragment of collagen XVIII that has been shown to be efficacious in the eye by preventing retinal neovascularization. Endostatin is a specific inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis and has been reported to reverse VEGF-mediated increases in vasopermeability and to promote integrity of the blood-retinal barrier (BRB). In order to determine the mechanism of endostatin action on BRB integrity, we have examined the effects of endostatin on a number of intracellular pathways implicated in endothelial cell physiology. Methods: C57/Bl6 mice were injected with VEGF(165) and/or endostatin, and the distribution of occludin staining was determined using retinal flatmounts. Western blot analysis of RMECs treated with VEGF(165) and/or endostatin was used to determine changes in occludin expression and p38 MAPK and extracellular regulated kinase (ERK1/ERK2 MAPK) activation, while FD-4 flux across the RMEC monolayer was used to determine changes in paracellular permeability. Results: Endostatin prevented the discontinuous pattern of occludin staining observed at the retinal blood vessels of mice administered an intraocular injection of VEGF(165). It was shown that endostatin activated p38 MAPK 5 min after addition to RMECs and continued to do so for approximately 30 min. Endostatin was also shown to activate ERK1/ERK2 5 min after addition and continued to do so, albeit with less potency, up to and including 15 min after addition. Inhibition of p38 MAPK and ERK1/ERK2 prevented endostatin's ability to upregulate levels of occludin expression. Inhibition of these key signaling molecules was shown to prevent endostatin's ability to protect against VEGF(165)- mediated increases in paracellular permeability in vitro. However, it appears that p38 MAPK may play a more important role in VEGF-mediated permeability, as inhibition of ERK1/ERK2 will not prevent VEGF(165)- mediated permeability compared with control ( untreated) cells or cells treated with both a p38 MAPK inhibitor and VEGF(165). Conclusions: Occludin is important for the maintenance of tight junction integrity in vivo. In a p38 MAPK and ERK1/ERK2 dependent manner, endostatin was shown to upregulate the levels of expression of the tight junction protein occludin. Inhibition of these key MAPK components may prevent endostatin's ability to decrease VEGF(165)-induced paracellular permeability.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with a reciprocal and balanced translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RARalpha). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is used to treat APL and is a potent morphogen that regulates HOX gene expression in embryogenesis and organogenesis. HOX genes are also involved in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Thirty-nine mammalian HOX genes have been identified and classified into 13 paralogous groups clustered on 4 chromosomes. They encode a complex net-Work of transcription regulatory proteins whose precise targets remain poorly understood. The overall function of the network appears to be dictated by gene dosage. To investigate the mechanisms involved in HOX gene regulation in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis by precise measurement of individual HOX genes, a small-array real-time HOX (SMART-HOX) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) platform was designed and validated. Application of SMART-HOX to 16 APL bone marrow samples revealed a global down-regulation of 26 HOX genes compared with normal controls. HOX gene expression was also altered during differentiation induced by ATRA in the PML-RARalpha(+) NB4 cell line. PML-RARalpha, fusion proteins have been reported to act as part of a repressor complex during myelold cell differentiation, and a model linking HOX gene expression to this PML-RARalpha repressor complex is now proposed.


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Tigecycline resistance has been attributed to ramA overexpression and subsequent acrA upregulation. The ramA locus, originally identified in Klebsiella pneumoniae, has homologues in Enterobacter and Salmonella spp. In this study, we identify in silico that the ramR binding site is also present in Citrobacter spp. and that Enterobacter, Citrobacter and Klebsiella spp. share key regulatory elements in the control of the romA–ramA locus. RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) mapping indicated that there are two promoters from which romA–ramA expression can be regulated in K. pneumoniae. Correspondingly, electrophoretic binding studies clearly showed that purified RamA and RamR proteins bind to both of these promoters. Hence, there appear to be two RamR binding sites within the Klebsiella romA–ramA locus. Like MarA, RamA binds the promoter region, implying that it might be subject to autoregulation. We have identified changes within ramR in geographically distinct clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae. Intriguingly, levels of romA and ramA expression were not uniformly affected by changes within the ramR gene, thereby supporting the dual promoter finding. Furthermore, a subset of strains sustained no changes within the ramR gene but which still overexpressed the romA–ramA genes, strongly suggesting that a secondary regulator may control ramA expression.


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Despite familial clustering of nephropathy and retinopathy severity in type 1 diabetes, few gene variants have been consistently associated with these outcomes.


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Leucine zipper/EF hand-containing transmembrane-1 (LETM1) is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein that was first identified in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, and was deleted in nearly all patients with the syndrome. LETM1 encodes for the human homologue of yeast Mdm38p, which is a mitochondria-shaping protein of unclear function. Here, we describe LETM1-mediated regulation of mitochondrial ATP production and biogenesis. We show that LETM1 overexpression can induce necrotic cell death in HeLa cells, in which LETM1 reduces mitochondria) biogenesis and ATP production. LETM1 acts as an anchor protein and associates with mitochondrial ribosome protein L36. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of LETM1 reduced mitochondrial mass and expression of many mitochondrial proteins. LETM1-mediated inhibition of mitochondrial biogenesis enhanced glycolytic ATP supply and activated protein kinase B activity and cell survival signaling. The expression levels of LETM1 were significantly increased in multiple human cancer tissues compared with normals. These data suggest that LETM1 serves as an anchor protein for complex formation with the mitochondrial ribosome and regulates mitochondrial biogenesis. The increased expression of LETM1 in human cancer suggests that deregulation of LETM1 is a key feature of tumorigenesis. [Cancer Res 2009;69(8):3397-404]


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Carboxyl-terminal modulator protein (CTMP) is a tumor suppressor-like binding partner of Protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) that negative regulates this kinase. In the course of our recent work, we identified that CTMP is consistently associated with leucine zipper/EF-hand-containing transmembrane-1 (LETM1). Here, we report that adenovirus-LETM1 increased the sensitivity of HeLa cells to apoptosis, induced by either staurosporine or actinomycin D. As shown previously, LETM1 localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Electron-microscopy analysis of adenovirus-LETM1 transduced cells revealed that mitochondrial cristae were swollen in these cells, a phenotype similar to that observed in optic atrophy type-1 (OPA1)-ablated cells. OPA1 cleavage was increased in LETM1-overexpressing cells, and this phenotype was reversed by overexpression of OPA1 variant-7, a cleavage resistant form of OPA1. Taken together, these data suggest that LETM1 is a novel binding partner for CTMP that may play an important role in mitochondrial fragmentation via OPA1-cleavage. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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p63 is a master regulator of proliferation and differentiation in stratifying epithelia, and its expression is frequently altered in carcinogenesis. However, its role in maintaining proliferative capacity remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that hypoproliferation and loss of differentiation in organotypic raft cultures of primary neonatal human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) depleted of the a and ß isoforms of p63 result from p53-p21-mediated accumulation of retinoblastoma (Rb) family member p130. Hypoproliferation in p63-depleted HFKs can be rescued by depletion of p53, p21(CIP1) or p130. Furthermore, we identified the gene encoding S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (Skp2), the recognition component of the SCF(Skp2) E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a novel target of p63, potentially influencing p130 levels. Expression of Skp2 is maintained by p63 binding to a site in intron 2 and mRNA levels are downregulated in p63-depleted cells. Hypoproliferation in p63-depleted cells can be restored by re-expression of Skp2. Taken together, these results indicate that p63 plays a multifaceted role in maintaining proliferation in the mature regenerating epidermis, in addition to being required for differentiation.


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The t(11; 17)(q23;q21) translocation is associated with a retinoic acid (RA)-insensitive form of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), involving the production of reciprocal fusion proteins, promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PLZF-RAR alpha) and RAR alpha-PLZF. Using a combination of chromatin immuno-precipitation promotor arrays (ChIP-chip) and gene expression profiling, we identify novel, direct target genes of PLZF-RAR alpha that tend to be repressed in APL compared with other myeloid leukemias, supporting the role of PLZF-RAR alpha as an aberrant repressor in APL. In primary murine hematopoietic progenitors, PLZF-RAR alpha promotes cell growth, and represses Dusp6 and Cdkn2d, while inducing c-Myc expression, consistent with its role in leukemogenesis. PLZF-RAR alpha binds to a region of the c-MYC promoter overlapping a functional PLZF site and antagonizes PLZF-mediated repression, suggesting that PLZF-RAR alpha may act as a dominant-negative version of PLZF by affecting the regulation of shared targets. RA induced the differentiation of PLZF-RAR alpha-transformed murine hematopoietic cells and reduced the frequency of clonogenic progenitors, concomitant with c-Myc down-regulation. Surviving RA-treated cells retained the ability to be replated and this was associated with sustained c-Myc expression and repression of Dusp6, suggesting a role for these genes in maintaining a self-renewal pathway triggered by PLZF-RAR alpha. (Blood. 2009; 114: 5499-5511)


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Background BRCA1 and cyclin D1 are both essential for normal breast development and mutation or aberration of their expression is associated with breast cancer [1,2]. Cyclin D1 is best known as a G1 cyclin where it regulates the G1 to S phase transition by acting as a rate-limiting subunit of CDK4/6 kinase activity. More recently, however, Stacey has demonstrated that cyclin D1 levels in G2/M determine whether a cell continues to proliferate or exits the cell cycle [3]. The majority of BRCA1 in the cell is bound to BARD1 through their N-terminal RING domains. Heterodimerization is essential for the stability and correct localization of the complex and confers ubiquitin ligase activity to BRCA1. The importance of the ligase activity of BRCA1 to breast cancer development is inferred from the fact that N-terminal diseaseassociated mutations are proposed to reduce ligase activity [4]. Methods Protein–protein interactions were demonstrated using yeast-two-hybrid and coimmunoprecipitation. Protein levels were altered through overexpression, siRNA and antisense technology. The effect of proteasome inhibitors and cycloheximide treatment was also examined. Results We initially identified cyclin D1 as a binding partner of BARD1 in a yeast-two-hybrid screen and defined the minimal binding region as the N-terminus of BARD1. This interaction was confirmed in vivo by coimmunoprecipitation. The N-terminus of BARD1 also binds BRCA1 and imparts ubiquitin ligase activity to the complex. Covalent modification of proteins with ubiquitin is a common regulatory mechanism in eukaryotic cells. Traditionally polyubiquitin chains linked through lysine 48 target proteins for degradation by the 26 S proteasome. We have demonstrated that cyclin D1 protein levels are inversely related to BRCA1 and BARD1 levels in several model systems. Furthermore, regulation of cyclin D1 levels occurs through a post-transcriptional mechanism and requires the ligase activity of BRCA1. Interestingly, this phenomenon is cell-cycle regulated, occurring in G2/M. Conclusion We propose that cyclin D1 is a potential substrate for BRCA1 ubiquitination and that this targets cyclin D1 for proteasomal-mediated degradation. Future work will focus on ascertaining the functional consequence of cyclin D1 regulation by the BRCA1–BARD1 complex; in particular, the impact of BRCA1, mediated through regulation of cyclin D1, on the proliferation versus differentiation decision.