112 resultados para 196-1173


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We describe a detailed depth-and time-dependent model of the molecular cloud associated with the ultracompact H II region G 34.3+0.15. Previous work on observations of NH3 and CS indicates that the molecular cloud has three distinct physical components:- an ultracompact hot core, a compact hot core and an extended halo. We have used the physical parameters derived from these observations as input to our detailed chemical kinetic modelling. The results of the model calculations are discussed with reference to the different chemistries occuring in each component and are compared with abundances derived from our recent spectral line survey of G 34.3+0.15 (Paper I).


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This study examined the previously unexplored occupational grade-specific relationships of domestic responsibilities, the age of children, and work-family spillover, with registered sickness absence (>3 days' sick leave episodes, a mean follow-up of 17 months; n = 18,366 municipal employees; 76% women). The results showed that negative spillover from work into family life predicted a heightened rate of sickness absence spells among both women and men in all occupational categories (except upper white-collar men), but especially among blue-collar and lower white-collar employees. Furthermore, among all white-collar employees (except upper white-collar men), having young children (


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Indicator inks, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity via a novel photo-reductive mechanism, were simply applied via an aerosol spray onto commercially available pieces of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. Ink layers could be applied with high evenness of spread, with as little deviation as 5% upon UV-visible spectroscopic assessment of 25 equally distributed positions over a 10 cm x 10 cm glass cut. The inks were comprised of either a resazurin (Rz) or dichloroindophenol (DCIP) redox dye with a glycerol sacrificial electron donor in an aqueous hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media. The photo-reduction reaction under UVA light of a single spot was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and digital images attained from a flat-bed scanner in tandem for both inks. The photo-reduction of Rz ink underwent a two-step kinetic process, whereby the blue redox dye was initially reduced to a pink intermediate resorufin (Rf) and subsequently reduced to a bleached form of the dye. In contrast, a simple one-step kinetic process was observed for the reduction of the light blue redox dye DCIP to its bleached intermediates. Changes in red-green-blue colour extracted from digital images of the inks were inversely proportional to the changes seen at corresponding wavelengths via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and wholly indicative of the reaction kinetics. The photocatalytic activity areas of cuts of Activ (TM) glass, 10 cm x 10 cm in size, were assessed using both Rz and DCIP indicator inks evenly sprayed over the films: firstly using UVA lamp light to activate the underlying Activ (TM) film (1.75 mW cm(-2)) and secondly under solar conditions (2.06 +/- 0.14 mW cm(-2)). The photo-reduction reactions were monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of a generated 14 x 14 grid (196 positions) that covered the entire area of each film image were extracted using a Custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor(C). A homogenous degradation over the 196 positions analysed for both Rz (Red colour deviation = 19% UVA, 8% Solar: Green colour deviation = 17% UVA, 12% Solar) and DCIP (Red colour deviation = 22% UVA, 16% Solar) inks was seen in both UVA and solar experiments, demonstrating the consistency of the self-cleaning titania layer on Activ (TM). The method presented provides a good solution for the high-throughput photocatalytic screening of a number of homogenous photocatalytically active materials simultaneously or numerous positions on a single film; both useful in assessing the homogeneity of a film or determining the best combination of reaction components to produce the optimum performance photocatalytic film. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The transient-excitation pumping scheme, in which a picosecond duration pulse rapidly heats the plasma preformed by a low-intensity nanosecond pulse, was used to pump the Ne-like germanium, J = 0-1 transition at 19.6 nm. A small-signal gain coefficient of 30 cm(-1) was measured for targets less than or equal to 5 mm long. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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Short pulses of 100 ps FWHM duration at 1.06 mu m wavelength are used as the pump source for driving the J = 0-1, 19.6 nm, Ne-like germanium X-ray laser. Different combinations of short pulses are investigated and quantitatively compared. Configurations investigated include a single pulse, double pulses at 400 ps and 800 ps separation, single pulses with prepulses and double pulses with prepulses. Data are presented in the form of integrated energy measurements, and supported by modelling. The most efficient short pulse configurations are shown to be orders of magnitude more effective than pumping with nanosecond duration pulses. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Multipulse irradiation with 100 ps pulses of stripe Germanium targets is shown to enhance by up to several orders-of-magnitude the output of Ne-like Ge lasing on the J = 0-1 line at 196 Angstrom compared to single pulse pumping. Various pre-pulse and multipulse configurations have been experimentally investigated for irradiances of approximate to 4 x 10(13) W/cm(2) with a 1.06 mu m wavelength pumping laser. The ionisation balance measured by a KeV crystal spectrometer (KAP crystal) has been found to not affect the X-ray laser output. Good agreement between the experimental results and a fluid code incorporating atomic physics, gain and X-ray beam ray tracing is obtained. The code results show that the enhanced X-ray laser output is produced by multipulse irradiation reducing the electron density gradients in the gain region and simultaneously increasing the gain region spatial size. These changes reduce the effect of refraction on the X-ray laser beam propagation.


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We report on measurements of the saturated single frequency output of a Ge XXIII x-ray laser on the J=0-->1 transition at 19.6 nm from a refraction compensating double target driven by 150 J of energy from 75-ps Nd-glass laser pulses. The 19.6-nm line completely dominated the laser output. The output energy was measured to be 0.9 mJ in a beam of 6.6x30 mrad(2) divergence, corresponding to a conversion efficiency of 6 x 10(-6).


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We report a study of the effect of prepulses on XUV lasing of Ne-like germanium for an irradiation geometry where approximate to 20 mm long germanium slab targets were irradiated at approximate to 1.6 x 10(13) W cm(-2) using approximate to 0.7 ns (1.06 mu m) pulses from the VULCAN glass laser. Prepulses were generated at fractional power levels of approximate to 2 x 10(-4) (low) and approximate to 2 x 10(-2) (high) and arrived on target 5 and 3.2 ns respectively in advance of the main heating pulse, For both the low and high prepulses the output of the 3p-3s, J = 0-1, line at 19.6 nm was enhanced such that the peak radiant density (J/st) for this line became greater than that for the normally stronger J = 2-1 lines at 23.2 and 23.6 nm. The J = 0-1 line, whose FWHM duration was reduced from approximate to 450 ps to approximate to 100 ps, delivered approximate to 6 x more power (W) than the average for the combined J = 2-1 lines, whose FWHM duration was approximate to 500 ps for both levels of prepulse, The higher prepulse was more effective, yielding approximate to 2 x more radiant density and approximate to 7 x more power on both the J = 0-1 and J = 2-1 transitions compared to the low prepulse case, The most dramatic observation overall was the approximate to 40 x increase of power in the J = 0-1 line for the high prepulse (approximate to 2%) case compared with the zero prepulse case. These observations, coupled with measurements of beam divergence and beam deviation through refractive bending, as well as general agreement with modelling, lead us to conclude that, for germanium, the main influence of the prepulse is (a) to increase the energy absorbed from the main pulse, (b) to increase the volume of the gain zone and (c) to relax the plasma density gradients, particularly in the J = 0-1 gain zone.


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The use of schemes involving multiple laser pulses to enhance and control the properties of beams of protons accelerated in ultra-intense laser irradiation of planar foil targets is discussed. Specifically, the schemes include the use of a second laser pulse to produce and control preplasma expansion of the target to enhance energy coupling to the proton beam; the use of a second laser pulse to drive shock deformation of the target to change the direction of the proton beam; and a scheme involving dual high intensity laser pulses to change the properties of the sheath field, with the aim of modifying the proton energy spectrum. An overview of our recent experimental and theoretical results is given. The overall aim of this work is to determine the extent to which the properties of the sheath-accelerated proton beam can be optically controlled, to enable beam delivery at high repetition rates. To cite this article: D.C. Carroll et al., C. R. Physique 10 (2009). (C) 2009 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Arterial desaturation as measured using pulse oximetry may not reflect cardiorespiratory disease; other possible causes, including certain drugs, should be sought. Within the literature, examples exist of dapsone-induced methaemoglobinaemia causing diagnostic confusion, particularly where respiratory disease is a feature. Few cases have been reported that demonstrate the potential of relatively low levels of methaemoglobinaemia to upset pulse oximetry readings. We describe three examples of dapsone-induced methaemoglobinaemia emphasising the potential for low-grade methaemoglobinaemia to cause diagnostic confusion. Widespread use of the pulse oximeter indicates this problem may occur more regularly, hence there is a need for increased awareness.