169 resultados para pH condition


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Degradation experiments of benzoate by Pseudomonas putida resulted in enzymatic carbon isotope fractionations. However, isotopic temperature effects between experiments at 20 and 30 °C were minor. Averages of the last three values of the CO2 isotopic composition (δ13CCO2(g)) were more negative than the initial benzoate δ13C value (−26.2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belenite (VPDB)) by 3.8, 3.4 and 3.2‰ at 20, 25 and 30 °C, respectively. Although the maximum isotopic temperature difference found was only 0.6‰, more extreme temperature variations may cause larger isotope effects. In order to understand the isotope effects on the total inorganic carbon (TIC), a better measure is to calculate the proportions of the inorganic carbon species (CO2(g), CO2(aq) and HCO3−) and to determine their cumulative δ13CTIC. In all three experiments δ13CTIC was more positive than the initial isotopic composition of the benzoate at a pH of 7. This suggests an uptake of 12C in the biomass in order to match the carbon balance of these closed system experiments.


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1. The risk of parasitism and infectious disease is expected to increase with population density as a consequence of positive density-dependent transmission rates. Therefore, species that encounter large fluctuations in population density are predicted to exhibit plasticity in their immune system, such that investment in costly immune defences is adjusted to match the probability of exposure to parasites and pathogens (i.e. density-dependent prophylaxis).


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This paper studies the Demmel condition number of Wishart matrices, a quantity which has numerous applications to wireless communications, such as adaptive switching between beamforming and diversity coding, link adaptation, and spectrum sensing. For complex Wishart matrices, we give an exact analytical expression for the probability density function (p.d.f.) of the Demmel condition number, and also derive simplified expressions for the high tail regime. These results indicate that the condition of complex Wishart matrices is dominantly decided by the difference between the matrix dimension and degree of freedom (DoF), i.e., the probability of drawing a highly ill conditioned matrix decreases considerably when the difference between the matrix dimension and DoF increases. We further investigate real Wishart matrices, and derive new expressions for the p.d.f. of the smallest eigenvalue, when the difference between the matrix dimension and DoF is odd. Based on these results, we succeed to obtain an exact p.d.f. expression for the Demmel condition number, and simplified expressions for the high tail regime.


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Disguising a metal complex as a micelle by using amphiphilic phosphine ligands enables it to switch between a coordination polymer and a discrete cage in response to solvent polarity or pH; this medium-dependent behaviour of the complex is rational because it parallels that of true micelles.


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The SERS spectra of adenine recorded under a broad range of pH values and concentrations using both silver and gold colloids provided evidence for the existence of several distinct species. At high concentration (0.5-10 ppm), the spectra recorded between pH 1 and 11 showed only two distinct spectra, rather than the three forms that would be expected for a compound with two pK(a) values of 4.2 and 9.8. The spectra at neutral and alkaline pH were identical and assigned to the deprotonated form of adenine on the basis of DFT calculations, isotope shifts, and comparison with the normal Raman spectra of neutral and deprotonated adenine. The spectra at acidic pH were different, consistent with adenine protonation. Neutral adenine was not detected at any pH studied. At low adenine concentration (


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The rate of uptake of Endosulfan by Mytilus edulis L. exposed to pesticide concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l, and its subsequent elution on removal to clean sea water, was investigated. Higher residue levels were recorded for mussels exposed to higher concentrations of the pesticide, but concentration factors were reduced. There was a rapid initial fall in tissue residue levels on transfer to clean sea water due, it is suggested, to elution of Endosulfan adsorbed on particulate matter assimilated in the gut. The spawning period was prolonged at higher concentrations and, at 1.0 mg/l, the onset of spawning was delayed, possibly due to interference with gamonic action. At 0.1 mg/l, the minor protraction of the spawning period may reflect the effect of experimental tank conditions. No seasonal trend was obvious, and there was an exaggeration of the expected fall in condition in mussels exposed to higher concentrations of Endosulfan. In controls, the expected seasonal trend was reduced.


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The new anionic functionalized aryldiamine ligands [2,6-(Me(2)NCH(2))(2)-4-R-C6H2](-) (R = Me(3)SiC=C, C6H5, Me(3)Si), formally derived from [2,6-(Me(2)NCH(2))(2)C6H3](-), have been prepared as their lithium compounds. The compound [Li{2,6-(Me(2)NCH(2))(2)-4-Ph-C6H2}](2) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (no. 15) with a = 13.1225(5), b = 13.5844(7), c = 15.9859(12) Angstrom, beta = 105.329(5)degrees, V = 3264.0(3)Angstrom(3), Z = 4. The structure refinement converged to R(1) = 0.0374 for 2037 observed reflections [F-o>4 sigma(F-o)] and wR(2) = 0.0922 for 2560 unique data. The organolithium compounds have been used in transmetalation reactions to give the corresponding functionalized organoruthenium(II) complexes [Ru-II{2,6-(Me(2)NCH(2))(2)-4-R-C6H2}(terpy)]Cl-+(-) (terpy = 2,2';6',2 ''-terpyridine). The Ru-II species with R = HC = C has also been synthesized.


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Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to probe the structures of; tetrakis(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)-porphinatoiron(III), FeIII (T4MPyP); tetrakis(1-methylpyridium-2-yl)porphinatoiron(III), FeIII (T2MPyP); tetrakis(4-sulphonatophkenyl)porphinatoir(III), FeIII(TSPP); and tetrakis(4-carboxylatophenyl)porphinatoiron(III), FeIII(TCPP), over a wide pH range. The anionic complexes FeIII (TSPP) and FeIII (TCPP) contain high-spin iron(III) at all pHs. Both these complexes exhibit marked spectral changes at ca. pH 6 which correspond to conversion from the diaquo species, in acid solution, to hydroxy- or mu-oxo dimer complexes. Both cationic complexes show similar diaquo to high-spin hydroxy, or mu-oxo dimer, transitions at ca. pH 6. However, at pH > 11.5 for FeIII (T4MPyP) and pH > 9 for FeIII (T2MPyP) a second equilibrium process is observed, leading to two new species. One of these is readily assigned as the low-spin iron(III) dihydroxy complex by analogy with spectra of the dicyano complex. The second species is assigned to the hydroxy iron(II) complex by comparison with photo-chemically generated FeII (T4MPyP) (OH). The formation of iron(II) species in alkaline solutions of FeIII (T4MPyP) and FeIII (T2MPyP) is entirely unexpected and the significance of the observation to previous investigations of the pH-dependent behaviour of these complexes is discussed.