95 resultados para micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography


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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodologies were evaluated for the detection and quantification of thyreostatic drug residues in cattle serum and thyroid tissue. The paper details a protocol, using a simple ethyl acetate extraction for the determination of thiouracil, tapazole, methyl thiouracil, propyl thiouracil and phenyl thiouracil in thyroid tissue. Using two sequential HPLC injections, and quantitative analysis, in two steps, all five thyreostats were detectable at concentrations greater than 2.45-4.52 ng/g. Modifications to a published method for detection of thyreostatic residues in serum involving the addition of mercaptoethanol and a freezing step are described. The modifications improved sensitivity and allowed detection of the five thyreostats at levels greater than 16.98-35.25 ng/ml. Young bulls were treated with thyreostats to demonstrate the validity of the methodologies described. Administered thyreostats were not absorbed equally by the test animals and the compounds were not all detected in the serum samples removed at 7 days following drug withdrawal. These experiments indicate the necessity to be able to detect thyreostat residues in a variety of matrices. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A liquid chromatography-thermospray mass spectrometric assay was developed and validated to confirm the presence of illegal residues of the synthetic androgenic growth promoter, trenbolone acetate, in cattle. The assay was specific for 17alpha-trenbolone, the major bovine metabolite of trenbolone acetate. Methods were developed for the determination of 17alpha-trenbolone in both bile and faeces, the most appropriate matrices for the control of trenbolone acetate abuse. The clean-up.procedure developed relied on enzymatic hydrolysis, followed by sequential liquid-liquid and liquid-solid extraction. The extracts were then subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography. 17alpha-Trenbolone was detected by selected ion monitoring at m/z 271 using positive ion thermospray ionisation. The limit of detection was approximately 0.5 ng/g in faeces and 0.5 ng/ml in bile.


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A gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method is described for the detection of clenbuterol residues in liver, muscle, urine and retina. Tissue samples are first digested using protease and any clenbuterol present is extracted using a simple liquid/liquid extraction procedure. The dried extracts are then derivatized using methylboronic acid and the derivatives are subjected to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry on a magnetic sector instrument. The detection limit of the assay is 0.05 ng g-1 clenbuterol in liver, muscle or urine using a 10 g sample size, and 4 ng g-1 in retina using a 0.5 g sample size. The assay is made very specific by using selected ion monitoring of three ions at a resolution of 3500 and by ion ratio measurements. The precision and reproducibility of the assay are enhanced by the use of a deuterated internal standard, with a typical coefficient of variation of 3%.


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Efficient guiding of 1-ps infrared laser pulses with power exceeding 10 TW has been demonstrated through hollow capillary tubes with 40- and 100-mu m internal diameters and lengths up to 10 mm, with transmission greater than 80% of the incident energy coupled into the capillary. The beam is guided via multiple reflections off a plasma formed on the walls of the guide by the pulse's rising edge, as inferred from optical probe measurements.


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Capillary-based systems for measuring the input impedance of musical wind instruments were first developed in the mid-20th century and remain in widespread use today. In this paper, the basic principles and assumptions underpinning the design of such systems are examined. Inexpensive modifications to a capillary-based impedance measurement set-up made possible due to advances in computing and data acquisition technology are discussed. The modified set-up is able to measure both impedance magnitude and impedance phase even though it only contains one microphone. In addition, a method of calibration is described that results in a significant improvement in accuracy when measuring high impedance objects on the modified capillary-based system. The method involves carrying out calibration measurements on two different objects whose impedances are well-known theoretically. The benefits of performing two calibration measurements (as opposed to the one calibration measurement that has been traditionally used) are demonstrated experimentally through input impedance measurements on two test objects and a Boosey and Hawkes oboe. © S. Hirzel Verlag · EAA.


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An immunoaffinity chromatographic (IAC) method for the selective extraction and concentration of 13 organophosphorus pesticides (OPs, including coumaphos, parathion, phoxim, quinalphos, dichlofenthion, triazophos, azinphos-ethyl, phosalone, isochlorthion, parathion-methyl, cyanophos, disulfoton, and phorate) prior to analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was developed. The IAC column was prepared by covalently immobilizing a monoclonal antibody with broad specificity for OPs on CNBr-activated Sephrose 4B. The column capacity ranged from 884 to 2641 ng/mL of gel. The optimum elution solvent was 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline containing 80% methanol. The breakthrough volume of the IAC column was found to be 400 mL. Recoveries of OPs from spiked environmental samples by IAC cleanup and HPLC-MS/MS analysis ranged from 60.2 to 107.1%, with a relative standard deviation below 11.1%. The limit of quantitation for 13 OPs ranged from 0.01 to 0.13 ng/mL (ng/g). The application of IAC cleanup coupled to HPLC-MS/MS in real environmental samples demonstrated the potential of this method for the determination of OP residues in environmental samples at trace levels.


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We investigated the phenotype of cells involved in leukostasis in the early stages of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice by direct observation and by adoptive transfer of calcein-AM-labeled bone marrow-derived leukocytes from syngeneic mice. Retinal whole mounts, confocal microscopy, and flow cytometry ex vivo and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in vivo were used. Leukostasis in vivo and ex vivo in retinal capillaries was increased after 2 weeks of diabetes (Hb A(1c), 14.2 ± 1.2) when either donor or recipient mice were diabetic. Maximum leukostasis occurred when both donor and recipient were diabetic. CD11b(+), but not Gr1(+), cells were preferentially entrapped in retinal vessels (fivefold increase compared with nondiabetic mice). In diabetic mice, circulating CD11b(+) cells expressed high levels of CCR5 (P = 0.04), whereas spleen (P = 0.0001) and retinal (P = 0.05) cells expressed increased levels of the fractalkine chemokine receptor. Rosuvastatin treatment prevented leukostasis when both recipient and donor were treated but not when donor mice only were treated. This effect was blocked by treatment with mevalonate. We conclude that leukostasis in early diabetic retinopathy involves activated CCR5(+)CD11b(+) myeloid cells (presumed monocytes). However, leukostasis also requires diabetes-induced changes in the endothelium, because statin therapy prevented leukostasis only when recipient mice were treated. The up-regulation of the HMG-CoA reductase pathway in the endothelium is the major metabolic dysregulation promoting leukostasis.


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In vitro assays are invaluable for the biochemical characterization of UDP-sugar:undecaprenyl-phosphate sugar-1-phosphate transferases. These assays typically involve the use of a radiolabeled substrate and subsequent extraction of the product, which resides in a lipid environment. Here, we describe the preparation of bacterial membranes containing these enzymes, a standard in vitro transferase assay with solvents containing chloroform and methanol, and two methods to measure product formation: scintillation counting and thin layer chromatography.


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Pericyte loss is a cardinal feature of early diabetic retinopathy. We previously reported that highly oxidized-glycated low density lipoprotein (HOG-LDL) induces pericyte apoptosis in vitro. In this study, we investigated the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways in HOG-LDL-induced apoptosis in human pericytes.


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Aims/hypothesis: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their natural inhibitors, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), regulate important biological processes including the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix, proteolysis of cell surface proteins, proteinase zymogen activation, angiogenesis and inflammation. Studies have shown that their balance is altered in retinal microvascular tissues in diabetes. Since LDLs modified by oxidation/glycation are implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular complications, we examined the effects of modified LDL on the gene expression and protein production of MMPs and TIMPs in retinal pericytes. Methods: Quiescent human retinal pericytes were exposed to native LDL (N-LDL), glycated LDL (G-LDL) and heavily oxidised and glycated LDL (HOG-LDL) for 24 h. We studied the expression of the genes encoding MMPs and TIMPs mRNAs by analysis of microarray data and quantitative PCR, and protein levels by immunoblotting and ELISA. Results: Microarray analysis showed that MMP1, MMP2, MMP11, MMP14 and MMP25 and TIMP1, TIMP2, TIMP3 and TIMP4 were expressed in pericytes. Of these, only TIMP3 mRNA showed altered regulation, being expressed at significantly lower levels in response to HOG- vs N-LDL. Quantitative PCR and immunoblotting of cell/matrix proteins confirmed the reduction in TIMP3 mRNA and protein in response to HOG-LDL. In contrast to cellular TIMP3 protein, analysis of secreted TIMP1, TIMP2, MMP1 and collagenase activity indicated no changes in their production in response to modified LDL. Combined treatment with N- and HOG-LDL restored TIMP3 mRNA expression to a level comparable with that after N-LDL alone. Conclusions/interpretation: Among the genes encoding for MMPs and TIMPs expressed in retinal pericytes, TIMP3 is uniquely regulated by HOG-LDL. Reduced TIMP3 expression might contribute to microvascular abnormalities in diabetic retinopathy. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.