206 resultados para largest common subgraph


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The known breast cancer susceptibility polymorphisms in FGFR2, TNRC9/TOX3, MAP3K1, LSP1, and 2q35 confer increased risks of breast cancer for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. We evaluated the associations of 3 additional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs4973768 in SLC4A7/NEK10, rs6504950 in STXBP4/COX11, and rs10941679 at 5p12, and reanalyzed the previous associations using additional carriers in a sample of 12,525 BRCA1 and 7,409 BRCA2 carriers. Additionally, we investigated potential interactions between SNPs and assessed the implications for risk prediction. The minor alleles of rs4973768 and rs10941679 were associated with increased breast cancer risk for BRCA2 carriers (per-allele HR - 1.10, 95% CI: 1.03-1.18, P - 0.006 and HR - 1.09, 95% CI: 1.01-1.19, P = 0.03, respectively). Neither SNP was associated with breast cancer risk for BRCA1 carriers, and rs6504950 was not associated with breast cancer for either BRCA1 or BRCA2 carriers. Of the 9 polymorphisms investigated, 7 were associated with breast cancer for BRCA2 carriers (FGFR2, TOX3, MAP3K1, LSP1, 2q35, SLC4A7, 5p12, P 7 = 10 x (11) - 0.03), but only TOX3 and 2q35 were associated with the risk for BRCA1 carriers (P = 0.0049, 0.03, respectively). All risk-associated polymorphisms appear to interact multiplicatively on breast cancer risk for mutation carriers. Based on the joint genotype distribution of the 7 risk-associated SNPs in BRCA2 mutation carriers, the 5% of BRCA2 carriers at highest risk (i.e., between 95th and 100th percentiles) were predicted to have a probability between 80% and 96% of developing breast cancer by age 80, compared with 42%


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Succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) and D (SDHD) subunit gene mutations predispose to adrenal and extraadrenal pheochromocytomas, head and neck paragangliomas (HNPGL), and other tumor types. We report tumor risks in 358 patients with SDHB (n = 295) and SDHD (n = 63) mutations. Risks of HNPGL and pheochromocytoma in SDHB mutation carriers were 29% and 52%, respectively, at age 60 years and 71% and 29%, respectively, in SDHD mutation carriers. Risks of malignant pheochromocytoma and renal tumors (14% at age 70 years) were higher in SDHB mutation carriers; 55 different mutations (including a novel recurrent exon 1 deletion) were identified. No clear genotype-phenotype correlations were detected for SDHB mutations. However, SDHD mutations predicted to result in loss of expression or a truncated or unstable protein were associated with a significantly increased risk of pheochromocytoma compared to missense mutations that were not predicted to impair protein stability (most such cases had the common p.Pro81Leu mutation). Analysis of the largest cohort of SDHB/D mutation carriers has enhanced estimates of penetrance and tumor risk and supports in silicon protein structure prediction analysis for functional assessment of mutations. The differing effect of the SDHD p.Pro81Leu on HNPGL and pheochromocytoma, risks suggests differing mechanisms of tumorigenesis in SDH-associated HNPGL and pheochromocytoma. Hum Mutat 31:41-51, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We treat the question of existence of common hypercyclic vectors for families of continuous linear operators. It is shown that for any continuous linear operator T on a complex Fréchet space X and a set ? ? R+ × C which is not of zero three-dimensional Lebesgue measure, the family {a T + b I : (a, b) ? ?} has no common hypercyclic vectors. This allows to answer negatively questions raised by Godefroy and Shapiro and by Aron. We also prove a sufficient condition for a family of scalar multiples of a given operator on a complex Fréchet space to have a common hypercyclic vector. It allows to show that if D = {z ? C : | z | < 1} and f ? H8 (D) is non-constant, then the family {z Mf{star operator} : b- 1 < | z | < a- 1} has a common hypercyclic vector, where Mf : H2 (D) ? H2 (D), Mf f = f f, a = inf {| f (z) | : z ? D} and b = sup {| f (z) | : | z | ? D}, providing an affirmative answer to a question by Bayart and Grivaux. Finally, extending a result of Costakis and Sambarino, we prove that the family {a Tb : a, b ? C {set minus} {0}} has a common hypercyclic vector, where Tb f (z) = f (z - b) acts on the Fréchet space H (C) of entire functions on one complex variable.


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In this paper we argue that ambiguity, combined with social opinion formation, can be used as the foundation of a game-theoretic equilibrium concept that transcends the standard Nash equilibrium concept, applied to a model of the tragedy of the commons. Our approach sheds light on the international environmental crisis and the relevant ongoing international negotiations. We conclude that social opinion formation in most cases has a significant impact on equilibrium common property resource usage.


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Sex differences in schizophrenia are well known, but their genetic basis has not been identified. We performed a genome-wide association scan for schizophrenia in an Ashkenazi Jewish population using DNA pooling. We found a female-specific association with rs7341475, a SNP in the fourth intron of the reelin ( RELN) gene (p = 2.9 x 10(-5) in women), with a significant gene-sex effect (p = 1.8 x 10(-4)). We studied rs7341475 in four additional populations, totaling 2,274 cases and 4,401 controls. A significant effect was observed only in women, replicating the initial result (p = 2.1 x 10(-3) in women; p = 4.2 x 10(-3) for gene-sex interaction). Based on all populations the estimated relative risk of women carrying the common genotype is 1.58 (p = 8.8 x 10(-7); p = 1.6 x 10(-5) for gene-sex interaction). The female-specific association between RELN and schizophrenia is one of the few examples of a replicated sex-specific genetic association in any disease.


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We sought to identify new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer's disease through a staged association study (GERAD+) and by testing suggestive loci reported by the Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Consortium (ADGC) in a companion paper. We undertook a combined analysis of four genome-wide association datasets (stage 1) and identified ten newly associated variants with P = 1 × 10(-5). We tested these variants for association in an independent sample (stage 2). Three SNPs at two loci replicated and showed evidence for association in a further sample (stage 3). Meta-analyses of all data provided compelling evidence that ABCA7 (rs3764650, meta P = 4.5 × 10(-17); including ADGC data, meta P = 5.0 × 10(-21)) and the MS4A gene cluster (rs610932, meta P = 1.8 × 10(-14); including ADGC data, meta P = 1.2 × 10(-16)) are new Alzheimer's disease susceptibility loci. We also found independent evidence for association for three loci reported by the ADGC, which, when combined, showed genome-wide significance: CD2AP (GERAD+, P = 8.0 × 10(-4); including ADGC data, meta P = 8.6 × 10(-9)), CD33 (GERAD+, P = 2.2 × 10(-4); including ADGC data, meta P = 1.6 × 10(-9)) and EPHA1 (GERAD+, P = 3.4 × 10(-4); including ADGC data, meta P = 6.0 × 10(-10)).


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As part of the European Supernova Collaboration, we obtained extensive photometry and spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2002dj covering epochs from 11 d before to nearly two years after maximum. Detailed optical and near-infrared observations show that this object belongs to the class of the high-velocity gradient events as indicated by Si, S and Ca lines. The light curve shape and velocity evolution of SN 2002dj appear to be nearly identical to SN 2002bo. The only significant difference is observed in the optical to near-infrared colours and a reduced spectral ernission beyond 6500 A. For high-velocity gradient SNe Ia, we tentatively identify a faster rise to maximum, a more pronounced inflection in the V and R light curves after maximum and a brighter, slower declining late-time B light curve as common photometric properties of this class of object. They also seem to be characterized by a different colour and colour evolution with respect to 'normal' SNe Ia. The usual light Curve shape parameters do not distinguish these events. Stronger, more blueshifted absorption features of intermediate-mass elements and lower temperatures are the most prominent spectroscopic features of SNe Ia displaying high-velocity gradients. It appears that these events burn more intermediate-mass elements in the outer layers. Possible connections to the metallicity of the progenitor star are explored.


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The proton NMR spectra of aryl n-propyl sulfides gave rise to what may appear to be first-order proton NMR spectra. Upon oxidation to the corresponding sulfone, the spectra changed appearance dramatically and were clearly second-order. A detailed analysis of these second-order spectra, in the sulfone series, provided vicinal coupling constants which indicated that these compounds had a moderate preference for the anti-conformer, reflecting the much greater size of the sulfone over the sulfide. It also emerged, from this study, that the criterion for observing large second-order effects in the proton NMR spectra of 1,2-disubstituted ethanes was that the difference in vicinal coupling constants must be large and the difference in geminal coupling constants must be small. n-Propyl triphenylphosphonium bromide and 2-trimethylsilylethanesulfonyl chloride, and derivatives thereof, also exhibited second-order spectra, again due to the bulky substituents. Since these spectra are second-order due to magnetic nonequivalence of the nuclei in question, not chemical shifts, the proton spectra are perpetually second-order and can never be rendered first-order by using higher field NMR spectrometers.


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Pink and white shells of Calliostoma zizyphinum show both undamaged and damaged scars. White shelled individuals predominate in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland where Calliostoma densities and scarring levels are high. No white shells were found intertidally, outside the entrance channel to the Lough. Significant differences occur in the size of Calliostoma shells between sampling sites but not between different colour morphs at each site. However in pooled samples, pink individuals are significantly larger than white individuals. When sites and morphs are considered separately, pink Calliostoma density is negatively correlated with water movement. At sites where pink Calliostoma occur, the percentage of pink shelled individuals is negatively correlated with total Calliostoma density. Damaged and undamaged scarring values per unit area of shell, show highly significant differences between sites and damaged scars are significantly higher in white individuals. Undamaged scars are not correlated with any of the environmental parameters recorded, but are positively correlated with damaged scars suggesting a common causative factor. The level of damaged scarring is positively correlated with crab/total Calliostoma ratio at all sites and where each colour morph was considered separately. Multiple regression analyses reveal that crab/Calliostoma ratios account for 42% of the between site variation in damaged scars. Significantly higher levels of damaged scars are found at sites with high crab densities and significantly larger individuals are found at sites where crab densities are intermediate in value. The largest and most highly scarred individuals occur at sites with most coarse substrata where Calliostoma are present in their lowest densities. The higher scarring levels and smaller size of white individuals reflect either higher mortality or reduced growth in white shelled Calliostoma.


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The rate of uptake of Endosulfan by Mytilus edulis L. exposed to pesticide concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l, and its subsequent elution on removal to clean sea water, was investigated. Higher residue levels were recorded for mussels exposed to higher concentrations of the pesticide, but concentration factors were reduced. There was a rapid initial fall in tissue residue levels on transfer to clean sea water due, it is suggested, to elution of Endosulfan adsorbed on particulate matter assimilated in the gut. The spawning period was prolonged at higher concentrations and, at 1.0 mg/l, the onset of spawning was delayed, possibly due to interference with gamonic action. At 0.1 mg/l, the minor protraction of the spawning period may reflect the effect of experimental tank conditions. No seasonal trend was obvious, and there was an exaggeration of the expected fall in condition in mussels exposed to higher concentrations of Endosulfan. In controls, the expected seasonal trend was reduced.


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Seed mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to a range of pesticides and PCBs, several of which caused a reduction in byssal attachment at higher concentrations. In queen scallops (Chlamys opercularis) byssus formation was similarly affected although this species was more sensitive than M. edulis. The sensitivity of mussels was greater at higher temperatures and decreased with increase in size. Of the compounds tested Endosulfan (organochlorine) was the most toxic, causing a 50% reduction in byssal attachment after 24 h at 0•45 mg/l. Trichlorphon (organophosphate) was the least toxic and did not affect byssal attachment at concentrations up to 30 mg/l. The probable cause of decreased byssal attachment is a reduction in pedal activity, although it is possible that direct interference with the synthesis or combination of byssus components may be involved. It is suggested that byssogenesis tests offer a rapid and convenient technique for the routine screening of potential marine pollutants.